《I Became A Vampire In Another World》Chapter 16 + POLL


Yuuta knocked on Milly's door after getting permission he walked in to see Ria and her looking at a book and writing some things on a piece of paper. Ria jumped up in surprise running over and hugging Yuuta.

"I thought you left already."

"I did the request was quick it didn't take much time"

Ria was still holding onto him tightly.

"What are you two doing."

Milly motioned for Yuuta to come look.

"Ria told me she couldn't read so I've been helping her learn."

Milly gave a big smile as Yuuta rubbed her head while thanking her.

(That's right I've been meaning to get her a tutor)

"I didn't know you wanted to learn Ria when we go home I'll get you a tutor if you want."

Ria flashed a giant smile nodding her head in excitement.

"Really Yuuta you don't have to I don't want to be a burden."

Yuuta grabbed her by the shoulder and looked in her eyes.

"You will never be a burden to me. If you want something just ask and I'll do everything I can to make it happen."

Yuuta wrapped his arms around her forgetting that Milly was watching Ria turned bright red and started squirming.

"I told you don't say weird thing like that in front of people let me go it's embarrassing!!!!'

She tried to get out of his hug but he just tightened his vice grip around her.

"Not until you say you're not a burden."

She started huffing and puffing throwing little punches at his back. He couldn't help but start laughing. After a minute of struggling she finally gave in bringing her lips next to his ear and whispered.

"I'm not a burden."

Yuuta loosened his grip so he could look at her face giving a bright smile he kissed her on the forehead letting her go. She gave a big sigh as Milly was staring at the two laughing. Ria just got more embarrassed and stomped her way out of the room. Milly ran after her and he went back to their room.

He laid out on their bed staring at the setting sun he planned on leaving today and just flying back to Celis but his eyes got heavy getting harder and harder to keep open.

(Just a quick nap)

He drifted off into sleep.


In the same forest, Yuuta was brought to this world in the S class adventurer Party Absolute Dominion was on a mission from the Kingdom of Hartford. An illegal guild has set up an underground slavery ring. They have recorded over 3000 girls missing in the past year alone it was becoming an epidemic in the kingdom of Hartford. After interrogating a low-level Guild member they discovered one of the higher-ups were negotiating a deal somewhere near the main road to Celis but never came back.

There are only 3 members of Absolute Dominion they made up the only S class adventurers in the world they are the elite of the elite only kings have enough money to employ their services. Though they only take request they want and will never be coerced into taking on a job they didn't deem worthy.

The leader of the party is the warrior Urik a dragonkin his scales are black with hints of dark red his eyes yellow with black slits that scan his surroundings constantly. Wearing what looks like basic leather armor and a beautiful broad sword that glows like an ultraviolet light in the air. (TLN: just picture a human body covered in scales with a dragon head.)


Next is the human Rogue Rohan except for a slender body you could not describe him in the slightest. He kept his face covered with a fox kabuki mask and clothing similar to a ninja. Daggers on both hips and a ninjato on his back. His presence was very weak it felt like he could disappear at a moments notice.

Lastly was the elven mage Gildi her magic and beauty were second to none. Her long flowing silver and purple tint hair would make anyone stare. With a body that equally or some would say better than Ria's (not Yuuta). She wears a long robe just like Avenci's and similar wooden staff. She specializes in spirit magic but like Yuuta can use every element.

Making their way through the forest Rohan scouted ahead with his unparalleled stealth. It didn't take long before his senses picked up on the smell of iron and rotting meat. Rohan quickly took refuge in a tree surveying the area his eyes landed on two bodies. One beastman with a hole in his stomach and another man with leather armor and missing an arm.

Quickly using a telepathy spell Gildi had taught them he made his report. The other two quickly arrived and met up with Rohan.

"I don't sense anyone else the man in leather armor matches the report we got."(Rohan)

Urik stood over the two men looking up and down their bodies the beast man had started to get picked apart by animals and insects and was well into the decomposition cycle. The other man was pale white but untouched by nature other than his body starting to smell.

"They have been dead for a while why hasn't he started to decompose yet."(Urik)

"It looks like whoever killed these two took the slave with him."

Rohan pointed to the tracks of two footprints moving towards the main road about a km away.

It didn't take long for Urik's eyes stop at the two perfect holes in the man's neck. Unknown to most people dragonkin have the longest life span among all races besides the immortal ones. In fact, dragon kin rarely mated the only reason they weren't extinct was because of their life span. Before jumping to a conclusion that made him shiver he decided to test something.

"Gildi can you use spirit magic to bring him back for a minute?"

"I suppose but you know how much I hate it. It gives me the creeps."

"I know I wouldn't ask if it wasn't important."

"Very well."

Gildi walked closer to the man and with a simple word.


Tiny white lights started flowing out of her staff into the man's body. After a couple minutes, his body started to twitch letting out a deathly howl his eyes opened as screams kept erupting from him.

"Urik you only have 45 seconds at the most ask quickly."

Urik grabbed the man by the neck and slammed his knee into his chest holding him down.

"Who did this to you tell me."

The man kept screaming not letting out an intelligible word. Quickly running out of time Urik tried overpowering his fear with his mana the man started to calm as Urik suppressed his fear.

"Tell me who did this to you."

The man's eyes shot open as he remembered what happened too him.

"I came here to buy a slave. The best man was being unreasonable so I killed him. As I was about to take the girl I felt intense pain and my arm was gone."


"Did you meet here at night did you see who took your arm."

" No it was just a little after midday and I saw him He has white hair and red eyes he was insanely strong he held me down like I was a paperweight."

"Than what happened."

The man thought for a second before remembering. His eyes went bloodshot as the fear started overpowering him putting his hand to his neck.

"He....... He........ bit me and everything went black."

"Gildi end it"


With those words from Gildi, the man's body broke away into nothing as the ground swallowed him. Rohan and Gildi both looked at Urik who was visibly shaking it was the first time they have ever seen him show this much emotion it was scaring them more than fighting a dragon an S class monster.

"Shit shit shit this is not good I thought they were extinct I helped kill them back then. Where did he come from, a different continent maybe? They would be stupid to come here. At least while we are here we need to hurry and find him."

Rohan and Gildi looked at each other Gildi speaking first.

"Find who."

Urik turned around with a serious look in his eyes that they have never seen before.

"The vampire."

Rohan and Gildi spoke at the same time.

"What's a vampire?"

"I'll tell you on the way follow these tracks we need to hurry."


Using tracking magic that Rohan made himself he was able to see scents in the air making him more reliable than a hound dog he also could enhance his sight almost down to microorganism level. Seeing subtle shifts in the ground made him the best tracker in the world. As they where walking Urik gave pretty much the same explanation as God did to Yuuta minus the immune to sunlight and able to eat other things and not have to rely on blood.

"They are truly something to be fearful of when we fought them 10,000 years ago more than a third of the population vanished not to mention most of my race. We were the only ones strong enough to take attacks from them and even then we could only take one or two punches."

Urik lifted up his leather armor showing a deep dent in the side of his abdomen.

"Luckily I got this from a newly turned vampire."

"Why does that matter."(Gildi)

"If they haven't drunk blood they are severely weakened that's the only reason I survived. That and he was what we called a mutt. Or low-level vampire if it was a pure breed I wouldn't have stood a chance. I was only 1000 when I fought the vampires so I was still a baby back then."(TLN: Yuuta is a pure breed)

"It's hard to picture you being overwhelmed by something. I've seen you kill a hydra with one swing of your sword."(Rohan)

"Well let's say vampires are on another level luckily they have a serious weakness that we can exploit. But we need to hurry this vampire could destroy a city in one attack if he felt like it."

It didn't take long for Rohan to find the bloody shirt Yuuta left on the side of the road and with that, they followed the trail to Celis.


With the sun barely poking out Yuuta woke up to Ria snoring in his ear. He didn't mind, it made him smile knowing how comfortable she was around him.

(Damn I must have slept the whole night it's already morning. I guess it doesn't matter I can go to the capital today.)

Yuuta enjoyed the warm heat of Ria's body he hadn't noticed but it was starting to get colder he needed to buy some warmer clothes for them. Yuuta slowly rubbed her back and played with her cat ears as she continued snoring he got lost in his thoughts about all sorts of things. He couldn't tell how much time went by before looking out the window to see the sun high in the sky. Noticing that Lord vermillion was coming closer to the door he got up and slid out of bed and met him at the door before he knocked so they didn't wake up Ria.

"Yuuta you got a letter from the lord of Celis requesting you to return immediately. I looked into it and it doesn't seem good for some reason the S class party Absolute Dominion is looking for you."

"Yea that doesn't sound good at all why are S rank members looking for me."

" I don't have much information one of my nobles is currently in Celis they said they came to the castle demanding to see you and even went to your home broke in and searched through your belongings. They are causing a serious ruckus in the castle.

(This doesn't sound good. The guild lady said S rank members are treated like gods. I shouldn't ignore them but I can think of only one reason why they want to meet me and it isn't because I killed a cyclops.)

Noticing the strained look on face Vermillion decided to give some advice.

"As lord of Yuart, I can harbor you here till the king gets involved it's the least I can do."

Yuuta thought about his offer for a second before answering.

"Thank you for the offer but I should go I don't want to get you involved in my problems I will ask you to keep Ria here and protect her do whatever you have to please."

Lord vermillion put his hand on Yuuta's shoulder and gave a half smile half frown.

"Of course I will protect her like my own daughter you have my promise."

"Thank you, Lord Vermillion that's more than I can ask for."

"Think nothing of it just be careful I don't want to lose an ally and friend like you so soon."

With that Vermillion left to make preparations for Ria and Yuuta went back inside their room to tell her what was happening. To his surprise, she was already up sitting on the bed. It was clear she heard the situation and already had a worried expression and teary eyes.

"I guess you heard."

She didn't speak and just nodded her head. Yuuta put his knee on the bed and embraced her laying down on the bed. Staring at each other face to face Yuuta looked deep in her eyes as he ran his fingers through her hair.

"I won't lie to you even if it's scary ok."

Again she nodded her head, her fingers clenched to his shirt like a little kid.

"From what Lord Vermillion told me there's a good chance they found out about me. At least the S class party if they told the lord of Celis I'm sure I wouldn't be getting help from Vermillion right now. ..........So there's still hope if I can convince them I'm no threat they might let me live. But if they don't I'll have to fight and theirs a good chance I die or If I get away I'll be hunted down for the rest of my life.

Ria body started trembling as started crying harder than Yuuta had ever seen before it broke his heart. Anger was welling up in him for having to put her through this. He put his arms around her and held her tight.

"*Hic* I'm coming*Hic* with you."

She could barely force the words out in between sobs and dry heaves of air.

"You can't it's too dangerous Lord Vermillion promised to take care of you no matter what and I'm gonna give you the magic stone from the wyverns den it will be enough to go anywhere and start a new life. Not to mention if you come they will use you against me and I know you don't want that. If they threatened to hurt you I would kill myself before I let that happen."

She didn't respond after listening to his response she would be a burden if she went. But still, Ria wouldn't let go of him tightening her death grip around him she buried her head in his chest flooding the bed with tears she didn't stop for at least an hour before she fell asleep from exhaustion. Yuuta was fuming with anger it was boiling over to the point he would kill every person in Celis if it meant getting back to her.

(I guess it's time)

He got out of bed kissing Ria one last time and placed the giant magic stone next to her. Tying the katana around his waist he opened the window and jumped out flying towards Celis. He heard the faint whisper of Ria.

”please come home.”

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