《I Became A Vampire In Another World》Chapter 5


The early morning sun rolled in as Yuuta woke excited for his first request. Ria was still sleeping on his chest.

(Man I just want to stay in bed all day)

Yuuta slowly slid out of bed and put on his clothes grabbed his sword and tied it to his waist. After finishing his morning stretches he kissed Ria on her cheek and slowly woke her up. After some coaxing she sat up and rubbed her eyes.

"I have to go soon I didn't want to leave without saying goodbye."

"Do you really have to go Yuuta stay in bed with me." She said in her quiet cute whisper. Ria wrapped her arms around Yuuta and pulled him into bed kissing him over and over.

"I already accepted the request and I'm getting paid a ton of money."

They laid together and cuddled for a couple minutes before Yuuta pulled himself out bed it felt like torture leaving Ria after the night they spent together. "I'll come back as soon as I can have fun at work I love you Ria"

"I love you too come back soon" Yuuta gave her one last kiss before leaving the room. (If I stayed any longer I would never leave that bed)

Yuuta made his way downstairs with a giant smile on his face. Of course, Giodore always has something to say "Hey boy I know you're young and all but can you keep it down next time you love birds going at it all night kept me up."

Yuuta rubbed the back of his head with a slight smirk. "Sorry about that Giodore you jealous?"

"You think your funny boy."Yuuta started laughing as he walked closer to Giodore.

"Hey, I'm going on a request for the guild I will be gone for at least 2 weeks. I know I'm asking for a lot but can you look after Ria while I'm gone."

"Of course boy she's one of my employees ain't she, I'll look after her like my own daughter."

"I don't know what I would do without you Giodore you might be my only friend in this world."

"Flattery won't cheapen the rent boy" With that Yuuta felt content leaving Ria in good hands. He walked out to the cobbled street and watched as the food stalls and shops started opening for the day.

(One of these days I need to look around the city I've only been to 3 shops in this giant city. Maybe I'll take Ria on a date we can go somewhere nice for dinner I'll have to ask Giodore about some cheap but tasteful spots.)

While thinking of fun dates to take Ria on he walked down the Main Street and made it to the town square there was a giant fountain shooting water from a statue of a Greek model. It was lively in the morning people walking to work others setting up shop and what looks like a local priest spouting his schtick about how his god is the greatest.

(I wonder how he would feel if he met the god I had to deal with.)

It only took about 5 minutes to make it to the north gate where he was told to meet. In view was a carriage with a dwarf in a blue cone hat and a brown beard using a box as a step stair packing goods into the carriage. Next to him was a girl who looks around his age with long crimson red hair tied in a ponytail and eyes almost as red as his. With her bangs cut just above her eyes. She was wearing tight black pants and a blue t-shirt with a small metal plate protecting her chest. She was a beauty even this world.


(She's cute but nowhere near Ria.)

Yuuta smiled dumbly as his mind was Ria once again as he made his way up to the carriage. "Hello my name is Yuuta I'm looking for a Man named Quattro I'm here about the request from the guild"

The dwarf turned around and looked him up and down. "Nice to meet you Yuuta I'm Quattro it's good to have you along were still waiting on one more person so you can just wait till they show up"

"Sounds good"

He made his way over to the crimson-haired girl and went to introduce himself before he could she started talking. "Hello my name is Emmy I'm a C class adventurer. I'm a magician I use fire, lightning, and a little bit of water Magic I hope we work well together."

(What a nice introduction she's also a magic-user. Hopefully, she'll teach me a little bit.)

" Hi, my name is Yuuta I'm an E class adventurer. I am a swordsman this is my first guild request I hope I'm useful."

Yuuta gave a deep bow giving respect to the senior adventurer.

"Ahhh..... please don't bow to me I'm sure you'll be great Yuuta"

"Thanks, I'm really excited to go to the capital I've never been. Have you?"

"Yea a couple of times it's almost twice the size of Celis it's beautiful, Unlike here where most of the buildings are wood, the buildings in Referia are made of stone with beautiful and intricate carvings. They even have a giant tower in the middle of the city you can see from miles away it's amazing.

"Wow you know a lot it sounds really fun next time I'll bring Ria with me."

Emmy got a wry smile on her face after he mentioned Ria.

"Ohh who's Ria your girlfriend," She said with a snicker trying to embarrass her junior.

"Yea she's wonderful I'll introduce you when we get back from this request she's new here she could use a friend the same gender as her. I'm sure being stuck with me all the time gets old fast."

Emmy's face got a little blushed after listening to Yuuta go on and on about Ria without the slightest bit of embarrassment. "Sure it would be nice to make a new friend most girls are scared of me because I'm an adventurer and most men just try to impress me or grope me it's very troublesome."

"That does sound terrible well you don't have to worry about me," Yuuta said with an honest smile.

As Yuuta and Emmy kept on with the small talk a man in his late 30's with full plate armor covering his whole body but his head. His short black hair ran to just above his eyes. A small beard was forming on his chin that was clearly unkempt and most likely only there because he was too lazy to shave this morning. A giant shield covered his back it was easily wider than him with the bottom of the shield coming to a point that just barely dragged on the ground as he walked. The shield was void of color other than one red striped that matched the handle of his claymore poking out behind his shield.

"Hey I'm Astro I'm looking for Quattro I've accepted the request from the guild."

Quattro made his introduction and Astro introduced himself to me and Emmy.

"Hi I'm Astro nice to meet you I'm a C class adventurer. My abilities are sword and shield. my motto is I will protect young beauties with my life."


He put his arm around Emmy after declaring his motto she instantly cast a lightning spell.

"Thunder god strike my foe" lighting enclosed her body and Fried the old perv.

After he got Fried Yuuta kicked him away from Emmy and he slid back into a stone wall.

"Woman really do have it hard." Yuutas said with empathy in his voice.

"You're telling me" Emmy huffed back.

After that whole debacle Astro apologized and tried to get handsy with Emmy again she put him in his place just as quick.

After about 15 minutes Quattro said he was ready to get a move on. As they where about to leave Yuuta heard a faint voice saying his name It kept getting louder and louder until a cute girl with black hair and cat ears came running down the cobble street holding a basket in her hand. Yuuta and his party members where all staring at her. As soon as Yuuta realized it was Ria he jumped out of the carriage and ran to meet her. Ria jumped into his arms Yuuta obviously caught her and they embraced and kissed eachother.

"Ria what are you doin here shouldn't you be working."

"Yea but Giodore told me to bring you this"

Ria opened her basket and inside was filled with sandwiches.

"Giodore said you can't travel on a empty stomach"

(I think he had other motives but I did forget to eat .)

"You didn't have to bring them to me thank you."

"I wanted too Yuuta I already missed you so I wanted to say goodbye again."

Ria grabbed Yuuta and brought him into a kiss before letting go she hugged him tight and put her head in his chest with tears welling up in her eyes.

"Your such a crybaby Ria I'll be back soon promise."

(She's getting a little to attached but it can't hurt to spoil her.)

Yuuta rubbed her head and held her tight.

"I have to go Ria their all waiting for me I love you I'll be back soon"

"I love you too"

Yuuta kissed her one more time before he had to pry himself away from her. He forced himself to look away or he would never leave. He walked back to the carriage and hoped in the back and told Quattro he was ready. Emmy was blushing and Astro shell shocked a look of disbelief on his face of course he just had to say something he shouldn't.

" Damn man I would pay a gold piece to spend the night with her."

You could see the rage building in Yuuta's eyes as he grabbed Astros throat and squeezed hard enough to crush his throat. The only reason he didn't was because of the metal that was now dented around his neck took the place of his throat.

"You disrespect her like that again I'll kill you"

Astro looked like a scared puppy dog gasping for air. Emmy felt the pressure coming from Yuuta that scared the shit out of her but she tried to get him to calm down and let go of the nearly dead Astro.

"Yuuta that was Ria right? She looked super cute in that dress."

And just like that Yuuta's personality changes instantly he let go of Astros neck as he fell to the ground gasping.

"You think so too right Emmy? She's like an angel. Would you like a sandwich she made them herself?"

Emmy started laughing Astro stayed quiet and rubbed his necks in the corner.

"What's so funny"

After that the mood changed and they quickly decided on who would sit where on the carriage. Astro would sit up front with Quattro and Yuuta and Emmy will sit in the back and watch the flank. Mostly to keep Astro away from Emmy.

(Astro's a perv yet he doesn't seem like a bad guy)

The carriage was rougher then he expected but it want to bad. Yuuta made small talk with Emmy to pass the time.

"How long you been and adventurer?"

"Umm around two years i started when I was 14. It's been tough but you make good money and I get to see the world."

"Yea that's pretty much why I joined, I wanted to see more of this world I've only ever been to Celis. Plus the money."

The small talk continued for a while as they traveled Down the dirt road. Occasionally they would see another carriage passing by. The day went by slowly as the carriage bumped its way down the road.

"Alright guys lets call it a day here set up camp"

Quattro decided to call it a day right before the sun set. There was a grass clearing about 20 meters into the woods from the main road it seemed safe enough so it was decided one person would stand watch in 3 hour shifts. Emmy was first Astro second and Yuuta last. He went to sleep early deciding not to eat he was stuffed from Ria's sandwiches.

He slowly drifted off to sleep only to be woke up by Astro while it was still dark out. Yuuta got up and walked out of his tent Astro handed him a cup of coffee.

"We got off on the wrong foot. Sorry for the comment I made about your women. Wont happen again,"

"It's fine I Overreacted as well. Sometimes my Temper gets the best of me."

"Well lets get along. I'm gonna hit the sack. watch out for goblins, me and Emmy have killed a couple already. We just dug a hole over there to throw them in."

"Thanks I'll keep a watch out."

Yuuta sat at the fire eating one of the delicous sandwiches Ria made for him his senses burst with adrenaline. Yuuta's senses sharpened even more as he looked into the forest. What looked like 3 small figures were running through the grass keeping their distance at least 50 meters from the campsite.

( i finally get to try out this sword about damn time!)

Yuuta pulled his sword out of the sheath and closed the distance to the goblin closets to him with a clean slice the goblins head fell to the ground. A goblin behind him jumped with a wooden club about to strike the back of his head. In a flash he rotated 180 degrees and cut the goblin in half. The last goblin feeling the immense pressure coming off Yuuta and took off into the forest. Before he could get far Yuuta held his sword like a spear and threw it straight at the goblin striking him in the chest right through the heart the goblin dropped instantly.

(This was to easy)

As Yuuta was ripping the sword out of the goblins chest the ground started trembling. It fell like a small earthquake every couple seconds trees where ripping out and falling to the ground a roar so loud every animal in sight birds, rats, deers anything that has ears took off in a stampede.

100 meters away there was a giant figure at least 3 meters tall with long tusks coming out of its mouth and a single eye holding a club the size of tree walking in his direction.

(No fucking way is that a cyclops)

Yuuta had to think fast he took off making the first strike with all his force he slashed at the cyclops leg..........

The sound of breaking metal could be heard through the forest. Yuuta's sword snapped in half at the force of his swing and the hardness of the monsters skin.

(Dammit I just got this thing)

Before Yuuta could react the cyclops club smashed into him winding him as he flew into a tree cracking It in half as he went straight through it after another 3 trees his momentum finally stopped as he smashed into the 4th tree.

Blood started pouring out of his mouth his arms were bent the wrong way. His legs looked like spaghetti noodles. His spine was completely shattered he couldn't sit up straight.

(If my spine wasn't broken I bet this would hurt a lot )

He laughed to himself as he watched his legs start to straightened. His arms snap back into place as his spine stiffened and a crunching sound could be heard as he stood up.

"That only took about 10 seconds that's felt really weird."

Yuuta jumped up and down bent and touched his toes.

(I feel ok a little light headed.)

He took a running stance like he was running track and took off leaving a crater behind him. With a massive jump he zoomed past the club and landed on the shoulders of the cyclops. Yuuta extended his nails and dug his hand into the monsters thick neck and ripped as hard as he could it only took a few seconds before blood started pouring out. The smell of thick blood hit his nose he couldn't help himself it was like a drug and he was an addict he didn't even think just dug his fangs into the monsters neck replenishing all the blood he lost a moment ago.

The cyclops dropped to one knee and made a terrifying roar as Yuuta continued sucking the blood out of him. It wasn't long until Yuuta heard a soft groan the monster fell face first into the ground just like that it was over. Yuuta crawled off the monsters back covered in blood from head to toe and laid down next to the dead cyclops and let out a maniacal laugh.

"At least he put up a fight."

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