《I Became A Vampire In Another World》Chapter 4 (2.0)


Yuuta walked back into the guild after fighting Barthos. The guild cleared out since this morning most of the adventurers where out on requests. Walking up to the front desk Cerona greeted him with a smile making small talk for a minute while waiting for her to update his card to E rank.

"Yuuta now that you are E rank you can take request outside the city congratulations."

"Thanks Cerona"

"Ohh before I forget now that your not considered a beginner your allowed to take request one letter rank Above your rank so feel free to look at the D Rank request"

"Good to know see you later Ro Ro"

She nodded acknowledging his thanks before her eyes shot it to look at him. "Ahh what did you just call me"

"It's a nickname it's cute and suits you haha you don't like it?"Cerona's face lit up red as she started squirming.

Yuuta walked off before she could give an answer.

He made his way to the D Rank request board looking it over it was mostly monster subjugations. A couple body guard jobs and after a minute of looking through the request he found something that caught his eyes. It was an escort mission.

Taking the request off the board he made his way back to Cerona who was still red and acting more bashful than usual.

"Hey Ro Ro I would like to take this request could I get a little more information."

"Ohh jeez you're really going to keep calling me that"

(Her reactions are just too cute haha)

"Haha sorry sorry I just like seeing your embarrassed face" he said giving her a small wink.

"Your pretty arrogant Yuuta thinking I would just let you get away with it...fine what ever let me take a look at the request...... Ok what would you like to know"

"Umm just the basics what time are we meeting and where?”

"The person who made the request is name Quattro he is a merchant from the capital he has requested that you meet at the front gate at sunrise tomorrow the trip is expected to take 5 days there, spend 2 days at the capital, and 5 days back to Celis."

"Ok thanks for the help see you later.” He said hurriedly making his way back to the inn.

Yuuta heard Cerona yell as he passed through the door. "Please be careful Yuuta"

With that he made his way out of the guild and started walking back to the Inn day dreaming about seeing Ria in a uniform.

Yuuta walked through the doors of the inn to see Ria taking an order for a adventurer with a very unflattering look in his eyes. He could tell Ria was uncomfortable but he figured this would be good to help her break out of her shy nature. As he was about to sit down and order he saw the adventurer reach out and grab Ria's arm forcefully. Ria let out a scream as tears filled her eyes. Before a second passed Yuuta was standing beside Ria with a hand on the adventurers neck squeezing just tight enough for him not to be able to breathe.

"Keep your hands to yourself or I'll kill you"

The man clawed at Yuuta trying to get him to let go. He picked him by his throat and started walking towards the door.

Giodore walked out from the kitchen to see what was happening but after investigating the situation he just leaned against the kitchen doorway and watched with a smirk on his face.


Yuuta got to the door still holding the man by his throat.

" If I see you here again I'll kill you without hesitation.” Yuuta threw him into the middle of the cobble street and gave him a stare that could only be described as death incarnate.

Ria came running.

"Yuuta you didn't have to do that I'm sorry I caused you more trouble. She said tears eyed trying her best to keep her calm.

He ran the rest of the way to Ria and hugged her tight. "Don't be sorry trash like him doesn't deserve to be near you!” His words snarled out of his mouth.

Ria's face started to blush as she hugged him back they stayed like that for a while just enjoying the moment. Until Giodore jumped into the conversation.

"Hey lassy don't wanna ruin the moment but table 3 is waiting on their food!” He yelled with a chuckle at the end.

Ria jumped in shock before replying.

"Sorry sir I'm on it right away!” Scurrying away past Giodore into the kitchen.

Yuuta made his way up to Giodore.

"Hey Giodore hows she working out? I really appreciate you giving her the job. By the way sorry about that just now I just kind of lost control.

"No need to worry about that if you didn't do it I would have, nobody is allowed to touch my workers. Plus she's doin a hell of a job bringing in more customers theres more then I've seen in a while. Though that chain around her neck doesn’t make too comfortable. You don’t seem to treat her like a slave but I still ain’t to fond of it. I won’t pry into your business though.”

"That's good to hear I’m happy she’s working out and you’re right she’s not going to be. A salve for long. She just has some hang ups about being freed I’m working on it. Anyways..I'm gonna go sit down to eat again thanks for your help."

He sat down and patiently waited for Ria to take his order. After about 5 mins Ria awkwardly walked up. Trying to her hide her smile.

"Hello Yuuta what can I get you?” A giggle escaped her making her even cuter. He couldn’t help but let his eyes wander.

"Don't you look cute in your uniform do you like it so far?”

"Yea it's fun everybody is nice and Giodore doesn't get mad when I mess up he just tells me what I did wrong and helps me fix it." She had a big smile on her face.

(WOW Giodore is a great guy who would of thought)

"That's good to hear I'll take what ever you recommend and some beer"

"Ok it will be right out hehe" she walked away the sound of her chain clanking as she walked reminding him once. Again he needed to do something about that soon.

After about 5 minutes Ria brought out food for both of then and what tasted like beer just a lot stronger than he was used to.

"Hey are you done for today Ria" He asked quizzically.

"Yep the kitchen is closing in 10 minutes so Giodore said I could eat with you!”

"Thats nice of him............so I guess we have enough money for two rooms now if you want your own.” Their was a long pause before Ria replies.

(That felt really awkward I'll just change the subject)

Ria smile turned into a frown and her eyes looked down at her lap.

"Umm.... Yu..Yuuta do you not want to sleep together"


Yuutas back went straight and he froze."It was just a suggestion of course I would be happy if we stayed in the same room. I personally prefer it that way. But I know it must be weird sleeping next to a guy you barely know.”

Ria flashed a bright smile and hugged Yuuta. “ It’s not weird at all when I’m with you I feel different. Hmm... how should I put this it’s almost like I feel safe more comfortable than I’ve felt I my whole life. It’s only been a day but honestly I couldn’t see myself sleeping alone without you.” She froze realizing what she just said her face turning a nice shade of pink before she talked again. “Sorry when I’m nervous I don’t know when to stop. I just keep talking till somebody stops me don’t worry about what I just said.” She frantically kept talking trying to fix what she just said. She was interrupted by Yuuta’s lips crashing against her. A yelp escaped her lips followed by a throaty moan she didn’t know existed.

“It’s fine I feel the same way I really enjoyed waking up next to you today. I’m happy if it can stay that way.” He smiled back at her gently rubbing her back. She couldn’t look at his face any longer and went back to her food with a smile that could outshine the sun.

After they finished their meal they walked up the stairs to their room.

(I want to tell her I have to leave for a request but it will just make her sad.)

"Umm Ria I have to tell you............"

Before he could finish Ria kissed him. For a second he was confused but he decided to go for it and picked her up as they continued kissing. He laid her down on the bed and their lips parted.

"Since you kissed me this morning ame just know at dinner I wanted to do this.”

"Me to I'm happy Ria"

Yuuta took his shirt off and continued kissing her while he started taking Ria's dress off he hesitated for a moment and he looked in her big beautiful blue eyes.

"Are you sure you wannna do this Ria. I take this kind of thing very seriously so if we do this you’re mine forever. Or until you don’t want me anymore.” He said wickledy making her audibly gulp at his words.”

"I feel the same way Yuuta so please be gentle this is my first time." She said meekly her face blushing so bad she looked like a tomato.

(I cant believe this happening) he thought to himself this stunningly beautiful woman lying naked on bed he couldn’t stop what came out it was the easiest 3 words he ever spoke. It almost scared him a little.

"I love you Ria"

Ria’s smile lit up once again like it was painted on. Her body shivered and her heart fluttered at his words it was a feeling she had never felt this strong before. She needed him wanted him lusted for him as much as he did her.

“I love you too.”


Yuuta and Ria laid together in bed her head on his chest they were both out of breath smiling at eachother.

Yuuta suddenly shot up and grabbed his pants off the ground pulling out a piece of paper it was the document Yuuta got from the slave trader he killed.

"As of today your a free woman and my lover we will live together as equals ok!” He yelled declaring his love and intentions to her.

"Yuuta are you sure?” She said meekly still nervous about gaining her freedom.

"I've never been more sure of anything in my life!” He said with absoluteness.

Yuuta started ripping the paper up a magic circle appeared around the collar on her neck as it fell off her.

He jumped back in bed hugged and kissed Ria making her giggle and smile. A sense of relief hit her like a weight she didn’t know was weighing her down had been lifted.

(I think I should tell her I'm a vampire before this goes any farther she has to know what she's getting into.) Yuuta thought solemnly to himself.

"Hey Ria before you decide if you wanna stay with me I have to something really important tell you.” He said in a serious tone.

"No matter what you say Yuuta I'm not gonna leave you!” She yelled at him a little pissed her loyalty was being questioned so quickly. She buried her head in his chest giving him a playful bite.

"Are you sure you might be scared of me or hate me.”

"I promise I won't! So just say what you need to already. I can tell this is picking at you.” She said sternly almost in a mom voice.

"I guess I should start from the beginning.” He said quietly As he told his whole story till he met her.

After telling his story Yuuta stared at her scared to death at what she would say. Ria just stared at him for a long time with out saying anythin the tension building in his side. He thought he was about to have a stroke when she finally spoke.

"Ok that's fine.” Was all she said befor going back to hugging him with a smile on her face.

"That's it your ok with me being a vampire?” He said shocked that she accepted it so easily.

"Yea why would I care. It doesn’t change anything for me.” She started matter factly.

"Cause if anybody finds out they will kill me and you or aren't you scared I'm gonna suck your blood and kill you

"If you die Yuuta I wouldn't have anything Your the only person that's ever been nice to me that’s cared and loved me since I lost my parents and brother. You love me and didn't treat me like I'm a object or cattle that does as you command I'm not scared of you how could I be.”

(I feel like I'm almost taking advantage of her!)

"Your a weirdo.” Was all he could say she was being so calm about it he thought for a second she had a screw loose.

"Don't call me that Yuuta! If I’m weird than your the biggest weirdo on the planet!” She shot back giving him a weak bunch to the stomach.

He pretended it hurt giving a fake gasp as he replied. "It was just a joke I'm really happy you can accept me so easily we can be weird together ok?”

"Well now that I got that dirty business over with wanna do it again"

"Yuuta your a perv!” She helped as his hands snuck around her body in a indecent way.

Yuuta grabbed her by the waist and kissed her deeply.

(Never thought I'd say this but thanks God)

Yuuta finally decided decided to break the news.

"Hey Ria I'm gonna tell you something and your gonna be mad but please don't hate me.” He said tensing a little.

Ria didn't know what to say so she just waited for him to say something.

"I took a request from the guild today I have to escort a merchant to the capital it starts tomorrow it's goin to take at least 12 days."

Ria's eyes instantly welled up with tears and she started punching his chest.

"See I knew you were gonna leave me your so mean Yuuta you took advantage of me and now your gonna leave me here forever."

Yuuta grabbed her hands to stop from punching him. He grabbed her head and kissed her as hard as he could and embraced her.

"I'm not leaving you I'm doin it to make money so we can live a happy life. I love you Ria I meant it when I said it. I’ve never told another girl those words so believe me when I’m serious about you and would never leave you. Didn't I promise you I would always come home to you."

Ria quit crying and stared at him with a grimace.

"You promise to come home to me Yuuta"

"I promise so let’s enjoy the time we have together before I have to leave ok!”

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