《I Became A Vampire In Another World》Chapter 6


Emmy was the first to wake up from the sudden violent shaking of the ground. The first tremor made her groan not thinking much of it then another and another after the third her senses came too her as she shot out of her tent yelling for Astro to wake up.

"Astro get up where is Yuuta at?"

Astro and Quattro came out of their tent at the same time wit Astro brandishing his claymore.

"He was on guard duty when I went sleep what is this shaking."

Before Emmy could answer a metal clang echoed through the air.

"I'm goin to check that out Astro you stay here and guard Quattro."

As they made a plan Quattro hid behind Astro noticeably shaking. He pulled his shield off his back and stabbed it into the ground towards the direction of metal clang.

Emmy took off into the woods following the sounds of trees cracking then a moment later an earth shattering roar froze her in her tracks. It made her think twice but she steeled herself for the battle that was coming her legs felt like jelly with every step.

As she got closer she could hear an unnatural laughing her face was in shock as she arrived to the battle. Looking at the 5 meter tall monster laying face first in the ground. Slowly emerging from the side of the cyclops was a figure covered in blood with a smile on its face. Unable to make out what the figure was she started casting a spell.

"Fire burn all in my p........"

"Emmy calm down its me Yuuta."

It was too late for Emmy to stop instead she tried to change the trajectory of the spell as a fireball 1 meter in size flew at Yuuta. The fireball was fast but Yuuta's reflexes where quicker he slowly glided out of the way.

"AHHHH..... sorry Yuuta I didn't know it was you."

"It's ok I don't look like myself haha"

Emmy observed the situation in front of her trying to connect the dots as to what happened.

"Did you actually take down a cyclops."

"Yea it's totally cool right he put up a hell of fight but I ended up getting the best of him broke my sword though."

She just stood there mouth wide open eyes almost blood shot.

"Why are you looking at me all weird did I do something wrong."

"Yea are you stupid a cyclops is an A rank monster there's no way an E rank can kill a cyclops just how strong are you."

Yuuta just shrugged his shoulder and smiled awkwardly.

"How did you kill it."

"Umm I rather not tell you the gruesome details it wasn't fun let's just say that."


After giving a half ass explanation Emmy gave up on getting a real answer out of him.

"Well whatever don't tell me jerk Yuuta."

"Haha sorry you said this was an A rank monster right can I get paid if I bring in proof I killed it."

"Yea I believe the eye is proof of subjugation and you can also take the tusks apparently you can make really strong weapons if you take them to a blacksmith and obviously the monsters magic stone is the most valuable part."

"Ok I'm gonna start collecting the eye and tusks could you run back to the carriage and grab me a bag to put it in Ohh and a bucket and rag please."

"Yea sure I'll be right back Astro is gonna freak out when he hears about this."

"Umm could you maybe not tell anybody about this please I don't really want the attention."

"Well I won't say anything but once you sell this at the guild it's gonna be hard for you to go unnoticed."

Emmy ran back towards the carriage and Yuuta retrieved the eye and tusks. He decided on just pulling the tusks out and plucking the eye out with his hand. He then looked to find his sword that snapped in half.

(I'm still pissed about this. The first time I used it and it snapped in half I wonder if they take refunds in this world.)

Yuuta grabbed the handle of the broken sword. He started jabbing at the cyclops chest till there was a decent size hole and jammed his hand into its chest and feeling around till he found a round spherical stone around the size of a softball. Ripping it out he took a good look at the deep red stone it was pretty in the now early morning sunrise. As he was admiring the magic stone Emmy made her way back and gasped at the stone when she saw it.

"Holy crap that magic stone has to be worth a small fortune you could relax for a couple years once you sell it."

"Really it's worth that much?"

"Yea a cyclops is really dangerous they usually send out a party of A class adventurers to subjugate. That magic stone is worth at least 10 platinum coins"

"How many gold coins is that."

"1 platinum coin is worth 100 gold coins."

"Hey Emmy do you think 10 platinum coins is enough to buy a house in Celis"

"Ohh yea definitely you could buy a house on the west end for around 50 gold coins that's where my house is. For a 100 gold coins you could get a small mansion.

"You have your own house I thought adventurers usually stayed at inns."


Emmy thought about it before she answered.

"Yes usually adventurers don't settle down. But it was my parents before they passed away plus having a place to come home after a hard missions is nice instead of being smelly and drunken men at a inn."

"It would be nice having a home for me and Ria."

"Before I forget you can use water magic right."

"Only a little bit why."

Yuuta started taking off his blood crusted clothes first his black long coat then his white shirt and pants.

(This shirts definitely gonna stain.)

"Why are you getting naked Yuuta!!!."

Emmy was bright red squirming in a not so decent manner.

"Hey weirdo I just need to wash myself and clothes fill up the bucket pervert."

"why didn't you say that before you started undressing!"

Emmy cast a water spell to fill up the bucket and turned around to give him some privacy. When he finished washing himself off he dunked his clothes in the water.

"Hey Emmy could you use fire magic to dry me and my clothes off ."

"Sure but don't blame me if it's a little hot I can't control the temperature well."

She dried his clothes and caught his hair on fire just a little bit then they made there way back to the campsite.

"Sorry for the wait I got chased down by some goblins and they led me to a fucking cyclops so I distracted it and took off in the other direction we should get moving now."

Without saying a word Quattro was already on the carriage ready to leave they hurriedly cleaned up the campsite and took off.


Astro looked back at Yuuta.

"Did you get a good look at the cyclops we should report it to the guild when we get to Referia they're scary motherfuckers."

"Yea it was at least 3 meters tall and holding a tree as a weapon nearly died avoiding the thing I was headed to the guild anyway so I'll report it."

"Sounds good I wanted to spend my 2 days at the brothel anyways so I don't want any interruptions."

Emmy looked away in disgust while Astro smiled at her in a obviously suggestive manner waggling his eyebrow up and down.

Yuuta gave him a death stare and Astro quickly turned around and started talking to Quattro. It seemed Quattro was giving advice about which brothel was best for the price. Brothers in arms they were.

Yuuta decided to talk to Emmy to drown out their conversation.

"So what are you doin while where in the capital Emmy."

"I'm goin to the mages guild they have the biggest magic book library in the kingdom also the employees of the guild are master rank magicians that will help you train. My master works there so I'm goin to visit for the 2 days to soak in as much as I can while we're here.."

"I didn't know there was a magicians guild I was gonna ask you to teach me a little about magic but I guess I should go to the magician guild will they teach beginners."

"Of course when you join they have a test to see what elements you have an affinity for and they will teach you basic spells for that element."

"Then I'll have to check it out I have some stuff to do when we get there but I'll check it out on the second day."

"Ok let me introduce you to Master Avenci I think you too will get along." A devious glint passed her eyes in a instant.

(I don't like the way she said that but whatever it can't be that bad.)

The day went by slow Yuuta wasn't used to sitting in a bumpy carriage so he got out walked periodically to keep himself from goin crazy. Astro and Emmy seemed to be unfazed by the sheer amount of boredom that came with traveling. The second day went by fine they made camp and kept the same guard schedule each of them killed a couple goblins but the night was uneventful. So was the third and fourth nothing but sitting in a carriage making small talk. After leaving the campsite on the fifth day it would only take till midday to arrive at the capitol.

An hour after they stopped for lunch the city of Referia came into view it was gigantic at least twice the size of Celis it looked to be built on a hill with the castle straight out of a fantasy movie sitting at the top with its own wall around it blocking it from the layer of mansions below it. Yuuta assumed those were the nobles homes that had there on wall of defense around there homes. After the mansions was the giant stone tower in the middle of the city Emmy talked about it was at least 20 stories tall. It had to be close to the size of a skyscraper back in his home world.

"That's the magicians guild I talked about they used magic to build the tower it's amazing isn't it."

"Yea that's almost unsettling to see in this world." Emmy gave him a weird look. Yuuta didnt elaborate so she let it go.

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