《I Became A Vampire In Another World》Chapter 7


After the party entered the city they said their goodbyes and parted ways for their 2 days of free time. Yuuta set a time to meet Emmy at the mages guild and they said goodbye. The city streets where full of life thousands of people where walking around or on the side of the street with pop up shops selling food, clothes, jewelry pretty much anything you could think of. He bought a new black shirt to replace his cyclops blood covered one. As he was walking towards the adventurers guild he noticed how many different races there where compared to Celis which was mostly humans this was considerably different. Elves, beastman, and dwarves all walked down the street.

(Didn't god say there where dragonkin I wonder what they look like.)

Yuuta casually walked around checking out all the different shops he wasn't in any particular hurry. It took him around an hour before he reached the adventurers guild it was noticeably bigger than the one in Celis but still the same design a two story building with the request board on the right. On the left a bar/restaurant. Yuuta walked in and headed towards the big reception desk a couple of adventurers where staring at the new kid. They most likely finished a request and where celebrating. Yuuta walked to the receptionist.

" Hello my name is Lara Welcome to the Referia Adventure Guild how can I help you."

Lara has short brown hair and dark green eyes her face was delicate and her skin was a dark tan.

"Hi Lara I'm Yuuta an E rank adventurer from Celis. I'm currently on a escort request while my party was making camp I came across a cyclops in the woods close to Celis about a days carriage ride away."

"Ohh my a cyclops thank you for notifying the guild we will set up a request to scout and subjugate the monster."

"There's no need I killed him I just wanted to know if I can sell the materials from the monster here?"

"Ohh ok give me a......... WHHHAAAAAAAT YOU KILLED A CYCLOPS."

Every adventurer in the guild stared in their directions after looking Yuuta up and down they started yelling drunken insults at him calling him a liar and a fake. He ignored them and continued his conversation with Lara.

"Yea well I was trying to keep it quiet haha"

Yuuta pulled the bag of monster materials off his waist taking out the soft ball size magic stone The now dried out eyes and one of the two tusks.

Lara's eyes widened in shock as she saw the magic stone it's obviously not something people see everyday. Yuuta handed it over along with the rest of the materials.

"Sorry for screaming it was just a surprise to hear an E class adventurer took down an A rank monster."

"It's fine I wasn't expecting to get away with this quietly."

"We will have to inspect the materials to estimate the price please give me some time."

"Ok I'll be at the bar just call me over when your done."

Yuuta walked to the bar and sat down it didn't take long before a group of adventurers started talking to Yuuta trying to get him to join their parties.

"Sorry guys I'm in the middle of a request right now"

Yuuta gave his excuse and turned back to the bar ordering a drink and a sandwich. After an hour of waiting and 4 drinks later Lara finally emerged from the upstairs office . He made his way back to the reception desk.


"Hello Yuuta we have evaluated the materials and they are authentic. The magic stone is worth 12 platinum coins the eye is worth 1 platinum coin and so is the tusk so the total come to 14 platinum coins."

Lara handed over a coin purse with the payment and every eye in the guild was on him it was obvious that this was more money then any D or C rank adventurer would get in their career.

"Before you leave the guild master would like to meet with you please follow me."

(Guess I don't get a choice.)

Lara led Yuuta upstairs and took him down a hallway at the end was a door with a sign with guild master written on it.

Lara knocked twice and introduced herself a woman answered back giving permission for them to come in.

The women sitting behind the desk had long flowing blonde hair, triangular pointed ears, blue eyes a thin cute nose, and heart shaped light pink lips her skin looked silky and smooth she was the perfection of beauty Yuuta froze in his tracks he had seen elves before but she was on a different level her chest was accentuated by the silky dress she was wearing. After hesitating for a second he introduced himself.

" Hello my name is Yuuta and E rank adventurer it's a pleasure to meet you."

"Well aren't you a gentleman my names Sana I'm the guild master in Referia so you're the man who took down a cyclops."

She lightly bent over and touched Yuuta's hand.

"Uhh well it's not that big of a deal right I didn't really have a choice it was kill or be killed."

"Not only a gentleman but humble as well. You seem to be a promising new adventurer I have decided to Rank you up to D class and after you get back to Celis and complete this request you will be eligible to take the C rank promotion test."

" Thats pretty fast right two ranks at once?"

"Yes but it's not unheard of. A rank adventurers usually progress this fast. I was going to let you jump staright to C class but the other guild masters were against it."

"What kind of test do I have to take?"

"It's usually decided by the guild master where you take your test. You can choose to take it with a group or by yourself most take it with a party. The actual test consists of fighting a C rank monster or fighting bandits."

"Why bandits?"

"The higher level requests don't always consist of fighting monsters in fact most A rank adventurers get employed by nobles or rich merchants for personal protection. Therefore you have to prove your able to kill a humanoid person be it a human, elf, or dwarf you very will likely kill somebody as an adventurer."

"Ohh I guess that make sense so is that all you wanted to talk about not to rush but I was kind of in a hurry I'm only here for two days and I wanted to take care of a couple things?"

"Yea that's all I wanted to say. When you go downstairs don't forget to update your guild card before leaving. I look forward to seeing you grow into a fine adventurer young Yuuta."

" Before I leave could I ask a couple questions?"

"Go ahead"

"I broke my weapon fighting the cyclops so I was wondering if you knew a good blacksmith? Also I'm looking for accessories like necklaces or bracelets somewhere nice."


"Hmm let me think for the blacksmith The Dragons Breath shop is the best Smith in the city and the owner Brammun is a personal friend I'll write you a letter of introduction give me one minute."

Sana pulled out piece of parchment from her desk grabbed her quill and quickly wrote a letter. She rolled the letter and quickly stamped it shut with her personal seal. She handed it over to Yuuta and he thanked her.

"As for the accessories it's hard to find a good shop in these parts you will have to go to the noble district but be on you best behavior nobles have no quandaries with taking your head from your neck for the slightest tone of disrespect. You usually have to pay 2 gold coins to get into the noble district but your an adventurer so they should let you go through for 1 silver. I don't travel much to the Nobel district so I can't help you with jewelry shop it would be better to ask the guard when you pass through."

"Thank you for everything Sana you've helped me a lot"

"It's my job as guild master to help adventurers think nothing of it."

He quickly left Sana's office. Lara was waiting for him on the other side of the door.

"Please hand me your guild card I will update it right away."

Yuuta handed over his guild card and waited by the bar getting another drink while he waited.

(I didn't notice before but no matter how much I drink I don't get drunk that's pretty weird.)

After about 5 minutes of waiting Lara came back and gave him his guild card it had a big D written on the side with his name underneath it on the right side of the guild card was and eyeball.

"Why is there an eyeball on my guild card?"

"That is proof that you have killed a cyclops you can use it to get discounts from certain shops if you show it to them."

"Really how big a discount?"

"It depends on the shop anywhere from 5 to 20 percent I believe."

(Nice that will come in handy.)

Yuuta put his guild card away and headed towards the blacksmith Sana had told him about. He was excited about getting a new sword.

After walking for about an hour it was already early evening as he made his way to the blacksmith. Unlike the weapon shop in Celis this place was gigantic it was 3 stories tall as Yuuta walked in the first floor was filled with people looking up and down the isles. The weapons on this floor seemed to be about the same quality as the ones in Celis.

Walking up the stairs to the second floor the swords seemed to go up in quality and there were less people only one or two people they looked to be high level adventurers at least C rank maybe B.The man Sana described as Brammun was on this floor he was a giant of a man at least 2 meters tall with a grizzly round face. He was bald with his mutton chops and curly mustache.

"Hello my names Yuuta are you Brammun"

He turned around to look at Yuuta.

"I don't have time to talk to pipsqueaks like you kid buy something or get out."

Yuuta frowned as dug the introduction letter out of his pocket and handed it to Brammun.

Brammun took a moment to read it and gave a hefty sigh before talking.

"Well well well we got us a promising adventurer huh."

"I wouldn't say that I just need a new sword mine broke during a request ."

"Well you came to the right place this is the best blacksmith shop in the kingdom dare I say the world. The first floor of my shop is for beginner adventures it's mostly iron weapons with a little bit of Steele. The second floor is for intermediate adventurers like C and B adventurers. Then the third floor is only for people I deem worthy or have a introduction from someone I trust like Sana."

Brammun turned towards a door behind his desk and jiggled his key into the lock and opens the door."

"Well come on kid I don't have all day."

Yuuta followed Brammun through the door and up the stairs it led into a small room barely big enough for the two of them to fit. The shelves where filled with extremely ornate to very simple looking weapons even for Yuuta who couldn't use magic he could feel a weird pressure coming from them.

"So young adventurer Yuuta what kind of weapon are you looking for."

Yuuta thought for a moment before giving an answer.

"Well my last weapon was a sword that was imported from the east it was a slim curved blade with a round hilt and braided cloth on a wood handle do you have anything like that."

"Hmm let me see I remember getting something like that a while back but nobody wanted to buy it because it looked fragile."

(That's what most people say about katanas but because it can bend so much it's almost impossible to brake or bend out of shape unless your fighting a cyclops apparently.)

After a couple of minutes of Brammun rummaging around the shelves he pulled out a simple looking Katana it's sheath was completely black and so was the handle. Brammun handed the sword to Yuuta as he drew it from the sheath the blade was also pitch black.

"The guy I bought this from had forged it from dragon scales and mithril its strong as hell. Apparently he snuck into a dragons den while it was sleeping and stole some of it scales that had fallen off. "

"Wow that sounds really dangerous it must be expensive."

"Yea you would think something like this would go for 10 platinum coins but nobody would buy it. So it just sits on my shelf."

"Then how much do you want for it Ohh before you answer let me show you my guild card."

Yuuta handed Brammun his guild card and pointed to the eyeball.

"So this is why you got Sana's attention she's only ever written a letter of introduction for one person and he went to become a S rank adventurer."

" Really I don't think it was that big of a deal."

"Haha she must think you have a great future ahead of you."

"Well anyway how much do you want for the sword."

"I'll give you a decent discount how about 3 platinum coins."

"How about 1 platinum coin."

"Haha you got some balls huh trying to negotiate with me very well then 2 platinum coins that's as low as I will go."

"That sounds fair to me"

Yuuta paid Brammun and shook his hand.

"Sorry I'm running late on time I need to go it was nice meeting you Brammun."

Yuuta ran out the shop and started heading towards the noble district the sun was close to setting so he didn't have much time before the shops started closing..

After walking for about 10 minutes he made it to the inner gate of the city he was stopped by two guards.

"Hello my names Yuuta I'm an adventurer"

Yuuta handed over his guild card and waited while the guards inspected it both their faces went white with their mouths open when they saw the Eyeball on the card.

(I guess they know what it means)

"Sorry for stopping you Yuuta sir please feel free to go through for free"

"Are you sure I was told there would be a fee"

"No it's fine we don't want any trouble from someone who slayed a cyclops."

"Haha it wasn't that big of a deal any way I'm looking for a jewelry or accessory shop if you guys have any suggestions."

The guard thought for a second.

"Well there's a nice one actually right here on this street it's only two buildings up on the right but their pretty expensive."

"I'm ok with that thanks for your help."

"No problem at all Yuuta sir keep up the hard work."

With that awkward encounter over Yuuta made his way to the jewelry store. There weren't many people on the street definitely less then the lower district he was just in. Also they where noticeably better dressed and some people had their own knights protecting them. He didn't pay much attention as he walked into the jewelry shop.

"Welcome sir my names Fiona how can I help."

A women in her late 30's early 40's welcomed Yuuta into the shop.

"Hi I'm Yuuta I'm looking for something for my betrothed."

(It felt weird to say it like that but I don't know if the concept of girlfriends exist in this world.)

"Ohh young love I see this place might be a little expensive for something like that we only sell top quality stones here."

Yuuta got a little annoyed at her condescending attitude towards him but he decided to not let it get to him.

"Money is no object I'm just no good at knowing what I should get."

"Well first lets start at the basics sir are you planning on marrying her we can look at rings if that's the case."

Yuuta's had a stunned look at the question.

(I think it's still to early for that.)

"Umm not at this moment so maybe something like a necklace."

"Very well sir please come this way."

She led Yuuta to a glass case with a selection of necklaces. After looking through them one instantly caught his eye it was a silver and diamond chain with a dazzling blue gem pendant that shines a bright light blue the color of the sky.

(Thats perfect for Ria it matches her eyes perfectly)

Yuuta pointed at the one he wanted and the lady took it out.

"Ohh this is one of are most beautiful pieces the silver and diamond chain mixed with the big blue sapphire makes it exude royalty."

"How much for the necklace"

"4 platinum coins"

(Goddam that's worth more than more then my sword )

"I'll take it"

The lady let out a small gasp at how quickly he decided to buy it .

"Very well sir let me wrap this up for you."

The lady wrapped it in a soft cloth and carefully put it in a ornate wooden box.

After paying Yuuta was down to 9 platinum coins but he didn't regret it in the least.

Leaving the noble district he quickly found an Inn ate his dinner and got an early nights sleep. Tomorrow was another big day he was finally goin to learn magic.

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