《I Became A Vampire In Another World》Chapter 8


Yuuta jumped out of bed excited for the day. He grabbed his sword and tied it to his waist. Walking down stairs he orders breakfast and tea. He ate his eggs and porridge and headed to the mages guild. He was finally going to learn magic from what god had told him he should be pretty good with magic.

(Hopefully I can control it better then my strength don't want to accidentally blow myself up.)

He walked down the street almost skipping with happiness his inn was pretty close to the mages guild so it only took about 5 minutes to get there. Emmy was waiting at the entrance like they planned.

"Hey Emmy did you wait long."

"No you're right on time let's hurry master Avenci is waiting on us."

"Huh don't I have to register."

"Yea we can do it after you meet Master......... Umm sorry Yuuta but i might have told her about the cyclops."

"It's ok everybody in the adventures guild probably knows about it by now."


"Yea when I told the receptionist she screamed it to everybody in the guild."

"Haha well I told you it would be hard to keep it a secret."

Both of them started laughing as the walked into the the mages guild.

"Wow this is awesome"

"It is right."

As soon as they walked in Yuuta’s face lit up with excitement the whole floor was covered in 10 meter tall book shelves from the ground to the ceiling there looked to be about 25 people roaming the isles looking at and picking out books to read."

"Are these all books about magic."

"Yep these aren't even the good ones this floor is for beginners their are 5 levels to the guild. Beginner, novice, intermediate, Advanced, and master magician."

"What level are you Emmy."

"I am intermediate it took 6 years to get this far and I still have a long way to go....... anyway follow me master Avenci is waiting for us and she gets devious when she's upset."

"Ehhh I'm looking forward to it."

Emmy grabbed Yuuta's hand and started dragging him to what looked like an elevator.

"Don't freak out ok."

Yuuta was confused as Emmy pulled a switch and the wooden rectangle box started moving upward.

(So it is an elevator)

"Your taking this well Yuuta most people freak out when they first use the elevator."

"It's a little weird but not that crazy I mean this is the center of magic in the kingdom if anything this is kind of underwhelming haha."

"Haha that's only something you would say weirdo Yuuta."

He just smiled while rubbing the back of his head .

"How far are we going up."

"Well where goin to see my master so the top."

"Is it really ok for me to go I mean I can't even use magic yet."

"It's fine when I told master Avenci about you and the cyclops she got really interested and wanted to meet you. She told me to come get you yesterday but I had no idea where you would be at."

"Now I'm kind of nervous it's not like I've done anything special.”

The elevator finally stopped and the wooden doors opened. The top floor was almost identical to the first floor just there was way less books and more magic tools that made no sense to Yuuta.


"Master I brought Yuuta here like you asked."

Coming out from behind a book shelf was a little girl with long black hair and green eyes she was wearing a long purple robe and the classic wooden staff.

"Well hello young Yuuta I've been waiting for you"

"Aren't I older then you."

Yuuta walked up to the little girl and rubbed her head.

"Are you lost little girl I'll help you find your parents."

Emmys jumped and she start shivering as Yuuta started rubbing her masters head.

"Umm Yuuta that is master Avenci she is a Fairy specifically a pixie she's over 700 years old."

"Huh really but she looks like a little girl."

The sheer amount of fear Emmy was emitting is palpable but Yuuta didn't seem to notice as he picked up and put Avenci on his lap.

Emmy was waiting for her master to explode with anger as she did anytime somebody called her little but it never happen Avenci just sat in his lap with a smile on her face as Yuuta kept rubbing her head.

"Master did something happen to you are you ok why haven't you killed him yet."

"What do you mean Em isn't this how I normally act thank you for bringing him here he's just as cute as you said he was. You can leave us now."

"You said I was cute Emmy how embarrassing any way see you later."

Emmys face went bright red at Yuuta's words. Avenci and Yuuta started laughing in unison as if they where making fun of her.

"Ahhhh you guys are so mean why are you kicking me out Master I'm the one who is friends with him. And why are you acting so casual Yuuta do you know how scared you should be right know."

"Why should I be scared of someone so cute."

Yuuta gave Avenci a little hug as he talked to Emmy.

Emmy ran into the elevator with tears in her eyes.

"Whatever you guys have fun see if I care."

Avenci waited until the the elevator doors closed and while still in Yuuta's lap she looked up to stare in his eyes.

"Did you know pixie's can feel magic power we can even tell where the magic power comes from. Be it a human, beastman, elves ,monsters ."

"I didn’t know that. You’re the first pixie I have ever met."

"The pressure you emit is unlike anything I've seen in my 700 years. I can tell just by looking. You could kill me in an instant. I've only felt auras like this from S class monsters."

Yuuta didn't like where this conversation was goin.

"Well you don't have to worry about something like that.”

"So Yuuta just what are you a monster?”

Yuuta didn't know how to answer there's no way he could tell her the truth.

"I'm just an adventurer let's leave it at that."

“Fine I won’t pry.”

Avenci got up off Yuuta's lap and headed farther into her laboratory she grabbed a big iridescent glass stone ball.

"This is a magic reactor if you poor your magic into it. It will change colors. The colors represent the elements you have an affinity for. I'll demonstrate.

Avenci held the stone after a couple seconds the ball started to light up first blue then grey then white.


"Blue is water magic, grey is spatial magic , and white is light magic. Now you try."

Avenci threw the stone at him awkwardly caught. It.

"Umm I don't know how to channel magic."

"It's pretty easy especially for someone with your amount of power it's all about concentration just feel it."

"Thanks for those vague directions I'll give it a try."

For the first 5 minutes he tried pushing out the magic with a constipated look on his face.

"Your trying to hard Just breath and relax."

Yuuta decided to sit down and close his eyes he pictured the magic flowing through his body after a couple minutes it felt like a levy was bending about to brake. Finally he felt the magic coursing through him he directed it to the stone and it started glowing after a couple minutes it turned black pitch black like no light escaping abyss black.

Avenci eyebrows furrowed as she looked at the stone and then Yuuta.

"Did I do something wrong why is it black ."

"No it's just you really are a monster. Do you know what happens when you mix all color pigments together...... it turns black."

"So that means I can use all the elements of magic right."

"Thats correct well now that we know you can decide which one of the elements to learn first. Fire, water, earth, air ,lightning, spatial, and void. "

( I always liked lightning magic in video games and anime.)

"Then I'll start with lightning magic."

" This is just my way of teaching but I suggest you master the lightning element before moving on to the next focusing on too many elements will only hinder your progress. Wait one moment please."

She started looking at her bookshelves picking out a book here and there after a while she returned to Yuuta with 4 books."

"These books are all about lightning magic. The first one is the basics to lightning magic how to conduct and control it. The other 3 are all master class spell books. The Book of Violent Thunder is attack magic with the amount of power you have one of these spells could destroy the city so be careful. The book Indra's Spirit is using lightning defense magic using barriers and fields of lightning for protecting yourself and others. These spells are strong enough to stop a dragons barrage. Lastly is Storm Chosen it is lightning enchantment and body enhancement you can imbue weapons or your body with lightning.

(Soooooooo cooooool I'm gonna be a lightning god.)

"Don't get discouraged if you can't learn these spells at first they are master class spells once after all, Once you learn the spellbooks you will even be able to make your own spells."

"Really how do you even make spells"

"That's a long discussion for another day for now start reading. I understand you're leaving tomorrow so you can stay here tonight and try to absorb as much as possible while your here. I need to go find Emmy she is not going to get out of training because she's embarrassed."

" Thanks for everything Avenci you helped out a lot."

"No need to worry your potential is boundless you will be a great asset to the kingdom I could talk to King Holger he would be happy to give you a title with my recommendation."

"You know the king?”

"Of course I run the mages guild I've taught his family for generations back to his great great great great great grandfather."

"Well I owe you a lot so if you ever need help I'll be there but I don't want a title or be tied down to this kingdom."

"I'm ok with that now start studying I'll be back with Emmy in a while."

Yuuta moved to the desk with his books and started reading the first one was basically science about lightning how it conducts through different materials how friction from air creates electrical charges within the air. It basically taught people how lightning was created in nature and how to translate that to your body.

He spent most of the day and night going through that book and then moved too Storm Chosen it didn't take him long before he could conduct the lightning into his katana apparently dragon scales and Mithril are very easy to move magic through the the blade. lightning started to explode off the blade striking anything close to it the lightning started blowing holes through the book shelves and started throwing magic items out of its way like an electromagnetic field. Because of that incident he called it a day after Avenci tried drowning him with water magic.

"Hey Avenci I forgot to ask but I was wondering if you could do me a favor."

"If I'm capable then I'm more than happy too."

Yuuta pulled out a wooden ornate box opened it and pulled out the necklace he got for Ria.

" I was wondering if you could enchant this for me."

"Wow that must have been very expensive I can enchant items but it depends on the enchantment what are using it for."

"I want to protect someone but I can't be around her all the time. So I wanted to use it for a little extra protection if that's possible I'll pay you whatever i can."

Emmy was staring at the beautiful necklace it was obvious she likes it.

"Yuuta that's for Ria right that necklace is amazing it's so pretty."

"She's has a hard life I just can't help but spoil her haha."

Avenci took the necklace and inspected it for a couple minutes.

"I think I have something for this I'll have to add a magic stone to it but I can hide it in the gem. I'll enchant it with Force Brake it's only a one time use spell but it will redirect a fatal hit."

"I keep saying thank you but I don't know what else to say. How much will it cost."

"I have all the materials on hand so I'll do it for free it should be ready by the morning."

After getting that squared away he turned in for the night only getting a couple of hours of sleep before he had to meet up with Quattro.

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