《My Hero Academia: Hero's Horizon》Chapter Six: A regular day!...Mostly.
The next day...homeroom class…
News of All Might being a teacher at UA spread like wildfire with napalm involved and once it reached the media they went crazy, stopping students as they tried to get into the school for classes but eventually was stopped due to Aizawa telling them to buzz off essentially, after everyone took their seats and Aizawa arrived to class the day finally started.
"Alright, before we get started I want to go over some of the test results from yesterday with a few of you." Aizawa says as he looks to Midoriya.
"Midoriya, you did good yesterday but opted on not using quirk due to the backlash of it, so learn how to control your power effectively." Aizawa says to him with his usual expression and tone.
"Yes sensei!" Midoriya says with a determined look and tone as he nods before Aizawa looks Matthew.
"Senshi, you did good as well, however you were nearly beaten due to your slow speed and reaction times, train yourself to become faster, don't always focus on strength in your training." Aizawa says to him.
"Yes sir!" Matthew answers with a nod as Aizawa then looks to Bakugou.
"Bakugou, you need to learn to work with others, you have the power to become a top hero but if you don't learn how to work with fellow heroes then you'll never come anywhere close to the top, understood?" Aizawa says to the angry blonde making said blonde grit his teeth and click his tongue before responding.
"Yes sir." Bakugou says through his teeth as Aizawa then turns his attention to the rest of the class.
"The rest of you I have a paper written out for each of you with what you need to improve on in your desks, but with that out of the way today I'll have you…" Aizawa starts saying.
"Not another test…" Nearly everyone in the class thinks in unison.
"Decide a class president." Aizawa finishes saying.
After saying that within a few seconds all out chaos broke out, Kirishima first raising his hand up to be the class president, then Kaminari, then Jiro and so on.
"I'm not gonna volunteer, only leadership experience i've ever had is in video games, in this life and my old one besides yesterday." Matthew thought to himself as everyone kept raising their hands until Iida silenced everyone.
"It is a job with the important responsibility of leading others. It is not a job for just anyone who wants to do it. It is a calling that requires the trust of those around you to lead. If we want to use democracy to decide the true leader, then we should hold an election to decide one." Iida finishes saying as he holds up his hand.
"But you have your hand raised the highest though." Matthew points out with a raised scaly brow.
"Why did you suggest that?" Kaminari asks.
"We haven't known each other for that long, so how do we know who to trust?" Tsuyu says in a questioning tone.
"If that's the case and everyone votes for themselves…" Kirishima starts saying as Iida then interrupts.
"Don't you think that's exactly why whoever receives the most votes here can be truly considered the most suitable person?" Iida finishes saying before looking to Aizawa.
"Sensei! Wouldn't you agree?" Iida asks as Aizawa then zips up his sleeping bag.
"I don't care how you decide just as long as you do it before the end of homeroom." Aizawa says before falling over on the side already going to sleep.
"Thank you sensei!" Iida says with a bow.
Near the end of homeroom class…
It took awhile but everyone in the class voted for class rep and deputy class rep, Matthew ended up voting for Momo, originally he planned on voting for Iida but he felt like he'd at least get two so he went with Momo instead, after a minute or two the votes were added up and...well the unexpected happened to someone, Matthew continued looking at the votes and when he got to the top his mouth dropped open.
"What!? I got four votes!?" Matthew exclaims in shock as Bakugou shoots up from his seat.
"Hey! Who voted for the oversized lizard!?" He yells out as Matthew notices Kirishima, Tokoyami, Mina and Izuku look away slightly and act like they don't know what's going on as Matthew and Momo who ended up getting three votes walk up to the front of the classroom.
"I give up...I got zero votes." Iida says to himself as he lays his head face forward on his desk, shocking Matthew when he heard that and soon after standing in front of the class knowing he's the class rep made him start shaking with wide eyes from pure anxiety.
"Then it settles it, Senshi will be the class president and Yaoyorozu as vice class president." Aizawa says as Momo stands there with Matthew beside her still shaking.
"Why...why me though?" Matthew asks with the same look on his face with anxiety.
"I don't see an issue with Senshi being the class president." Tsuyu says with a finger on her chin.
"Yeah me neither, from working with him yesterday I think he'd be great for it." Kirishima says with his signature smile and a thumbs up towards Matthew.
"He's got the strength and he seems like a good person, all he's missing is experience from what I can tell." Shoji says next as Matthew looks at everyone shocked for a few more seconds before coughing and straightening up his stance.
"I'll...I'll do my best everyone!" Matthew says with a shaky but determined filled voice before the bell rang.
"Alright everyone don't forget your papers before going to your next class, see you after lunch." Aizawa says before leaving out the door ahead of everyone else as everyone gathers there things and heads out the door for the next class.
Later...Lunch time…
After grabbing his lunch Matthew made his way searching the cafeteria for his friends he found Izuku writing or drawing something in his notebook with Shoka sitting on the other side of the green haired teen, Matthew walks over and decides to sit next to Izuku this time to see what he's doing. Matthew begins eating his food with haste at first but after a moment slows down as he then looks over to Izuku's notebook to see him drawing what Matthew assumes to be a hero costume idea as Izuku keeps mumbling Matthew looks at Shoka as she looks back at him and then Midoriya then back to him and shrugs before Matthew then sighs before he gives Izuku a hard slap on the back to knock him out of it making him yelp.
"Sorry, hey Senshi-san and Todoroki-san." Izuku says with a nervous smile and tone as Matthew took another bite of his food and swallowing before replying.
"Hey Izuku, what you working on in that notebook?" Matthew asks as he looks at the drawing before Izuku lets out a tired sigh.
"Well me and Uraraka went up against Sero and Mina in the combat training yesterday and well...the majority of my costume was melted due to her quirk I haven't turned it in yet for it to get repaired so I decided to try brainstorming some costume ideas while I ate." Izuku says to Matthew as he ate as Matthew then looked at the notebook and smiles a bit before looking back at Izuku.
"Mind if I help you? I got a few ideas you might like and looks for your costume" Matthew asks as Midoriya nods with a smile and hands him his pencil and the notebook as Matthew then begins sketching and writing notes down as he eats.
"What kind of ideas do you got Senshi-san?" Izuku asks as Matthew takes another bite of his food while sketching away.
"You'll see." Matthew says with his mouth partially full as Iida and Uraraka sit to Shoka's left and Momo sits by her rightside as Tokoyami, Kirishima, Mina and Jiro come join them for lunch as Matthew keeps eating and sketching and after about ten minutes or so of eating silently until Mina breaks the silence as Matthew continues.
"So how long have you guys been dating?" Mina asks out of curiosity as Shoka has a small smile creep up on her lips.
"Over half a year now I'd say." Shoka says in a somewhat cheerful tone as she smiles, Matthew then looking up and smiling at her as Mina then looks at both of them with a smirk.
"So...how many times have guys kissed?" She asks as Matthew shrugs while looking at her.
"A lot, we kiss all the time...or do you mean like kiss kiss?" Matthew says with a regular tone at first before quickly going to a questioning one as she slowly nods with her smirk growing as Matthew and Shoka both began to blush.
"W-Well...n-no, we haven't." Matthew says shyly making Mina and even Kirishima look at them shocked.
"W-What?" Shoka asks them somewhat nervously for once.
"You guys have been dating for over half a year and haven't actually kissed?" Kirishima asks them shocked as they both shake their heads nervously.
"How!? So you mean neither of you probably haven't had your first kiss!?" Mina exclaims questioning.
"No...n-neither of us have had our first...we're taking it slow." Shoka replies as Mina looks at her even more shocked.
"But even people taking it slow don't go at this rate!" Mina exclaims again as Matthew decides to reply giving her a definite answer.
"W-Well...t-the reason we're going so slow is because we're afraid that once we get that far...w-w-we'll g-g-go pretty fast f-f-from there…" Matthew says stuttering like a mad man as he became more flustered due to the topic at hand as Kirishima looks at him with a raised eyebrow.
"What do you mean man?" Kirishima asks as Mina was looking at both Shoka and Matthew with a raised eyebrow before smirking again.
"Oh...I know what they mean…" Mina says in a teasing voice making them both become even more flustered and Shoka even activating her ice slightly involuntarily freezing a the part of the spot where her hand was as Mina kept smirking and saw Momo was blushing while silently reading a book trying to stay out of the conversation.
"Hey Momo-chan~" Mina says to her as Momo looks up from her book with a blush.
"Oh uh yes Mina?" Momo replies in a nervous tone as Mina the leans up to her ear and begins whispering making Matthew raise a scaly brow as Momo's entire head turns a very deep shade of crimson.
"No I wouldn't have- I- even if I had books and stuff like that why would I give them to you!?" Momo yells out in a very embarrassed tone.
"Because you could just make copies of it!" Mina says to Momo holding her smirk as Momo lets out a huff.
"Even if I did the only things I'd copy for you are the books and that's it!" Momo hisses out to Mina as she goes back to reading her book.
"Thank you Momo-chan~" Mina says teasingly as she gives Momo a hug as she giggles.
"I don't even wanna know…" Matthew says as he goes back to sketching and writing down notes after finishing his meal quickly as Shoka scrolls through her phone still blushing.
"You'll know soon enough." Mina says with a smile as she then starts conversing with Tokoyami and Kirishima as Matthew joins the conversation between Izuku, Uraraka and Iida by listening in.
"Are you from an upper class family Iida?" Uraraka asks after her and Midoriya mention how proper and formal he is as he then sighs.
"I don't like it when it's brought attention to, but yes...I'm from a family that's been in heroics for generations. I'm the second son." Iida says proudly as Matthew looks at him surprised.
"Do you know of the turbo hero Ingenium?" Iida asks as Matthew is about to reply but Izuku beats him to it.
"Of course! That's the really popular hero whose office in Tokyo has hired as many as sixty five sidekicks!" Izuku answers to Iida.
"You're very knowledgeable…" Iida says impressed
"But yes that's correct! He's also my big brother! He's a beloved pro hero that prizes the rules and guides the people and I strive to be as just as great as he is one day!" Iida says proudly.
"As such I feel its too early for me to be in a leadership position. So for now I feel Senshi is the best man for the job of being class president!" Iida says to the three of them as Matthew then speaks up.
"Speaking about that, you guys really think I'm best for the job?" Matthew asks unsure of himself.
"Absolutely! Even though you get nervous like I do in front of so many people but when the going gets tough you get laser focused on the task at hand and go for the best possible solution." Izuku says to Matthew encouraging him.
"Well I don't really got a choice now I suppose so fu-" Matthew is saying but swiftly cut off by a alarm blaring.
"Security level 3, all students evacuate promptly." The automated voice says as almost all of the students around them panic as Iida then turns around.
"Whats security level 3!?" Iida asks as a student stops to answer.
"It means somebody's infiltrated the school! Same thing happened three years ago!" The student says before running off with the others as Matthew and the others get up and start running, a minute in and its pure chaos, everyone pushing and shoving each even Matthew probably being the largest student was even getting pushed around.
"Gah DAMMIT! Quit shoving and calm down everyone!" Matthew yells out but it falls on deaf ears as Midoriya, Uraraka and Iida get separated as Matthew catches a glimpse in his eye as he turns to see Iida face planted against the window.
"It's just the press!" Iida exclaims loud for Matthew to hear as he then is able to grab Uraraka and Izuku as Matthew fills them in.
"It's just the press guys but everybody else doesn't know and they won't listen!" Matthew says loud enough for them to hear as Matthew then sees Kirishima and Tokoyami getting shoved around to as well as hearing someone telling people to stop because someone fell.
"This getting dangerous and fast! Think, THINK!" Matthew yells in his head as a light bulb goes off in his head as he looks to Uraraka.
"Uraraka make me float!" Matthew yells out as she then quickly touches him making him weightless as he then jumps off the ground gently and after getting above the crowd he puffs up his chest and then lets out a mighty roar for a solid ten seconds, silencing everyone even the press outside went quiet from the sudden roar. Matthew puts a hand on the ceiling to steady himself after getting everyone's attention.
"Everyone its just the press! There's no need to panic! Everyone slow down and follow the procedures to the dot and help anyone up that fell during the chaos!" Matthew yells out as everyone calms down as he then looks down.
"Hey Uraraka you can put me down now." Matthew says as She looks up to him.
"Are you sure Senshi?" Uraraka asks as he then nods.
"Okay...release!" She says as she puts her hands together as Matthew realizes something.
"Wait I didn't think this through!" Is all he says before plummeting to the ground and landing face first with a loud thud.
"Ow…" Matthew moans out as he gets up and begins to walk with everyone else.
A few minutes later...Homeroom…
After everything calmed down the police arrived and escorted them off the premise, now Matthew and Momo were standing in front of the class, Matthew being more confident it seems to everyone.
"Alright class president if you would start us off." Momo says looking to Matthew as he replies with silent nod before looking back to the rest of the class.
"Now I know there is a ceremony for whenever there is a class president but I'll just say this instead." Matthew says as he puts his hands behind his back before speaking.
"As you all know I was very nervous and against being class president at first but...after thinking heavily on it the entire day I've decided that I'll give it everything I got and so here on out if any of you need help whether it be physical training or school work let me or Momo know and we'll do our best to help, I also want to say as class president that I will defend any and all of you if you're ever in danger." Matthew finishes saying as Izuku gives him a thumbs up as well as Kirishima giving him a toothy smile as Matthew smiles to the class as he relaxes his posture as he and Momo begin there duties as class president and vice president as the rest of the day flies by.
After school...hallway to the support classrooms and development studio...
After school for the day had ended Matthew told Shoka that his father would be giving him a ride home today because he needed to help Midoriya with his costume and after saying their goodbyes to each other Izuku and Matthew began going to the development studio, after about ten minutes of walking silently as Matthew finishes some final details about Izuku's new costume, Izuku breaks the silence.
"So I decided to look at what you sketched and notes you put down for my new costume." Midoriya says as Matthew puts a period and puts the pencil away as they keep walking.
"Yeah? And what did you think of it?" Matthew asks as they pass one of the support class homerooms.
"I like it, it's still similar to my original design, but still different and it's no downsides only enhancements but I was curious on what made you decide to help me with this? Besides being friends of course." Midoriya asks as Matthew sighs a bit.
"I'll be honest with you Izuku, it's because I want to help you become your own hero and what I mean by that is helping you not become a second All Might but better." Matthew says as Izuku looks to him with raised eyebrow before Matthew continues.
"Like I get that my father inspired you but you need to learn not to be confined to his shadow so to speak and I'm not saying its bad to name a few moves after his and stuff like that but it just seems like you're trying to be exactly like him when really what we need Izuku isn't another All Might but someone better, you get what I'm saying?" Matthew says as they pass the support class homeroom and start approaching the development studio.
"Yeah I understand what you're saying, I'll take your advice to heart Senshi-san." Izuku says as they reach the development studio and Matthew knocks on it very hard.
"It's unlocked!" A man on the other side of the door says as Matthew opens it and the both of them walk in towards a man hunched over on a work bench before said man turns around revealing a rather youthful man given his age as he then waves to Matthew.
"Hey Senshi, I got your text telling me you'd be down here after school but I guess I didn't realize how fast time was flying by again." Higari Maijima AKA Power Loader says to Matthew with a smile as they shake hands as Matthew laughs.
"Good to see my old babysitter hasn't changed a bit." Matthew says happily.
"Power Loader babysitted you, Senshi-san?" Midoriya asks somewhat surprised as Power Loader nods to Midoriya.
"Yup, I babysitted him and let me tell ya something here kid, no matter what this young man says...he was no angel when he was little!" Power Loader yells out that last bit as Matthew chuckles before speaking.
"Well Power Loader I came here to ask another favor and to pick up the support items I requested along with my costume." Matthew says to Power Loader as Power Loader then raises an eyebrow.
"Another favor? What is it now?" He asks as Matthew grabs Midoriya's notebook and turns it to the page with the sketch of his new costume along with the notes as Power Loader takes it and starts reading it.
"Gauntlets to reduce strain on the arms, Iron soles, Jacket for looks and additional storage…" Power Loader mumbled quietly to himself before smiling a bit at the two of them.
"Alright I'll do it Senshi and I guess it's safe to assume it's for your friend here?" Power Loader asks as Matthew nods with a smile before Power Loader then begins walking to a workbench.
"Well come on over here and let me show you what I got cooked up for ya brat." Power Loader says with a smile as Matthew walks over and looks at Power Loader opening a small metal box with a radiation symbol on it as he then pulls out a small capsule pill.
"It was a headache to make at first but me and some of the egg heads got it to work, a pill with enough radiation to energize you up to twelve hours packed tightly." Power Loader says to Matthew while showing it to him before putting it back in the case and locking it.
"I'll make sure it gets put with your costume so you can try em out tomorrow during training hopefully AND I'll make sure your friend's new costume gets done tonight but after this you owe me kid." Power Loader says as he walks them to the door with a smile as Matthew smiles back.
"Yeah I know, don't worry I'll pay you payback." Matthew says with a smile as he scratches the back of his head.
"Uh huh I'll be waiting for that." Power Loader says with a smile before closing the door.
"See ya later kid!" Power Loader yells through the door as Izuku and Matthew start walking away.
"I'm already excited about my new costume!" Izuku says shaking with excitement as Matthew chuckles a bit.
"This is the kind of daily life I wish I had when I was younger in my past life...regular school and just...normal, but I get the sneaking suspicion days like these are gonna be rare." Matthew thinks to himself as he starts a conversation with Izuku on what he knows about the different heroes as they walk through the school to the exit before splitting off so Matthew could meet up with his father and Izuku could catch his train.
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