《My Hero Academia: Hero's Horizon》Chapter 7: Evil Strikes!
The next day...Homeroom class… 12:50 PM
The day had been regular so far but Matthew had a gut feeling that today was going to be exciting as Aizawa walks behind his desk and everyone goes quiet.
"It was decided you'll be supervised today by a team consisting of me, All Might and somebody else." Aizawa says to the class as everyone starts to wonder what they are going to be doing today.
"Uncle, my father and someone else will be supervising us today? Well this ought to be interesting." Matthew thinks to himself as Aizawa reaches into his pocket.
"Be the hero everyone needs, whether it be a flood or landslide." Aizawa says as he presents a card with rescue in bold letters on it.
"It's the trial of rescue." Aizawa says as everyone cheers.
"Oh I'm so excited!" Mina says with a big smile.
"I'm ready for the challenge." Tokoyami says in his usual expression.
"I'm built to survive and thrive in multiple extreme conditions from what the doctors told me when I was younger, I'd like to put that to the test today." Matthew says with a smile.
"Anyway as I was saying today you'll get to choose to wear your costumes or not during training." Aizawa says in his regular tone as he presses a button and lockers emerge from the walls containing the classes hero costumes.
"Just remember they may not be suited for today's training also the training area is pretty far away so we'll be going by bus. That's all so get prepared." Aizawa says to the class as everyone gets up to get there costumes.
A few minutes later...outside at the bus…
After getting his costume on first Matthew decided to go outside ahead of everyone and see what kind of bus it was, seeing it wasn't a traditional bus made him decide against organizing where everyone would sit, a few minutes later everyone else began to come out all dressed in there costumes.
"Alright everyone get on the bus but don't push each other down or anything like that." Matthew says while standing off to the side as Iida rushes up to him.
"Class president shouldn't we have assigned seats!?" Iida exclaims while moving his arms robotically as Matthew lets a deep chuckle before responding.
"It's not a traditional bus Iida so just take a seat where you like." Matthew says to Iida with a smile.
"Oh, I didn't know that, my apologies!" Iida exclaims as he then goes to the bus and as Matthew watches more people file in on the bus with a smile before someone taps his shoulder, Matthew then turns to see Midoriya in his new costume.
"Hey Senshi-san, how do I look?" Izuku asks. His new costume was pretty similar except now he had arm braces to lessen the strain on his arms when using his quirk in the future, iron soles, black shorts with a red utility belt, a black and red jacket and a respirator mask that looked a lot more high tech and less goofy. Matthew looks up and down at Izuku and smiles with a thumbs up.
"You look great Midoriya! Now come on, let's get on the bus." Matthew says to Izuku making him smile as they get on the bus after everyone else, Matthew takes a seat beside Shoka and Izuku sits down beside Tsuyu and after about twenty minutes of driving Kirishima decides to speak to Matthew.
"Hey whats in that pouch, man?" Kirishima asks in a curious tone as Matthew puts a hand on said pouch.
"Oh this? Its for carrying radiation pills, I just got them today." Matthew says with a smile as he holds the pouch up to show him before attaching it back to his utility belt.
"That's pretty neat man!" Kirishima says with a smile as Tsuyu begins speaking to Izuku
"Hey Midoriya, I've been wondering about something." Tsuyu says to Izuku.
"O-Oh what is it Asui?" Izuku asks.
"Just call me Tsuyu but…" Tsuyu says before putting a finger on her chin.
"You and All Might have the exact same quirk or pretty close to it at least." Tsuyu says in a curious tone as Izuku starts stuttering like crazy before Matthew intervenes.
"It's just coincidence Tsuyu, I mean my quirk is almost Identical to a pro hero but I'm not related to him at all, believe it or not my last surviving family member by blood would be the last one you'd expect." Matthew says to Tsuyu covering for Izuku as Matthew sees his friend sighing in relief very quietly.
"Really? Who is it? I wanna know now!" Mina exclaims excitedly and curiously as Matthew chuckles.
"Only Shoka knows and we're not telling you, if we all run into him as a class I'll let you know." Matthew says with a smile to Mina as she then gives him a pouting expression and folding her arms, a few seconds later the bus stops.
"Everyone we're here, settle down." Aizawa says to the class and as they all say yes sir in unison they get off the bus and enter the training grounds, after entering they finally lay eyes on where they'll be training.
"Wow…" Nearly everyone says in unison as a unknown voice coming from the stairs in front of them starts speaking.
"Floods, landslides, fires, you name it!" The person then steps up the stairs more finally revealing a pro hero in space suit styled costume.
"The U.S.J has it all to prepare you for any tragedy!" The revealed hero says proudly.
"Thats Thirteen! The space hero!" Midoriya exclaims in excitement.
"Awesome! Thirteen is one of my favorite heroes!" Uraraka says throwing a fist in the air excitedly as Kirishima leans over to Matthew.
"You know Thirteen as well I guess huh?" Kirishima whispers to Matthew as Aizawa walks up to Thirteen.
"Actually no, He knows about me but we've never spoken or met each other" Matthew whispers back to Kirishima as Matthew notices his father isn't there with them.
"Where the hell is All Might? He's supposed to be here isn't he?" Matthew thinks to himself as Aizawa turns back to the class.
"Alright well looks All Might is running a bit late so first things first we'll-" Aizawa starts to say before he stops mid sentence from a strange sound coming at the bottom of the stairs he turns around as Matthew walks beside him and looks down there with everyone else behind him as they see a purple portal with yellow eyes open and then a hand comes through with a young man covered in hands climbs through.
"Everyone stick close to each other!" Aizawa yells out as Matthew squints his eyes looking at the man and the portal as people pour through it.
"Hey is this like the entrance exam?" Kirishima asks.
"No it isn't and that ain't UA staff either from what I can tell...those are villains!" Matthew exclaims as he gets into a fighting stance as Aizawa pulls his goggles down as Momo looks to Aizawa.
"Sensei why isn't the alarms going off?" She asks in a worried tone.
"Is this the only part of UA they've infiltrated? And if the alarms aren't going off then they must have someone who can jam them and probably anyway to communicate long distance…" Shoka says in a grim tone as she covers her left side in ice.
"This isn't just some ambush without a plan." Shoka finishes saying.
"Thirteen evacuate the students and try breaking through the jamming and contact the school!" Aizawa says looking to thirteen as he then looks to Kaminari.
"Kaminari! Use your quirk to try weakening the jamming signal and attempt to contact the school as well!" Aizawa says before looking at the growing hoarde of villains.
"I'm counting on you Thirteen!" Aizawa says as he pulls his scarf up as Midoriya steps up.
"Sensei you can't fight them all! There's too many!" Midoriya says as Aizawa glances back.
"A hero always has a few tricks up their sleeves." Aizawa says to Midoriya before leaping down there stairs into the jaws of hell itself it seems as everyone starts running back to the entrance except Matthew as he stands there gritting his teeth and clenching his fists tightly as he watches his uncle begin to fight, Midoriya stops and runs back to Matthew.
"Senshi-san we have to go!" Midoriya yells at Matthew as the large teen grits his teeth even harder.
"I can't." Matthew says to Midoriya, shocking him.
Meanwhile in Eclipse Horizen...Hall Of Rulers meeting room.
"Thus his first test begins…" God says as Jesus looks over to his father and away from the screen with the two teens arguing on what to do.
"I can't believe how long its been since me and my brother have last watched him...speaking about my brother where is-" Before Jesus could finish that sentence Satan kicks open the meeting room door with his arms full with a variety of snacks and drinks with him wearing a beer hat and having a foam finger.
"Sorry I'm late, had a gut feeling today is going to get exciting so I decided to bring snacks and drinks!" Satan says as he struggles to walk over to his seat but manages to do so and sit down without dropping anything as Jesus gives him a judging look.
"And the foam finger?" He asks his brother questioningly.
"Why not?" Satan says with grin and as Jesus face palms while Satan takes a handful of popcorn and shoves it in his mouth as he starts pointing at the screen with the foam finger.
"Look there he goes!" Satan says with a mouthful of popcorn as all three of them watch Matthew leap down the stairs with a determined look.
"And so the battle begins." God says before the three of them fall silent to watch.
Back at the USJ…Central Plaza...
Aizawa roundhouse kicks a villain before throwing his scarf out, gripping another villain and then proceeds to toss the thug into a group thugs as he dodges an attack as then a thug with a cannon head walks up and takes aim at Aizawa.
"Time to die h-" Before the thug could finish what he was saying a black blur roaring crashes into him, knocking him out as dust flies up.
"What the hell!?" A thug yells out as the inside of the dusk cloud begins to glow blue as a figure stands up and then a blue energy beam hits a thug in the chest sending him flying back as the figure leaps out and delivers a superman style punch to another thug's face as one thug gets sent flying past the large determined teen as Aizawa then lands next to him and gives him a side glare.
"I thought I told you to evacuate with the other students?" Aizawa says to Matthew in an angry tone as they watch the villains surround them.
"Like hell I was gonna leave my uncle to fight all of these assholes off!" Matthew hisses at Aizawa quietly as he pops his dorsal fins out and snarls at the thugs as Aizawa lets out an annoyed sigh.
"Well you're here now, don't get yourself killed and take them out as quickly as possible." Aizawa says as they both get in a fighting stance.
"Come on let's kill these two jack offs and get to All Might!" One of the thugs yells at the top of their lungs before letting out a war cry as they charge at them.
"Bring it on assholes!" Matthew yells out as a thug tries to shoot him with a bone shaped projectile but he manages to dodge before charging up quickly and shooting the thug with a quick charge atomic blast sending the thug back into a group of thugs knocking them over from the force as Matthew then starts charging up as he dodges another thug before spinning and smacking the thug in the head with his tail knocking him out cold as Matthew then turns to slash a thug with his right claws before uppercutting him with his left fist as he sees Aizawa knock a thug out with a punch before grabbing a thug with his scarf and tossing said thug at Matthew.
"Heads up Senshi!" Aizawa yells out as Matthew smirks as he clenches his right hand into a fist before throwing a punch out as hard as he could to the thug flying towards him landing right in the thugs face and sending the thug flying into the distance as Matthew keeps charging his atomic breath as Aizawa runs over to him and takes out another thug as the two of them go somewhat back to back, fighting as one and as Matthew grabs two thugs by their heads and slam them together KO-ing them he then sees the purple mist with the yellow eyes Matthew assumed was a villain disappear.
"Shit, I let my eyes off the Villain for a second and he's gone!" Aizawa hisses out in frustration as he knees a thug in the face.
"Don't worry Aizawa! Let's focus on this, Thirteen's got the others covered!" Matthew says to him keep him focused before letting out his charged Atomic breath finally and sweeping across the horde of thugs, taking out dozens of thugs before cutting it short to conserve energy as he then looks up at the top of the stairs to see a portal open and he shakes his head to focus but before he could react a thug slashes him across his right eye with a blade made of bone sticking from his palm before Matthew slams his fist right into the thug's face knocking him out as Matthew covers the right side of his face with a hand while hissing in pain as Aizawa knocks two more thugs out with a spin kick and a elbow strike before running back over to Matthew while close lining another thug before reaching him.
"Senshi are you alright?" Aizawa asks in his usual tone with a hint of worry as Matthew takes his hand off the right side of his face before opening his right eye to find out he can still see out of it.
"I'm fine just a cut, going to have to hope blood doesn't get in my eye so I can still see!" Matthew says as he spins around and knocks a thug out and as he then smirks as he turns to the much smaller group of villains but still large as he gets in a fighting stance alongside Aizawa, but before he could say anything he sees a black blur come rushing towards him and then stop right in front of him within half a second from all the way in the back revealing a large muscular man with a beak, exposed brain, wearing brown pants and with a pair of soulless eyes. Aizawa tries to attack the villain but is swatted away like nothing.
"Sensei!" Matthew yells out before the Villain then slams its fist right into Matthew's gut as hard as it could making Matthew spit blood up as he gets sent flying into the distance.
USJ...Mountain Zone...10 seconds later…
Momo knocks a thug out with her staff before slamming it into another thugs family jewels as hard as she can to disable the attacker before knocking said thug out as Jiro uses the sword Momo made for her to keep the thugs away from her and Kaminari as one of the thugs laugh.
"Once we get rid of blondie over there we're gonna have some fun with you two girls…" The thug says with a sick smile making Jiro nervous somewhat, Kaminari terrified and Momo scared but they grit their teeth as Kaminari gets into a fighting stance and hopes for the best and as the thug laughs they hear someone screaming in the distance coming closer and closer fast.
"HOLY SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITTTT!" Matthew screams out as he lands on the laughing thug, he then retracts his dorsal fins and groans as he gets up slowly, cracking his back in the process.
"Fuck that hurts...ow, ow, ow." Matthew thinks to himself out loud as he cracks his back again before looking down to see that he's standing on a thug.
"Well I'm landing on everyone today aren't I?" Matthew says out loud before looking to his right and sees a decent sized group of thugs before turning to his left to see Momo, Jiro and Kaminari nervous as he then turns back to the group of thugs with a glare as he curls his lips back.
"You three...I'll handle the rest of these assholes." Matthew says through his teeth in a anger filled tone before cracking his knuckles as he walks towards them slowly growling.
"You made a bad mistake by trying to hurt my friends." Matthew says as one of the thug's with a skull mask and in a tank top starts laughing.
"Boys, deal with this wannabe hero." The thug says in a mocking tone as the group of thugs charge Matthew as one reaches him, he dodges the attack barely before giving a strong enough right hook to bend steel to the thugs head as two thugs grab a hold of his left arm, he then lifts the arm and slams the two thugs on the ground getting them off his arm as another thug comes up while he's distracted and slashes him across the chest with a saw blade sticking from his wrist at a steep angle going from the right of his chest to the left of his abdomen as the thug attacks again slamming the blade into his chest but not deep enough to do significant damage. As Matthew grunts and growls in pain he grabs the thug responsible by the head and slams the thug into the ground face first taking him out of the fight as Matthew slaps the two thugs that grabbed him a moment ago across the face with his tail, knocking them out as well and while bleeding he looks to see three remaining thugs rushing Momo, Jiro and Kaminari as he hears a dark chuckle behind him.
"Don't move kid...or do move…" The thug says as he snaps his fingers and Matthew hears electricity arcing behind him.
"If you're feeling lucky, punk." The thug says darkly as Matthew moves his tail from side to side lightly and feels it in between the thugs legs as Matthew then smirks.
"Yeah actually, I do feel pretty fucking lucky, you though probably shouldn't." Matthew says to the thug.
"What?" The thug manages to say before looking down.
"Oh for fu-" Is all he is able to say before Matthew slams his tail upward right in between the thug's legs with the force of a hydraulic hammer and Matthew walks away from the thug before turning around to see the thug holding his crotch while on his knees.
"Go fuck yourself for that one kid...cheap shot asshole…" Is all the thug says before falling on his face unconscious as Matthew turns back around to see Kaminari finishing off the last thug by himself surprisingly with out his quirk as Momo and Jiro walk up to Matthew.
"Are you alright Senshi? You look like shit." Jiro says bluntly as Matthew looks at the knocked out thugs.
"Don't worry, there mostly flesh wounds but anyway how the hell did you guys end up here?" Matthew asks them as Momo then speaks up.
"The purple mist villain, he teleported all of us I think or just about all over the USJ, we don't know where everybody else is or how everyone else is doing." Momo says in a worried tone as Matthew scratches the back of his head while thinking.
"What's the plan class prez?" Kaminari asks while walking up behind the two girls and dusting himself off as Matthew thinks before nodding to himself.
"We're gonna work our way back to the entrance and I'm get you guys to safety." Matthew says in a stern tone as they all begin walking.
"And what then?" Jiro asks.
"Then I'm going back, help Aizawa kick the rest of these thugs and villains asses while rescuing the others." Matthew says in the same tone.
"Senshi you can't fight them all! You're hurt and bleeding bad!" Momo yells out as Matthew then stops and turns around.
"I'm the class president and I'll do what I need to ensure everyone's safety, no matter the cost." Matthew replies in a calm tone.
"Yeah but she's the vice class prez." Kaminari says while gesturing to momo.
"You don't have to do this alone Matthew, let us help you." Jiro asks her injured friend as Matthew then sighs in defeat.
"Fine but stick close to me and let's go back to the central plaza and help my uncle." Matthew says as they start making their out of the mountain zone.
"Senshi wait!" Momo yells out as Matthew turns around again.
"What's wrong?" Matthew asks Momo as she looks down for moment then back up at him.
"There here to kill your father...I think they got somebody that can do it too." Momo says to Matthew in a worried filled tone as Matthew's eyes go wide before they go back to normal and he growls as he turns around speed walking.
"Change of plans! We're making a detour through one of the zones!" Matthew yells out as they go back to making there way out of the Mountain zone.
Meanwhile...USJ Landslide Zone…
Shoka sends another wave of ice out freezing another two thugs as she dodges a knife being thrown at her as she freezes the thug that threw said knife.
"The others should be alright, but I'm worried Matthew is gonna get himself killed by trying to take on to many at once, even if he is my equal in power." Shoka then grits her teeth as another thug leaps at her.
"Enough." She says in a cold tone before freezing the entirety of the surrounding area completely only leaving the group of thugs heads unfrozen as she begins walking to one with a cold glare.
"She's a monster!" One of the thug's says in a scared and shaky tone as she walks by him.
"What the hell is she?" Another one says as she passes him before she stops in front of a frozen thug before grabbing the thug by the throat, holding her below freezing glare at the thug.
"All of you will start to succumb to necrosis and then die…" Shoka says in a cold tone as she grips the thug's throat tighter but not tight enough to cut off air with her right hand as she adds some frost to said thug's neck.
"But since I'm trying to become a hero I want to avoid doing anything unnecessary horrifying shit to you pieces of trash, so I'll let you go if you answer this question…" Shoka says in the same tone before leaning in close to the thug's face.
"What's your plan to kill All Might?" Shoka simply asks as the thug's teeth starts chattering.
A few minutes later...USJ Fire Zone…
Ojiro kicks a thug in the face and slaps another with his tail after sending said thug towards Uraraka as she then slams the broken light pole on the thug's head knocking him out as Ojiro knocks another thug out with a chop to the neck and as they notice the few thug's they ran into are knocked out as Ojiro turns to Uraraka.
"You alright Uraraka?" Ojiro asks as she lets the light pole have its weight back after letting go of it.
"Yeah I'm fine Ojiro just tired and hot." Uraraka says as she fans herself in a attempt to cool herself off but to no avail, they then hear thugs talking among themselves as they turn around and see the group of thugs spot them.
"There they are! Get them!" One of the thug's shouts out.
"Shit, get ready!" Ojiro yells out as they both get in a fighting stance but when the group of thugs get halfway to them a blue beam of energy shoots out from behind Ojiro and Uraraka hitting a thug and taking said thug out followed by a roar as they then see Matthew and Momo charge past them as Matthew then shoulder bashes one of the startled thug's before uppercutting another one into a two story building and then slapping one into a light pole with his tail as Momo knocks two thugs out with solid blows to the head before choking one out with her staff til the thug was unconscious. They both walk back to the others as Jiro and Kaminari talk to Uraraka.
"You two alright?" Matthew asks Ojiro as Ojiro notices Matthew's wounds and him holding the side of his torso.
"Yeah were fine but are you? Those cuts look pretty bad." Ojiro says to Matthew as he replies with a nod.
"I'm fine, but we have to keep moving. We need to get back to the plaza now though and meet up with Aizawa." Matthew says to the two before walking in the direction of the plaza.
"Come on lets go everyone!" Matthew yells out to them as they follow him to the plaza as Ojiro leans over to Jiro and whispers.
"Is Senshi alright?" He asks her as she sighs quietly.
"I think he's worried about his uncle because on the way here he told us how he got to us and well...we think the villain that sent him flying over to us is the one that can kill All Might and if that's true then we just need to hope for the best." Jiro says worriedly as Ojiro nods and the rest of them pick up the pace.
"Don't worry uncle, we're coming just please be ok." Matthew thinks to himself as they continue.
Meanwhile...USJ Downpour Zone…
"Where the hell are those two brats?" One of the thug's asks.
"No idea but that pink bitch is gonna pay for burning my face!" Another thug says pointing to his burned face before they hear a girl whistle.
"Hey assholes!" They then turn to see the pink girl with horns standing in front of a door sticking her tongue out at them.
"Bet you can't catch me!" She says as she opens the door, slaps her butt to egg them on and then closes it while giggling loudly.
"Lets get after her boys!" One of the thug's yells out as they charge into the building and after entering the building they kick down a door into a room with a teen with a crow's head sitting in a chair with a light hanging over him as he looks down before slowly looking up.
"Ashido, cut the lights and don't turn them on till I say so." The teen says.
"You got it Tokoyami!" Mina says as she then cuts the lights off with a smile.
"Lights out for all of you…" Tokoyami says in a dark tone as the group of thugs then see to large red eyes pierce the darkness as they all begin to scream in terror as a roar echoes through the building as Dark Shadow beats them all into the ground as they beg for their lives before being knocked out and when one tries to run Dark Shadow punches the thug so hard it sends said thug flying through the rest of the building and outside into the rain.
"Ashido! Lights! Cut them on now! QUICKLY!" Tokoyami yells out as Mina cuts all of the lights on in the room making Dark Shadow revert to his old self as Tokoyami puts his hands on his knees bent over while catching his breath and sweating as Mina walks up to them.
"I didn't get too carried away right?" Dark Shadow asks while putting a finger to his beak as Mina pats his head.
"You did just fine shadow buddy! Now get some rest there's probably more." Mina says to Dark Shadow before he retreats inside of his host as Mina looks to Tokoyami concerned.
"You ok dude?" Mina asks him as he then swallows the lump in his throat as he stands up straight.
"I-I'm fine...I was scared the lights wouldn't come on in time before I lost complete control but thank you for asking." Tokoyami says to her before they walk out of the building and look around.
"Do you think there's more of these assholes?" Mina says as she kicks the thug that got launched out of the building in the head since he was still somewhat conscious knocking him out completely.
"Possibly, we should head for the plaza, I'm assuming that's where everybody that is able to will be heading to regroup and there maybe we can get to safety or help Sensei and as they start to walk towards the plaza Mina speaks up.
"Hey about what that mist villain said...you don't think they actually got someone or something to kill All Might right? He's practically invincible!" Mina says before taking a worried expression.
"Right?" Mina adds as they continue.
"Ninety percent of these thugs are just everyday small time crooks however that mist villain wasn't and with how confident he was I wouldn't put it out of the realm of possibility." Tokoyami says worrying Mina even more before he continues.
"Which is all the more reason for us to get to the plaza and regroup with the others so let's go." Tokoyami says as they start walking faster.
"You're right, lets go!" Mina says before breaking out into a run as Tokoyami runs to catch up.
"Wait, don't run off by yourself!" Tokoyami yells out as they run for the Plaza.
Meanwhile...USJ Ruins Zone…
After fighting out of the building they were teleported in Bakugou and Kirishima began fighting through the horde of thugs together to get back to the plaza.
"DIE!" Bakugou screams out as he blasts another group of thugs as Kirishima knocks another one out with a left hook before spinning and knocking another thug out with a right hook as Bakugou lands beside him and blasts another thug as they both breath heavily.
"There's so many of them!" Kirishima says as he raises his fists as small explosions went off in Bakugou's palms.
"There's at least fifty left...too bad I was enjoying kicking all there asses!" Bakugou yells out.
"Let's kill these annoying brats already!" A thug yells out but before they could move ice begins covering the ground and creeping up there bodies up to their neck.
"What the hell!?" a thug yells out as they ice stops at his neck as a girl walks past him as Kirishima and Bakugou turn and see Shoka walking towards them.
"Bitch do you want me to kill you!?" Bakugou screams out in anger as his palms explode as Shoka looks at him with a raised eyebrow.
"You're welcome." Shoka says in a cold tone as Bakugou growls and grits his teeth before she turns around and starts walking to the plaza.
"Come on, we don't got much time." Shoka says as they jog to catch before walking.
"Wait what happened?" Kirishima asks as they keep walking to the plaza.
"They got some kind of freak show of a mad scientist experiment that can kill All Might, we need to get to the plaza, help Aizawa and either take that thing out or see if we can weaken it for All Might or we're all screwed." Shoka answers coldly as they continue walking.
"I'm not gonna take orders from you half and half bitch but when I see that misty bastard I'm gonna blast him into a crater." Bakugou says in a very angry tone as Shoka lets out a huff.
"Fine just don't yourself killed." She says as she then looks down in worry.
"I hope Matthew hasn't run into that freak show yet…" Shoka thinks to herself as they continue towards the plaza.
Meanwhile...USJ Central Plaza…
Nomu slams the hero's head into the ground again over and over practically playing with the hero, the hero then looks up in defiance and activates his quirk to try and disable the villain's strength quirk he assumes he has but is slammed back down into the ground with just as much force.
"I know for a fact I disabled his quirk which means he's strong like this naturally...in fact I think he's as strong as All Might!" Aizawa thinks to himself as the villain grabs Aizawa's arm and snaps it like a twig making yell out in pain before being slammed into the ground again as Tomura Shigaraki enjoys the torture from a distance as Kurogiri appears beside him.
"What's the situation Kurogiri?" Tomura asks as he smiles sadistically at the torture.
"I managed to incapacitate Thirteen however…" Kurogiri says as Tomura's smile vanishes and he looks to his right hand man.
"However what?" Tomura says through his teeth.
"One of the students escaped...reinforcements could be on the way right now." Kurogiri finishes saying as Tomura begins to shake with anger.
"If it wasn't for the fact that you were our only way out of here I would turn you to dust right where you stand." He says as he shakes with fury before calming down a bit.
"But it is what it is, let's pack up and head back and prep for the next shot at the raid boss." Tomura says as he sees a green haired boy and girl and short teen with purple balls on his head in the corner of his eye.
"But first, let's ruin the Symbol of Peace's pride by leaving a few dead kids." Tomura says as he looks towards the three startling them.
"Oh crap we're screwed!" Mineta yells out.
"Oh shit!" Midoriya yells in his head a panic with a look a fear as Tsuyu looks on in fear as well.
"Nomu, don't move unless I say so…" Tomura says with a sadistic smile as rushes faster than they could keep up, with him on one knee in front of them reaching out to Tsuyu with his hand but before he could touch her a blue beam of atomic energy comes out of nowhere and strikes him right in the back burning a hole through his shirt on the back as the teens look behind the Villains as the villains look back to see a very angry Matthew with his lips curled back, covered in bleeding cuts and scrapes as he lets out huffs of air before he points a finger at Tomura as Momo, Jiro, Kaminari and Ojiro run up behind him.
"Hey handjobs! Get the fuck away from my friends!" Matthew yells out in anger as Tomura raises his hands in Mock surrender as he walks back to Kurogiri slowly.
"My, my, you took a shot at the final boss Tomura Shigaraki however...you'd be dumber than I thought to assume that I'm the true final boss here." Tomura says to Matthew as he grits his teeth as Tomura then looks to Nomu.
"Nomu...get off of the hero." Tomura says to Nomu as it then gets off of the hero, revealing there sensei and to Matthew his uncle shocking the group.
"Sensei…" Momo says with a hand covered over her mouth.
"No…" Ojiro says in horror.
"Holy shit…" Kaminari says in a terrified voice.
"Oh my god…" Jiro says in horrified tone.
"Sensei no…" Uraraka says on the brink of tears as Momo then looks to Matthew to see him looking down shaking.
"You...you bastards…" Matthew says looking to his barely breathing uncle as he clenches his hands into fists so tightly his claws dig into his skin drawing blood.
"You made three mistakes today…" Matthew says in a furious tone.
"One, you're attempting to kill one of the most important people in my life…" Matthew says as he pops his dorsal fins out as he snarls.
"Two, you've almost killed my uncle…" He says as he then slams his tail down twice as hard as he can twice, cracking the ground under him.
"And three, you've hurt and tried killing my friends…" He says as he stomps his feet in to the ground, spreading them apart.
"Now I'm fucking pissed...as long as I live I won't let you bastards get away… because nobody...HURTS MY FRIENDS!" Matthew yells out in rage as he puffs up his chest and then lets out a roar of pure fury and rage towards the villains before launching himself at them with pure animalistic rage in his eyes.
- In Serial52 Chapters
The Chronicle of a Witch
It is a story about a young girl that abruptly transmigrated into the body of another young girl (at least in appearance) in another world filled with Magic. She notices that she becomes a Dungeon Master and for a thousand years... she lives a lazy life. However, one day, she lost all of her power and she is kicked out of her Dungeon! And the world's changed that video games level and classes governed the power system of the new world! What will she do as a weak and fragile girl? Will she get her power back? How will she survive in the harsh world? Author's note: I will update daily if possible and each chapter is around 2,000 words. Gores, Sexual Contents, and Traumatising Contents are limited and I try my best not to write them. However, for the progress of the story, I can't help but write some of them in the latter part of the story. However, don't expect them too much ^_^ English is not my native language, so there might be grammatical errors (maybe a lot), but I'll try to fix them, so constructive critiques will be appreciated (^_^)
8 115 - In Serial31 Chapters
Doctor // Kidnapped Dreamnotfound AU
Why would anyone bother going to the hospital when they have an injury when you can just kidnap your own personal doctor?Dream. A serial killer who often gets into some messy situations with rivals. Those messy situations tend to leave Dream battered, bruised, and shot. He's not the best doctor, but he knows who is. George. A doctor in training at the hospital that he's had his eye on for more time than he'd like to admit.More explanation: Dream's a serial killer & kidnapper who normally works alone. However he does occasionally work with his friends, one of those friends being Sapnap, but we'll get into all of those people later. Dream isn't good at treating bullet wounds or cuts, despite having to do so quite often. So he does something that he IS good at. Kidnapping. Only this time instead of playing mind games with his captive and killing them after, he's going to be kidnapping someone who can help him whenever he gets hurt, which unluckily for the both of them, will be pretty often. Despite George technically still being in training as a doctor, Dream wouldn't dream of passing up an opportunity to not only gain the much needed help in treating his wounds, but also a very pretty boy that would be under his control.TW's! I will explain everything about TW's in the first chapter as well as other stuff in the first chapter.Updates: Once a week. I kind of just update whenever I want though.The reason being for this is because I have actually written a book in the past and I've found that if I have much more time to write the chapters, they tend to be much higher quality and longer. Which means a better reading experience for you guys as well as a better writing experience for myself.I started writing this at like 3am and didn't account for the fact that I have like- no idea how to treat wounds (overall) but uh- too late now I guess...Cover art by wanderlustlily on tumblr
8 228 - In Serial14 Chapters
Fantasy Road Trip
Mark Davids, full time hospital security guard turned inter-dimensional traveler. Join Mark as he battles Dragons, Cultists, and flat tires all the while being worshiped as the new Lord of Darkness.Mature: 17+ for Strong Langauge and slight Sexual content.
8 146 - In Serial12 Chapters
Waking the old world
Gaia wakes up screaming, pain vibrating through every part of her being and exploding beyond. A mother is forced to become something new to protect her child when a wave of essence explodes out of the earth and changes everything. A litrpg apocalypse essentially, based around a mothers love for her child and just what she would do to protect those she calls her own.
8 142 - In Serial9 Chapters
Central cee (cench) imagines
cee ❤💯
8 235 - In Serial11 Chapters
Wrong Number || Javon Walton
When Javon texts Jaden but it's the wrong number
8 151