《My Hero Academia: Hero's Horizon》Chapter 8: A Hero's Fury
USJ...Central Plaza…
After launching himself at them he slams his fist into the Nomu villain as hard as he can generating high speed wind pressure from the impact, he then pulls his fist back and looks up at Nomu with a glare.
"My guess was right, you are the guy that can probably kill All Might." Matthew says through his teeth as the Nomu just stares back.
"Say something dammit!" Matthew says before slamming his fist into Nomu as hard as he can again and again but when he's about to hit the Nomu again the Nomu catches his fist with ease and at frightening speeds as Matthew then looks to Shigaraki clapping slowly.
"Bravo, bravo for the show...cute to see a level one noob fight the true final boss and realize how screwed he is." Shigaraki says while chuckling before his tone turns sadistic.
"Nomu kill that hero while I kill the others." Shigaraki says before rushing towards the others as Momo, Kaminari, Jiro, Ojiro and Uraraka get into a fighting stance.
"Smash!" Midoriya yells out shooting a blast of high speed winds from a flick of his finger but breaking it in the process towards Shigaraki knocking him over and as he gets up he looks to Kurogiri.
"Kurogiri...Let's kill em together!" Shigaraki says out of rage as he nods in agreement.
"Nice one guys!" Matthew yells out before being lifted up.
"Oh shit…" Matthew thinks to himself before being slammed into the ground onto his back as the Nomu then let's go to smash him with both of his fists but Matthew rolls out of the way just in time and jumps up back onto his feet before slamming his fists into the Nomu but to no avail once again as Shigaraki laughs after being sent back by Ojiro's tail.
"No use noob, he has shock absorption! Nomu could probably tank at least anything All Might could ever throw out!" Shigaraki says in a voice full of confidence as Matthew smirks.
"Thanks for the tip dickhead!" Matthew yells out as he lets out a quick charged atomic blast as the Nomu walks towards, leaving a small scorch mark.
"Small but it's something!" Matthew says out loud as he continues blasting the Nomu and dodging a punch just barely before getting hit again in the face by a second punch from the Nomu.
"Bring it!" Ojiro yells out as he attempts to slap Shigaraki with his tail but Shigaraki dodges but before he could counter attack Momo tries to strike him in the head with her staff but he dodges again.
"He's fast! Very fast!" Momo yells out as they both keep trying to attack him while Kurogiri holds off the other group by himself.
"Show us what you got bitch!" Jiro says as she plugs her ear jacks in her boot speakers and blasts the waves at Kurogiri actually managing to hit him before he redirects the rest of the attack back at her.
"Watch out!" Tsuyu yells out as she leaps and grabs Jiro with her tongue and yanks her out of the way.
"This guy is starting to really get on my nerves!" Jiro exclaims as they watch Kaminari and Uraraka try attacking Kurogiri but miss and when he's about to try teleporting them away Midoriya fires a blast of wind again but this time at Kurogiri making him move and stop trying to teleport them.
"Kurogiri we need reinforcements!" Shigaraki yells out while dodging Momo's and Ojiro's attacks as he sees Matthew get hit again but not before hitting the Nomu again with another atomic blast.
"I'll bring in the back up!" Kurogiri exclaims as he opens a large portal.
"Stop him!" Matthew yells out after dodging an attack but it was too late, at least another hundred thugs rushes out of the portal quickly, shocking everyone, Shigaraki takes advantage of this and grips Momo's arm for a second before being slapped away by Ojiro.
"You alright!?" Ojiro asks her as he sees the skin on her arm where he grabbed look decayed.
"I'm fine, just hurts." Momo says as Matthew gets launched back by the Nomu but before he could fire another blast a thug hits him in the head with a baseball bat breaking it over his head as Matthew growls and slaps the thug responsible he then fires again at the Nomu.
"Uraraka and Momo get my uncle out of here!" Matthew yells out as he leaps away from an attack from the Nomu and a thug.
"But!-" Momo tries to say something but is cut off by Matthew.
"Just do it!" Matthew yells at her as he lets out another blast before being slammed in the gut by the Nomu making him spit up a lot of blood but before being launched the Nomu grabbed Matthew by the tail and swings him back into the ground right in the middle of a group of thugs.
"Alright, Uraraka come on!" Momo yells out to her as she and Kaminari comes.
"I'll help you guys get him out of here!" Kaminari says as Uraraka uses her quirk on Aizawa to lift him up easily as Momo and Kaminari fend off any thugs trying to attack them and as they run to the stairs they hear Matthew let out a roar of rage as Momo turns to see him rise up with a bowie knife sticking out of his right arm as he slams a thug into the ground and slaps a group of them away with his tail before she turns back around.
"Come on you living pieces of garbage is that all you got!" Matthew yells out as blood comes out of his mouth before he rips the knife out and roars at the thugs, scaring some away but not many as the thugs try to pile onto him but fail as he swipes his tail around him in a complete three sixty spin as the Nomu then comes out of nowhere and grabs him by the throat lifting him up off the ground as Matthew smiles.
"Bad move." Matthew says before letting out a breath attack for a solid ten seconds on the Nomu's head blasting it completely off as he breaks free from the hold.
"Wish you didn't have to that but not like we had...much of…" Jiro starts saying after running next to him before they watch the Nomu regenerate its head like its nothing.
"Oh you gotta be fucking kidding me…" Matthew says as he hears Shigaraki chuckle over the chaos.
"Did I mention he also has Super regeneration?" He says to Matthew in a dark tone as Nomu lets out a ear piercing roar as it reels its fist back.
"MOVE!" Matthew yells out as he pushes her out of the way taking the full brunt of the attack and sent flying back.
"Senshi!" Jiro yells out but before she can get over to him thugs stand in her way grinning and cracking there knuckles.
"Great…" Is all she says as she gets into a fighting stance.
"Come on! You want me right!?" Matthew yells out at the Nomu as he blasts it again and again but this time when the Nomu throws a punch he feint's his blast and blocks the punch, he then grits his teeth in pain as he feels his arms crack from the force of the punch but he grits his teeth and attempts to throw a punch knowing it won't do anything other than keep the Nomu focused on him as it lands doing nothing to the Nomu before taking a solid punch to his face and sending him flying back and skidding across the ground making a ditch before he attempts to get up cracking multiple joints with blood coming out of his nose now.
"Shit...ah…" Matthew says putting a hand up to his nose.
"Senshi!" Mina yells out from behind him as Matthew turns to see Tokoyami and her running to him.
"Stay back! Get yourselves to safety!" Matthew yells out to them as Nomu walks towards him.
"Like hell, we're in this together." Tokoyami says to him as he sees Matthew's wounds but decides to not comment on them.
"If you want to help, go help Jiro and the others fighting! They need it! I'll keep this guy busy!" Matthew says to them as he gets into a fighting stance but somewhat wobbly.
"But…" Mina tries saying but sees the look on Matthew's face as she shakes her head and starts moving to the others.
"Right, you got it!" Mina yells out as the Nomu charges Matthew again but he blocks it this time again.
"Come on, COME ON!" Matthew yells out before blasting the Nomu again but to no avail before being launched into the air by a solid uppercut.
"Jesus christ! Everytime this guy hits me it feels like everything in my body breaks! He probably can kill my dad, so how the hell do I beat this guy then!?" Matthew shouts in his mind before being grabbed in mid air by the Nomu and being slammed down into the ground, creating a crater and wind pressure.
"Take this!" Mina yells out as she lobs some acid at a thug trying to attack Jiro, distracting the thug long enough for Ojiro to knock him out with his tail as ear jack quirk user turns to see Mina.
"Mina! You're alright!" Jiro says as she dodges an attack and strikes a thug with her ear jacks.
"Yeah, thanks to Tokoyami!" Mina says as she socks a thug right in the face as Dark Shadow grabs two thugs and slams them into the ground.
"Ha ha! Bring it on!" Dark Shadow yells out as Tokoyami dodges an attack as Dark Shadow then knocks out the assailant with a punch as Another thug comes up but is grabbed by Tsuyu using her Tongue and tosses the thug into a small group knocking them down.
"How's that? Ribbit." Tsuyu says to the thugs.
"Get the hell out of our way! Smash!" Midoriya yells out firing off another blast of wind but breaking yet another finger in the process as the blast blows away a group of thugs as Shigaraki looks to Kurogiri since there standing back from the chaos now.
"How many do we have left?" Shigaraki asks.
"Fifty four and declining, however some of our lackeys from before should be waking up here soon.
"Good…" Shigaraki says as he sees the Nomu throw Matthew like a rag doll into the ground again.
"And I hope Nomu kills that brat!" Shigaraki says through his teeth in anger.
"Shit!" Matthew yells out as he dodges an attack from the Nomu before being grabbed again and slammed into the ground again but this time onto his back.
"I can't keep this up much longer or I'm gonna fucking die...AGAIN!" Matthew yells inside of his head as the Nomu leaps on top of him.
"Nomu! Finish that noob!" Shigaraki yells out as the Nomu then slams its fist into Matthew's chest making him spit blood up and he does it again and again, more blood being spit up each time.
"NO!" Tokoyami yells out as he tries to make his towards Matthew but is being slowed down by villains.
"Senshi!" Jiro cries out as she strikes another thug down.
"Senshi-san!" Midoriya yells out as he dodges an attack and time for Matthew seems to slow after another hit.
"Think Matthew, THINK! If I don't move soon i'm dead! And how the hell am I supposed to beat this guy?..." Matthew thinks to himself as his life practically flashes before his eyes as time slows he sees his memories from his old life and new life but when it reaches to the end he sees himself watching a movie from his old life, a Godzilla one specifically and as he watches the screen Godzilla roars as he begins to glow fiery orange over his body before firing a red spiral atomic beam at a Kaiju he remembers faintly about.
"That's it!" Matthew thinks to himself as he knows what he has to do now as the Nomu slams its fist into him again making him cough up more blood before it reels the fist all the back.
"Oh shit…" Matthew says in between coughs but before the fist could land a wave of ice comes out of nowhere freezing at least twenty thugs up their necks and freezing the Nomu's entire right side up to its neck as well as Matthew then is barely able to crawl away from the Nomu and hop back up to his feet.
"DDDDIIIIIEEEE!" Bakugou screams out as he blasts towards a group of thugs near him as Kirishima joins him as Shoka and Midoriya run up to Matthew as he coughs up more blood.
"Senshi-san!" Midoriya yells out as they reach him as Matthew stands to his full height covered in bruises, cuts and scrapes as blood leaks from his forehead and down the side of his face as blood drains from his mouth.
"Matthew, you need to get out of here, you're to badly hurt." Shoka says to him in a very concerned voice as he coughs up even more blood and spits it off to the side as he then smiles while wiping the blood off the side of his mouth.
"No, I ain't going anywhere...I can beat him...I got a trick up my sleeve so to speak that might work." Matthew says with a confident smile.
"Might?" Shoka says to Matthew questioningly.
"What's the plan?" Midoriya asks but before Matthew could respond the Nomu breaks the ice and roars as he regenerates.
"Shit, that thing really is a freak show." Shoka says out loud.
"You two get back! When I ask you for help, help me alright!?" Matthew yells to them as they both nod and get away from him as he then grabs his pouch and pours all of the radiation pills in his pouch into his hand, remembering there's at least over twenty pills as he then looks up at the Nomu getting up off the ground.
"I hope this works." Matthew says to himself as he takes all of the pills and struggles for a second to swallow but swallows them all as he instantly feels pain as he grabs his chest.
"Fuck...fuck...fuck…" Matthew says over and over as he starts breathing heavily and he begins to shake as sparks begin to jump between his dorsal fins, the bolts of electricity get bigger and bigger between his dorsal fins as time slows down again as he remembers his past life again when he was little, he was sitting on a bench with his grandfather looking over a lake as his grandfather turns to him and smiles.
"Sometimes in life you just need a little faith son...and a strong will." His grandfather says with a smile to him.
"Thanks grandpa…" Matthew thinks to himself as smoke begins to rise off of him slowly before letting out a roar as a explosion around him goes off, breaking the thugs out of the ice from the shock wave and sending the ones too close flying back as a dust and smoke cloud comes up around where he was at and as everyone is dead silent, Shigaraki begins to laugh.
"Did he just...Just kill himself? Ha ha ha!" Shigaraki says while laughing before Kurogiri speaks up.
"Shigaraki...look." Kurogiri says to him as he stops laughing as he sees a glowing figure start to appear as the figure then raises its left arm and swipes it to the side blowing away the smoke and dust, revealing Matthew standing tall covered in scars as the last wound closes up as most of his body glows a fiery orange and the area around becomes hot as Matthew looks down at his hands and clenches and unclenches his hands into fists.
"Holy shit it worked…" Matthew thinks to himself before he grabs his chest in pain again.
"However I don't got long…maybe two minutes at the most, a minute at least." Matthew says in his head as he looks up at the Nomu and gets into a fighting stance as he slaps his tail down twice into the ground in challenge towards the Nomu while Shoka stares at him beside Midoriya as she sees the shine in Matthew's eyes.
"The guy's done for but he's gonna need our help…" Shoka thinks to herself as she gets ready herself to start taking out thugs as well as Shigaraki glares at Matthew.
"Nomu...kill him." Shigaraki says as the Nomu starts to charge at him.
(Song I'd recommend is either You Say Run Remix (Metal/Rock) - Boku No Hero Academia by TheOnlyDeerAlive on youtube or Warriors by Papa Roach.)
Matthew grits his teeth and clenches his hands into fists tightly.
"I have to win this...not just for my friends but because…" Matthew then smiles as the fire inside him burns brighter than ever and he sees an image of Godzilla roaring with the sunset in the background in his mind.
"I am the son of All Might and I'll become the beacon of will power for the next generation!" He yells out before he launches himself at the Nomu.
"What!?" Shigaraki yells out in shock as the Nomu and Matthew roar at one another before there fists crash into each other sending shock waves and high speed wind pressure around them as everyone gets blown back and little did they know All Might had kick the door down when this happened and rushed towards the stairs where Kouda, Sero, Sato, Shoji and Hagakure we're watching with them making sure Thirteen was alright.
"Didn't you hear me? One of his quirks is shock absorption!" Shigaraki yells out as he lands.
"Yeah I did!" Matthew says before reeling his fist back as well as the Nomu does as there fists clash again and again causing shockwaves around them and each time there fists meet Matthew bites back the pain as he feels the bones in his arms crack from the force again as Matthew goes on the defensive as the Nomu begins to push him back as the Nomu begins to hit Matthew at blistering fast speeds.
"Come on that's it! Keep hitting me!" Matthew yells in his head as he holds his smile.
"Midoriya! Give him everything you got!" Matthew yells to Midoriya as he holds his block as Midoriya then launches himself using one for all in his left leg.
"SSSSSSMMMMMMMAAAAAAASSSSSSSSHHHHHHH!" Midoriya yells out as he lands a direct punch on the side of the Nomu distracting it for a split second as Matthew then throws a left punch as hard as he can into the side of the Nomu blasting Midoriya away and staggering the Nomu.
"Fun tip villain! The closer I get to dying when i'm like this! THE STRONGER I GET!" He yells out as he lands another hit and another, left and right hooks pushing the Nomu back.
"Your quirk isn't shock nullification, so that means you have a limit!" He yells out as he keeps pushing the Nomu back and with each punch he bites back the pain of his bones cracking and the blood vessels popping from the power as Midoriya looks on in awe.
"He's bleeding...every punch he throws hurts him but he keeps pushing and every time he lands a hit..." Midoriya's eyes widen at the realization as he sees Matthew hold his smile as lands another blow.
"Is more than 100% of All Might's power!" Midoriya thinks to himself as Matthew lets out a roar as he lands a blow to the Nomu's head as he begins charging his atomic beam and sends the Nomu flying into the forest as he leaps after him.
"A hero has to be willing to put his life on the line to defend the innocent! And a hero must always smile in the face of danger!" Matthew yells out as he lands on the Nomu crushing the Nomu into the ground as it pushes back up and they launch into the air and after exchanging blows in the air Matthew lands first in the Plaza as the others and thugs continue watching and as the Nomu flies upside down towards Matthew, he charges and punches the Nomu back into the air.
"LET'S FINISH THIS YOU BASTARD!" Matthew yells out as he leaps into the air and grabs the Nomu as they almost reach the ceiling as he then spins and lets go as he spins again and smacks the Nomu with his tail with the strength of a freight train, sending the Nomu crashing into the ground as Matthew begins to fall.
"I gotta let this radiation out somehow and I know just the way to do it…" Matthew thinks to himself as he looks to the ground and sees Shoka.
"Shoka! Ice ramp now!" Matthew yells out as Shoka then stomps her right foot down and raises her right arm as a massive ice formation at an angle forms as Matthew then lands on it as he begins sliding down it.
"You may have heard these words before villain!" Matthew yells as he readies his right fist and begins to send radiation to it as he continues to charge his beam as well.
"BUT LET ME TEACH YOU WHAT THEY REALLY MEAN!" He yells out as his dorsal fins become brighter and brighter glowing red as he gets closer and the Nomu stands back up.
"GO BEYOND…" He smiles even bigger as the radiation charging within him begins to become unbearable.
"PLUS…" The Nomu roars as he reaches the bottom of the ramp and slides towards the Nomu from the momentum as the Nomu throws a punch but he dodges it and throws his punch as hard as he can.
"UUUULLLLLTTTTTTRRRRRRRAAAAAAA!" He screams out at the top of his lungs as the punch lands with the force of an atomic bomb as the punch then explodes from the added radiation, shattering the ground around him and as soon as the Nomu starts to fly he fires a red spiral atomic beam creating high speed wind pressure to blast past him, he holds the beam as the Nomu goes flying and breaks through the roof of the USJ and breaks through the clouds. He finally shuts the beam off and wobbles a bit, his hero costume in tatters, right arm broken, both arms covered in blood from the popped blood vessels as his healing factor tries to keep him alive, he then stomps his feet into the ground, puffs his chest out and lets out a mighty roar of victory for five seconds straight as he then looks around to see his friends and even the thugs with shocked faces and jaws dropped as Matthew smiles at the thugs as he coughs up some blood again.
"Anyone else wanna go?" He asks as most of them take a step back as Shigaraki shakes in anger as he points at Matthew.
"What are you guys waiting for!? Just kill!-" He then gets cut off as a bullet hits him in his hand then knees and shoulders.
"Shigaraki!" Kurogiri yells out as he and the thugs look up where the bullet came from to see All Might smiling even brighter than usual with dozens of pro heroes behind him as Iida steps out.
"Fellow classmates! I've brought reinforcements!" Iida yells out in a proud voice as Principal Nezu hops off the shoulders of a pro hero and walks forward.
"Staff members! Secure the USJ and save the students!" Nezu says with hands behind his back.
"Yes sir!" All of the heroes say in unison as Midnight, Present Mic, Snipe and All Might lead the charge while using there quirks.
"Kurogiri get us out of here!" Shigaraki yells out as a portal opens as he and Matthew glare at each other.
"Next time, I'll kill you and your father…" Shigaraki says with venom at Matthew as he disappears into the portal.
"You can try asshole...but you never will." Matthew says out loud before popping his dorsal fins back in and falling onto his back unconscious.
Meanwhile...Eclipse Horizon, Hall of Rulers meeting room…
Jesus and Satan look at the screen shocked and stunned as god then turns it off.
"Thus his first test is complete and he passed with flying colors." God says he blinks out of the room to somewhere else unknown to the other two as Satan smacks himself out of it with his foam finger.
"That...was...FUCKING AWESOME! Like watching an action movie!" He says before laughing and gathering his trash.
"I must admit...I'm impressed, he still has a long way to go but he's a lot closer than he was all those years ago." Jesus says as he pulls a computer out of the table from where he is sitting and pulls up something else.
"What are you trying to do?" His brother asks.
"Checking on someone off of Matthew's list that we recruited shortly after his mission began, ah! There he is!" Jesus says as it pulls up on screen a woman with armored mage robes and fiery red hair blasting a dragon with a staff with mace heads on each end as she laughs.
"Thought you said it was a he?" Satan says.
"Well he thought when he came here it was all a dream so he ended up making his second body a female and well now he's stuck like that but he doesn't seem to mind, his name is Raiden by the way." Jesus tells his brother before shutting the screen off and puts the computer back into the table as he gets up.
"Just needed to check on him before leaving so let's go." Jesus says as Satan shrugs as they leave the meeting room together.
Meanwhile...League of Villains hideout…
Kurogiri teleports Shigaraki and himself into the hideout as Shigaraki falls onto the ground and he goes behind the bar as a screen on the wall turns on revealing a shadowed figure sitting in a chair.
"My pupil what happened?" The man asks with a dark voice as Shigaraki looks up.
"Master, the Nomu was beaten by a damn brat! A brat!" Shigaraki says in a very angry tone as he slams his fist on the ground with his good arm.
"Hmmm...a child beating something on the level on All Might?...how?" The man asks as Kurogiri speaks up.
"Master the child possessed enormous amounts of strength but no where near when he started to burn up essentially, however I do have some good news." Kurogiri says to his master.
"Do tell Kurogiri." The man says.
"The boy that beat our Nomu said he was All Might's child, possibly without realizing what he said and didn't care it seems." Kurogiri says to his master as his master puts a hand on his chin and even though they can't see it, he smiles evilly.
"Thank you for the information Kurogiri and worry not my pupil failures are expected, I'll send my doctor to you to get you patched up." The man says as he turns the monitor off and spins around to look behind him in his chair to look at a woman in a black hoodie and bulletproof chest plate with high tech gadgets around her waist and blasters on her wrist.
"The Nomu failed as expected?" The woman asks with a voice modulator hiding her voice.
"Yes, as you predicted maybe you aren't lying but that's yet to be seen still." The man says as the dark woman opens a small portal and pulls a vial of gold and red blood out.
"I expected it not to be that easy, so to prove it, give this to your 'doctor' and tell him to put it into a blank Nomu, if the Nomu is not blank it will be diluted and the Nomu will be impossible to control and what power it will have from this...you will not want it out of control and make sure the Nomu also has a mind control device on it for extra measure." The woman says giving the vial to him as he smiles.
"Very well, I'll take this gift and your advice, report back when you're able again." The man says to the dark woman as she nods silently before tearing a portal open and walking through it before closing it as the man then turns back to the monitor with an evil smile gracing his lips.
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