《My Hero Academia: Hero's Horizon》Chapter 9: Aftermath
Outside the USJ…
"Sixteen, seventeen, Not counting the two kids at the school infirmary…" The detective counts out loud before closing his notebook.
"Seems like mostly everyone was left unharmed minus some minor injuries." The detective says out loud as Uraraka walks up to Ojiro.
"You were great out there Ojiro! Me and you made a really good team against those thugs!" Uraraka says while throwing a fist into the air with a smile as Ojiro nods back with a smile.
"Yeah we do make a pretty good team, however I think you might want to study up on fighting in hand to hand." He says to her with a smile.
"I'll take your advice on it! Any pointers on where I should start?" Uraraka asks him as Tokoyami walks up to Kirishima.
"I guess all of those thugs they brought in to fight with we're just small time idiots that didn't really know how to fight." Tokoyami says to Kirishima as Kirishima slams his fist into his palm.
"Or they just wrote us off as just kids which seemed like the case for me and Bakugou." Kirishima says with a frown.
"Yeah, they completely underestimated us." Kaminari says to the two as the detective speaks up.
"Well for now you guys need to head back to the classroom, we're not gonna go straight into police questioning given what happened." The detective says as Tsuyu walks up.
"Hey detective." Tsuyu says before raising a finger.
"How's Aizawa sensei?" Tsuyu asks in curiosity as the detective pulls out his phone and calls the doctor on speaker phone as the doctor answers.
"Hey doc it's me, I was wanting an update on Eraser Head's condition." The detective says.
"Ah yes, well his condition isn't good at all, his arms are completely shattered and he's suffering from facial fractures as well. It's a miracle he didn't suffer any brain damage though but well...the eye socket area has essentially been crushed into dust and that most likely will affect his eyesight for the rest of his life and as for Thirteen he's suffered serious lacerations on his back and upper arms but his vitals are stable, the green haired boy that had a broken leg and arm was moved to the school infirmary in a wheel chair to get more treatment from Recovery Girl." The doctor says in a grim tone.
"Thank you for the update doc." The detective says as he hangs up and sticks his phone back into his pocket as he looks to the students.
"Well you heard it from the doc, I wish I had better news to give you guys after everything that's happened today." He says as he frowns at the students as Shoka walks up.
"And how is Matthew doing?" She asks in her usual tone but with a lot of concern in it as well as Tokoyami walks up as well.
"Yes, how is Senshi holding up?" Tokoyami asks as well before the detective responds.
"Matthew Senshi? He's in the school infirmary right now being treated by Recovery Girl as well but from what she told me, nearly all of his bones in his upper body are fractured, four broken ribs, right arm broken, dozens of popped blood vessels in his arms and multiple cuts that aren't fully healed yet but thankfully to his advanced healing ability is working in overdrive and is healing him every minute, after Recovery Girl used her quirk on him it healed ninety percent of the damage, so he's gonna live but he's probably gonna need to wear some bandages around his arms and torso for a few days, at least four days from what she said, he's most likely passed out right now." The detective says to the students before putting his hat back on.
"Anyway you kids get ready to head back to the school, Sancha you handle the rest! I need to speak with All Might and the others." The detective says as the officer with a cat head says yes sir and salutes before everyone starts to get on the bus as Shoka stands there looking down in worry before she feels a hand on her shoulder before she turns to see Tokoyami and Kirishima looking at her with sad eyes.
"He'll be okay." Tokoyami says reassuringly as he lets go and walks to the bus as Kirishima smiles at her and nods before following Tokoyami, Shoka takes a deep breath in and then breathes out as she follows everyone on to the bus quietly and as everyone takes a seat Jiro leans over to Mina.
"You think Senshi is going to be alright?" She whispers to Mina.
"I think so, he's pretty strong...I'm still worried though." Mina whispers back to her as Momo joins in on the conversation by leaning forward from behind them.
"I'm worried about Shoka, she won't show it but she's terrified." She whispers to them as she looks at Shoka.
"No shit, if my boyfriend nearly died having a slug fest with a villain that could kill All Might I would be terrified about how he's doing even after being assured by a doctor." Jiro whispers to her as she and Mina sigh.
"You're right, I'll have Kirishima keep an eye on Midoriya and Senshi and tell him to let us know when he's up." She says to Jiro and Mina as the bus starts moving.
A few hours later...UA Nurse's office…4:06 PM...
Matthew's eyes slowly fluttered open as he looks around to his left and sees Midoriya in a wheelchair going through his phone with his good arm as he groans again and turns to his right to see Kirishima still in his hero costume as he sits in a chair as he goes through his phone as well before he looks up to see Matthew looking at him as Matthew then sits up while groaning.
"Oh shit." Kirishima blurts out before running out the nurse's office.
"Hey guys!" Kirishima yells down the hallway as he runs towards the classroom as Recovery Girl chuckles before hopping off her chair and walking towards Matthew with a pill bottle.
"Hey gran...how long have I been out?" Matthew asks as she pops some pills out of the bottle and hands them to him and a glass of water.
"Take these to ease the pain and a few hours...you had us all worried for a bit." Recovery Girl says as Matthew swallows the pills and drinks the water before he coughs a little bit.
"Sorry, I didn't have a choice in the matter...I either took the risk and put my life on the line or die without trying." He says in a cold tone as Recovery Girl sighs.
"I understand why, we were just worried you wouldn't pull though at first." She says before walking back to her chair and hoping back into it as Matthew nods and turns to Midoriya.
"How are you holding up Midoriya?" He asks Midoriya with a smile as Midoriya smiles back and puts his phone up.
"I'm doing fine, I'll be able to walk here soon once the pain meds kick in Senshi-san, How about you?" Midoriya asks him as he then sighs.
"I hurt all over slightly but not as bad as before and I got one hell of a heart burn." Matthew says as he groans again as he grabs his left side in pain.
"And I am thankful I didn't blow my arm off." He says with a smile as the door bursts open with Kirishima running in with the rest of the class minus Bakugou.
"Holy shit you're strong!" Jiro exclaims.
"What you pulled back at the USJ was badass hands down!" Sero says next.
"I wish I could've gone faster but I went as fast as I could to get help!" Iida says while moving his arm robotically.
"Dude you laid the smack down on that villain when you powered up!" Sato says and before anyone else could speak Shoka pushes herself through the crowd and gives Matthew a blank stare as everyone goes silent and Matthew smiles at her while scratching the back of his head.
"H-Hey Shoka, Sorry for-" He began to say before being cut short by her hugging him tightly, startling him at first but he quickly returns the hug gently.
"I knew you would win…" Shoka whispers into his ear before they break off the hug and Matthew smiles at her as she smiles back brightly before backing off.
"How about tonight we go on a date, alright? I'll take you somewhere nice." Matthew says to her, shocking her but she nods slowly with a smile.
"So cute." Mina says out loud quietly.
"Now thats out the way." Kaminari says as he steps up.
"What the hell did you do to get so strong!?" Kaminari practically yells out as Matthew sighs again.
"If you think it was permanent its not." He says as he swings his legs off to the side of the bed and sets his feet on the ground as he rests his elbows on his thighs.
"Remember those radiation pills that I had?" He asks looking to Kirishima as Kirishima then nods before he continues.
"I theorized about my quirk for awhile that since my heart is an organic nuclear reactor I thought 'well what if I put my heart into overdrive?' since my heart produces the natural radiation in my body and when I mean by overdrive, I mean send myself into a self induced nuclear melt down." Matthew says.
"So a self induced nuclear heart attack?" Midoriya asks as Matthew nods before continuing.
"Correct and the only way I knew how to 'probably' send myself into a self induced nuclear heart attack was by consuming too much radiation at once. Every second I was like that I felt myself get stronger but I felt like my heart could pop at any moment like that so I'm glad the fight didn't drag on after I did that, thanks for the help by the way Midoriya and Shoka." He says to them as Midoriya nods with a smile but Shoka nods with a frown somewhat visibly upset as Kaminari grabs him by the shoulders and begins to shake him violently.
"You mean to tell us you almost killed yourself doing that!?" Kaminari yells out as Tsuyu slaps him with her tongue to get him to knock it off as Matthew shakes his head before frowning at them.
"It's not like I had a choice, It was that or die laying down and let you guys get killed and like hell I was gonna let that happen!" He yells out that last bit as he stands up to his full height pretty quickly making him grunt in pain as grabbed his side again as he looked at his fellow classmates.
"All of you guys are my friends, comrades...I'd die protecting all of you even if I wasn't class president." Matthew says as he holds his bandaged fist out to them as he smiles.
"We're all in this together, to hell and back and I'll make damn sure every last one of you make it out." He says proudly with a confident smile as Kirishima holds his fist out to him first with a smile, then Kaminari, then Tokoyami and one by one each one raised a fist to him as they smiled.
"Plus…" Matthew says and waits a moment before finishing it.
"Ultra!" They yell out together before lowering their fists as Matthew smiles at them.
"Well I got a date to get ready for and its getting kind of late so see you guys this monday?" Matthew says as they all nod in agreement before they head out with Matthew ahead of them to the locker rooms to get changed as Shoka walks up next to him.
"Time and place?" Shoka asks as Matthew smiles more.
"Ruth's Chris Steakhouse, 7:30 PM and then after we'll go have some fun at the arcade all on me." Matthew says with a smile as they continue to the locker rooms as Shoka blushes.
"I can pay for myself you know..." She says quietly with a blush as he chuckles.
"I know, I'll let you pay for yourself one of these days but not today and not next time." Matthew says as he holds his smile as they then split off with him going into the boys locker room with the other guys and her going into the girls locker room with the other girls and as she walks up to her locker and opens it Mina speaks up.
"Hey Shoka-chan! Can me and the others help you get ready for your date tonight?" Mina asks excitedly as Shoka smiles slightly but shakes her head.
"Not tonight but next time for sure." She says with a happier tone than usual but pretty close to her normal tone.
"Fine but for sure next time!" Mina says with a pout as the other girls chuckle aside from Shoka as she gets out of her hero costume.
Two hours later...All Might's Residence…7:01 PM…
Matthew slips on a plain black t shirt before putting on some jeans and a belt, he then puts on a black leather jacket since it was cold out tonight as he then puts on his cross necklace. He looks in the mirror with a smile before frowning as he put a finger to the scar on his face over his right eye.
"Well...I hope she likes guys with scars." He says to himself before straightening his jacket out, grabbing his wallet, keys and phone before rushing out the door as he then calls All Might as he locks the front door and looks up and down the sidewalk to see nobody is there as the phone rings as he begins walking to the steakhouse.
"Toshinori speaking." All Might says.
"Hey dad just wanted to let you know I'm going to go meet Shoka right now." He says to his adoptive father over the phone.
"Alright my boy and you are feeling ok right?" All Might asks as Matthew chuckles.
"Yes I'm fine trust me ok? Love ya dad." He says to his adoptive father with a smile.
"Love you too, son." All Might says before hanging up as Matthew hangs up as well and keeps walking as he remembers earlier today what he said.
"I am the son of All Might and I'll become the Beacon of Will Power of the next generation!" Echoes through his mind as he swallows the forming lump in his throat.
"Hopefully the thugs that start telling people that will think its BS or I'm about to be hounded by the press every time I step out of the house." He thinks to himself as he keeps walking and he shakes his head.
"No bad thoughts! You're going on a date with Shoka! Keep those thoughts out!" Matthew yells in his mind as he starts smiling.
20 Minutes later...Ruth's Chris Steakhouse...7:28 PM…
Matthew stood outside the steakhouse scrolling through the news on his phone while waiting on Shoka as a limo then pulls up and the door opens as she then steps out as Matthew smiles at her, she gives a gentle smile back. She wore no makeup as usual, a cropped white leather jacket, skinny jeans that hugged her lower body nicely, white running shoes and her hair was in a ponytail.
"You look great tonight Shoka." Matthew says to her with a smile as she walks up to him and keeps smiling as Matthew takes her hand.
"You look good too." She says as he leads her into the restaurant as there then greeted by a waitress and seated down at a booth.
"What would you two like to drink?" The waitress asks.
"Ice water." Shoka and Matthew say in unison before looking at each other as the waitress chuckles.
"Coming right up." She says as she goes to go get the drinks as Matthew looks over the Menu quickly before putting it back down as Shoka keeps looking.
"I already know what I'm getting, just get whatever you want sweetheart, I got plenty of money." He says to her as she then puts down her menu and the waitress comes back as the waitress then take their orders. Matthew getting the tomahawk steak with a side of fries and grilled asparagus and Shoka getting a ribeye with roasted brussel sprouts and steamed broccoli. After the waiter leaves they sit in silence for about ten minutes not knowing what to talk about considering everything that had happened to them today as Matthew breaks the silence.
"How's your sister doing babe?" He asks with a smile as he drinks some of his water.
"She's doing good, she and the other teachers at the school she works at got a raise." Shoka says with a smile.
"And your brother Natsuo? How's he doing?" He asks as well as Shoka takes a drink from her water before she responds.
"Good as well, he's doing great in all of his classes in college." She also says with a smile.
"And how's your dad doing?" She asks as Matthew sighs.
"As well as you'd expect, he was worried sick about me when they carried me out of there on a stretcher and he's been constantly asking if I'm okay which I don't blame him but still." Matthew says smiling a bit before continuing as he leans to whisper to her.
"I told him everything I could about those villains and what happened, he's talking to his detective buddy right now." He whispers before leaning back.
"That and he's got a lot of paperwork right now which he hates." He says before laughing a bit and even earning a chuckle from her as well as the food then gets brought out as they then begin to eat.
A little while later...8:16 PM...
After eating and paying for there food and leaving a good tip for the waitress they quickly left to the nearby arcade that recently opened up and as they walk down the sidewalk they begin to hold hands.
"How was the food sweetheart?" Matthew asks her as she smiles a bit and blushes, still not used to the nickname.
"It was great, nice place you picked out." She says as she keeps smiling as they reach the arcade and walk in seeing it was busy as always at night and as they search for a game to play something catches Shoka eyes.
"Hey is that Kirishima and Mina?" She says as Matthew looks to where she is pointing to see Kirishima and Mina play Dance Dance Revolution together laughing.
"What the hell?" Matthew says as they both walk over there as the game ends and Matthew taps their shoulders making them turn around.
"Woah wait you guys go to this arcade too?" Mina says in a surprised tone with an equally surprised look on her face as Matthew nods.
"Yeah we do, are guys on a date as well?..." He asks as they both blush intensely as he then smirks.
"Yeah we uh…we've been together since the entrance exam we wanted to keep it a secret." Kirishima says as Matthew then pats his back.
"No worries man! If you don't want anybody else to find out yet then that's fine! I won't say a single thing to anyone about it." He says to Kirishima with a smile before Mina speaks up.
"Hey now since you guys are here, how about we have a dance off! Kirishima and Matthew against me and you, Shoka!" Mina says excitedly as Matthew and Shoka both shrug.
"Why not?" Matthew says as he takes off his leather jacket as Shoka takes hers off as well.
Twenty minutes later…
Time was flying by as the two teams went against each other, the score so far was three for Shoka and Mina and the score for Matthew and Kirishima was one. Little did Matthew know that Mina was a goddess at dancing apparently and Matthew had no Idea until it was too late, Shoka on the other hand She was pretty awful at it in the first round but halfway through the second round is when she began to kill it surprisingly well, for Matthew and Kirishima not so much.
"Come on man just a bit more and we'll win another one!" Kirishima says to Matthew as they both struggle to keep up.
"Jesus christ this is going fast!" Matthew says as he struggles to keep up with the pattern as he misses some spots.
"Almost there man come on!" Kirishima says as he misses a few himself and right as the song ends Matthew trips up.
"Oh shit!" He yells out as he falls forward and hits his face on the machine making Kirishima and Mina burst out laughing but after a few seconds even Shoka begins to laugh a bit as Matthew picks himself off the ground laughing himself before looking around and seeing a Pokemon claw machine as Matthew then smiles before looking to Shoka.
"Hey sweetheart I'm going to go get something alright? I'll be right back." He says to her as she nods while still smiling as he then goes over to the claw machine. Shortly after Matthew comes back with a Eevee plushie offering it to Shoka.
"I know you don't like Pokemon that much but I remember you saying Eevee was cute and I saw the claw machine over there and said screw it." He says with a smile as Shoka takes it with a blank face before smiling again and hugging Matthew.
"Thank you, Matthew." Shoka says as they break off the hug before putting their jackets back on as Matthew smiles at the three of them.
"So how about we all go play some more games before leaving?" He asks the three as he holds his smile as points his thumb behind himself as they all begin searching for other games to play as they talk among themselves.
An hour later...9:36 PM…
After playing games at the arcade with Mina and Kirishima for an hour or so they said it was getting late and decided to head out as Kirishima and Mina took a taxi, Shoka's ride was gonna pick her up at All Might's and Matthew's place.
"My nose still hurts from tripping on the Dance Dance Revolution game." Matthew says as they reach the front of the house.
"Yeah…" Shoka says in a quiet voice as they stop and Matthew looks to her.
"You alright sweetheart?" He asks in a concerned voice with a frown.
"Yeah I'm fine…" She says in the same quiet tone as she looks down as Matthew then folds his arms and raises an eyebrow and frowns at her.
"Shoka…" He says in a gentle tone before she sighs as he unfolds his arms while she takes the band out of her hair and lets her hair fall down on her shoulders.
(Song I'd recommend for this part is under the stars by Derek Fiechter)
"About today…" Shoka starts to say in a shaky voice as Matthew grabs her hands.
"When I saw how you were earlier today when I saved you it took everything I had not to breakdown…" She says as her voice begins break a bit.
"Shoka I'm still here…" He says to her calmly as he squeezes her hands gently while looking down at her.
"That's not the point!" She yells out as her head shoots up looking back at him with tears in her eyes as she squeezes his hands tightly.
"When I saw you collapse after the fight...and seeing you carried into the ambulance in the state that you were in...I thought I lost you, you're the only person that's been there every step of way of the way since we've met and I don't...I don't know what I'd do If you died." She says as tears fall from her as they look into each other's eyes.
"Shoka, I won't leave you alone like that, you've been there for me every step of the way as well and I wouldn't trade it for anything...and for the future I know there are issues you still have that you think that makes me like you less but it doesn't...I'll help you through it, I'll help you fight your demons and I promise to not die and leave you alone...I love you." He says in a very gentle voice as he keeps his eyes locked to hers as they continue to hold hands.
"Close your eyes…" She says to him quietly as he breathes out through his nose and does so, she then stands up on her toes and inches her face closer to his. They feel each other's hot breath against one another as both of their hearts begin to race as she then closes the distance and gently locks her lips with his. After a moment she wraps her arms around his neck gently as he places his hands on her hips, they break the kiss for a moment and stare at one another with blushes on their faces before kissing again gently, but with a bit more passion this time and as they continue to kiss Matthew slides his hands from her hips to her bottom before gently squeezing and earning a slight moan from her before they break it off again and stare at one another before he speaks.
"I...part of me wants to take it a bit further tonight...I don't want to have any regrets…" He says in a loving tone as she nods before speaking.
"Not tonight...I want to plan ahead for something like that…" She says in a quiet but loving tone as well.
"I understand completely." He says as the limo pulls up, they then hug each other tightly as they share a quick kiss before letting go.
"Goodnight sweetheart...I love you." He says to her as she walks to the limo, she then opens it before turning to him with a blush and a smile.
"I love you too, Matthew." She says before getting in the limo as they wave goodbye at each other as John smiles and gives him a thumbs up before Matthew heads back into his house to go to bed.
Todoroki Residence...10:12 PM…
Before Shoka got out of the car John told her he had to pick up her brother, she gives him a nod before going to the front door and unlocking it while holding her Eevee plushie Matthew had given her and as she closed the door and locked it she turned around to see her father leaned up against the wall still in his hero costume, making her mood instantly go from happy to annoyed.
"Father." She says in a cold tone as he walks towards her.
"I assume you were out with your weakling friend?" He says in an equally cold tone, irritating her.
"He's not weak for the last time and yes I was with him, he took me out on a date." She says to him in a hateful tone as he glares at her.
"I heard what happened today at the school." He says as she folds her arms.
"What? Worried your 'greatest creation' got hurt?" She says to him with venom.
"Did you use your full power to defend yourself and crush the opposition?" He asks in a increasingly annoyed and angry tone.
"Of course I did." She says to him as he scoffs.
"I mean did you use your left side?" He asks as his patience reaches his limit as she glares at him.
"No, I didn't and I never will." She says to him holding her glare as he finally snaps by snatching the plushie out her hand.
"Hey!" She yells out before being slapped hard causing her to stumble back as he glares at her.
"You will learn to accept my power whether you like it or not, because one of the biggest events of your life is coming up." He says to her as she holds the right side of her face from where he slapped her as she glares while gritting her teeth.
"And that is?" She asks as he burns the plushie to ashes.
"The Sports Festival is coming up and if you don't use your left side then you'll always be weaker than me and only damage yourself." He says to her before walking off as she looks down at the ashes and clenches her hands into fists.
"I promised myself I would never use his goddamn power..." She says to herself quietly through gritting her teeth.
"And I'll win the Sports Festival without using his quirk...only my mother's power, this I swear." She says to herself before storming off to her room and slamming the door shut.
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