《My Hero Academia: Hero's Horizon》Chapter 10: Sports Festival Part One: Training and Declarations!
Monday...First class of the day…
Almost everyone was there, there was still thirty minutes before class started but what struck everyone that was there odd was that Shoka or Matthew hadn't arrived yet and there usually the earliest people there. But just as Kirishima was about to say something the door opened revealing Matthew holding the door open for Shoka as she then walked into the classroom with a very cold look on her face.
"Thanks." She says in a cold tone to Matthew as she goes to her seat.
"You're welcome." He says with a frown before closing the door and taking his seat beside Kirishima as he then leans over.
"Hey what's going on?" Kirishima asks with a whisper as Matthew sighs quietly.
"I don't know that's the thing, she won't talk to me, she's been like this ever since saturday." He whispers back to Kirishima.
"You didn't do anything to make her mad?" Kirishima asks as Matthew shakes his head.
"Not to my knowledge, no." He whispers to Kirishima with a frown as he then looks forward to see Tokoyami enter the room before looking behind himself to see Shoka looking down before slowly looking up towards Matthew with the same cold look but with a frown and a look in her eyes filled with defiance and rage not towards him but someone else, that someone Matthew could probably guess easily as she then looks back down ignoring the others trying to talk to her as Matthew looks forward again.
"I already know why she's mad…" He says with a sad tone in a whisper.
"What is it she's mad about?" Kirishima whispers back.
"Sorry, she'd kill me if I told you." Matthew whispers in the same tone as Kirishima nods as Mina and Jiro walks into the classroom.
First class of the day...27 Minutes later…
The classroom is nearly dead silent as people whisper to one another as Tokoyami looks to Matthew with a concerned face.
"Senshi, do you know if Aizawa is alright and who might be teaching us today?" Tokoyami asks in a concerned tone as Matthew shakes his head.
"No clue...haven't heard from him since-" But as Matthew is about to finish, the classroom door opens as a heavily bandaged Aizawa walks through the doors as Matthew's jaw and others drop.
"Sensei! It's good to see you're well!" Iida shouts out enthusiastically.
"I don't see how you can call that well…" Uraraka says in a whisper as Matthew then speaks up.
"Uncle why aren't you resting? You look like you can barely walk let alone stand!" He shouts out as Aizawa reaches his desk.
"I appreciate the concerns but my well being is not of importance right now, what is though, is that your fight is far from over." Aizawa says to his class as some of the students faces pale before he finishes.
"The UA Sports Festival is in two weeks." Aizawa finishes as Kirishima shoots his arms into the air.
"Yes!" He shouts out as nearly everyone lets out a relieved sigh.
"Oh sweet!" Kaminari exclaims.
"Can't wait to show off some moves!" Mina exclaims as well.
"Wait a minute, am I the only one that remembers we got attacked by a bunch a villains not to long ago!?" Mineta exclaims in a panic as Aizawa then interrupts.
"A villain attack, no matter how big, is not going to stop the Sports festival, it's too important to cancel, but security will be raised appropriately...and it's also your only chance this year to get noticed by the pro heroes." Aizawa says as everyone listens.
"One chance per year, three years at UA...don't let a single one be a waste...homeroom is dismissed now." Aizawa says as the bell rings and Matthew grins as he gets up and begins heading out to his next class.
"Oh...I haven't felt this excited in a long time." He thinks to himself as he walks down the hallway.
"Win or lose, I think it's high time I show everyone else what I can really do." He thinks to himself excitedly.
Later...Lunchtime...12:00 PM…
"Even after everything that has happened I'm still excited for the festival!" Kirishima yells out as he shoots his arms up into the air in excitement as Matthew smiles as he nods back.
"Agreed, I'm gonna double down on my training and experiment with my quirk." Matthew says to Kirishima with an excited smile as he stands up and holds his fist out for a fist bump and as Kirishima fist bumps with a smile they then look over to see Uraraka shouting she's gonna do her best.
"Okay then." Matthew says to himself as his phone vibrates in his pocket, he then pulls it out his phone to see he's got a text from All Might asking him to come to the teacher's lounge and that he needs to speak with him and after reading the text he puts it back in his pocket and begins walking towards the door.
"Heading to the cafeteria ahead of us Class President?" Iida asks as Matthew turns back with a smile.
"No, my father wants to speak with me in the teacher's lounge don't know about what yet though." He says as he walks out heading to teacher's lounge.
Ten minutes later...Lunch room… 12:10 PM
Shoka stood there in silence thinking as she waited in line, but her thoughts were then disturbed when she heard Iida and Uraraka whispering close enough for her to hear.
"I wonder what All Might wanted with Senshi and Izuku?" Uraraka whispers to Iida.
"It might be because of them two working together to take down the villain since Midoriya was the only other one to land a solid hit from what I heard, or maybe he called Midoriya back there as well because him and All Might have similar powers, could be either of the two." Iida whispers as Shoka then stops eavesdropping on them.
"Midoriya and… All Might… I understand about Matthew, but Midoriya… and come to think of it, the two of them hit it off extremely fast with barely knowing each other or even spending that much time together… something's off… I'll find out what for myself or Matthew telling me, eventually, I'd prefer the latter." Shoka finishes thinking to herself as she goes back to her other thoughts.
Meanwhile...Teachers Lounge… 12:13 PM
As Midoriya takes a seat beside Matthew, All Might pours some tea for all three of them.
"I know I've said it to Senshi already but I'm impressed that you kids manage to take down that villain, had I gotten there sooner I would've stepped in but by the time I had gotten there, you kids had it under control, thanks to you kids I didn't have to push my time limit with One For All." All Might says in a serious tone before taking a sip of his tea.
"However I wanted to talk to you two about the Sports Festival." He says as he gets up and walks to the window and as he stands there Matthew and Midoriya both get up and stand behind him.
"Everyone will be watching as you two already know and I'll be honest here...both of you have what it takes to be the next Number One Pro Hero." All Might says to them as Matthew looks at his adoptive father with a serious and determined look as Midoriya looks shocked but steadies himself before he speaks again.
"Which is why if one of you wins this Sports Festival…" All Might then turns around and holds his hand out with his palm facing up.
"I want both of you to look to the world of the Pro's!" He then begins closing it slowly and tightly.
"And shout to the world with everything you have that 'I am here! And we'll be the next Pillars of Peace!" All Might says with pride as he lowers hand back down as Matthew grins in determination and Midoriya looks on with a serious expression with determination burning within him as well as Matthew then looks to him with a determined smile.
"Midoriya I think it's about time we stop putting off that training I was talking about and start after school, you with me?" He says to him as he extends his fist out while holding his determined smile as Midoriya smiles back with the same determination and fist bumps him.
Later that day...Homeroom...3:26 PM…
Matthew stood up from his seat and looked to the door after packing his things in his book bag to see why Uraraka was standing there shocked and as he walks around behind Tokoyami, Bakugou and Kirishima, he sees a large group of people blocking the way.
"W-What's going on!?" Uraraka yells out.
"Yeah, what gives!?" Kirishima yells out to the group as Tokoyami folds his arms.
"I'm quite curious myself." Tokoyami says as Bakugou begins to walk forward.
"I thought it was obvious, there scouting out the competition, just a bunch of small fry." Bakugou says casually walking up to them.
"There's no point in doing it, extras, outta my way." Bakugou says angering the large group in front of him as Matthew glares at Bakugou's back and begins to walk past the others.
"I came to see what Class 1A was like, but if he's the only other that's gonna speak, then you all seem pretty arrogant, especially him." A teen with a tired expression on his face and purple says pushing past people to the front.
"You got something else to say?" Bakugou says with a glare as Matthew steps up and grabs Bakugou's shoulder.
"Enough, they maybe competition and maybe you want to rile them up but don't go and make it seem like we're all like you, Bakugou." Matthew says in an angry tone making the hot head blonde click his tongue in anger before pushing past the large group as Matthew glares at him before looking down at the teen with purple hair in front of him and smiles as he holds his hand out.
"Sorry about him, he's the class hot head, I'm the class president, Matthew Senshi." He says to the teen as said teen looks at the hand for a moment and smiles slightly.
"Hitoshi Shinso, just call me Shinso and I'm part of the General Education class, just like most of the others here." Shinso says as he shakes Matthew's hand and after shaking it his smile vanishes.
"You're pretty popular already you know? For beating that villain? People around the school are calling you the Titan of 1A or even Titan of UA." Shinso says shocking Matthew before he continues.
"But telling you that isn't what I came here to do, I came here to tell you that if any of you screw up and one of us doesn't, those two people's positions in classes will get swapped." Shinso says shocking nearly everyone in 1A as Matthew narrows his eyes at him.
"So consider this a declaration of rivalry." He says as Matthew nods and holds out a bandaged fist.
"Then may the best people win." He says with a smile as Shinso looks at him then at the fist then back at him before smiling again and fist bumping him as Matthew then brushes pass the group and starts walking towards the locker rooms.
"Good luck to all of you!" He yells out with his fist in the air while walking away.
"And here I thought he'd be terrifying...huh." A random guy in the group says.
(Recommended song for this next bit is Hero A)
Later that day after school...Battle Center Beta…4:32 PM…Training Day One...
Matthew waited sitting on the edge of a four story building as he finally saw Midoriya approach dressed in a UA training outfit and as he got closer Matthew jumped off the building and landed on a car in front of Midoriya.
"Ready to get started?" Matthew asks as Midoriya nods.
"First things first, I want to talk about your control over your quirk." He says to Midoriya as Midoriya then smiles.
"From what I see you're doing is that you're not channeling your quirk throughout your entire body at once but in specific areas like your arms or legs and etc, so my suggestion for training today is that you focus on channeling it through your body at five percent power then keep raising it bit by bit till you think your body can't go any higher, but don't hurt yourself, I don't want my gran beating us senseless with that cane of hers." Matthew says with a smile as Midoriya nods.
"What will you be doing for training?" He asks in a curious tone.
"I'm going to experiment with my quirk a little but not to much around, Sports festival is a competition after all, but for now I'll be trying to increase my strength and speed down the road there so we got some room to throw some attacks and we won't be sparring today at least." Matthew says before beginning to walk down the road.
"Good luck, tomorrow we'll up the ante if you manage to find your limits." He says as he keeps walking as he takes his gym shirt off.
Training Day Two…Battle Center Beta...6:03 PM…
After they both catch a breather Midoriya throws another punch but barely misses with his new found speed as Matthew tries to counter attack but misses as well before following up with a tail swipe but Midoriya manages to block it as they then both back off again covered in sweat, Matthew's bandaged arms and fists raised as Midoriya has his raised to but green lightning was arcing around his body with red marks glowing along his body as well.
"I like the new look Midoriya, what are you gonna call it?" Matthew asks curiously as he then smiles.
"I'm gonna call it Full Cowling, how did the experiments with your quirk go?" Midoriya asks with a smile as Matthew smiles back.
"Good but I need to work on it still, but we got two weeks to hone what we found out yesterday and whatever else we can come up with, anyway enough chit chat, let's get back to it!"
"How come you're not using it right now though?" Midoriya asks as he throws a punch and then a kick.
"Because I can't use it properly without damaging my surrounding area, that includes people and the only reason I mentioned we should spar to begin with is because you need to learn better control of your quirk a lot more than I do, so there's that." Matthew explains as he blocks his attacks.
"Fair enough, but let's not use everything we learn on our own against each other, it is a competition" Midoriya says, to Matthew's surprise, with a smirk in a confident tone.
"Is that confidence I hear Midoriya?" Matthew says with a raised scaly eyebrow as he attempts to attack.
"Maybe." Midoriya says as he dodges the attacks as Matthew chuckles with a smirk.
"Well...looks like I'm just gonna have to kick it up a notch then!" Matthew shouts out as they both go on the offensive remembering not to injure each other badly.
Training Day Three...Toshinori Residence...9:58 PM…
After training and eating dinner, Matthew started getting ready to take a shower before he realized today was the day he was supposed to take the bandages off, once he remembered he stood up and walked to his mirror shirtless as he slowly began to take the bandages off for the last time, revealing his heavily scarred torso and extremely scarred arms, almost every scar on his arms being where a blood vessel is. After removing the bandages Matthew stared at the scars on his body from his mirror with a frown before sighing.
"I did what I had too, and I'm pretty sure these are the start of a big collection." He says to himself out loud as he grabs his underwear before going to his bathroom.
Training Day Four...Battle Center Beta...5:16 PM…
Matthew grunts loudly as he lifts the small fallen building slowly then holding his position for a few seconds before squatting back down. He looks over to his right while breathing heavily to see Midoriya shadow boxing while using Full Cowling to get used to it. After looking for a few seconds and after taking a few more breaths he lifts the small building again.
Training Day Five...Todoroki Residence...7:54 PM…
The limo comes to a stop at the Todoroki Residence as Matthew then gets out and walks to the driver window for John to give him the keys to the house to get in.
"Thank you for agreeing to help Senshi, we're all very worried." John says with a frown as Matthew nods.
"Of course John, I'm worried too." He says in a concerned voice as he looks to the house.
"Just try to get her to calm down, I know the Sports Festival is coming up and everyone is training like crazy for it and given what her father said to her makes me and her siblings think she's gonna train herself to death before the one week marker!" John says to him as he then sighs.
"Just get her to calm down, I know there's other things you two need to talk about but just get her to actually get some sleep." John asks as Matthew nods in response before John rolls up the window and drives off as Matthew walks to the front door and opens it with the key and begins walking towards where John said the training room would be, as he gets closer he can hear loud grunts, breathing and a punching bag being hit pretty hard. He then stands in front of the shoji door, seeing Shoka's figure punching a punching bag before he quietly takes a deep breath and opens the door and steps in as she continues, seeing her wearing black training shorts and tank top with her hands wrapped in boxing tape, bags under her eyes and covered in an inhuman amount of sweat with her hair messy as she keeps hitting the bag, mixing in a few kicks. She finally glances to her left and notices Matthew with his arms folded as she continues, after another minute she finally ends it with a roundhouse kick, busting the bag open and as the sand begins to pour out she grabs a towel and wipes the sweat off.
"Hey Shoka." He says to her with a frown in a sad tone.
"Hey Matthew." She says to him in response as she finishes wiping the sweat off.
"I came by to talk." He says looking at her as she takes a drink from a bottle of water.
"Let me guess, John sent you because I won't talk to anyone and he's worried?" She asks in an annoyed tone as Matthew sighs.
"Add in the fact your training yourself to death because of whatever your father said to you yes pretty much, but him and your siblings aren't the only one's worried Shoka." He says to her with the same frown as she lets out an irritated sigh.
"I'm fine, Matthew, just burning off steam…" Shoka says before folding her arms herself.
"And making sure I don't have to use that bastard's quirk." Shoka says quietly but loud enough for Matthew to hear it.
"Knew it, was hoping there was a slim chance it wasn't that but this talk has been a long time coming anyway…" He thinks to himself.
"I knew it was something about that, never seen you act remotely close to this except one time but wasn't this bad but we need to talk about your quirk anyway." He finishes saying as he immediately notices her tense up drastically as she then glares at him.
"Careful what you say Matthew." She threatens as he narrows his eyes at her.
"Doesn't matter, I love you Shoka and I've always respected your decision to not use your left side but...we're not kids anymore Shoka, we're heroes in training." He says to her as she grits her teeth and walks up to him.
"And?" She asks through her teeth, looking up at him with a glare as he begins to glare back now.
"And that if you don't accept your quirk people will die." He says looking down at her.
"Not if I train hard enough." Shoka says to him, making him growl in annoyance.
"No because you're not giving it your all, only fifty percent and there's a pretty big fucking chance that's gonna get somebody killed!" He says slightly raising his voice at the end with the look on his face becoming angrier by the seconds from the excuses.
"It's worked so far hasn't it!? I promised I wouldn't use his goddamned quirk and I meant it!" She yells at him fuming with anger.
"Barely!" He yells out loudly as he raises his scarred arms shocking Shoka for a second.
"You see these!? I got these protecting you and the others, using everything I had and more! Yes you and Midoriya helped but if I hadn't of done that we'd all be fucking DEAD!" He yells out in rage as she looks down grinding her teeth.
"What if you were in my shoes right then huh!?" He yells out with a rage filled tone, enraged by the possibility she would've held back even then but more angry at the fact realizing she DID hold back during the attack on the USJ.
"Shut up…" Shoka says while grinding her teeth and clenching her hands into fists.
"Would you have held back then and let us all get killed!? Or what if someone died near you when you could've saved them if you went all out!?" He yells out.
"SHUT! UP!" She screams out cutting him off as she hits him straight in the nose as hard as she can with an ice covered fist making him stumble back and growl in pain as he holds his nose with his hands for a few seconds before removing them and seeing his hands covered in blood with blood dripping on the floor. He then looks up to see a shocked look on Shoka as he goes back to holding his nose, she steps forward with a hand out.
"Matthew, I-" She tries talking but he cuts her off with him raising her hand to stop her, after a moment he stands back up to his full height and letting a deep breath out of his mouth and a sad look on his face.
"Just...promise to take it easier and actually get some sleep." He asks her as she looks at him but looks away with a sad look after a moment.
"A-Alright, I promise." She says in a sad tone as Matthew lets a shaky breath.
"Thanks…" He says before walking to the doorway and as he grabs the door he looks to her.
"See you at school tomorrow." He says before shutting the door and walking back to the front door and as he opens it he comes face to face with Fuyumi. She looks at him with a shocked expression seeing him here was one thing to her but seeing him with a broken nose was another, she peaks around him and sees a light blood trail leading to the back of the house in the direction of the training room before looking back to him.
"I guess you talked to her?..." Fuyumi asks as Matthew grunts before walking past her as he holds his nose.
"I don't want to talk about it but don't worry, she promised she would cut back and not train herself to death…" Matthew says as he keeps walking.
"Nice to see you Fuyumi." He says to her loud enough as he walks away, beginning his walk back to his house.
Training Day Six...Toshinori Residence...10:58 PM…
Matthew opened his eyes to find himself in a black void, he gets up and looks around for a few moments before hearing a growl behind him, he turns around but sees nothing, hears it again to his side and turns to see nothing again, he blinks in confusion before turning again but comes face to face with Shoka but he can't make out her face due to the darkness, Matthew's stomach begins to twist getting a bad feeling from all of this.
"S-Shoka? You alright?" He asks and after a few seconds purple lighting strikes the ground near them illuminating them both as he then sees her blood covered face before falling forwards onto him as he catches her the scenery changes once he blinks, changing to a large crater in the middle of a city at night, with purple lighting arcing across the sky and striking the ground every now and then with dark clouds and heavy rain. He looks around to see severed body parts, the bodies of his friends, Tokoyami leaned up a slab of concrete missing part of his head, Kirishima impaled on a large piece of rebar, Midoriya missing the lower half of his body, severed head of Mina and more, each body increasing his anxiety and fear as he finally looks forward to see a figure sitting on a throne on a large pile of rubble. The large figure stands up, reaching around twelve feet tall with an elongated neck, as another neck and head emerges, then another as wings spring out from its back as it clenches and unclenches its large hands into fists as it begins to cackle as it steps on a skull and crushes it as its eyes begin to glow blood red on each head.
"Sleep well little 'hero'...I look forward to meeting you soon, how soon? We'll just have to see won't we?" The figure says in dark and deep tone that sent shivers down Matthew's spine as it begins to cackle loudly as the lightning starts to strike the ground around them viciously giving Matthew a good look at the figure, pitch black scales with purple crystal like horns on each head and as muscular as the nomu. As the figure stops cackling all three heads look to him with killing intent as all three then shoot a black beam with purple electricity arcing around them at him and just as the beams hit him he wakes up breathing heavily and sweating. He gets up and goes to his bathroom and starts washing his face and after doing so he looks down in the sink breathing heavily still.
"Just...just a nightmare Matthew, it's nothing...it's nothing." He says to himself with a shake of his head before going back to bed and trying to sleep.
Training Day Seven...Battle Center Beta...5:37 PM…
Midoriya does one last push up in full cowling before jumping up and grabbing the dumbbells and begins to curl them but before he starts he hears an explosion.
"SHIT!" Matthew yells out as he flies by Midoriya and crashes into a car at terminal velocity, Midoriya turns to his left to see Matthew embedded in a car while rubbing his head.
"Ow…" He says before pulling himself off the care and shakes his head with a smile before looking to Midoriya.
"I guess it worked?" Midoriya says in a questioning tone as Matthew nods with a smile.
"Damn right! And now that I know how to do it, I'm gonna start practicing on it now along with the others!" Matthew says excitedly before walking back to his training spot but as he walks past Midoriya they fist bump each other.
Training Day Eight...Battle Center Beta...4:51 PM…
"YEAHHHHH!" Kirishima yells as he falls with most of his body hardened as a few moments later he lands, creating a crater. He dusts himself off while smiling.
"Fuck yeah!" He yells as he raises his fists to the sky as he then gets out of the crater he hears a loud screeching noise, like metal scraping concrete loudly, he then turns around to see none other than Matthew pulling a bus missing its wheels by steel chains wrapped around the front bumper as Uraraka and Mina move past him while sparing, he then begins to run while pulling it and as he passes Kirishima he smiles and gives him a nod as Kirishima smiles back with a nod as well.
"Keep going buddy!" Kirishima yells out while waving before going back inside the building.
Training Day Nine...UA High...3:42 PM…
Matthew just got out of the locker rooms after changing into his training gear and getting ready for another hard training session but as he walks out he bumps into power loader.
"Oh hey Power Loader, sorry." Matthew says with a respectful bow as Power Loader chuckles.
"It's fine kid, anyway I was looking for you." He says to Matthew, making the large teen raise a scaly brow.
"What for?" He asks as Power Loader holds out a large black vest with a dial.
"It's a weight vest I made for you, goes up to twenty five tons." Power Loader tells him as he takes it with a smile.
"Oh thanks, but how come you're giving this to me? I thought you said I owed you?" He asks as Power Loader looks away.
"I might've remembered that I didn't get you anything for Christmas last year and your birthday so I thought I'd give you something so you wouldn't pull that up when I called in the favor." Power Loader says in a quiet tone.
"But you did get me something for Christmas and my birthday last year?" Matthew says in a confused tone as Power Loader looks back at him.
"Just...just take the damn thing and go dammit before I change my mind!" He yells out in an annoyed tone as Matthew runs off with the vest.
"Thanks again Power Loader!" He yells out while running down the halls as Power Loader grunts in response and begins walking back to the workshop but as he rounds the corner he sees Midnight leaning against the wall.
"Never took you for a softie, Higari." She says with a smile.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah." He says while passing her with a wave of his hand.
Training Day Ten...Toshinori Residence...7:14 PM…
Matthew took a bite out of his chicken he cooked while watching the TV seeing two men argue as he turned it up.
"Rumor has it the boy said it himself, that he's All Might's kid from his own lips!" One man yells out as he slams his fist on the desk to emphasize his point as the other one glares at the other.
"Rumors! Just rumors plus they look nothing alike and aside from the super strength they have in common, that's where the similarities end!" The man yells back.
"But-" Matthew then changes the channel to something else as he sighs heavily.
"Shit that's what I was afraid of, however the press doesn't want to harass me yet so there's that." Matthew thinks to himself as he keeps eating his dinner.
Training Day Eleven...Battle Center Beta…5:27 PM...
Matthew grunts loudly as he does another pull up on the side of the building as the concrete edges crack from where he is gripping, he does another pull up while wearing the vest Power Loader gave him with the dial set to fifteen tons, he then finishes up doing pull ups as he pulls himself up with all of his might onto the building before turning the dial down.
"Awesome...now to run a few miles with this thing turned up to fifteen tons...wonderful." He says between breaths as he sits up and jumps off the building and lands on a car.
Training Day Twelve...Toshinori Residence...7:49 PM…
As Matthew finishes washing the dishes he walks to the living room to notice All Might got home, sitting on the couch looking down Matthew looks at him with a raised scaly brow.
"Hey you alright?" He asks as All Might leans back and looks at Matthew.
"Son, I was uh...wanting to know, when you asked Shoka to go on a date, what did you do or how'd you act?" All Might asks shocking Matthew with the question, after a few seconds Matthew responds.
"Well, I just acted like myself, so I say do the same...does she know about you being like this or?..." Matthew asks as All Might then nods.
"Yes she knows, she's a pro hero as well." He says to Matthew making him look at All Might for a second before smiling.
"Is it who I think it is?" He asks with a smile as All Might chuckles with a smile himself.
"Maybe." Is all he says before Matthew laughs.
"Alright if that's the case then be like how you are now, don't puff up in your muscle form or anything like that, just you know...be you." Matthew says to his adoptive father as he sees one of the biggest smiles he's seen in awhile creep up on All Might's face as he then stands up and hugs Matthew.
"Thank you son." All Might says after letting go.
"Of course, now if you'll excuse me." Matthew says backing off and starts walking to his room.
"Ask her tomorrow!" Matthew yells out to him.
"I will! Trust me!" All Might says with a smile before falling back on the couch.
Training Day Thirteen...Final Training Day...Battle Center Beta...6:29 PM…
Matthew and Midoriya both breath heavily as they race up the hill without there quirks, neck and neck as they reach the end and after a few more seconds they reach the top, making it a tie as they both start laughing as Matthew pulls Midoriya into a hug and then breaks it off. After a minute of resting with that race being there final piece of training for the day they both get up off the ground with smiles.
"You ready for tomorrow?" Matthew asks with a smile.
"I'm ready for it, you?" Midoriya says surprisingly with a confident tone as Matthew smiles.
"Hell yeah, let's go home and get some rest...see you tomorrow at the Sports Festival." Matthew says as he shakes Midoriya's hand with a smile before they start walking back to the locker rooms.
Day of the Sports Festival...Locker Room...10:57 AM…
As everyone speaks to one another Matthew leans on a table where Sato is seated and the others are gathered around.
"Wonder what the first round is gonna be?" Sato says nervously as Tokoyami speaks up.
"No matter what it is, we have to be ready for it." Tokoyami says as Kirishima slams his fists together.
"Hell yeah!" Kirishima says before looking over to Matthew noticing he's gotten bigger.
"Hey I know you've been working hard, but how hard exactly have you been working out? You look bigger man." Kirishima says with a smile as Matthew chuckles.
"Thanks for noticing, yeah I've been working pretty-" Before Matthew could finish Iida busts into the room.
"The festival is about to start people! Get your game faces on!" Iida yells out as Matthew then gets off the table and stretches a little bit as then the one person that was missing walks in.
"Shoka." Matthew says looking at her as she looks back at him.
"Hey Matthew." She says before looking at Midoriya slightly past him.
"Midoriya." Shoka calls out to him.
"Yes, Todoroki?" Midoriya answers back as she walks up to him and everyone looks at the two as Matthew walks up to the sides of them.
"Look, from what I understand, I'm stronger than you." Shoka says to him in a cold tone with a glare.
"And I don't know why but All Might has his eye on you...so I'm going to beat you." She says to him as she then looks to Matthew.
"That includes you Matthew." Shoka says to him as Kirishima tries to approach but Matthew raises a hand and stops him.
"Oh?" Matthew replies.
"It's obvious even after hard training from the both of us we're most likely even in power, if not then pretty close, either way…" Shoka then gets close to him while looking at him.
"I will beat you." Shoka says before beginning to walk away.
"You might beat me or not, but I promise you this much Shoka…" He says making her stop.
"Underestimate me and don't go all out...then you'll regret it, fast." Matthew warns her before she walks out the door as Matthew then starts walking out the door as well.
"Come on everyone, let's get this started." Matthew says while walking out the door to see Shoka up ahead.
"A lot of things are going to happen and I think this will probably be one of the most important in our lives and as much as i'm pissed at you for holding back still, I still love you just the same." Matthew thinks to himself as everyone follows close behind him and they get closer to the exit and see Shoka waiting for them, she then joins the group and step out into the light for the roaring crowd to see, the crowd going wild to see the students appear.
Meanwhile in Eclipse Horizon...Hall of Rulers…
"And so his second test begins." God says as Jesus types away at a few things on a screen before pushing it away and looking at the big screen.
"Sorry just had to finish that up, few people earned a promotion, now where the heck is my brother I swear if he's-" As soon as he's about to say something Satan kicks the door open, barely able to see through the pile of drinks and snacks he has almost reaching the door frame, making Jesus's jaw drop.
"What are you doing!?" Jesus exclaims as Satan laughs while walking to his seat.
"Wellllll...I heard what we're about to watch was essentially this universes Olympic games and our recruit is participating so I came prepared!" Satan says happily as he plops down in his seat after setting his food and drinks on the table as Jesus rests his head on his right hand.
"Why are we related?..." Jesus asks himself.
"Aw come on you love me! Don't deny it." Satan says with a smile before there father speaks.
"Hush you two, it's starting." God says to them as the Sports Festival finally begins.
- In Serial9 Chapters
Odd Patriarch (Xianxia)
A cultivator decides to make a change by creating a sect. A reasonable one. -Cover by Asviloka.
8 223 - In Serial11 Chapters
My Scary Wife Is So Cute
In A different world, where demon exist. A Demon Lord that ruled all of the demons will exist. Just what is a Demon Lord? A being that threatens humanity? That was Bullsh*t... Just look! She is so sexy! So beautiful! So charming! A scary and violent Demon? To hell with that! She is a tsundere and cute woman!!! This is a story of a man from modern world coming into contact with a super beautiful and cute Demon Lord. "K-karios... Y-you bastard! A-aah.. D-don't touch there!"
8 93 - In Serial13 Chapters
Pokemon ouroboros
A cancer patient and a pokemon die-hard finally succumbed to his cancer.When he woke up, He found himself in a new world as a baby of an influential Unova family. Born with the power to see and seal souls into objects to make pokemon, he strives to do great in this world. Current Mc Teamkirlia (Male)honedgeLarvesta (Evolves at lv 40)
8 96 - In Serial13 Chapters
Return of the Shadow CEO
*NO HAREM**CONSTANT UPLOADS**NO CLICHE**CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT* Martials are people with supernatural abilities and have existed forever, but their existence is not know by the normal people. But because of "The Disaster", people who were not martials also started gaining these abilities. Monsters started appearing around the globe, and the world went into a state of chaos. Reyansh a child born to the "Martial" family of Gupta, at 14 was sent away for his Transition Training. With no family support, the boy had to survive in this cruel world, with only 2 things that he had left with him, his genius mindset, and his martial prowess. "I want you to come back, Old Friend" A mysterious man said "I lost my powers, don't you remember" Rey replied "Your bluff won't work on me" The man said while taking out his weapon. Rey's eyes wide opened on hearing this, "How?" he thought to himself. This is Reyansh's story, his past, present, and future, from the boy had nothing left, to the man that has everything, follow Reyansh on his journey, and see how he becomes the Strongest Martial. Follow Rey's story as he returns to the world of martials and radiants. *** This story contains action elements, and litrpg style world and lore, the story mainly focuses on the mc's growth, and as well as his relationship with his wife. The story contains no harem, but romance is still there. The main plot is more on the mystery side, with a bit of fast-paced action here and there.MC's wife is also the deuteragonist of the story. The story is a mix between CEO romance stories and Action-packed litrpg stories.Read at least 10-12 chaps, before judging. ***I do not own the cover, if you have any issues please mail me at -[email protected] My discord - ganu #7657 btw yeah I love valo if you are thinking about it "Hope you like this"
8 174 - In Serial20 Chapters
The Mentor
This one is for my daughter. She talked me into it (again) and it is her favorite genre of books. So, Bet, this one is for you. The true-bloods, the masters, they came first. That was hammered into Heath's head since he could walk with both words and fists by Karen. As a guardian and half-blood bastard of his vampire father, he would never know peace. His duty as a dhampir, his duty was clear, his fate sealed. Heath was to serve Gerald, an aging Vampire Lord, one who was of pure blood, born to the race, until Heath outlived his prime and then he would pass on the knowledge that was passed to him onto a new bastard to carry protecting the bloodline. But was it necessarily his fate? Could a sterile half breed such as himself, someone who did not exist in the human world, live anywhere in the world on the light? After a particularly nasty encounter with his Mentor, Heath is on the run. Set on not becoming the new guardian and knowing that decision has now marked him for death. The hunt is on and somewhere behind him is Joshua, the heir of his Master, and the thing that plagues his nightmare, his Mentor Karen.
8 207 - In Serial33 Chapters
Feral (Book 1, the Feral Series)
C41 was taught to fight and never trust anyone but a select few. But in order to leave prison, he might have to work with those who can break him. *****Inmate C41 is the youngest registered "feral" shapeshifter -- someone unable to control his animal urges and aggressions. When he turns eighteen he is transferred to the Adult Feral Rehabilitation Center in Scotland, where he meets a mysterious American government agent who endlessly probes him with questions. C41 does the only thing he thinks will help him survive - he lies. And that starts a chain of events that will either end in a prison break or a life of torture.Content and/or Trigger Warning: sex and violence.[[Wattys' Shortlist]][[word count: 70,000-80,000 words]]
8 66