《My Hero Academia: Hero's Horizon》Chapter 11: Sports Festival Part Two: Obstacle Course!
Stadium...11:00 PM…
As Present Mic introduce all of the classes they all walk towards the center to the front of a stage and as they do Midoriya speaks up.
"W-Wow, there's so many people." Midoriya says in a nervous tone, his new found confidence breaking a little.
"Yeah, it's making me kind of nervous, what about you Senshi?" Kirishima asks Matthew.
"A little but I'll get used to it pretty quickly." He replies with a smile and as they speak among each other after reaching the front of the stage a woman walks up onto it.
"It's Midnight!" A man from the crowd yells out loud enough to be heard as she walks up onto the stage, making the crowd go wild again as she flips her black hair and puts a hand on her hip, making some of the boys in the group blush.
"Is that really school appropriate?" Tokoyami asks blushing.
"Nope, don't think so buddy." Kirishima says looking away with a blush as he sees Mineta drooling like a dog basically.
"I know it can't be helped with how she acts but jesus I really wish they wouldn't drool and look at the woman that was like a second mother to me like that." Matthew thinks to himself as Midnight then cracks her whip.
"Quiet! It's time for the player pledge!" She yells out as she points her whip to the side.
"Representing the students is Matthew Senshi!" Midnight yells out over the mic as everyone then looks at him as he sweats a little but quickly swallows his fears and walks up onto the stage in front of the mic, he then takes a deep breath before finally speaking.
"We've all gotten this far and it hasn't been easy…" Matthew starts off as he looks to the crowd.
"But we're alive and we're still dreaming, so today is the day we show everyone what we're capable of…" Matthew says as he then smiles.
"So today I say let's give it everything we got and then some! Show everyone that the next generation is just getting started!" Matthew says raising his voice while holding his smile.
"So go beyond...PLUS!..." He then raises his right fist to the sky.
"ULTRA!" Everyone from the students to the viewers in the stadium shout out together with him as he then walks off the stage with the crowd roaring, his class smiling at him and the other classes cheering, Midnight then takes the mic back and quiets everyone down.
"Now time for the first game!" Midnight says as a sadistic smirk comes upon her face.
"Consider this a qualifier match!" Midnight says as a big screen behind her lights up and begins to spin like a slot machine.
"What could it be that will make our first year students cry in fear for this sports festival!?" Midnight says in an equally sadistic tone right before it stops spinning as she then points whip at the screen.
"An obstacle course! The course will be the outer circumference of the stadium so about four kilometers or so and the rules you may ask!?" She then licks her lips before cracking her whip.
"As long as you stay inside the course, anything goes!" She yells out before pointing her whip at a big gate like exit.
"Now take your places participants!" She yells out as well as then everyone goes and gathers in front of the gate and as Matthew and the others get ready, the green lights come on.
"I already know for a fact that Shoka will make it to the end of this festival…" Matthew thinks to himself as the first light goes off.
"So I won't use my new moves since they cost so much energy to use until near the end so I can give it my all, but I promise myself this…" Matthew tightens his hands into fists as the second light goes off.
"I'll save you from destroying yourself Shoka. And grandpa…" The final light goes off and bell dings.
"I hope your watching from wherever you are!" He yells in his head as he and all the others rush forward.
"And there off! Ready for some commentary mummy man!?" Present Mic yells over the speakers.
"You forced me to come here when I was trying to take a nap." Aizawa says with a tired tone, as the students rush into the small corridor, everyone begins to push and squish each other as they try to go forward having a tough time, Matthew keeps pushing them aside to make room for himself as he then sees the light at the end of the corridor.
"Oh great, this corridor is the-"
"First challenge" Matthew and Shoka think at the same time as she then blasts ice forward, freezing the participants feet to the ground as she steps on the ground again sending another ice wave out behind her, Matthew dodges it and with all of his might launches forward with the others behind him launching forward as well.
"You ain't beating me that easily Shoka!" Matthew yells out.
"Nice try you half and half bitch!" Bakugou yells out blasting forward.
"That won't work on me, Todoroki!" Momo yells out flying forward using a pole she keeps extending.
"You'll need to do better than that to stop me." Tokoyami says using Dark Shadow to fling himself forward as Kirishima holds on to him as Shoka then freezes the ground again to try and get some but misses.
"Not gonna work against me Todoroki!" Midoriya says with a confident smirk and tone after dodging the ice by jumping using Full Cowling at ten percent as the others dodge or try to walk on it and keep going forward.
"More people out of our class dodged that than I originally thought." Shoka says to herself as then is shocked by purple balls flying towards the ground her as then a purple blur begins to bounce on them and as she looks up she sees Mineta flying through the air.
"I outsmarted you Todoroki! Now it's time for my ultimate move! Gra-" Before Mineta could finish he slammed in the side by a giant metal fist sending him rolling back making everyone stop, Matthew in front of a large group of other participants with Kirishima and Midoriya at his side as they look up at the giant metal robot.
"Oh you gotta be kidding me right now!" Kirishima yells out.
"The Faux villains from the exam are here!?" Midoriya yells out in a questioning tone as Matthew growls before ripping off the upper half of the UA gym uniform revealing, little did he know, his heavily scarred and more toned body off on the big screen the audience was watching as he pops his dorsal fins out.
Back at the Stadium...
"Wow...he doesn't look half bad for a teen in his freshman year." A random new pro hero says to her friend loud enough to be heard.
"The others are definitely not something to scoff at but he's the only one that's showing off at the moment so I see your point." Her friend says with an ever so light blush as she speaks loud enough for her to hear, little did they know they were a few rows down from All Might himself surprisingly able to hear this as he face palms.
"My boy I know you've never wanted to deal with being harassed by the press or anything of the sort but after this you won't get a choice in the matter...god help you son." All Might thinks to himself before looking back at the screen.
Back at the obstacle course...
"Obstacles have now presented themselves to the participants! Starting with the first obstacle!...Robo Inferno!" Present Mic yells out over the speakers as nearly everyone stands back shocked.
"They had to fight those!?" One participant yells out.
"There's too many!" Another one yells out.
"Can't these things kill us!?" Another one yells out as well.
"I wonder where they get the money for it?" Momo asks out loud as Shoka takes a step back with an ice cold glare.
"So, these we're the bots you told me about that were in the entrance exam, Matthew." Shoka says out loud as the bot begins to bring its fist down.
"I wish they would've prepared something more challenging." She says as she puts her right hand on the ground and makes an ice circle before looking up with the same glare.
"Since my stupid old man is watching." She was with venom in her tone as she then brings the hand up and sends a huge ice wave freezing the bot nearly completely before closing her right hand into a fist and bringing it back down to her side as she breathes out cold mist before taking off between the giant robot's legs.
"Hey she stop the bots! Run between the legs while we have the chance!" A participant yells out before she looks back while running.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you, I froze them when they were unbalanced, They'll fall over." Shoka replies just as the bot begins to fall towards Matthew and the participants, shocking Matthew that'd she pull something like this.
"Get down!" Matthew yells out as the bot falls towards them but just as its about to crush them he activates his quirk and catches it, stopping it from crushing them and as he holds, struggling under the massive weight he growls in anger once more.
"Me and her are going to have a chat about pulling this shit but first I'm gonna show everyone what I can really do!" Matthew yells in his head before pulling his right hand back and forming it into a fist as he holds the metal titan up with his left and then slams his fist into it while channeling his quirk through his right fist sending it flying back up and onto it's back from the force as he lets out a roar before charging full steam ahead as the others in his class quickly follow behind him and then the participants.
"First Todoroki from class 1A freezes the zero pointers nearly completely solid and takes the lead but then Senshi saves the other participants from being crushed before leading the pack after showing off an impressive feat strength! Incredible!" Present Mic yells out over the speakers as Matthew lets out another roar as he charges up running past a group of zero pointers, he then dodges a punch from one before leaping onto its arm, then up to its head before leaping again ahead and when flying through the air, he does a one eighty spin before firing his atomic beam dead center in the back of the zero pointer's head, making the head explode and fall over on its side, he then flips back around grunts as he lands as he keeps running, Kirishima surprisingly able to keep up along side Midoriya and the others.
"Listen with all do respect but that bitch could've killed somebody if you didn't catch it!" Kirishima yells out to Matthew.
"I know! Which is why me and her are gonna have a chat!" He yells out in anger before roaring again and sprints forward, going faster than a car to catch up to her and after a few seconds he sees her back and finally catches up to her and slows down to her speed as he gives her a side glare as she scoffs at him.
"What?" Shoka asks as they keep running.
"You could've killed somebody if I wasn't there Shoka!" Matthew says to her with a raised voice as she clicks her tongue in annoyance.
"They'll live." She simply replies as Matthew holds his glare.
"How far are you willing to go to get payback against your father Shoka?" Matthew asks her.
"Is this really the time!?" She yells out as they continue.
"No, so all I ask is that you don't let your hatred for your father blind you from how good of a team we make, think about it when you're able because my guts telling me the next round might involve teams." Matthew says to her.
"Fine." She replies in a cold tone as they both turn their heads to see a certain hot head blasting towards.
"Get back here you scaly bastard and you half and half bitch!" Bakugou says as he blasts both of them, Matthew catching the brunt of it as Shoka takes off, Bakugou tries to blast after her but is grabbed by Matthew before being thrown back behind him as he dodges a one pointer bot before smashing it with his tail as Bakugou then screams out in rage towards him.
"Bring it you scaly bastard!" Bakugou yells at him as Matthew lets out a deep breath.
"Great this is gonna slow me down while she gets ahead." Matthew says in an annoyed tone.
Meanwhile at the stadium…
"Class 1A is doing great." Thirteen says as they see class 1A take out bots left and right.
"Class 1B is doing good too!" All Might says to the other heroes beside him as he looks back at the screen to see the other students have managed to catch up to Bakugou and Senshi fighting it out while on the move.
"I know what I asked you two to do and it's unreasonable for me to ask such a thing, so at least make it to the second round!" All Might thinks to himself.
Back at the obstacle course…
"And it seems the rest of our participants have reached the second obstacle! The pit!" Present Mic yells over the speakers.
"Wait, PIT!?" Matthew yells in shock in his head as he stops himself, taking a blast to the face from Bakugou as he skids to a stop right at the edge as he flies over with his explosions as Matthew growls again.
"Dammit!" He says to himself as he looks over the edge as the others catch up, Tsuyu then wastes no time leaping onto the wire and begins to crawl to the other side as Matthew looks to the other side as he sees Bakugou already reach it.
"Shit!" He says before looking to his side seeing some girl with pink hair use jet boots and then Iida hop onto the line before Midoriya while balancing himself as he boosts across on the lines as Matthew then lets out a sigh knowing what he needs to do.
"I've always wanted to try this...but at the same time I'm gonna hate how this is gonna make me look…" Matthew says to himself before taking a running jump, then in mid air doing a one eighty spin and begins firing his atomic breath at a high enough power to propel him, flying through the air as he grabs his tail so it doesn't hit anyone, he then sees the others begin to laugh and even Iida lose his balance almost shock from the insult to the laws of physics that is being performed by Matthew as he flies past him.
"What in the world is Senshi from class 1A doing!? That's not how physics work!" Present Mic yells over the speakers barely able to contain his laughter as Matthew reaches the other side and smiles to himself as cuts the beam off turns around and lands.
"Because fuck you physics!" Matthew says before letting out a loud laugh before taking off at full speed towards the next obstacle.
"It seems Todoroki from Class 1A is already at the final obstacle! The Minefield! And it seems the others are closing in fast behind her!" Present Mic yells out over the speakers as Matthew clicks his tongue.
"Shit, already!? Fuck this!" Matthew yells out as he activates his quirk and through his legs turns up the speed, kicking up dirt behind him as he catches up quickly to see Bakugou closing in on Shoka as she crosses the minefield slowly.
"Great so this is meant to slow the leader down. For entertainment?" Shoka thinks to herself as she then hears the familiar blasts coming up behind her quickly as she then turns around and sees Bakugou blasting towards her.
"Think you could get ahead and win easily huh!?" He yells out as he readies a blast for her.
"Don't go declaring war on the wrong assholes either half and half!" He yells out before attempting to blast her but she dodges and freezes his arm slightly and begin to fight as Matthew and the others speed up there advancement, Matthew then leaps towards the two in the lead with a roar making them turn their heads to him as he lands barely missing a mine before landing a punch to Bakugou's face and one to Shoka's side making them stumble.
"And in a turn of events we have a three way fight for first going on across the minefield! Total chaos!" Present Mic announces enthusiastically as they all three begin to exchange blows.
"You two don't know when to quit do you!?" Bakugou yells out as he attempts to blast both of them but misses both as they look at him.
"We could say the same thing about you." Matthew and Shoka say in unison before looking at each other before she then tries to freeze Matthew but he slaps her hand away, redirecting it and as they continue they near the end of the minefield.
"Finally about-" Matthew begins to think to himself but a loud boom and high speed winds can be heard behind them as all three turn to see a large explosion and wind pressure blast around an area as they look up to see none other than Izuku Midoriya flying towards them with a determined look.
"And Izuku Midoriya from class 1A is flying in hot pursuit for first place!" Present Mic yells excitedly.
"What the hell, Izuku!?" Matthew exclaims out loud with his eyes nearly bursting out his skull from shock as he gets closer as he then readies to fire a smash from one of his fingers and plants his feet on Shoka and Matthew's back.
"Twenty percent Smash!" Midoriya yells out as he fires it off in between all three of them, setting off the mines and blasting himself forward and as he lands he reactivates Full Cowling and begins running as all three recover.
"Oh hell no you ain't winning that easily!" Matthew yells out with a smile before activating his quirk and launching forward and out of the minefield right behind him and quickly catches up.
"You didn't think it'd be that easy did you!?" Matthew asks with a smile as they race neck and neck as Shoka and Bakugou are in hot pursuit.
"DEKU!" Bakugou yells out while blasting towards them with Shoka to his right.
"Midoriya! Matthew!" Shoka yells out as well as Matthew and Midoriya reach the final stretch, a corridor just like the beginning, Matthew then decides to break his promise a little bit and puts everything he has in his legs and begins to run faster than Midoriya.
"Full Cowling twenty five percent!" Midoriya yells out as he takes back the lead just barely but not by much as its neck and neck again and as it all becomes a blur, Midoriya takes a final leap of faith and crosses the finish line just before Matthew by a second as both of them come to a stop skidding across the ground.
"And Izuku Midoriya of class 1A takes first place by storm! Winning the obstacle course!" Present Mic announces as the crowd goes wild. Shoka then crosses the finish line, then Bakugou and the rest begin filing in, Matthew and Midoriya breath heavily as they share a laugh together as Matthew then looks to him.
"What the hell was that back there at the minefield, Izuku!? Came flying in like a missile!" Matthew says while laughing and still catching his breath.
"I could say the same thing about you at the pit, seriously what the hell were you doing!?" Midoriya says before he busts out laughing alongside Matthew and as they continue to catch there breath and laugh the rest cross the finish line and after that they were ordered to gather back in front of the stage with Midnight on it.
"The top forty two students will proceed to the next round!" She says before licking her lips again.
"The real competition begins now!" She says as she cracks the whip and the big screen pops up before it begins to spin.
"I already know what it is, but what could it be!?" She says over the mic as it keeps spinning before finally stopping and points her whip at it.
"Cavalry Battle!" She yells over the mic before continuing.
"Let me explain the rules! Participants can form teams of two to four people as they wish, essentially its the same as a regular cavalry battle with one change." She then looks behind her to the group of participants.
"Depending on the position you had in the race will depend on how much you're worth in points, the points go up by five starting from the bottom...and the point value for first place you maybe wondering!?" She asks as she lets a sadistic smirk come across her face.
"Ten Million!" She yells out shocking Matthew, he turns to see Midoriya petrified and the others looking at him with predatory eyes.
"Oh shit…" Matthew thinks to himself as Midoriya shakes with fear. Meanwhile up in the crowd in the upper part of the stadium however, there were two heroes watching the sports festival, one looking awfully similar to Matthew but different at the same time, his scales were charcoal black, fiery orange eyes and he wore black GI pants along with a long white coat with red accents. The other hero being shorter than the scaly pro hero, a foreigner to be exact, he only wore blue GI pants with an american flag tied around his waist, nothing else, he had dark brown fur covering his body and dark brown eyes.
"Say old friend if he wins this, I get to put my name on that list for internships." The scaly hero says to his friend.
"Fine but if he loses Godzillo, I put my name on there alright?" The pro hero says to the other hero named Godzillo as Godzillo then grunts in response.
"Alright, deal...Kong." Godzillo says to his friend named Kong, the monkey pro hero from the U.S.A smiles as he looks down at the stadium center as he pulls out a banana, peels expertly quick and begins to eat it.
Meanwhile in Eclipse Horizon...Hall of Rulers…
Satan swallowed some chips before taking a bite out of a chilli dog before speaking.
"Wow, ten million huh? Wonder if Matthew is gonna help his friend or not." Satan says with a mouthful before swallowing and then looks to his brother who was glaring at him as Satan then offers his bag of chips.
"Want them brother?" He asks with a toothy smile.
"No I- you know what...fine." Jesus then takes the bag as Satan laughs a bit as they go back to watch the screen as Matthew and Midoriya talk.
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