《My Hero Academia: Hero's Horizon》Chapter 12: Sports Festival Part 3: Cavalry Battle and origins!
Staduim center…
Midnight had announced that they had fifteen minutes to make a team and the battle would last fifteen minutes as Midoriya and Matthew began coming up with a plan.
"I know Kacchan won't help us for sure and I know a lot of others are going to avoid teaming up with us...and the both of us alone are great for offense so we need defense." Midoriya says with a hand to his chin as he thinks before snapping his fingers.
"I know one person we could probably get, you got any ideas Senshi-San?" He asks as Matthew responds with a nod.
"Yeah, I think I can get Shoka to team up with us, I said something to her during the race and if it's me asking she'll probably agree." Matthew says to him as they give each other a nod.
"I'll go find her, while you go get whoever it is you have in mind." He says to him as he begins his search for Shoka within the large group, he looks over the crowd, using his height to his advantage, he looks over and sees Bakugou being swarmed basically and for a moment they lock eyes as they begin to glare at each other, a few people notice, looking between the two before they break it off. Matthew continues searching and soon he finds Shoka, being swarmed by people as well, he pushes through the crowd and quickly reaches her after she tells another person no with a cold expression and tone, she then looks up at Matthew.
"Hey Shoka, want to join my team?" Matthew asks simply as Shoka then looks at the other people for a second then back at him before nodding.
"Yes." She says with her regular tone as Matthew begins to walk off with her following closely behind as the crowd behind them begin muttering curses, after getting a distance from the crowd Shoka stops Matthew in his tracks by grabbing his arm, making him turn around.
"The only reason I'm joining is...because you're right...we make a good team…" Shoka says before looking away from him and sighing.
"And that's the only reason why as well." She says as she then lets go of his arm.
"Good, I wouldn't want you to team up with me simply because we're together and you don't need to hide the fact we're not exactly on the best of terms right now as well…" He says to her as she looks down a bit.
"But I'm glad you're not letting yourself be blind to stuff like this considering everything but like you said back during the obstacle course, now's not the time to talk about this so lets meet up with Midoriya and whoever he found." He says to her as she then nods. They search for a minute or so before finally finding Midoriya and seeing none other than Tokoyami making Matthew smile as they walk towards them and as soon as they reach them Matthew pats Tokoyami on the back.
"Thanks for agreeing to help us Tokoyami." Matthew says with a smile as Tokoyami smiles back a bit himself.
"Of course, when Midoriya told me you, him and Todoroki were teaming up I didn't want to turn down helping out some friends…" Tokoyami says with a slight smile before letting it fall and getting serious.
"Now what's the plan?" Tokoyami asks as they all then get close.
"Alright so here's what I've come up with…" Midoriya says as they all begin to form a plan.
Stadium Center...a few minutes later…
"Alright people! Raise those battle cries and let the UA students hear it! It's time for the epic cavalry battle! Light the signal fire baby and lets get this started!" Present Mic yelled over the speakers, hyping the crowd up for the battle, every team was ready to go and in their own part of the field, then there was Midoriya's team, he was the rider, shoka on the right side, Matthew on the left with Tokoyami in the front.
"Senshi-san?" Midoriya asks.
"Ready!" Matthew replies with a toothy grin as he pops his dorsal fins out.
"Todoroki?" Midoriya then asks.
"Yes." Shoka simply replies along with a nod.
"Tokoyami?" Midoriya finally asks.
"Yeah." Tokoyami replies as Midoriya then tightens the ten million headband around his forehead.
"Let's win this!" Midoriya yells out as Midnight cracks her whip.
(Recommended song is Go Seize It! From the Season 2 OST of MHA.)
"Start!" She yells out as everyone charges forward except Midoriya's team.
"Stick to the plan!" Midoriya yells out as they then charge.
"Those points will be mine!" Mineta yells out from somewhere unknown to them.
"Let's bring those arrogant class 1A bastards down." A certain blonde headed boy says making Matthew growl in annoyance knowing exactly who that is just from hearing his voice.
"First chance I get, I'm knocking his teeth out because I remember clearly hating him and finding him annoying as hell in my past life!" Matthew thought to himself.
"Todoroki now!" Midoriya yells out as Shoka then brings her right arm swinging upwards and makes a huge ice wall between them and the other teams.
"Alright hopefully some of them will start to fight it out so lets-" Before Midoriya could finish he dodges Tsuyu's tongue startling him.
"Already!?" Matthew yells out at how fast they got around the wall to see Shoji charging them.
"Guy is faster than he looks!" Matthew adds as they begin to move and as Matthew charges up his atomic breath.
"Oh Midoriya...give me those points!" Mineta yells out from Shoji's back hidden perfectly pretty much as they ran then turned around.
"Fire!" Midoriya yells out as Matthew then puffs up his chest and lets his atomic breath loose striking the ground right in front of Shoji, making him stumble and nearly fall as they continue to run.
"Nice one!" Midoriya yells out as then vines attempt to grab the ten million headband but Dark Shadow comes out and beats the vines back.
"Dark Shadow watch our blind spots!" Tokoyami orders as Dark Shadow defends against another barrage of Vines from a class B student.
"Got it!" Dark Shadow yells out as Dark Shadow continues to defend against the vines as they retreat for a solid two minutes before they were taken out and the class 1B's team points were stolen by Bakugou.
"DEKU!" The blonde yells out as they then see him and his team charge them as Bakugou blasts off using his quirk.
"Oh shit, Shoka!" Matthew yells out.
"I know!" Shoka yells out as she forms a huge ice wall between them and Bakugou and his team as Matthew smiles at Shoka as they run along the wall.
"Nice one Sh-" Before he could finish Bakugou blasts through the wall right beside Matthew yelling in rage.
"AAAAAHHHHH!" Matthew screams out in terror as he punches Bakugou on reflex sending him flying back through the hole as they keep going as Tokoyami looks back with a raised brow as Matthew looks down in embarrassment.
"Bastard scared the shit out of me…" Matthew says in a low and embarrassed tone as they continue fleeing but not long after that Bakugou and his team show up again charging full steam ahead as he lets out a battle cry as Matthew fires off a quick charge of his atomic breath.
"This is going to be a long round it feels like…" Matthew says to himself as they keep running and fires off another blast.
Stadium seats...near the announcer booth…Nine Minutes left...
"Nine minutes are left and so far Team Midoriya has held onto the ten million points! Lets see if they can keep this up!" Present Mic yells over the speakers as Team Bakugou then breaks off to snag some other points from the other teams chasing Team Midoriya.
"Team Midoriya is doing great given the odds are stacked against them." Snipe says.
"Agreed and it seems most of the teams have decided to start going after each other for points now instead of going for the big prize." Thirteen says as All Might nods while looking at thirteen before looking back at Team Midoriya as Dark Shadow defends against projectiles as Midoriya fires off a few blasts of high speed wind at fifteen percent, Matthew firing off his atomic breath at the teams trying to approach them and Shoka freezing the ground behind them.
"Come on...you can do it!" All Might thinks to himself as he continues watching.
Back at the stadium center...three minutes later…
Matthew fired off another atomic beam as they kept running.
"How much longer do we need to keep this up!?" Matthew yells out as they keep running.
"Six minutes or so! Just keep going and we can win this!" Midoriya yells out before firing off another blast at a team coming from the side.
"We got another problem behind us." Shoka simply says as Midoriya looks behind them, he sees Momo as the rider, Iida in front, Uraraka on the right with Kaminari on the left charging them as Momo created a long pole to use as a lance. Matthew took a glimpse behind them as he began charging his atomic breath.
"Guys, when I say turn, stop quickly and make a sharp left alright?" Matthew says as they all nod as they keep running as Momo readies the pole and looks down at Iida.
"Do it Iida!" Momo yells out as they keep charging.
"I know what he's going to do, I remember it faintly about him being able to." Matthew thinks to himself as he narrows his eyes while looking at them.
"Recipro!..." Tenya yells out as his mufflers come to life as they keep charging as Matthew sweats a bit nervous that this might not work.
"BURST!" Tenya yells out as Team Yaoyorozu bursts forward.
"NOW!" Matthew yells out as they make a sharp left turn, skidding across the ground and giving him a clear shot, time slows down for him and Tenya as they lock eyes and as Matthew opens his mouth Tenya's eyes go wide as Matthew then fires as Tenya then turns the team at an angle and dodges Matthew's blast barely out of reach of grabbing the head band.
"It worked! Yes!" Thinks to himself as he smiles as they keep running with Momo and her team looking shocked.
"Nice thinking Senshi-san!" Midoriya yells out as the Team keeps charging.
"Thanks Mid-" But before Matthew could finish a certain blonde made his presence known.
"Oh my, seems you guys have had it rough with all of that running around! But we'll be taking those points now, you don't deserve them since you're being carried brittle bones." Monoma of class 1B says with a smile as they charge at them head on and as they get close he looks to Matthew.
"My, my you've seem to be carrying the entire-" Monoma stops himself as he sees the death glare Matthew was giving him as Matthew freed up his left hand as they get extremely close.
"Kosei!" Monoma yells out as Kosei then quickly forms a wall of solid air as they attempt to pass, but Matthew lets his fist fly as hard as he can without using his quirk, breaking through the wall easily.
"Oh fu-" Monoma attempts to say but is cut off by Matthew's fist landing right in his face, landing even harder from the momentum of charging at them, knocking him clean out of his shoes and off his team carrying him as he does back flips from the force of the punch as blood was flung around due to his nose breaking and even a few teeth being scattered across the ground from being knocked out of his mouth as he does a final backflip landing face first in the dirt.
"Team Monoma is out!" Midnight yells as the crowd goes crazy.
"Had something against him Matthew?" Shoka asks as they keep running as Matthew grunts in response.
"Guy kept running his mouth these past two weeks and decided first chance I get, I'd make him swallow his teeth…" Matthew says as he looks behind him to see two medical bots loading Monoma up on a stretcher.
"Looks like I succeeded." Matthew says with a smile be facing forward again.
Other side of the stadium in the stadium seats...three minutes left…
"Damn, that was one hell of a punch...guess that kid pissed him off." Godzillo says to Kong as they observed.
"Agreed and he was holding back to...impressive strength indeed." Kong says as he eats his twelfth banana.
"Training him ought to be fun." Godzillo says as Kong smiles.
"Agreed my friend." Kong answers simply as they continue to watch.
Back at the Stadium center...one minute and thirty seconds left…
As they kept running they began to be chased by Momo and her team again alongside Mineta and his team and two other teams as they battle it out behind them they stopped, Matthew not knowing why they stopped because he was looking behind them look forward and was instantly worried, Bakugou and his team stood in front of them as they slowly became surrounded by all of the remaining teams.
"This is very bad." Matthew says to himself quietly as they looked all around them.
"One minute left! And it seems Team Midoriya is surrounded! Can they hold the ten million points or lose it all!?" Present Mic yells over the speakers as Aizawa watches quietly.
"Everyone, plan b...when I say go Todoroki, do it." Midoriya says quietly as Kaminari on Momo's team began to spark, Kirishima on Bakugou's team hardened up and Mineta breathes heavily as he's stressed about losing and after another few seconds Bakugou lets out a yell before blasting towards them as the rest charge.
"GO!" Midoriya yells out as he fires a blast of high speed wind pressure at Bakugou at fifteen percent making him dodge as Shoka then freezes the ground a lot faster than before, freezing nearly every team in place except Momo's and Bakugou's teams as Shoka then forms a thick Ice dome, darkening the area but not completely as sunlight still shines through the ice.
"Tokoyami!" Midoriya yells out as Matthew fires an atomic blast at Momo and her team to slow them down.
"Dark Shadow attack!" Tokoyami yells out as Dark Shadow, bigger and beefier than normal emerges quickly from him in front of Bakugou who was closing in fast as Dark Shadow slams his fist into Bakugou before he could react.
"Let's kick some ass!" Dark Shadow roars out in a deeper tone than usual with his yellow eyes flashing red as he turns around and goes for Kaminari and as Dark Shadow charges and roars but before he could land a hit, Momo covers her, Iida and Uraraka in a rubber blanket as Kaminari lets loose and shocks Dark Shadow with everything he has.
"Ten Seconds left!" Present Mic yells over the speakers as Dark Shadow falls back a bit and slams into the side of the dome, breaking part of it as some of the ceiling comes down, making him shrink even more as Bakugou comes roaring towards Midoriya, startling Shoka and accidentally ignites her left side slightly and seems she's going to use it as Matthew catches it in the corner of her eye doing it but instead focuses on Momo and her team charging from behind.
"Dark Shadow!" Tokoyami yells out as Dark Shadow, even though weakened, comes back to the front as Momo and her team charge and instead of attempting to attack, uses himself as a shield and blocks Bakugou as he launches a powerful explosion at Dark Shadow as Matthew and Midoriya keeps Momo and her team at bay as people struggle to get free from the ice and as Bakugou blasts pass Dark Shadow and Momo and her team get close, the bell dings and Bakugou falls flat on his face and Momo and her team stop as Shoka looks to her left side to her shock and turns the flames off quickly as she grinds her teeth in anger for almost using it.
"Times up!" Present Mic yells out over the speakers as everyone gets off and relax as they walk out from under the dome.
"Nice job everyone!" Midoriya says to the three with a smile as Matthew chuckles, Tokoyami and Dark Shadow smile back and Shoka nods as she holds up her left hand and stares at it as Matthew looks at her for a moment and she catches him looking before she puts her hand down quickly and looks away.
"In first place we got Team Midoriya who managed to hold onto the ten million points the entire game! Impressive!" Present Mic yells.
"Then Second place we got Team Bakugou!" Present Mic also yells as Bakugou slams his fists on the ground as he yells.
"In third we have Team Tetsutet- wait Team Shinsou!? When did they get there!?" Present Mic yells in confusion.
"And in fourth place we got Team Yaoyorozu!" They all sigh in relief as Iida walks up to Matthew and extends his hand, Matthew takes it with a smile and shakes it.
"Well played back there when I used my boost, if I hadn't dodged that I'm certain that would've taken us out right then." Iida says to Matthew with a smile.
"Same to you, I had a gut feeling you had something up your sleeve so I warned the others and it looks like my gut was right, either way well done Iida." Matthew says to him before he walks off while up in the stands Endeavor looks down at his daughter in disappointment before walking away.
"Now we'll take an hour's break for lunch before moving on to this afternoon's festivities! See ya!" Present Mic announces over the speakers and just as Matthew and Midoriya we're about to walk off Shoka grabs both of them.
"Follow me now, we have something we need to discuss." Shoka says quietly to them as she begins to walk away as Midoriya follows.
"Hey Tokoyami, we'll meet you in the break room alright?" Matthew says to him as he follows behind Shoka.
"Of course, no problem, I'll get a table with Kirishima and the others, see you there." Tokoyami says while him and Dark Shadow wave at them before walking off towards the others. Within a few minutes Matthew and Midoriya found themselves in the Faculty and Student entrance with Shoka standing across from them.
"What was it you were wanting to talk about Shoka?" Matthew asks as she then looks to Midoriya.
"I need to know because it's painfully obvious something is going on here…" Shoka says making Izuku stiffen a little as Matthew leans back against the wall with his arms folded.
"Are you All Might's secret love child or something?" Shoka asks bluntly shocking Midoriya as Matthew covers his mouth and lets out a snort.
"I'm serious." Shoka says to Matthew, narrowing her eyes.
"I know, I know sorry." Matthew says with a slight giggle before coughing into his hand as Midoriya responds.
"No it's nothing like that at all! That's not how it is! I can see why you would think that but still." Midoriya says nervously as Shoka raises an eyebrow.
"So you're not denying there's a connection to you two then." Shoka says as she looks to Matthew.
"And you would know wouldn't you?" Shoka says to Matthew as he kept a poker face held strong as Shoka lets out a sigh.
"But I won't pry, but moving on, Midoriya you should know that my father is Endeavor." Shoka says to him making him jolt back a bit at what brought this on as she then continued, telling Izuku everything, the reason why she was born to begin with, how her father put her and still does put her through torturous training sessions, how volatile and awful he is as a father and how he used his fame and fortune to force his mother into a quirk marriage with him, each thing she told Izuku reminded Matthew on why he hated her father so much, in his past life, his father was an abusive drunk and even when he'd sobered up after his mother and him divorced, him and her tortured him mentally with their custody battle over him and how the cops had to be called on him a few times, he was helpless to stop it...just like her in her situation...her situation was far worse but the feelings they had during them were similar...loneliness, depression, helplessness and so on...that's why him and Shoka connected and why he stayed in her life when they met...because Matthew knew how she felt and didn't want anyone to feel like that if he could help it is how it all started before evolving into what they are today...the only light in the darkness he had in his previous life was his grandfather, who died when Matthew was seventeen due to his heart condition finally catching up to him...before he was eighteen all of his friends had abandoned or forget he existed to begin with even though he remembered them all fondly, life was rough in that aspect...but he persevered through the darkness and still kept going to be a good person, his grandfather always taught him to be a good person no matter how wrong the world seemed to be and because of those lessons his grandfather taught him is what made him who he is today and why he owes so much to him still because he kept Matthew on the right path. Matthew was the light in the darkness for Shoka after her Mother scarred her and her brother disappeared, he's always there for her when she's at her lowest to bring her back up, just like how his grandfather was for and to him during his rough childhood in his past life.
"I won't become a tool to that bastard." Shoka says through gritted teeth in a venomous tone as her hands form into fists.
"In my memories, my mother is always crying…" She says as she raises her left hand to cover up her scarred left eye.
"Your left side is unsightly is what she said to me as she poured boiling hot water on me…" She says to them with her voice wavering making Matthew's frown grow bigger as Izuku was shocked to hear this.
"I challenged you both to show him what I can do, without using his damned quirk…" She says in a dark angry tone.
"No...I'll defy him by winning first place without using it." She says with a dark look on her face as she removes her hand from her left eye as Midoriya looks down, the silence between the three deafening for a few seconds before she begins to walk away.
"I don't care how you're connected to All Might Midoriya and I don't care you're his adopted son Matthew, I'll rise above both of you with just my right side." Shoka says as she walks away and Matthew stares at her.
"Todoroki…" Midoriya says as he speaks up, walking towards her.
"I'm only here because of the people who support me…" He says quietly but loud enough for both of them to hear, everything that has happened up until this flashes in his mind one by one.
"Saving people with a fearless smile...All Might...I want to be like him." Midoriya says with a tone filled to the brim with determination.
"My motivation might seem simple to yours, but I can't lose either." Midoriya says to her making Matthew smile as she looks back.
"I have to live up to their hopes...so declaration of war from earlier? The feeling is mutual...I will beat you and Matthew." Midoriya says with a determined look as Matthew walks up to them with a smile.
"And I return the feeling as well...I've come this far and to be honest? I've been holding back so far...so beginning next round is when I stop holding back." Matthew says with a toothy smile before Shoka nods and walks away.
An hour later...stadium center…
After lunch everyone filed back outside to the stadium center, Matthew walked with Kirishima, Tokoyami and Midoriya since Shoka, Jiro or Mina were nowhere to be found and after reaching the stadium center they waited as the others filed out.
"Hey is that guy alright?" Kirishima asks, pointing over at who Matthew instantly recognized as Monoma with a bandage wrapped around his head and a bandaid over his as Matthew smirked looking at him.
"Normally I'd feel bad for hitting someone that hard, but he's had it coming the past two weeks." Matthew simply says as Kirishima remembers something.
"Wait was that the guy starting shit with us in school?" Kirishima asks as Matthew responds with a nod and just about when he's about to explain what he's been saying the past two weeks, Present Mic blares over the speakers.
"What is this!? Class 1A coming into the field with fanservice now!?" Present Mic yells making him and the other three guys raised an eyebrow before turning around and then what they see sends them slack jawed. All the class 1A girls in UA cheerleader uniforms but what shocked Matthew the most? Shoka was there along with the girls in a cheerleader uniform, which proved too much for Matthew as for the first time seeing something like this in awhile, blood dripped from his nose.
"W-wow...they um...look great." Matthew says as he wipes away the blood and coughs into his hand.
"Y-yeah." Tokoyami surprisingly responded, as edgy as he was, he was still just a guy like the rest of them as Kaminari and Mineta gave each other a thumbs up.
"You two tricked us!" Momo yells at the class perverts as Shoka and Mina look at Matthew and Kirishima with the others staring with blushes across there face.
"They seem to be enjoying the view." Mina says to Shoka.
"Normally I'd say something to him for staring at girls and acting like that, but considering the circumstances I won't." Shoka says as she drops the pom poms.
"Yeah, you're right, no use getting upset about it." Mina says.
"Moving on! After the festivities the final sixteen will duke it out in a classic one on one tournament!" Present Mic announces.
"So the last round is where we fight one on one huh? I can't wait!" Kirishima yells out in excitement as Matthew chuckles.
"Now let's draw lots to determine the brackets and once that is settled we'll move on to the games before starting the final round." Midnight says into the headset while holding a box with lots and after two surprise withdraws for the same reason and being replaced by Shiozaki and Tetsutetsu the brackets were decided from first match to last in order.
Izuku Midoriya VS Shinso Hitoshi
Momo Yaoyorozu VS Fumikage Tokoyami
Matthew Senshi VS Katsuki Bakugou
Eijiro Kirishima VS Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu
Ibara Shiozaki VS Denki Kaminari
Tenya Iida VS Mei Hatsume
Mina Ashido VS Ochako Uraraka
Shoka Todoroki VS Hanta Sero
After the brackets were decided nearly everyone was excited to go against their opponents except one pair that was meant to against one another.
"Uh oh." Kirishima says out loud as Matthew and Bakugou stare at one another glaring, feeling tension reach a boiling point as Bakugou clicks his tongue in anger and Matthew growls in anger as well before they both walk off in different directions to separate locker rooms to get ready.
"I'm concerned they may blow down the stadium." Tokoyami says.
"As am I." Kirishima replies as he watches Matthew walk off.
"This final round is going to be intense and one hell of a fight." Kirishima says out loud with a smile.
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