《My Hero Academia: Hero's Horizon》Chapter 13: Sports Festival Part 4: Settling The Score! Fight on!
Stadium locker rooms…
As soon as the brackets were decided and seeing he'd be facing Bakugou in his first match he decided on staying in one of the locker rooms and get himself ready, not even bothering to come out when Midoriya's match started or Tokoyami's match. While waiting Kirishima along with Tokoyami and Midoriya found the locker room Matthew was in as they then entered seeing Matthew resting his elbows on his legs while hunched over while sitting on a bench.
"Hey guys." Matthew says to them staring at the floor thinking.
"You alright man?" Kirishima asks.
"Yeah, I'm confident I can beat him, just nervous." Matthew admits.
"How come besides the fact it's Bakugou?" Tokoyami asks as Matthew chuckles.
"Because I'm not gonna hold back anymore, I've been holding back to save my energy so I can make it to the finals so I can fight Shoka." Matthew says while getting up and starts stretching after taking off his tank top.
"I know she's strong but you really think she can make it there?" Kirishima then asks as Midoriya responds for Matthew.
"She will, even though she's using only half her power she will." Midoriya says in a matter of fact tone as Matthew nods.
"What she's going through right now...I need to make it to the end to face her and snap her out of it." Matthew says as he keeps stretching.
"What's wrong with her?" Tokoyami then asks as Matthew sighs.
"I'm sorry but I can't tell you, it's personal for her, very personal but to put it simply...she's letting her past destroy who she is as a person and I intend to stop that." Matthew says as he cracks his neck then knuckles.
"That's all I'm saying about it though." Matthew adds as then the speaker within the locker room comes to life.
"Will Matthew Senshi please come to the stage entrance." A woman over the speaker says as Matthew takes a deep breath.
"That's me." Matthew says as he begins to exit the locker room.
"Good luck, we'll be watching." Tokoyami says as Matthew looks back and nods as he exits the locker room.
Stadium center...Fight Stage…
As Matthew walks out into the light the crowd roars to life seeing two of the most powerful participants get ready as they step up on to the stage, standing on opposite ends of the stage were Bakugou and Matthew, they held there glares as Midnight smiles and cracks her whip.
"Remember, rules are anything goes, you lose if you're knocked out obviously and or knocked out of the ring, understood?" Midnight says to the two as they nod with there eyes still locked on each other as she chuckles sadistically before waiting a moment then cracking her whip again.
"Fight!" Midnight shouts out and as soon as it's heard Bakugou blasts towards Matthew, as Matthew just simply walks towards him while glaring.
"I'm gonna blow you to kingdom come, you scaly fuck!" Bakugou yells out in rage as Matthew stops and stares as Bakugou reaches him and lets out a powerful explosive blast, Matthew manages to block it but fails to block a second one from the side as he grunts in pain as Bakugou lets out a battle cry as he lets loose explosion after explosion.
"You're going to learn who's the strongest here, you over sized lizard!" Bakugou yells out as Matthew keeps arms raised and blocks the attacks as he grunts in pain each time. Meanwhile in the stands everyone in class 1A looks on confused at why Matthew isn't fighting back at all and just taking it.
"Fight back dammit why are you just standing there!?" Kirishima yells out.
"I don't understand what he's trying to accomplish." Momo says out loud in a confused tone.
"Has he already given up?" Mineta asks.
"No, he's taking it because he can, he wants to prove a point to Bakugou." Shoka says as everyone looks at her surprised.
"How do you know that for sure?" Kaminari asks as Shoka simply points at Matthew, everyone looks at him closely and Midoriya is the first one to break the silence.
"He's...smiling?" Midoriya says as everyone looks closely through the smoke to see Matthew smiling with his arms raised. Back on the fight stage Bakugou continued his onslaught he smiles as he blasts himself over Matthew.
"Fine, you just want to sit there and take the pain then let me hit you where it really hurts!" Bakugou yells out as he readies a powerful dual explosive blast directed at Matthew's lower back and as he's about to let it loose Matthew slaps him with his tail like a whip at high speed, sending him flying to the side before recovering and blasting himself in front of Matthew while making sure to put distance between them.
"What are you gonna do, just stand there!? FIGHT ME DAMMIT!" Bakugou yells out in rage as Matthew lowers his arms revealing his smile before letting it fall as well.
"Use your damn quirk and fight me!" Bakugou yells out as Matthew gets into a fight stance before taking a deep breath.
"Gladly." He breathes in deeply again and then lets it out through his nose, blowing smoke out as the temperature begins to rise in the stadium as steam begins to come off of his body slowly.
(Recommended song is Let out the beast by 7KingZ)
"My turn…" He simply says as he pops his dorsal fins out as they faintly begin to glow, smoke begins to rise more and more off of his body and as the temperature in the stadium becomes hot as a desert as parts of his body begins to glow orange once more and as the burning glow takes over his body completely he lets out a breath he was holding in releasing smoke from his mouth as he gets out of his fight stance as a shocked Bakugou looks at him.
"Don't worry, it's nothing like it was back during the USJ since I didn't overload myself with radiation." Matthew says as he narrows his eyes at Bakugou.
"Now quit being a bitch, frag brain and come at me." Matthew says with a death glare as he begins to walk forward, Bakugou lets out a battle cry before blasting forward.
"Don't think that skin change will save you from me blasting you into dust!" Bakugou yells out as he gets ready to blast Matthew at point blank and as Matthew sees the palm coming he dodges it with unnatural speed before slamming his fist down into the back of Bakugou's head, making him face plant into the fight stage and before he could move Matthew grabs him by the leg and slams him into the ground on his back and after letting go he rolls away and gets back up on his feet all while the crowd roars.
"Die!" Bakugou screams out as he tries to blast Matthew again but Matthew grabs both of Bakugou's wrists as Matthew tanks the blasts and headbutts him, breaking Bakugou's nose as Matthew tightens his grip on Bakugou's wrists and begins to slam him into the ground over and over again like a ragdoll before throwing him across the fight stage, Bakugou recovers in mid flight and blasts towards Matthew again and then right before reaching him blasts to the side then up as he readies a blast.
"Knew it." Matthew thinks to himself as he brings his tail up and whips it as hard as he can in Bakugou's direction, creating high speed winds, knocking him off balance and missing his attack, enraging Bakugou as the angry teen gets sent flying back from a quick charged atomic blast, Bakugou lets out a yell of fury and blasts towards Matthew blindly as then something surprising Bakugou and the entirety of class 1A happens, Matthew raises his right arm with the palm of his hand facing Bakugou and braces his right arm by grabbing the right forearm with his left hand as his right hand glows brighter and then the palm sparks once, then twice, then one last time before a red and fiery orange explosion of atomic energy erupts from the palm blasting Bakugou back and sending him skidding across the ground, Matthew lets go of his right forearm as he breathes out smoke from his nose as he stands there and cocks his head at Bakugou who stands up, shaking with rage as he looks at Matthew wide eyed.
"How...how did you do THAT!?" Bakugou screams in a furious tone as Matthew narrows his eyes at him.
"I looked at how you used your quirk and see if I could apply it to mine. Through a lot of trial and error I got it to work opening many more possibilities to my quirk." Matthew says before cracking his neck both ways and shaking his head.
"But the fight ends here...I proved my point." Matthew says as he gets into a fighting stance.
"And what point...is that?" Bakugou asks in a rage filled tone and a feral look on his face.
"That the difference in power can be closed quickly with enough hard work and determination...and that I'm not putting up with any more of your shit personality...you have qualities I like about you that would make you a great friend however it's overshadowed by that shit personality." Matthew says to Bakugou as Bakugou begins to breathe heavily and breathes faster and faster each second before finally letting out a yell of pure rage as he blasts into the sky.
"I'LL SHOW YOU THE DIFFERENCE IN POWER YOU BASTARD!" Bakugou yells out as he begins blasting towards Matthew, using his explosions to make him spin as then a tornado begins to build up behind him as he closes in faster and faster.
"EAT THIS!" He yells out as he readies his right hand.
"HOWITZER…" He yells out as the hand touches Matthew.
"IMPACT!" He yells at the top of his lungs as he detonates it, the explosion being massive due to the built up oxygen from the tornado, he lands outside of the smoke cloud as he smirks, but then in the blink of an eye it seems a fiery orange blur is seen rushing towards him and time slows down as it gets to his side, in the corner of his left eye he sees Matthew rushing before his eyes travel down to see the glowing fist just about to impact into his stomach and before he could react it hits like a freight train, Matthew throwing all of his might into his fist punching Bakugou so hard it bulges out of his back, making him cough up blood before being sent flying as high speed wind pressure blasts past Matthew and as Bakugou impacts the wall it creates a cloud as the crowd goes silent and as people cough from the smoke, the cloud clears quickly to show Bakugou stuck to the wall before falling down on the ground, Midnight then raises her whip and cracks it towards Matthew.
"Bakugou is out of bounds and knocked out! Senshi wins!" Midnight yells out as the crowd goes wild as Matthew takes a deep breath in, then out as he deactivates his burning state before calmly walking back off of the stage and towards the locker rooms.
"Amazing fight! Absolutely! If more fights are going to be like that then this Sports Festival for the first years might be one of the best yet!" Present Mic yells out as medical bots carry Bakugou out on a stretcher. Back in the stands with class 1A however, nearly everyone's face in the class were either pale or they were slack jawed at what they had just witnessed.
"How did he do that? I thought he could only do that if he ate too much radiation?" Jiro says in a questioning tone as Midoriya's eyes go wide, Uraraka notices him beginning to write quickly in his notebook.
"What is it? Did you figure it out?" Uraraka asks as Midoriya keeps writing.
"The only possible way he could've done that was if he redirected all of the radiation in his body to his heart and forced a melt down state and keeping it there while only drawing out the amount of radiation he needs for his attacks! The amount of control needed for that must be crazy." Midoriya says to the others.
"I'm still confused on how he was able to use his quirk like Bakugou's." Kaminari says before Midoriya speaks.
"The only way I could think he did that is, well, instead of forcing the energy into his arm and fist he forced it all out of his hand, specifically his palm." Midoriya says as he finishes writing then closes the notebook.
"He probably has one or two more moves he hasn't shown." Midoriya says he and the others watch cementoss repair the fight stage. Back to Matthew, he was thinking if he should just prep for his next fight or actually enjoy and watch the other fights.
"After I put a tank top on and visit recovery girl I'll go sit with the rest of the class and enjoy the matches and also see if i'm gonna have to fight Kirishima or that Tetsutetsu guy." Matthew thinks to himself as he reaches the locker rooms.
First round...fourth fight…
Kirishima and Tetsutetsu exchanged blows with both of them being in boxing stances with toothy smirks on their faces.
"Show me what you can do!" Both of them yell in unison as they then proceed to knock each other out.
"Draw! A tie breaker will decide the victor at the end of the first round!" Midnight yells as she cracks her whip once more to signal the end of the fight as Matthew face palms.
"It's like watching twins fight I swear." Matthew says as the two fighters are taken to Recovery Girl's office via medical bots and stretchers.
First round...fifth fight…
"Fight!" Midnight yells out as Kaminari then rushes his opponent Shiozaki.
"Let's see how you handle one point three million volts!" Kaminari yells out as he discharges the electricity but Shiozaki turns her back and makes a shield made of vines to block the attack. After about five seconds or so she turns back around to Kaminari in his dumb state as she then picks him up using her vines and dangles him over the fight stage and after a moment Midnight cracks her whip signalling the end of the fight.
"Shiozaki wins!" Midnight declares as Matthew and a few others sigh at Kaminari for not being more careful, Monoma then begins to point and laugh at class 1A before he and Matthew lock eyes as Matthew glares at him, he quickly then stops before Itsuka gets involved.
First round...sixth fight…
Everyone in class 1A watched as Iida was running and flying around in circles against his will as Mei Hatsume talks about her 'babies' instead of fighting.
"Somebody stop this woman she's crazy!" Iida yells out but in vain as her advertising herself goes on for another twenty minutes before she shuts off the gadgets she got him to wear before the match.
"Thank you all for watching!" Hatsume yells out as she then steps out of the ring with a big smile.
"Hatsume is out of bounds! Iida wins!" Midnight declares as Iida looks at Hatsume with a shocked expression.
"You used me for advertisement against my will!" Iida exclaims in a shock filled tone as Hatsume turns to him with a smile.
"Sorry! Thanks for the help anyway!" Hatsume says as she runs to the locker rooms as Iida looks down with a defeated look.
"I honestly feel bad for him right now." Matthew says out loud as he and the rest of the class watch him walk back in through the entrance to the inside of the stadium.
First round...seventh fight…
The fight had dragged on for ten minutes Mina and Uraraka had been dodging each others attacks constantly not being able to hit each other. Both were ready to end the fight, Mina then decides to rush Uraraka.
"I hope this works!" Mina thinks as she closes in and attempts to throw a quick uppercut but Uraraka dodges and begins to extend her hand out, Mina tries to stop it by throwing some acid at Uraraka but misses again.
"Oh no!" Mina thinks as Uraraka grabs Mina's arms and activates her quirk making Mina weightless.
"Got her!" Uraraka thinks to herself with a smile as she grabs Mina's arm with hands and swings her in a direction and as soon as she is out of bounds she deactivates her quirk as Midnight cracks her whip at Uraraka.
"Ashido is out of bounds! Uraraka wins!" Midnight announces as Uraraka jumps up and down with a fist in the air.
First round...eighth fight…
The final fight of the first round was Todoroki vs Sero then there would be a tiebreaker between Kirishima and Tetsutetsu before moving onto the quarter final round. Matthew and the class watched as Shoka and Sero step up onto the fight stage on opposite ends, Sero smiles wildly and excitedly as the crowd cheers but as Matthew looks over to the otherside of the fight stage his blood then drains from his face seeing the look on Shoka's face, the look that scared him? A very pissed off one that promised fury.
"Oh shit…" Matthew thinks to himself in concern for Sero's safety right before Midnight cracks her whip.
"Fight!" Midnight yells out as Sero rushes forward and shoots out tape from his elbows, wrapping Shoka in the tape as he begins to sling her.
"I may not have a chance in hell to win this but I ain't just gonna roll over!" Sero yells out with a smile as Shoka looks down as she is being slung, her hair shadowing her eyes before looking up slightly and glaring at Sero.
"I'm not in the mood for this." Shoka simply says before a massive wave of ice erupts from her, freezing Sero up to his neck and in place as the massive ice formation sticks out of the top of the stadium as everyone looks on in shock and silence.
"Sero can you still move?" Midnight asks and after he struggles for a moment he sighs.
"N-No, I can't." Sero says sadly.
"Todoroki wins!" Midnight anounces as Shoka walks over to Sero.
"Sorry, I was just really pissed off." Shoka says to Sero as she places her left hand on the ice and turns up the heat enough to melt it at a decent rate as she looks away to the ground with a sad expression.
"Her father must have said something to her before the fight for her to lose control like that." Matthew thinks to himself as he watches her melt the ice enough to free him.
"I hope I can help her finally put this behind her." Matthew thinks as he takes a deep breath and leans back with his arms folded. After the ice was removed the tiebreaker match decided the victor of fourth match of the first round being Kirishima from winning the arm wrestling match against Tetsutetsu and after that it was time for the quarter final round.
Quarter final round...first fight…
The first fight of the quarter final round was Midoriya vs Tokoyami and even though the fight has barely begun Tokoyami was already on the defensive as Midoriya went straight into full cowling at fifteen percent as he launches another blast of high speed wind pressure at Tokoyami as Dark Shadow blocks it and before Tokoyami or Dark Shadow could react Midoriya moves in beside Tokoyami.
"He's fast!" Tokoyami thinks before getting punched in the stomach by Midoriya then getting uppercutted, Dark Shadow then stops Midoriya's onslaught and manages to land a strike but when he goes in for another attack Midoriya dodges again.
"Quit moving so much!" Dark Shadow yells out in annoyance as Midoriya dodges another attack before grabbing Tokoyami and tossing him hard but not too hard as Tokoyami gets tossed out of the fight stage before Dark Shadow can stop him.
"Tokoyami is out of bounds! Midoriya wins!" Midnight announces with a crack of her whip and a smile as Tokoyami is about to get up he sees Midoriya extending his hand and accepts it.
"Thank you Midoriya, it was a good fight, it seems I have a lot to improve though." Tokoyami says to Midoriya as Midoriya responds with a smile and nod.
"No problem if you ever need advice on how to improve your quirk though let me know and I'll give you some ideas." Midoriya says before they begin walking back to the locker rooms.
"Good to see some sportsmanship!" Present Mic comments over the speakers.
Quarter final round...second fight…
Matthew steps up onto the fight stage to see Kirishima with a toothy smile as Matthew smiles back as he takes off his tank top and tosses it to the side before popping his dorsal fins out as Kirishima stretches a little bit before finally being ready as Midnight then cracks her whip.
"Fight!" Midnight yells out as Kirishima hardens up his arms and head as he charges at Matthew, as Matthew charges up his atomic breath quickly while walking forward a bit and stopping and as Kirishima quickly closes in Matthew lets out his blue atomic breath still with enough power for high speed winds to blast past him. Just before Matthew hits Kirishima with his atomic breath Kirishima raises his arms and blocks it as Matthew continues to fire the beam, pushing Kirishima back.
"Crap, crap, crap, come on!" Kirishima yells in his head as he tries to stop himself from being pushed out of bounds and manages to do so by planting his feet into the ground and stops himself right at the edge as Matthew continues to fire. Kirishima grits his teeth and smiles.
"Time to show you what I can really do." Kirishima says to himself out loud quietly as he takes a step forward, pushing the beam back, then another, then another, he continued, walking slowly and closing in on Matthew. Matthew notices this and puts more energy into the atomic breath pushing him back again a little bit but not much, Kirishima then lets out a battle cry and takes another step before breaking into a full sprint pushing the beam back and before Matthew could react Kirishima lands a left hook stopping Matthew from firing before hitting him with a right hook then another left before hitting him with an uppercut with all of his might as he backs off in a boxer stance as Matthew stumbles back.
"What a combo to show after an amazing display of endurance! Impressive!" Present Mic yells over the speakers enthusiastically as Matthew turns his head and spits out some blood and a tooth onto the ground as he looks back to Kirishima.
"Don't worry, it'll come back in a day or two." Matthew says with a smile before getting into a boxing stance himself and taking a deep breath in,then breathing smoke out through his nose as smoke rises off his body quickly as he enters his burning state.
"Show me what you got, Kirishima!" Matthew yells out with a smile as he charges at him.
"Gladly, Senshi!" Kirishima yells out as he smiles back and charges at him as well and as they both swing and try to hit each other, their fists collide as high speed winds blow pass Matthew as Kirishima grits his teeth from the impact, they continue to attack, blow hitting blow before Matthew finally gets a hit on Kirishima in the stomach.
"Got one good hit but he's tough. I don't want to just toss him out of bounds I want him to show off how durable and strong he really is to the pro's while he can." Matthew thinks to himself as he blocks a body shot from Kirishima before getting quickly jabbed in the face by him faster than Matthew expected as Matthew delivers a right hook as hard as he can to Kirishima's head making him stumble back before letting out a battle cry and slugs Matthew in the face before they begin exchanging blows rapidly as the crowd goes wild, some people in class 1A was cheering for Matthew while some of them cheered for Kirishima while some where confused about something so obvious.
"Why hasn't Matthew tossed Kirishima out of bounds? He could easily overpower him." Iida states with a hand to his chin.
"It's because Matthew is wanting to help Kirishima out indirectly by showing how durable and strong he is most likely, sounds like something he'd do." Shoka states as Matthew does a spin and lets out a quick charged atomic breath attack but misses as Kirishima dodges and delivers a strong right hook combo before they both exchange blows to the head, making both of them stumble back, blood coming from cuts on their heads from the strikes against each other as Kirishima breathes heavily while Matthew is breathing rather steadily while the crowd continues to cheer.
"Running out of steam Kirishima?" Matthew asks in a joking friendly manner as Kirishima laughs.
"A little, won't lie." Kirishima says as Matthew and him get back into boxing stances.
"Let's finish this yeah?" Matthew asks with a smile as Kirishima smiles back they charge at each other and when they swing, there hits land on each other again as it turns into a full on slug fest.
"This match has nothing but been a slugfest and a brutal one at that!" Present Mic comments as the slug fest continues.
"Alright time to end this!" Matthew yells in his head as he begins to throw out his punches harder and faster, slowly increasing in speed to a blur, showing his real power as Kirishima gets pushed back slowly from the punches too fast for him to react at first but as he nears the edge he begins to block them to Matthew's surprise.
"Sorry Kirishima, like I said I need to make it to the finals and conserve enough energy so I can beat Midoriya so I can actually get there." Matthew thinks as he lets out a roar before throwing one last punch to Kirishima's face as high speed winds blow past Matthew, Kirishima only stumbles back and falls out of the fight stage on his back as the crowd goes crazy as Midnight cracks her whip.
"Kirishima is out of bounds! Senshi wins!" Midnight declares as Kirishima unhardens himself and rubs his head while hissing in pain before looking up and seeing Matthew's hand extended with a smile as he breathes smoke out through his nose, deactivating his burning state, Kirishima smiles back and accepts the hand and as soon as he's back on his feet Matthew retracts his dorsal fins and pulls Kirishima into a hug as they then pat each others back while laughing and after a moment they break the hug.
"I'm surprised you didn't just toss me out of bounds." Kirishima says with a chuckle as Matthew puts a hand on Kirishima's shoulder.
"I wanted to show off how strong you really were to everyone, it was a good fight." Matthew says to him with a smile as Kirishima smiles back.
"I hope you make it to the finals for her man." Kirishima says quietly as he slaps Matthew's arm.
"Yeah, me too." Matthew says before they begin walking back to the locker rooms.
"Ah, bromance! Isn't it wonderful!?" Present Mic says over the speakers.
Quarter final round...third fight…
Iida and Shiozaki stepped up onto the fight stage with determination in their eyes, Shiozaki got into a fighting stance and Iida got ready to run and a moment later Midnight cracks her whip.
"Fight!" Midnight yells out as Shiozaki Instantly uses her vines to try and tie Iida up.
"Recipro Burst!" Iida yells out as he boosts his way to Shiozaki, dodging her vines with ease and gets behind her and proceeds to push her out of bounds quickly before running back to the center and stands proud.
"Shiozaki is out of bounds! Iida wins!" Midnight yells out as the crowd cheers as Iida stands proud for another moment before bowing and running off to the locker rooms.
Quarter final round...fourth fight…
The final fight for the quarter final round before moving onto the semi final round, Uraraka and Shoka took their spots up onto the fight stage, Uraraka clearly nervous and Shoka standing with the same look in her eyes but more calm and then soon Midnight cracks her whip.
"Fight!" Midnight yells out and just as Uraraka tries to move but Shoka sends out an ice wave, freezing Uraraka's lower body to the ground already, she struggles, attempts to break the ice but to no avail.
"Uraraka can you move?" Midnight asks as Uraraka tries breaking it again but lets out a defeated sigh.
"No, I can't." Uraraka says sadly as Midnight cracks her whip.
"Uraraka is unable to move! Todoroki wins!" Midnight yells out as Shoka then comes over and breaks the ice with a strong punch before walking away to go to the locker rooms. Matthew looks at cementoss repair what little damage the ice did to fight stage as Midnight looks to the crowd.
"Next round is the semi finals! For the first match of the semi finals!..." Midnight yells to the crowd as a big holographic screen appears over her showing a picture of Matthew on the left and Midoriya on the right with VS between them.
"Senshi VS Midoriya! The fight will begin in fifteen minutes!" Midnight announces to the crowd as they cheer in excitement for the next match as Matthew and Midoriya both stand up and look at each other for a moment before they fist bump with a smile before walking off to go to separate locker rooms to get ready.
"If I know Midoriya...I'm gonna have to throw everything at him to win this and get to the finals." Matthew thinks to himself as he turns and sees Shoka as the world slows down, they lock eyes for a moment, both of them burning with determination as time feels to resume and he continues.
"I'll make it to the finals...this I swear." Matthew thinks to himself as he continues.
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