《My Hero Academia: Hero's Horizon》My Hero Academia: Hero's Horizon Chapter 14: Sports Festival Part 5: Finals! A Climactic End!
Stadium center...fight stage...semi finals round, first fight…
"Alright people! The first fight of the semi finals is a huge one!" Present Mic yells over the speakers as Matthew and Midoriya step up onto the fight stage as Midnight looks at them, both staring at each other with determination in their eyes as she chuckles.
"Five!…" Midnight yells as she cracks her whip once as Matthew pulls off his tank top.
"Four!…" She yells as she licks her lips sadistically and cracks her whip again as Midoriya cracks his knuckles.
"Three!..." She yells as she begins to smile sadistically and cracks her whip again as Matthew then pops his dorsal fins out.
"Two!..." She yells out excitedly as she cracks her whip again as Matthew and Midoriya get ready.
"One! Fight!" She yells out as she cracks whip once more before backing up further away than she already is as Midoriya goes straight into full cowling and rushes as Matthew lets out smoke from his mouth as he immediately enters his burning state as he then lets out a roar towards Midoriya before launching himself at him and within the next two seconds the first blow was struck, Midoriya punched Matthew across the face at fifteen percent power as Matthew then looks back at him with a smile.
"It's gonna take more than fifteen percent to wear me down, Izuku!" Matthew yells out with a smile as he throws a punch himself but Midoriya blocks it as he smiles back as Matthew throws another punch faster then Midoriya could react.
"Nice hit!" Midoriya says before slugging him in the face and performing a back flip away as he readies a blast of wind pressure.
"Oh no you don't!" Matthew yells out as he charges but Midoriya fires the blast off at twenty percent but Matthew charges through the wind pressure and slams his fist into Midoriya's stomach, blasting him back, Matthew then charges his atomic breath quickly and as Midoriya gets up, Matthew lets the atomic breath loose but Midoriya dodges using his speed thanks to full cowling.
(HIGHLY Recommended song is Battle of Deku, extended or non extended, your choice!)
"Let's go, Midoriya!" Matthew yells out as he begins to let out quick shots of his atomic breath as Midoriya begins to run quickly dodging the attacks.
"Twenty percent blasts aren't going to work on him…" Midoriya thinks to himself as he dodges another beam.
"And he's keeping the pressure up so I tire myself out…" He thinks as well as he does a flip over another atomic beam.
"Even though he's just as dangerous in close quarters it's my only shot…" He thinks as well as he runs while looking at his right hand before dodging again.
"Looks like both of us are holding back but it needs to end sooner or later." Midoriya thinks as he changes his direction and begins charging Matthew in a zig zag as Matthew continues to rapid fire his atomic beam as Midoriya then leaps at him and readies his fist and just before it makes contact Matthew lets out a roar and blasts Midoriya back sending him skidding across the ground before he jumps back up on his feet to see Matthew standing in a small crater with smoke rising from his body before dissipating as Midoriya grits his teeth.
"That's what I was afraid of, he learned a move to keep people away from him in all directions as well." Midoriya thinks to himself as Matthew breathes smoke out through his nose before charging and making a big leap towards Midoriya. Midoriya sees Matthew closing in fast and dodges barely to the right just in time for Matthew to slam his fists into the ground where he was just at as they lock eyes and something in Matthew's eyes flashes before he stands up to his full height.
"He's gotten stronger, but he's holding back…" Matthew thinks to himself as he spins and attempts to smack him with his tail but instead of trying to use his atomic breath after, he slams a glowing fist into Midoriya's chest with all of his strength making high speed winds blast past him as the punch knocks the air out of him and before he gets launched back Matthew grabs Midoriya by the arm and slams him into the ground, cracking the ground from the impact as he lets out a cry of pain and grits his teeth.
"But I'm not anymore...I gotta make it to the finals...for her!" Matthew yells in his head as he attempts to pin Midoriya with his foot but he rolls out of the way before jumping to his feet and jumped back to avoid another one of Matthew's strikes as he readied a blast and as Matthew charges him, Matthew looks at the finger he's about to fire with and his eyes go wide, it was glowing.
"SMASH!" Midoriya yells out as he fires a blast off at one hundred percent power, as Matthew tries to react quick enough but fails as the incredible blast of high speed winds blows him back and sends him flying, he uses his palm and fires an atomic blast from it to blast him back in before he gets launched out of bounds as he then lands cracking the ground underneath him as he looks to Midoriya breathing heavily with a broken finger on his right hand as green electricity begins to arc around him closely as red markings appear over parts of his body again as he grits his teeth and they both charge one another and clash. Meanwhile Bakugou had woken up finally and came back and just as he's about to take a seat Kirishima and Kaminari see him.
"Yo Bakugou! You're finally here! How are you feeling?" Kirishima asks with a smile as Bakugou scoffs and sits down between them.
"I'm fine shitty hair, thanks for asking, now shut up and watch the damn fight." Bakugou says with a scowl and angry tone as usual as everyone looks at him as he begins to get an angrier look.
"What!?" Bakugou yells out as everyone keeps looking at him.
"Did you just say thanks to somebody?" Kaminari asks in a surprised tone.
"Did Senshi hit you too hard?" Sero says in a curious tone as Kirishima then holds Bakugou back after he tries lunging at Sero with explosions going off in his palms and while this is going on Uraraka and Iida watch the fight closely as they see Matthew throw Midoriya like a rag doll across the stage but Midoriya recovers and lands as he fires off another full power blast breaking yet another one of his fingers as he lets out a yell of pain as Matthew dodges the blast this time after launching himself at Midoriya as he lets out a roar before slamming his fist into Midoriya's Mouth, busting his lip as he then stumbles back as Matthew lands and tries to land another hit but Midoriya dodges as he then tries something new and lands a kick at twenty five percent power to Matthew's head but it does very little as he tries to attack him again but Matthew dodges the attack as he uppercuts him into the air before jumping up and putting his two hands together and slamming them into Midoriya's midsection once again knocking the air out of him as he crashes into the ground hard before getting back up on his feet as Matthew slams into the ground near him.
"I know you're holding back, Izuku!" Matthew yells out before letting out another roar and attempting to attack again as Midoriya dodges again and readies another full power smash as another one of his fingers glow.
"I know it may not seem like it to the others but I know you're still holding back as well! This isn't even your upper limit!" Midoriya yells out before firing another blast but Matthew dodges again as Midoriya closes the distance and lands a punch at twenty five percent power on Matthew's neck, making him stumble back and growl in pain but before he could recover Midoriya lands another strike on his neck again making him roar in pain this time but as Midoriya tries to attack Matthew's weak spot again, he manages to dodge this time and counter with a knee strike to the stomach with the force of a semi truck, making Midoriya stumble back as he clutches his abdomen, as Midoriya recovers Matthew puts his palm up to Midoriya and doesn't bother to brace it as his palm sparks twice before an atomic blast blows Midoriya back making him flip back numerous times before managing to land on his feet ready to keep fighting. Meanwhile up in the announcer booth Present Mic had turned off, well, his mic and decided to just watch the match with Aizawa surprisingly, silently while the crowd roared as the two teens battle escalated as Present Mic then breaks the silence between the two.
"There really putting everything they have into this fight...and both of them are holding back still even after calling one another out, so I guess there not at the same time but I mean, just look at them!" Present Mic says pointing at the teens exchange blows once more as Aizawa lets out a breath.
"This fight between them isn't just a battle of power…" Aizawa says as he narrows his eyes looking at the two clash.
"It's a battle of willpower and determination, Hizashi." Aizawa says to his dear friend Present Mic as he responds with a nod before looking back at the fight and getting ready to turn the mic on and start commentating again. Not too far from the announcer booth was All Might and the other pro heroes watching the intense fight rage on.
"These two are really going at it, but I feel like they haven't even kicked themselves into high gear yet." Snipe comments as Midoriya lands a punch to the side of Matthew's face reopening the healed cut from the fight with Kirishima as Matthew slams his fist into Midoriya's face, busting his nose in the process.
"I just wonder how long these two can keep it up." Thirteen says as All Might is leaning forward with his hands clasped together under his chin as he rests his elbows on his thighs as he taps his foot slightly watching the fight unfold. Matthew lands another punch then a knee strike before uppercutting Midoriya making the green haired teen see stars and before he could lift off the ground Matthew pulls Midoriya in and wraps his arms around him into a bear hug.
"Atomic pulse!" Matthew yells out before letting out a roar as a pulse of atomic energy hits Midoriya at full force, Midoriya barely still conscious fires off a full power blast using his index finger on his left hand letting him break out of Matthew's hold and jump back as they then both resume there fighting stances, battered, bruised and bleeding as they both breathe heavily. Matthew looks at Midoriya and his hands, broken and bloodied fingers from his quirk, Matthew knows how determined he is to become the number one hero but he wanted to hear it for himself.
"Izuku, I need to know, why go so far for a fight like this? What is truly driving you to go this far?" Matthew asks in a curious tone as he breathes heavily, Midoriya relaxes his stance and looks down, his hair sticking to his forehead from the sweat and blood.
"When I think of Todoroki...I see the image of power…" Midoriya says as the crowd goes silent and even a few people lean up to listen as Matthew raises a scaly brow at this.
"When I think of Kacchan...I see the image of victory…" Midoriya says as he clenches his fists and grits his teeth from the pain while up in the stands Bakugou was surprised to hear this.
"And when I think of you, Senshi-san?..." Midoriya says in a questioning tone as he grits his teeth even harder before raising his fist in front of him.
"I see the image of willpower and determination! You proved how strong you really can be and how heroic you can be as well when we were attacked at the USJ! An indomitable will that nobody else could ever reach! You never give up! At least not without a good enough reason to!" Midoriya yells with a tone and look filled with determination as he looks Matthew in the eyes before Matthew then gives Midoriya a toothy smirk.
"Which is why I need to beat Kacchan, Todoroki and you! So I can prove to myself that I can be the next number one hero!" Midoriya yells out with even more determination as Matthew gets into a fighting stance as his smirk grew wider.
"Midoriya…" All Might thinks as he narrows his eyes.
"Then prove to not only me and yourself, Midoriya, but to everyone you have not only the potential to be the next number one hero, but the potential to be one of the greatest heroes that ever lived! Now let's quit holding back and show them what we can really do!" Matthew yells with determination and a smirk that rivaled one of All Might's smiles as Midoriya looks back down as green electricity begins to arc around him and the familiar red markings appear again.
"Twenty four, twenty six, twenty eight…" Midoriya says to himself as more electricity begins to arc around him and faster as the markings glow brighter.
"Over twenty five percent? Is he going to forty?" Matthew thinks to himself.
"Thirty, thirty two, thirty four…" Midoriya says as he begins to shake slightly and tightens his fists.
"Thirty six, thirty eight, forty, forty two!..." Midoriya begins to say through gritted teeth as his hair begins to flow upwards as the electricity arcs even more violently.
"He's going over forty percent!?" Matthew yells in his head in shock.
"Forty four, forty six, forty eight!..." Midoriya yells out as high speed winds begin to form around him and he shakes violently before looking back at up at Matthew to show his glowing green irises.
"FIFTY PERCENT!" Midoriya yells out as the electricity and winds blow outwards and make Matthew stumble back and raise his arms to block the wind and after a moment he lowers his arms to see Midoriya, his irises were glowing green, his hair was flowing upwards with glowing green highlights in his hair along with electricity arcing around his body calmly now as then Midoriya smiles.
"I'm gonna guess you don't got long while staying like that…" Matthew says as he slams his feet into the ground, cracking it as then slams his tail as hard as he can into the ground twice, in a challenging meaning as he then lets out a roar as the area close to him explodes with atomic power, his eyes burning even brighter than before, his heart beating faster and his dorsal fins and claws glowing brightly now.
"Now come, Midoriya! Show me what you can really do!" Matthew yells out before roaring and charging at Midoriya.
"With pleasure, Senshi!" Midoriya yells out as he charges back at blistering speeds and as Matthew's right fist glows he readies it as Midoriya readies his right fist as they then slam each others fist into the other's fist, causing the very foundations of the stadium to shake from the power.
"Holy crap! Such insane power!" Present Mic yells surprised from the power of the punches as the crowd goes wild once again.
"Bring it, Izuku!" Matthew yells out with a smirk as he begins to charge his atomic beam quickly and then Midoriya smiles back as there fists clash again and again, causing shockwave after shockwave as they bite back the pain of their bones cracking under the pressure. Midoriya then does a roundhouse kick and lands it on Matthew's head, causing high speed wind pressure to blast by again as Matthew then uses his atomic pulse at maximum strength, roaring from the power as it finally breaks the fight stage completely and even sending decently sized chunks high up into the air. He then points both palms to the ground and both palms spark three times as he uses legs to give him a boost up as he launches himself up above the stadium slightly as the shockwave blows against the entirety of the audience as Midoriya then jumps after him at blistering speeds, using the large chunks to get even higher and when he lands on the last chunk he launches himself at Matthew as they clash in the air, causing another shockwave.
"Jesus! There so fast! We're gonna need to release a slow mo version of this part of the match so everyone knows what the hell happened!" Present Mic yells even more shocked as Aizawa looks on with wide eyes.
"Let's do it!" Midoriya yells out as there fists meet again but Midoriya finally puts his speed to use and unleashes a flurry of lightning fast blows, slamming them into Matthew's abdomen, chest and face at full force of fifty percent full cowling as he mixes in thunderous kicks before performing a downwards kick, sending Matthew crashing back down into the ground but before landing he recovers in mid air and lands on his feet into the dirt, dead center of the fight stage outline as Midoriya begins to fall.
"Dodge this, Izuku!" Matthew yells out as he fires a full power red spiral atomic beam at Midoriya, as he then grits his teeth and smiles as he pulls back his fist and lets one for all flow through it, charging to one hundred percent power, he then throws it straight at the beam and collides with it but splits the beam in as he comes crashing through it blistering speeds ready to hit Matthew with everything he has but before he gets to Matthew, he shuts the beam off and redirects the remaining power into his tail.
"It was a trap!?" Midoriya screams in his head in shock as he gets smacked full force by Matthew's tail as he gets sent flying to the side but before being thrown out of bounds he uses yet another finger on his left hand at one hundred percent and launches himself at Matthew and as he lands and slides towards Matthew at max velocity, he readies a one hundred percent smash again in his right arm while the electricity arcs even more violently as Matthew charges his right arm as well as he reels it back as it glows even brighter than before as Cementoss's eyes go wide.
"Midnight!" Cementoss yells out.
"I know!" Midnight yells back as she rips a part of her outfit on her arm and activates her quirk but to no avail.
"This'll knock him out!" Midoriya yells in his head as he closes in.
"Time to show off something I've been saving!" Matthew yells in his head as Matthew then roars as Midoriya yells as they get face to face.
"Atomic!..." Matthew yells out as they both swing.
"Detroit!..." Midoriya yells out as there fists close in on each others faces.
"SMASH!" They both yell out in unison as there fists connect with each others targets as a fiery atomic charged tornado takes up the fight stage and grows taller than the stadium as it blows hot incredibly high speed winds across and out above the stadium, blowing Midnight off her feet and Cementoss out of his chair as everyone in the audience hangs onto their seats or people beside them.
"HOLY SHIT!" Mineta yells out in fear as he hangs for dear life onto Shoji.
"Oh my god!" Jiro yells out in awe, shock and fear as the winds blow her hair back and she grabs her seat.
"Mother of christ!" Sero exclaims as he uses his tape to hold on and not get blasted to the back of the stands and after a few more seconds the winds die down and the tornado dissipates completely. Everyone coughs from the smoke as a large smoke cloud obscures vision in the center of the fight stage, Present Mic and Aizawa, who got knocked over from the shaking sit back up.
"M-Midnight...who won?" Present Mic says in a shocked and nervous tone as Midnight coughs and stands back up as she waves away the smoke and she squints her eyes when she sees something in the smoke, the smoke disappears rather quickly and everyone looks on shocked.
"THERE STILL STANDING!?" Present Mic screams over the speakers in disbelief. The two teens were still standing, breathing heavily, Matthew breathing out smoke and already out of his burning state already and Midoriya out of his full cowling already, both heads turned to opposite directions, Matthew's turned to the right still from Midoriya's broken fist and arm as Midoriya's head is still turned to his right from Matthew's smoking fist. They both slowly lower their fists and cough as they stumble back, Matthew manages to stand straight after shaking his head to make the stars go away but Midoriya falls on his back, breathing heavily.
"M-Midoriya, can you move?" Midnight asks as he tries his best, but only manages a little, knowing that Matthew is still standing and not even shaking from the damage he accepts it.
"No, I can't, not like this." He says, straining a bit from over exerting himself as Midnight then cracks her whip extra loudly this time.
"Midoriya is unable to move." Midnight says to the silent crowd as she points her whip to Matthew.
"Senshi wins and will proceed to the final round!" Midnight yells as the crowd goes wild.
"Wow, what a match! I think that was the most explosive match the first years have ever had! How the heck could the final round top this!?" Present Mic yells in an impressed tone.
"Who knows? They've surprised us this much, who says they can't anymore?" Aizawa says finally speaking again and even though nobody could see it, he was smiling like a mad man. Meanwhile back in the remains of the fight stage Midoriya looks towards Matthew to see him walking towards him before stopping and gives him a toothy smile as he extends his hand.
"You didn't lose, Izuku, we both won that fight." Matthew says to Midoriya as he accepts the hand with his somewhat functioning left hand as Matthew pulls him up they both then grunt from multiple bones cracking.
"How?" Midoriya asks as Matthew points at the roaring crowd.
"Listen." Matthew says as Midoriya listens, he hears the praise, the compliments, everything as he then smiles again as bright as All Might.
"Now raise that broken fist to the fucking sky, Midoriya and show them you can still stand after that!" Matthew yells out as he throws his right fist into the air as he lets out a yell and slams his left fist into his chest as Midoriya raises his right fist to the sky as well as Midnight steps up.
"The next fight will begin in forty five minutes due to the fight stage needing obvious repairs!" Midnight yells out over the mic as Matthew and Midoriya lower their fists and look at each other.
"Let's go to recovery girl while we wait, yeah?" Matthew says to Midoriya as he smiles back and nods before they both begin walking as Matthew almost falls but straightens himself back up as he coughs out smoke.
"My gran is gonna kill us." Matthew says quietly but loud enough for Midoriya to hear making him chuckle.
Thirty minutes later...Locker room…
As Matthew entered the locker room he let out a sigh as he rubbed the top of his head. As soon him and Midoriya had entered Recovery Girl's temporary nurse's office she hit them both over the head multiple times with her cane as hard as she could practically yelling at them with a face red from anger, there are few things Matthew is afraid of and one of them is his gran getting mad at him, all Matthew had needed was for her to use her quirk on him to heal cuts, bruises and minor bone fractures from the fight with Midoriya, thanks to his healing factor he didn't need any other treatment. He takes a seat on the bench and gets another tank top from his locker and puts it on before taking a tired breath as he rubs his face.
"Jesus christ, I've never used my quirk so much in one day, even the fight with Nomu didn't leave me feeling this drained." Matthew thinks to himself as then the door to the locker room opens as Matthew then looks towards the door and sees Iida walk in.
"Ah, Senshi-san, you're here! I thought you were still in Recovery Girl's office?" Iida asks with a smile as Matthew chuckles.
"No, I'm already healed up and ready as I'll ever be...I hope." Matthew says to him before grabbing his shoulder.
"Since you're here, I'm assuming the fight will be starting soon so I'm going to go back to Recovery Girl's office and check on Midoriya before heading back up to the others." Matthew says with a smile before patting Iida's shoulder and letting go.
"Good luck and if you make it to the final round, I look forward to fighting you." Matthew says as he walks out of the locker room.
"Same to you, Senshi!" Iida says excitedly as he pulls out his phone and tries to call his brother again.
Five minutes later...Recovery Girl's nurse's office…
Matthew finally reaches Recovery Girl's nurse's office as he then opens the door to see All Might talking to Midoriya as they then turn to him.
"Hey, good to see you're awake, how's the hand?" Matthew asks walking up to the bedside as he then sees Midoriya's heavily scarred right hand.
"I can still use it but it's stuck looking like this for good." Midoriya says before frowning.
"I just wish I was strong enough to win against you." Midoriya says.
"I know Midoriya but my main concern getting to the finals isn't about what All Might here asked us to do." Matthew says gesturing to his adoptive father next to him as All Might looks to Matthew.
"That's fine but I'm curious to what is?" All Might asks as Matthew takes a deep breath.
"Shoka is going down a path that could lead to her going to a very dark place eventually…" Matthew says as he clenches his hands into fists.
"And I intend to stop that from happening." Matthew says with a determined voice before beginning to walk out and as he reaches the door Midoriya speaks up.
"Do you even care about winning the Sports Festival then?" Midoriya asks curiously, he knows why he wants to get to the end but he thought he would try winning as well, Matthew turns his head to the side and looks back at him.
"Winning isn't everything about being a hero, Midoriya, you of all people should know that." Matthew says before walking out the door and to the stands with the rest of class 1A.
Semi final round...second fight…
The crowd cheers as Iida and Shoka step up onto the fight stage as Midnight begins the countdown again and cracks her whip.
"Five!..." She yells out with a smile as Iida and Shoka stretch one last time.
"Four!..." She yells out with a crack of her whip as Iida and Shoka stare at one another with determined looks.
"Three!..." She yells out with another crack of her whip as Iida takes a deep breath in as Shoka's eyes narrow.
"Two!..." She yells out in a sadistic tone as she cracks her whip again as Iida puts his hands on the ground and gets in a running position.
"One! Fight!" Midnight yells out with a crack of her whip as Iida's engine legs roar to life and Shoka immediately sends out a wave of ice as he runs and dodges to the right to avoid the ice.
"She isn't going to give me time to think!" Iida yells in his head as Shoka sends out another ice wave making Iida dodge to the left as he skids to a stop, trapped in between the Ice walls now.
"Got you." Shoka thinks to herself as she freezes the ground but Iida dodges again with a standing long jump.
"Recipro Burst!" Iida yells out as his engine legs go into overdrive as he attempts to land a kick but misses as Shoka ducks, he then lands and slams a kick into Shoka, knocking her face first into the ground.
"A direct hit!" Present Mic yells over the speakers as the crowd roars, Iida grabs Shoka by the back of her shirt and begins running as fast as he can.
"I got eight seconds! If I can just make it to the edge I!-" But before he could finish that thought he stops dead in his tracks as he looks down to see one of his legs frozen to the ground as Ice creeps up his body.
"What!?" Iida exclaims as the Ice covers his body up to his neck.
"I've been using ranged attacks this entire time and you completely forgot that I can freeze things while touching them too, didn't you?" Shoka asks as Iida grits his teeth.
"Iida, are you able to move?" Midnight asks making sure he can't break out of it.
"No, I can't." Iida says as he looks down defeated as Midnight cracks her whip towards Shoka.
"Iida is unable to move! Todoroki wins and will proceed to the final round!" Midnight yells out as the crowd goes wild, Iida looks up defeated.
"I'm sorry, Tensei." Iida says to himself as Shoka breaks him out of the ice with a strong kick and punch before walking away as Midnight cracks her whip to get the crowd's attention as a big hologram with Matthew on the left and Shoka on the right with versus between them.
"The final round of the first years Sports Festival will be Senshi VS Todoroki! The final match will begin in fifteen minutes!" Midnight yells as the crowds volume increases as everyone looks to Matthew as he lets out a deep breath and stands as he looks down to see Shoka looking up at him, determination burning within both of them, they then break the staring contest as they both go to separate locker rooms.
Locker room one…
Matthew sits on the bench in the room and taps his foot nervously as he takes a deep breath in and out repeatedly but slowly.
"I gotta snap her out of it because if you fuck it up, you'll lose her for good." Matthew thinks to himself as he takes another breath in and then out.
"I got to push her to her limits with her ice to show how holding back is gonna cost her in the long run, it's the only way, because if somebody as young as me and already this strong exists there's no doubt there are others out there…" Matthew thinks as well as he looks at the clock seeing there's only four minutes before the fight will happen.
"I guess I'll go wait by the exit, better than sitting here and worrying." Matthew thinks as he takes one more deep breath in and out before standing up, taking his tank top off and exits the locker room. He begins walking down the hallways towards the exit to the fight stage and as he gets close to the exit and sees the sunlight he stops after feeling heat wash over his back as he lets out an angry growl.
"Endeavor." Matthew says with venom in his tone as he turns around to see the large flaming hero himself with his arms folded.
"I've been looking for you." Endeavor says in an annoyed tone as Matthew growls again.
"Well congrats you found me, what do you want?" Matthew asks in an impatient tone as Endeavor scoffs.
"I wanted to speak to you about my daughter." Endeavor says to Matthew as the large teen scowls at him.
"What about her?" Matthew asks in an angry tone before Endeavor continues.
"What is it that makes you love my daughter the way you do?" Endeavor asks with him sounding almost disgusted when he says love.
"You try to bring her into a world she wasn't meant for and no matter how hard I try she won't give you up and continues to rebel against me." Endeavor says to the teen as he clutches his hands into fists and gets into Endeavor's face.
"I love her because we've been there for each other since the day we met! I love her because she's one of the strongest people I know and I don't just mean quirk or strength wise either!" Matthew yells in his face, as his anger rises.
"I love her because she never abandoned me, as I never abandoned her." Matthew says lowering his voice but holding his angry tone.
"I try to bring her into a world you think she wasn't meant for because I love her and she deserves to be happy." Matthew says to the flaming hero.
"THAT'S why, Endeavor." Matthew says backing off and as a speaker comes to life.
"Will the two fighters step onto the fight stage please?" A woman over the speakers asks before it shuts back off as Matthew glares at Endeavor.
"That's me and before I go." Matthew says in a venomous tone once more.
"Learn to be a good father, you'll regret it when all of your kids leave you and never speak to you again." Matthew says making Endeavor scowl at him as Matthew turns away and walks into the sunlight.
Final round...fight stage…
The crowd roars to life once more as the two teens become visible and step up onto the fight stage.
"Alright ladies and gentlemen! This is the final round of the UA First Year's Sports Festival!" Present Mic yells over the speakers with a big smile.
"On the left we have the one and only! The shirtless wonder! The Titan of class 1A! Matthew Senshi! He's fought his way through the sports festival and started the third event off with an explosive match with Katsuki Bakugou but not nearly as crazy as his last match! Not by a long shot! Since he's here, things are gonna get exciting!" Present Mic yells excitedly over the speakers as some people in the crowd chant Senshi as Matthew keeps his eyes locked on Shoka.
"And on the right we have the one and only! The one hit wonder! The Ice Queen of class 1A! Shoka Todoroki! She's fought her way while showing off her incredible ice abilities but not once has she used her right side which can use flames on as we saw a little bit of it in the cavalry battle!" Present Mic yells over the speakers as she grits her teeth seeing a replay of her activating it by mistake.
"Also a little something that'll make this more interesting is that these two are a couple! So will they hold back against each other or will they go all out for a matter of respect to each other!? Let's find out! Take it away Midnight!" Present Mic shouts over the speakers as Midnight cracks her whip to silence the crowd.
"Before this final match begins a reminder of the rules, anything goes as long as you're in the fight stage! If you become unable to move, fight and or knocked out and or get out of bounds the fight is over and you lose! Are we clear!?" Midnight yells out to the two.
"Clear." Both of them say as they stare at each other, the atmosphere heavy as the two burn with determination as Midnight chuckles as she cracks her whip.
"Five!..." Midnight yells out with a sadistic smile as she cracks her whip loudly as Matthew cracks his neck and breathes out some smoke as Shoka breathes out a cold breath of air as she cracks her knuckles.
"Four!..." Midnight yells out as she licks her lips seeing the two get ready as she cracks her whip, Matthew pops his dorsal fins out and lets out a low growl as breathes out smoke through his nose, ready to enter his burning state as Shoka narrows her eyes at him.
"Three!..." Midnight yells as the crowd joins her in the countdown, she then bites her lower lip in anticipation as she cracks her whip loudly, Matthew gets into a fight stance as Shoka does as well.
"Two!" Midnight yells out excitedly along with the crowd as she then gives the crowd a wink after she cracks her whip even louder than before as Matthew and Shoka both take one last deep breath in then out.
"ONE! FIGHT!" Midnight screams out as she cracks her whip as loud as she can and as soon as she says fight they charge at one another, Matthew entering his burning state instantly as he lets out a roar and as Shoka charges she begins to leave ice behind her right side as she brings her hand down to the ground, leaving a trail of ice behind her forming up as she breathes out another breath of cold air and swings her right hand up sending a huge wave of ice as it then crashes into Matthew and the crowd goes silent as it encases where he was and the area around it.
"I-Is it over already?" Present Mic says over the speakers in a disappointed tone as Shoka raises her index finger to the announcer booth as they hear a boom, then another boom, then another.
"No...this fight's only getting started." Aizawa says over the speakers as the booms get louder and louder before Matthew comes crashing through the ice, shoulder first, roaring and burning brighter than before.
"The heat from my burning state is gonna keep her warm somewhat, so I got to get her to use that ice as much as possible so she'll reach her limit." Matthew thinks to himself as he comes to halt as he slides across the stage.
"You're gonna need to do more than that to take me out, Shoka!" Matthew yells out as Shoka then charges him while gritting her teeth as she then jumps and forms an ice wave as she begins to ride the ice wave as Matthew fires a quick charged atomic breath shot at her but She manages to dodge as she goes around Matthew in a circle sends another ice wave at him but he manages to punch it away, the high speed winds knocking Shoka off balance but recovers as she lands on her feet as Matthew jumps towards her and slams his fists into the ground but she launches herself away with a small ice pillar as she does back flip in mid air before landing a good distance away.
"She doesn't know I'm running low for once so I got to keep the pressure up." Matthew thinks as Shoka runs and sends another large ice wave towards him as he then aims the palms of his hands at the wave of ice as his palms spark three times before a large explosion of atomic energy blasts forth, destroying the wave of ice as high speed winds blow throughout the stadium.
"Going to have to get tricky." Shoka thinks to herself, she had been dead silent during this so far, she loved Matthew, but right now she cared only getting back at her father and defying him, the man she holds responsible for ruining their family, Toya running away, her mother breaking mentally and hurting her own daughter, her brother Natsuo wanting very little to do with the family, her sister crying every night before falling asleep, she blamed him for everything. The images in her mind flashing as she grits her teeth and sends out a large wave of ice stopping just before Matthew as she uses another ice wave to slide to the left side of it to see Matthew charging right at her.
"Matthew, right now to me you're just another obstacle and the only thing I care about right now is making my father see how useless his quirk is to me and making him pay!" She yells in her head, letting her anger fuel her drive and quirk as she closes in and as Matthew tries to throw a punch, she dodges jumping off the wave.
(Recommended song is Kimi no Chikara Extended version.)
"I know I haven't said anything to her about her left side yet but…" Matthew thinks to himself as Shoka slams her right fist covered in ice into his stomach before kicking him in the neck with her right leg covered in ice just as she then forms ice over her left arm as Matthew stumbles back, she tries to throw a punch but Matthew blocks it before getting kicked by her left leg now covered in ice, making him stumble up against the ice formation beside them as she then tries to freeze him to the wall.
"But the fact she's thinks she can beat me with half her power…" Matthew thinks as he breaks from the ice and lands a solid punch to her gut before grabbing and smashing her into the ice formation as she grits her teeth from the pain and before she could react he slams his tail into her midsection, knocking the air out of her as he grabs her by the arm and tosses her, making her skid across the ground before she gets back up to see him charging again.
"Really PISSES ME OFF!" Matthew yells in his head in anger as he lets out a roar while charging, Shoka then forms a large ice pillar going to the height of the stadium. Meanwhile in the stands with class 1A everyone looks on in awe.
"I know they've been acting differently and haven't seemed as happy together but the way there fighting…" Mina says out loud as Matthew leaps up the pillar as Shoka erupts a smaller pillar from the larger one and tries to hit Matthew with it but he punches it away as he grabs onto the large ice pillar, his claws digging in.
"It's like there fed up with one another over something or trying to prove a point but each side keeps taking it further or both." Jiro says as Matthew uses all of his might to launch himself upwards, rocketing himself to Shoka as he lands on the ice pillar.
"Shoka, I know you're reaching your limit!" Matthew yells out as he slams his fist into the pillar trying to hit Shoka, sending large cracks down the pillar as Shoka counters with an ice covered punch to the side of his head.
"And the fact you're still holding back against me is PISSING ME OFF!" Matthew yells out in anger as he elbows her in the stomach and manages to land a punch to her head with a left hook making her stumble back before attacking again with a right punch as he blocks it and she holds her fist there as she leans in.
"Shut. Up. And. Fight. Right now you're nothing more to me than just another obstacle. I. Will. Beat. YOU!" Shoka yells out that last bit before kneeing him in the stomach and landing another kick to his head as Matthew looks back at her hurt but enraged again as he tries to land a punch but misses and hits the pillar again, shattering it.
"Goddammit!" Matthew yells in his head as they begin to fall.
"Is that all I am to you now!? An obstacle for you to overcome!?" Matthew yells out at her in an angry tone as she lands on a large ice chunk and looks at him with a glare.
"Yes." Shoka simply says as she shoots a big ice pillar out of the large chunk at him at high speeds, the pillar slams him in the gut as he feels his heart drop as the world goes slow, hearing her say that to him felt worse than anything he's felt yet, being brutalized by the Nomu felt better than hearing those words.
"Are you going to let the past control you this much Shoka?" He thinks to himself as time resumes and he slams into the first ice formation breaking the base of it as he then stands up growling in pain as the ice formation begins to fall towards him, too large to move out of the way in time he raises his hands and catches it, bending to one knee as the ground cracks from the weight, he then stands up and sees Shoka staring at him before letting out a roar of rage and tossing the large ice formation he had caught, at her, shocking her thinking he didn't have the strength to do that still.
"You surprise me Senshi…" Shoka thinks to herself as she runs towards the ice formation flying towards her as she brings her right hand down to the ground again while running.
"But this ends here." Shoka thinks to herself as she lets out a yell and brings her right hand up as she reaches the middle of the fight stage, sending out an ice wave bigger than the one she froze Sero with, Matthew looks on in shock at the massive ice wall coming towards him engulfs the large ice formation he threw at her, but he thinks about the times they had, the memories flooding his mind as he reels his right fist back as he feels something burn within him he hasn't felt before as his right arm glows brighter and brighter before changing to a glowing purple with violet atomic energy arcing up and down it, he then lets out a roar, a roar of rage and determination before slamming his fist into the massive ice wave, blowing a massive hole through it as the wave collapses upon itself and stops as high speed winds blow towards Shoka as she raises her arms shakily up to defend her face and as the winds calm down she looks dead ahead as she lowers her arms while shaking, seeing Matthew walk towards her through the ice field as the ice nearby him melts as Matthew stops and looks to her and sees she's finally shaking, even the heat from his burning state wasn't warming her up at this point. She had truly reached her limit.
"Shoka…" Matthew says as he breathes smoke out his nose as Shoka looks to him glaring at her.
"You've reached your limit now…" Matthew says, there was frost forming up on her right side.
"If somebody as strong and young like me exists then you ought to be smart enough to realize that there's people probably stronger than both of us and they most likely aren't heroes either." Matthew says to her as she grits her teeth.
"Quit holding back, Shoka." Matthew asks simply hoping she would bend.
"N-No...I won't." Shoka says through gritted teeth as Matthew lets out a growl before clenching his hands into fists.
"Everybody else fought their way through the Sports Festival giving it their all, while the entire time you've been half assing it!" Matthew yells out in anger as he moves inhumanly fast and shoulder charges Shoka before she could react knocking the wind out of her as she gets sent flying back and gets up still shaking from the cold.
"It's an insult to everyone that participated in this! It's disgusting to me that you think you can become number one by only using half your fucking power!" Matthew yells out in rage as Shoka lets out a yell and sends an ice wave towards him, but it's slowed down as the frost on her right side gets worse, Matthew punches through it and punches her in the stomach as she tries to stop herself with an ice wall formed behind her quickly but she breaks through it as time slows down as her childhood flashes in her mind. Her father punches her in the stomach hard as she falls to her knees and pukes as she cries.
"Enji please! Stop she's only five! I beg you, stop!" Shoka's mother yells at Endeavor as she kneels beside Shoka putting a hand on her back.
"If she can't take that then she needs to begin training, now out of my way!" Endeavor yells out as he then back hands Shoka's Mother as she lets out a yelp as Shoka then looks to her Mother on the floor with a red mark on her cheek.
"Mom?" Shoka asks her mother but before it could continue Shoka lands and skids across the ground once more as she gets to her knees as Matthew walks forward as time slows again and she flashes back again to her childhood. Shoka crying as she hugs her mother.
"I don't wanna!...I...I…I don't wanna be like dad and hurt you like he does!" Shoka yells out as she cries more as her mother rubs the back of her head gently.
"But don't you want to be a hero?" Her mother says as she looks up to her, her mother then smiles gently.
"Its okay to be one, as long as you have a future you feel strongly about." Her mother says before being brought back to reality and getting hit in the stomach again before being tossed back in a chunk of ice, she then groans as she gets up again before getting punched through the ice as time slows down again for her. She looks down at the courtyard seeing her siblings play as she begins to smile but then her father grabs her by the arm and begins to drag her.
"Don't look at them Shoka, they belong to a different world...a world you weren't meant for." Her father says as she tries to pull away. Her mind then flashes to her walking to the kitchen doorway as she peeks around to see her mother on the phone in front of the stove with a tea pot of boiling water.
"Mom, I think i'm going crazy...I can't take it anymore, everyday the kids seem to become more and more like him…" Her mother says as her mother shakes a little bit.
"Shoka's...that girl's left side looks very unsightly to me…I feel like I can't raise her anymore...I…I..." Her mother says as she then speaks up.
"M-Mom?" She says to her mother as her mother then begins to shake and she drops the phone as the tea pot of boiling water begins to whistle louder and louder as her mother then turns with a look of terror and she relives the whole thing again, her mother pouring the boiling hot water on her left side as she screamed and asked her to stop as her mother held her there. Her mind then flashes the day after with her sitting on the floor as her father lets out a grunt and hangs up the phone.
"Great, this is a very important time too." Her father says.
"Where's mom?" Shoka asks as her father looks down at her.
"Oh, she hurt my greatest creation, so I put her in a hospital." Her father says before looking away and getting ready to walk off.
"It's your fault." She says through gritted teeth as her father turns around with a raised eyebrow.
"She hurt me because of you!" She yells as tears come out of her right eye, her father then looks down at her with a glare before reality comes back again and she lands, getting up on her left knee and putting her left hand on it to get up as she stands there looking down.
"I…" Shoka says as she looks up shakily with gritted teeth.
"I'll reject that bastard's power...I won't use it." She says through gritted teeth as Matthew lets out a loud growl as he stops a distance from her.
"Don't let the past control you goddammit!" Matthew yells out at the top of his lungs as he clenches his fists as tight as he can his claws drawing blood as he looks down as a tear falls.
"Don't make the mistake I made in my past life...please…" Matthew says in his head before looking back up as for the first time in his second life, he cries.
"It's your quirk! Not his! He doesn't control your power! YOU DO!" Matthew practically screams as he cries with his eyes closed in a last ditch effort to convince her to get off the dark path she put herself on for revenge as Shoka goes wide eyed as Matthew opens his eyes as he cries, his chest heavy with stress and concern for someone dear to him.
"Don't you want to be a hero?" Matthew asks as Shoka takes a step back as her mind flashes back one last time. It was her and her mother before the incident, they were watching All Might on tv together on a couch as Shoka smiled at the tv.
"Yes, that's right! Children inherit quirks from their parents, but the really important thing isn't that connection…" All Might says on the tv in her flashback.
"I…" Shoka simply says as she lets out a shaky breath.
"But realizing your own flesh and blood, recognizing yourself. That's what I mean when I say: I am here! You see?" All Might on the tv says.
"You want to be a hero, don't you? It's okay for you to be one." Shoka hears her mother's words echoed in her mind as she lets out another shaky breath.
"Before I knew It, I had forgotten…" Shoka thinks to herself as she begins to breathe quicker.
"You don't have to be a prisoner of your blood…" She hears her mother say in her head as feels something coming from within, something burning.
"It's okay for to become…" She begins to breathe quicker as her left side begins to smoke.
"Who you want to be." She hears her mother say as she lets out one last breath before a firestorm erupts around her.
"T-This is!-" Present Mic yells in shock as the fire rages.
"I-I guess this was the issue." Tokoyami says stunned.
"Yeah, I knew he could save her!" Kirishima yells out with a smile.
"He got her to use it…" Midoriya says quietly and wide eyed.
"I can tell you're running on fumes, son, but even when so close to victory, you're willing to toss it all away if it meant saving her." All Might thinks to himself proudly as he smiles. The firestorm dies down as Matthew lowers his arms to see the flames reveal Shoka.
"D-Did you really just fight your way all the way to the top...just to snap me out of it, Matthew?" Shoka says quietly but loud enough for Matthew to hear as he wipes his eyes and gives her a toothy smile and a thumbs up.
"You're goddamn right I did!" Matthew yells out in a happy tone as Shoka looks down as the firestorm dies down more.
"Dammit Matthew! To go this far for someone who treated you like shit for the past two weeks and even after what I said!" Shoka yells out as the firestorm dies down some more, heating her up and melting the frost off of her body as the fire dies down enough to reveal Shoka to everyone, her left side completely ignited as she stares at Matthew.
"Let's save that stuff for later yeah?" Matthew says as he lowers the thumbs up as his toothy smile becomes a toothy smirk.
"Do you have an answer for my question now?" Matthew asks as the fire rages on.
"I...I want to be a hero!" Shoka yells out as she smiles at him.
"You're crazy, Matthew." Shoka says with a big smile.
"SHOKAAAAAA!" Endeavor yells out as he walks down the steps between the audience seat rows.
"Have you finally accepted who you are!? Have you accepted my blood and power!?" Endeavor yells out as he then reaches the railing.
"With my power, not only will you surpass that weakling with ease but will surpass even All Might one day and fulfill my will!" Endeavor yells out to her as she doesn't look at him and continues to look at Matthew as her smile falls and a single tear falls down her right side as she looks down.
"Endeavor shouting encouragement I think? Such a wonderful father." Present Mic says sarcastically as Matthew whistles at Shoka as she then looks back up at him.
"Ignore him, he doesn't control you." Matthew says as he gets into a fighting stance and he smiles at her as she smiles back and gets into a fighting stance.
(HIGHLY Recommended song for this next bit is either You say run + Jet Set Run V2 or Blizzard by Daichi Miura, english or japanese, your choice!)
"Say Aizawa, got anything you want to say?" Present Mic asks his friend with the speaker on as Aizawa leans up to the mic and even though nobody could see it, a big smile on his face.
"The real fight begins now!" Aizawa says as Shoka's and Matthew's smile get even bigger.
"Don't blame me for what happens next!" Shoka yells out as she sends out an ice wave jumps on it and rides it towards Matthew.
"Let's see if you can back that up!" Matthew says with the biggest smile he could make as he charges towards her, pulling out all of his reserves as Shoka rides closer on the ice wave but gets an idea and uses her fire side to propel herself faster, faster than Matthew thought possible and before he could react, Shoka knees Matthew in the stomach with her left knee, shooting flames out the foot to make it go faster and hit harder, knocking the wind out of Matthew as he looks shocked but regains his Smile as he hits her with a full power punch, launching her back but not as strong as before sadly as high speed winds blast past him as she lands and already running towards him again.
"Dammit I'm running on fumes at this point! Fuck it though! Let's see if I can beat her! I already done what I needed to do anyway!" Matthew yells in his head as he keeps smiling and charges at her again at blistering speeds as she then swings her flaming left hand out with a smile and sends a large uncontrolled wave of fire towards him, he swats it away only to be shocked to see a wave of ice coming towards him already.
"Oh shit!" Matthew yells in his head in shock as he punches it away just in time only to turn and be met with a flaming kick as stumbles back as she fires a stream of fire at him point blank as he raises his arms and blocks it, but not without burning his arms and getting a few burns on his lower torso as he then swats away the fire and slams his fist into her side as she grinds her teeth and bites back the pain with a smile as she stumbles back and keeps smiling.
"See if you can catch me!" Matthew yells out with a smile as he points both of his palms to the ground and jumps before his palms spark three times and rocket him into the air once more.
"Oh, you're on!" Shoka yells out with a smile as she shoots up into the air using a tall but thin ice formation at an angle as she uses her flames propel herself faster as she curves around quickly to stay in the bounds as she catches up to Matthew quickly as he then lands on the ice formation behind her and slides after her with a grin.
"Show me what you got!" Matthew yells out as Shoka grins back as she keeps propelling herself and forming the ice.
"Alright, you asked for it!" Shoka says as she uses her left leg and kicks it up wards, sending a small wave of fire as Matthew barely dodges it as the begin to go down towards the ground as she sends another one with a giggle as he gets hit by it as he shoots a quick charged atomic breath but she leans back and dodges it with a grin while keeping her balance as she then starts taking herself up at a steep angle and propels herself faster, as Matthew then falls off the ice formation and onto the ground with a faceplant, cracking the ground as he then gets up and starts charging his atomic breath and she begins to send ice pillars down at him.
"Heads up, Matthew!" Shoka yells out happily as Matthew dodges one with a smile and another one just barely meanwhile in the stands with class 1A and even class 1B who knew her as the ice queen bitch of 1A by some but would never say it out of there class room over fear of what Matthew would do to them, looked on in shock at the complete one eighty personality flip.
"She seems so...happy!" Mina yells out with a big smile and throwing her fist into the air.
"Get him Todoroki! You can beat him!" Mina yells out with a smile as Matthew dodges another pillar of ice as he gets hit by a wave of fire just barely.
"Win this Todoroki!" Momo yells out.
"You got this man! You can win this Senshi!" Kirishima yells out.
"Come on class prez! You can do it!" Kaminari yells out as well as then soon the girls of class 1A and class 1B were rooting for Todoroki as most of the guys of class 1A and class 1B were rooting for Matthew as he dodges another pillar of ice as he smiles widely.
"Here comes the pain, Shoka!" Matthew yells out as he shoots out a nearly fully charged atomic breath attack towards her, she then curves around and propels herself straight towards it while forming the ice slide and just as its about to hit her she starts forming the ice slide a little to the right of the beam and smiles as she hugs the right side of the red atomic beam as she then switches sides and goes under and over the beam with a smile as she then quickly reaches Matthew and lands a high velocity flame boosted kick to his head before landing behind him and they exchange blows, an ice covered kick hitting him in the side as he hits her in the side of her head with an atomic powered punch.
"Look at them go! This is gonna be another close one!" Present Mic yells over the speakers as the fight stage cracks from the force of Matthew's punch slamming into it as he looks up and keeps smiling at Shoka as she smiles back before launching herself back with an ice pillar as she lands sliding into the center of the fight stage as she looks up at Matthew not too far away from her but a good distance away still with a big smile.
"Let's finish this, Matthew!" Shoka yells out in excitement.
"Let's!" Matthew yells back in excitement as well as Shoka bends her knees a little bit and brings her hands down low to the ground as she flares her quirk up as much as she can, the flames and cold winds blowing her shoulder length hair up as Matthew redirects all of his remaining atomic energy into his dorsal fins, taking him out of his burning state but keeping his dorsal fins glowing fiery red and orange as he puffs up his chest.
"Dammit not again! Midnight!" Cementoss yells out as he puts his hands onto the concrete and activates his quirk as Midnight grits her teeth and rips a part of her sleeve on her hero costume off and activates her quirk as well.
"Oh shit, not this again!" Midnight yells out as Matthew and Shoka both fire, a huge wave of ice and fire shooting out from Shoka after raising her hands towards Matthew with a smile and Matthew finally releasing a red spiral atomic breath as high speed winds blow past him and Shoka from the power of her quirk, as everyone grabs onto something in the audience.
"EVERYBODY HOLD ON!" Present Mic basically screams over the speakers as he grabs the desk as Aizawa hopes for the best since he can't grab anything and just before the red spiral beam and the wave of ice and fire collide Cementoss raises a few walls just in time to lessen the blast but the walls shatter on impact as the attacks collide anyway causing a massive explosion as the whole stadium and the surrounding area rumbles from the explosion, Midnight and Cementoss getting blown back again while thankfully nearly everyone in the audience was ready for it this time and as the rumbling stops as nearly everyone lets out a deep breathe.
"Who won this time?" Present Mic asks Midnight over the speakers after helping Aizawa back up. Midnight climbs back up as she blows a strand of hair out of her eyesight as she groans while rubbing her head, Cementoss stands up with a groan as well.
"Just because something is powerful doesn't mean it's good but this? This is crazy and amazing at the same time." Cementoss says out loud as Midnight coughs and waves away some smoke as she then sees a figure walking as a very weak blast of wind blows away the smoke revealing Matthew, standing shakily as he breathes heavily with burn marks covering his upper body, he then walks forward seeing another figure standing as he blasts away the smoke with an atomic powered wave of the hand causing a blast of wind albeit a weak one revealing Shoka still standing, the smoke still covering most of her upper body as the audience gasps.
"HOW DO YOUR STUDENTS STAY STANDING AFTER THAT, AIZAWA!?" Present Mic screams at the top of his lungs over the speaker as Aizawa looks down at the fight stage in shock.
"I have no idea…" Aizawa says simply over the speakers as both Shoka and Matthew stand there staring at one another as Matthew's dorsal fins light up bright blue as Matthew puffs up his chest but instead of releasing an atomic beam, he releases an atomic infused smoke ring as he then coughs before falling to one knee and wheezing as he retracts his dorsal fins.
"Senshi, can you still move or even fight?" Midnight asks as Matthew's eyes go wide, he slowly looks up and sees Shoka staring at him wide eyed in shock as well as she then stumbles back a bit but keeps standing as Matthew looks to his left to see class 1A in shock, Momo and Mina with there hands on their mouths while the others looked on wide eyed or slack jawed as Matthew looks back down and coughs again.
"Senshi, can you still move or fight?" Midnight asks again as Matthew takes a deep breath in and then out as he then smiles.
"I ain't got nothing left in my system, that was everything I had left just then." Matthew says shocking everyone as Matthew turns his head to the right and smiles at Midnight.
"So no, no I can't, Midnight." Matthew simply says as the crowd stays silent as a few gasps are heard and even a pen drop as Midnight lets out a sigh as she smiles.
"You stupid boy, there's a reason I love you like a son and this is why." Midnight thinks to herself as she smiles to the crowd and cracks her whip one last time.
"Matthew Senshi is unable to continue the fight! Shoka Todoroki wins the Sports Festival!" Midnight yells out with a smile as the crowd instantly roars and cheers as fireworks go off as Matthew grunts as he stands up, he looks to Shoka with a smile as she then begins to fall forward but he moves in just in time to catch her and pulls her into a hug causing some of the crowd to go aw at the sight as she hugs back.
"Why…" Shoka says as Matthew looks down at her as she looks up with teary eyes.
"Why did you submit? I don't deserve first place, you do." Shoka says as she slams a fist into Matthew's chest as Matthew smiles as she buries her face into his torso and cries.
"Because out of everyone here you beat the strongest opponent and overcame the greatest obstacle…" Matthew says making her stop crying.
"Yourself." Matthew says with a smile as she sniffs a bit.
"Matthew…" Shoka says quietly as she looks back up at him with teary eyes.
"Yes Sh- HMMPH!" Matthew tries to say before promptly being pulled into a passionate kiss as the crowd goes wild and whistles at the site, in the stands of class 1A Mina holds her chest from how cute she thinks it is while Sero and Kaminari hold back Mineta.
"Lucky bastard!" Mineta screams out as Shoka and Matthew break off the kiss and chuckle at one another as Matthew takes a deep breath.
"Alright let's head to Recovery girl's office and get patched up." Matthew says with a smile trying to break off the hug but she holds on tightening her hold.
"Uh Shoka we need to move, what's wrong?" Matthew asks looking around at the audience looking at Shoka and covering their mouths with their faces red from laughter.
"Well...uh…the fire um…" Shoka tries to say but Matthew's eyes go wide and a blush rises to his cheeks as he feels more skin pressing up against him, he looks down and his face turns red, the fire from her quirk had completely incinerated the entire left side of her UA gym jacket, tank top, her bra, pants, her panties and even the left shoe and sock. She looks to the side with her face completely red.
"If I let go, well yeah…" Shoka says as Matthew calms himself and smiles.
"Wrap your arms around my neck and your legs around my waist, I'll carry you while keeping you covered." Matthew says with a nervous smile as Shoka sighs, seeing no other quick way out of this, does so as Matthew wraps his arms around her and begins walking towards the exit to head to Recovery Girl's office.
"Are you sure you got enough energy for this?" Shoka asks in a tired tone as Matthew laughs.
"Were gonna find out I guess huh?" Matthew says with a smile as she pulls herself up higher onto him and rests her head on one of his shoulders.
"Just don't crush me if you fall, because if you're gonna be on top of me I'd rather it not be you crushing me and preferably doing something else." Shoka says the last bit in a tired but flirty tone as Matthew's face goes completely red again.
"D-Did you just?" Matthew asks in disbelief as he keeps walking to the exit of the stadium center as Shoka smiles as she closes her eyes.
"Just keep walking, oh and Matthew?" Shoka asks as Matthew walks through the exit.
"Yes, Shoka?" Matthew asks with a raised scaly brow as he keeps walking.
"Tonight we're going on a date, no buts because school is out tomorrow." Shoka says in a tired tone as Matthew smiles brightly.
"Alright Shoka, what time?" Matthew asks in a happy tone as they round a corner.
"I'll have John pick you up at six tonight and bring you over to my place while I get ready and then were going to a place I picked out and I'm going to pay, no buts." Shoka says as Matthew sighs with a smile as he continues walking while carrying her.
"Alright you win, this time." Matthew says before chuckling as he continues walking to Recovery girl's nurse's office.
Meanwhile in Eclipse Horizon...Hall of Rulers…
God, Jesus and Satan smile at the screen, well God shines brighter than usual, before turning it off.
"And so he passes yet another test with flying colors and not only that but proving to himself more and more that he can do this." God says as he shines brightly out of happiness.
"After his previous life, shit, the kid deserves it and the more he keeps going the more he prepares himself for the real fight!" Satan says with a grin as he then lets out a loud belch as he patted his stomach slowly with content after managing to eat all of the food as Jesus shakes his head and smiles.
"Not only that, but I gotta say this again, he's got a heart of gold." Jesus says as Satan begins gathering his trash and as Jesus gets up a warning hologram pops up over the table as then incoming call pops up as he hits accept.
"Yes, who is it?" Jesus asks.
"Sir, it's the surveillance and communications leader here, sorry to bother you three but we got a problem, were getting increased Dark Matter readings from universe XYG670 and ZTL209" The man says on the other line as Satan and Jesus raises an eyebrow at that.
"Who's at which of those universes?" Satan asks.
At XYG670 is Raiden, Dark Matter charts are getting worse by the hour and at ZTL209 is what we designated that universe as for that Matthew guy, it's flickering every now and then though but I thought I should bring it up anyway." The man says as both Jesus and Satan sigh.
"I'll get a squad mobilized just in case if Raiden needs the back up." Satan says as he gets up with his trash.
"And I'll head down to surveillance and communications and see this for myself, you're dismissed by the way." Jesus says to the man on the other end.
"Yes sir." The man says as Jesus gets up and walks away and after both of them leave, God dims a bit and floats to the window and looks out over the city.
"Dark Matter...not good." God says to himself hoping it's nothing different from the usual.
Meanwhile at Recovery Girl's Nurse's Office…
Matthew pushes the door open as he carries Shoka, who fell asleep along the way, to a bed and lays her there while looking away before letting a breath out with a smile.
"Finally." Matthew says before his eyes shoot wide open and he feels a dark presence behind him, the embodiment of pure rage and fear itself as he began to shake in fear, he turns around slowly with fear in his eyes and sees nothing at first as he then looks down and sees Recovery Girl looking up at him shaking while gripping her cane tightly as Matthew waves.
"U-U-Uh hi Gran...I might have gone overboard again." Matthew says shyly in a scared tone as Recovery Girl's face turns red with anger and steam blows out of her ears.
"Uh oh." Matthew thinks to himself. All Might was walking to Recovery Girl's office in his hero costume as he then cringes at the crash sound.
"WAIT, GRAN I'M SORRY! NO WAIT!-" All Might hears Matthew yelling out muffled from the walls and door as he then hears a loud whack and then a loud thud, he runs to the door and yanked it open to see Recovery Girl standing over an unconscious Matthew with steam puffing out of her ears with her cane gripped tightly as All Might sighs as he shuts the door behind him.
"I should've expected that." All Might says, Recovery Girl lets out a huff before hopping off of Matthew and walking to her chair.
"This is your fault, you move him into the bed." Recovery Girl says to All Might as he looks to her with wide eyes.
"How's this my fault?" All Might asks as Recovery Girl stops and looks at him.
"You raised him Toshinori, he's your adopted son, your fault he's like this now." Recovery Girl says before hopping into her chair as she picks up the phone dials a number as All Might lets out a sigh and puffs up to his muscle form.
"Alright big guy let's get you into a bed." All Might says as he picks Matthew up with ease and sets him in a bed.
Twenty Minutes later…
Matthew lets out a groan as he sits up and sees All Might speaking with Power Loader as Power Loader sees Matthew sit up.
"About time you woke up!" Power Loader says as he stops over to Matthew as Matthew chuckles a bit and sees Shoka missing.
"Hey where's-" Matthew is about to ask but Power loader cuts him off.
"Waiting for you at the podiums, you're the only one missing!" Power Loader exclaims with a smile as he pulls out a pill and hands it to Matthew.
"Here's a little thank you and pick me up for doing great out there kid." Power Loader says as Matthew takes the pill, seeing it's a radiation pill quickly pops it into his mouth and swallows it as his eyes shoot wide open as he jumps to his feet and smiles as he jumps up and down.
"Hell yeah! I feel recharged and everything! Thanks Higari!" Matthew says looking to Power Loader as Power Loader shakes his head as he hands Matthew a black tank top.
"Don't say I never helped ya and where good, kid." Power Loader says as Matthew puts the tank top on.
"Now follow me kid and I'll take you to the podiums." Power Loader says as he begins walking and as Matthew follows him he looks back before exiting Recovery Girl's Nurse's Office.
"Where you going to be at dad?" Matthew asks All Might as All Might laughs as he puffs up into his muscle form again.
"Don't worry, you'll see me real soon, OH! WAIT HOLD ON!" All Might yells out real quick stopping Matthew and Power Loader.
"What now?" Power Loader says as Matthew raises a scaly brow at his adoptive father.
"Listen, I've seen the news lately and well...I think it's time, before you know...I've talked to the others and they agree that maybe it's time." All Might says making Matthew's eyes almost bulge out from shock.
"Are you sure?" Matthew asks as All Might nods as Matthew then takes a deep breath out.
"I mean, if everyone else is in agreement then I guess I'm all for it, let's do it." Matthew says with a smile as All Might pats Matthew's head.
"Alright my boy, don't worry, all you have to do is just wave and smile, now i'll let you go and now I…" All Might says with a big smile.
"GOT SOMEWHERE TO BE!" All Might yells out as he runs at blistering speeds away as Matthew and Power Loader both look at each other and shrug as they continue now.
A few minutes later…
Matthew looked to Midoriya who smiles and nods as Matthew then looks to Shoka as she smiles and nods as they hear the fireworks exploding in the air.
"All of the first year events for this year's UA Sports Festival have been completed." Midnight says to the crowd and press as the other people who participated, group up in front of where the podiums will emerge, at a distance.
"And now, we will begin the award ceremony!" Midnight yells out as the crowd cheers and fireworks shoot up into the air as smoke then goes off and the shutters open as the podiums rise out from the ground, the smoke then clears rather quickly, revealing Midoriya in third place, Matthew in second and Shoka in first.
"In addition to Midoriya, Iida is in third place as well but he had to leave early due to family matters, thank you for understanding!" Midnight says to the press as she then strikes a cute pose for them, Matthew and Midoriya both wonder if Iida is okay but they give each other look and nod, agreeing to worry about it in a bit, Midnight then puts her finger up to her ear piece.
(Recommended song for this last part is Peace Sign, any version you prefer!)
"Alright, Toshi, get going." Midnight says quietly as then Miles away deep in the city All Might gets the message and nods as he has his finger up to his ear piece.
"Got it, Nemuri." All Might says with a smile as he then takes off at max speed, jumping from building to building and even landing on the road before jumping again.
"Hey its All Might!" A guy shouts out as All Might waves as he lands and leaps again, flying past a glass office building with a big smile as he sees his reflection as he lands on a building and leaps again and lands as he begins to run at full speed with a big smile.
"And now for the man that'll be handing out the medals is the one and only!..." Midnight yells out as All Might has the stadium in his sights as he makes one last leap into the sky and lets out a laugh as he strikes a pose and flexes in mid air above the stadium.
"All Might!" Midnight yells out as All Might lands and slides in front of the podiums.
"I AM HERE!" All Might shouts as the crowd goes crazy with the number one hero making an appearance as the press take pictures as All Might pulls out three medals.
"And I brought medals!" All Might yells out as he laughs once more as he walks up the steps to Midoriya who was in third.
"Young Midoriya…" All Might says as he Midoriya leans forward a bit as All Might puts the bronze medal around his neck.
"The power you showed today was incredible and even though it seems you have some control over it, you must continue your training and learn to control one hundred percent of that power if you wish to become the next number one hero!" All Might says to Midoriya loudly for the crowd to hear as he leans down and then hugs Midoriya.
"You did great young Midoriya, I'm proud." All Might says to Midoriya quietly before breaking off the hug as Midoriya looks up at him with teary eyes.
"Thank you, All Might." Midoriya says while wiping his eyes as All Might walks up the steps to the second place podium where Matthew stood with a big smile on his face.
"Young Senshi…" All Might says as Matthew leans forward a bit as All Might puts the silver medal around his neck.
"The power and strength you showed was incredible as well, but not only that you revealed at the end you didn't fight to the top to win but to help someone in need, not only that but your will and determination is something everyone should strive for!" All Might says loudly to Matthew as he leans down and then hugs Matthew.
"I'm proud of you son, keep it up and remember, get ready." All Might says quietly with a smile as he breaks off the hug as Matthew smiles brightly and gives All Might a nod before All Might walks up the steps to the final podium, first place where Shoka stood.
"Young Todoroki…" All Mights says to Shoka before she leans forward a bit as All Might puts the gold medal around her neck.
"I know not much of your internal struggles with your quirk besides what was said during the match, however the power you then showed after finally overcoming those struggles shows how much potential you truly have, I am proud to be a teacher here at UA with not only someone like you but the others as well, you truly went Plus Ultra in the final round." All Might says loudly to her before leaning down and hugging her.
"I'm happy that Senshi was able to help you and that you two are back to normal if not better than before either way, I'm proud of you as well." All Might says quietly before breaking off the hug as Shoka looks up at him with a smile.
"As am I, All Might." Shoka simply says before All Might turns to the crowd.
"Well, these are the winners of the first year's Sports Festival this time! However anyone of these people in the group of students in front of me could've been on these podiums! And I hope you all understand what the Sports Festival is truly about! Competing! Improving each other and climbing even further! The next generation of heroes is for sure shining brightly!" All Might yells out as the crowd cheers and All Might raises an index finger.
"However! I have one more announcement! Specifically its to address a certain rumor!" All Might then yells out as the crowd goes silent.
"I'm sure all of you watch the news and debates and such and that a certain rumor has come about and…" All Might yells out as he looks around at the crowd.
"I guess it's time to tell the truth! I'm gonna keep it short though! I'll answer any and all questions in an interview and tell the full story then!" All Might says with a smile before pausing and then continuing.
"A long time ago, there was a boy! He had come to Japan to visit his homeland after his grandfather had died due to a heart condition! The boy's parents were killed in a car wreck due to a villain attack!" All Might says as he sees the eyes of the students of class 1A go wide, while Midoriya and Shoka were neutral due to being informed as soon as Matthew reached them at the podiums.
"I was too slow and failed to save the boy's parents...I had felt guilty! So I adopted the boy after finding out he had no surviving members of his family that wanted to take him in!" All Might yells out as the crowd looks on surprised.
"And who is this boy you may ask!?" All Might yells out as Matthew takes a deep breath in and then out as he then jumps off the podium and walks towards All Might.
"Him!" All Might yells out pointing towards Matthew as the crowd roars to life and the press goes wild with cameras flashing as Matthew reaches All Might and is pulled into a side hug by him as they both wave for the camera's and as the crowd dies down All Might let's go of Matthew and looks to the crowd with a big smile.
"Now I only have one more thing to say before we end this Sports Festival!" All Might yells out as he raises a fist to the sky while smiling as bright as ever.
"What do we say everyone!?" All Might asks everyone in the stadium.
"GO BEYOND!...PLUS! ULTRA!" Everyone in the stadium yells together as the crowd cheers once more as fireworks are fired off and All Might lets out a hearty laugh as he smiles to the crowd. Matthew looks to his class and sees them all smiling, Kirishima giving him a thumbs up and a toothy smile, Tokoyami giving him a smile and respectful nod with Dark Shadow and surprisingly Bakugou gave him a thumbs up even though he was looking the other way with scowl making Matthew chuckle before he turned to the podium seeing Midoriya smiling widely and even Shoka smiling brightly as well as Matthew then raises a fist to the sky with a bright smile of his own to the crowd thus signalling the end of the faithful Sports Festival meanwhile up in the stands Godzillo and Kong looked down at the winners with smiles.
"I never would've expected that rumor to be true but what do you know huh!?" Godzillo says before laughing as Kong grunts in response, his eyes locked on Matthew as Godzillo turns to Kong.
"You're not surprised?" Godzillo asks as Kong shakes his head as Godzillo shakes his head as well before narrowing his eyes.
"You know something don't you?" Godzillo asks as Kong gets up.
"Maybe, but anyway I'm gonna try finding that Kirishima kid when he tries to leave and give him my agency card, this is when they start internships anyway or at least soon." Kong says as he walks away, making Godzillo sighs in annoyance at not getting a straight answer before getting up and following meanwhile the students down in the stadium center begin to go to the locker rooms and change before going home finally as the audience themselves begin to get up one by one and leave as well.
- In Serial17 Chapters
Embers in the Ash
Four ordinary young people from four corners of the Earth wake up on a hill in another world. Here, their very presence is a crime against the Gods. On the fringes of civilization, life is often brief and always violent, but in the Empire's Heartland, implacable hunters seek to rectify their blasphemous existence with Blade and Fire. To return home, they will need to adapt to a place where their life will be earned in steel. But what will they be ready to sacrifice for their goal? Will their flame flicker out like so many others before them? Or will they thrive as Embers in the Ash? Hello, and welcome to my first fiction on this site! Embers in the Ash is an epic fantasy adventure story that aims to span quite a few chapters (I hope!). To set expectations, this isn't going to be a LitRPG or power fantasy-style story. I'm aiming for a fairly grounded story set in a fairly high-fantasy world. I hope you enjoy it! For this first month of publication, my aim is to give you, the reader, something to really bite into. I will be releasing a chapter every day at 9:15 AM EST (13:15 GMT), as well as the occasional double chapter (which will always be announced by a post-chapter author blurb). Check in fifteen minutes after the first chapter's release! After this first month of publication, the aim is to go for either a weekly or bi-weekly release schedule, depending on the sort of time I can reliably dedicate to writing. Either way, settle in for the long haul, and welcome to the story!
8 304 - In Serial57 Chapters
The Kind Prince Who Became An Evil Lord of Darkness
In 17th century France, the rich nobles control the world with a magic system called "Artifacts". Prince an innocent hearted prince of the Bourbon Kingdom, one day has his life thrown into chaos by betrayal, and inherits an "Artifact" that is the ancient spirit of "The Dark King". Through misfortune after misfortune, Prince eventually loses everything and starts his life over without a royal name. Prince vows to make his way back to the top hiding amongst the everyday people of France. Prince is a Japanese style light novel based on Machiavelli’s classic "The Prince". Although this work takes influence from it, the story, quotes, and characters are all completely original. It is mostly the concept of good and evil that is borrowed from Machiavelli.
8 254 - In Serial9 Chapters
Your So Creepy (Despair SouDam)
8 102 - In Serial8 Chapters
Hamilton One Shots
So... one shots. This is just going to be fluff and a maybe a little bit of angst, please give me ideas because I have no idea what to write... Thanks!😊(Also obviously I don't own Hamilton, Lin-Manuel Miranda does.) Get ready for my cringy story!
8 159 - In Serial7 Chapters
Rebound Tenderness
Dec's been feeling a bit off for a few days, but he never imagined that a little stomach ache could turn into something so serious.......
8 162 - In Serial31 Chapters
hostage | all of us are dead
what happens when you awaken inside the world of your current favorite kdrama? will you have what it takes to save your favorite characters from death? but what if all the characters act strange towards you?june 2022#1 in allofusaredead#1 in isak#1 in namra#1 in gwinam#1 in onjo#1 in joonyeong#2 in suhyeok #6 in kdrama#3 in wujin#3 in cheongsan#4 in gyeongsu#1 in nayeonTHANK YOU?!! I'M SO HAPPY 😭
8 79