《My Hero Academia: Hero's Horizon》Chapter 15: Love and Promises
Girls Stadium Locker rooms…
Shoka slid on a casual shirt after putting the uniform back in the locker with a smile and shutting it with a happy sigh, as she then turns around and sees Mina and Momo smiling, Mina bouncing up and down excitedly as Jiro walks up beside them along with Toru, Uraraka and Tsuyu.
"You were great out there Shoka! You beat the strongest person in our class!" Mina says excitedly as she jumps up and down.
"Yeah, that fight was intense! When you started using your fire I'm pretty everyone in the stadium started sweat!" Uraraka says with a smile as Shoka giggles.
"Thank you, but I only barely won against him, if our first fights were against each other I get the feeling he would've beaten me." Shoka says humbly with a smile.
"But I have an important date to get ready for tonight, so if you'll excuse me." Shoka says as she pushes past the group gently.
"Hey wait!" Mina yells out to Shoka as she is about to reach the door and Mina runs up to her.
"Yes Mina?" Shoka asks with a raised eyebrow as the others rush behind Mina while smiling.
"Last time you told me and the others we could help you get ready for your next date and well…" Mina says with an excited tone and drags the last word out as Shoka chuckles at the group.
"Sure, you can help if you want, we'll go to my place." Shoka says with a smile as she walks out the door with the others smiling and following her.
"Yes!" Mina says excitedly with a jump as they continue, everyone smiling ear to ear. They exit the stadium and reach the limo as John the driver opens the door for Shoka.
"These your friends Shoka?" John asks with a smile as Shoka nods in response before getting in the limo, the others introduced themselves before getting in the limo and after shutting the limo door and getting back in the driverseat, John turns around to the girls in the back with a smile.
"Where to girls?" John asks.
"Back home John, there going to help me get ready for a date tonight." Shoka says with a smile as John faces forward and starts the limo.
"What time is the date?" John asks as he begins to drive.
"I need you to pick him up at six and then come back and pick me up." Shoka says with a smile as she looks to the others before chuckling.
"I get the feeling that I won't be ready till after you pick him up." Shoka says to John as he then shakes his head with a smile.
A few minutes later...back at The Stadium…
Matthew looked down at his phone with a smile as he texted Shoka he'll be ready by then, he lets out a happy sigh as he puts his phone back in his pocket as he rounds the corner he sees Midnight standing in front of him at the end of the short hallway with a hand on her hip and a smile.
"Oh hey Midnight!" Matthew says happily with a wave and toothy smile as she then laughs.
"Normally I'd ask why you backed down at the end there but I heard what you said to her." Midnight says with a smile before walking towards Matthew.
"Oh, you managed to hear us over the crowd?" Matthew says with a slight chuckle as Midnight nods in response before stopping right in front of him.
"Yup, gotta say little Senshi, I'm impressed." Midnight says before letting her smile fall and standing on the tips of her shoes to wrap her arms around his neck and hug him gently, catching Matthew off guard a little.
"You're a great man Senshi." Midnight says gently to him while hugging him as he hugs back gently.
"M-Man?" Matthew says in a surprised tone to her as Midnight chuckles with her eyes closed as she keeps hugging.
"A boy wouldn't have done what you did Senshi…" She says in a gentle and quiet tone as she begins to let go but as she does she kisses him on the cheek making him blush as they stop hugging making her laugh softly.
"Oh don't act like that, I've given you cheek kisses before." Midnight says as he rubs the cheek.
"But a boy wouldn't have done what you did, men do." She says with a smile before continuing.
"I still consider myself young and obviously I don't have any kids but if there was anyone I'd say that's like a son to me, it would be you little Senshi." Midnight says to him as he smiles at her.
"Thanks Aunt Nemuri, that means a lot." Matthew says before she nods.
"Also, I know you're going on a date, overheard the girls talking about it, so I got something you can give to her." Midnight says as she sticks her hand into one of her pockets and pulls it out with it in her closed fist she then holds out the fist and opens it palm up and what Matthew sees makes his eyes nearly pop out of his head in shock, he then picks it up with two fingers and gently and looks at it, a gold engraved ring with a small ruby or at least what looked like a tiny ruby to him in the ring.
"I...I...I...um…" Matthew fumbles completely shocked.
"It's a promise ring...someone gave it to me a long time ago when I was first starting out as a hero, he uh...he died in a villain attack and well I've always kept it just hoping he was still alive for awhile but eventually I just decided to keep it to remember him by, but I'm ready to move on now and I want you to have it and give it to the person you love." Midnight says with a smile as a few tears roll down her face.
"I...are you sure?" Matthew asks as she nods and wipes her eyes.
"Yeah, I'm sure." Midnight says softly as Matthew nods before putting the ring in his pocket and as he's about to say something he hears running down the hallway behind him.
"Yo! Wait up Senshi!" Matthew hear's Kirishima yell behind him as Midnight smiles and nods before walking.
"I'll let you go so you can talk to your friends, I got something planned tonight as well." Midnight says as she rounds the corner at the end of the hallway as he then turns around to see Kirishima, Kaminari, Tokoyami and Mineta.
"Hey! I just got a text from Mina saying you're going on a date and well me the guys here want to help you get ready for it." Kirishima says with a toothy smile as Tokoyami nods with a smile and Kaminari and Mineta smiling and waving as Matthew raises a scaly brow.
"I appreciate the help but how come?" Matthew asks as Kirishima shows him his phone with texts between him and Mina on it.
"Me and the guys here are having a competition with her and the girls on who can make the other look better for the date!" Kirishima says as Matthew then blinks a few times before shrugging.
"Alright, where too?" Matthew asks him as Kirishima and the others start walking past him.
"To a clothing store in the mall! Hope you got money! We gotta be back at your place and done by six though!" Kirishima says to Matthew, making him sigh and shake his head with a smile before following behind him.
Thirty minutes later... Midnight's penthouse…1:54 PM…
Midnight shut her front door quickly before leaning back against it and sliding down it as she took off her eye mask as she let out a sigh. After a minute she stood back up with a smile before beginning to walk to her room.
"Hey Alexa!" Midnight yells out to the virtual assistant.
"Yes Miss Kayama?" The virtual assistant responds in a robotic voice.
"Play some music!" Midnight says as she strips out of her hero costume as she reaches her room.
"Ok, what would you like to listen to?" Alexa asks as Midnight as she pauses for a moment in thought as she has her hands on the clasp of her bra, she then smiles a bit before unclasping the bra and tossing it to the side.
"Surprise me!" Midnight says as she walks over to a shelf and grabs a towel.
"Ok, now playing Bangarang by Skrillex featuring Sirah." Alexa says as Midnight walks to her bathroom as the music begins to play loudly, bobbing her head to the music.
"Alright time to freshen up, tonight is going to be interesting." Midnight says to herself with a smile as she turns the water on for her shower.
About twenty minutes later...Todoroki residence...2:11 PM…
They got out after Shoka did as they then looked at the house amazed except for Momo.
"Beautiful home Todoroki, not as big as mine but a great home nonetheless." Momo says with a smile while appreciating the mix of old japanese and modern designs on the exterior.
"I'm so jealous!" Mina exclaimed looking at it in awe.
"Not my style but I agree with Momo about it being beautiful." Jiro says with a smile.
"Ribbit, I think so too, my family could easily live here and still have plenty of room." Tsuyu adds in.
"I hope I can live somewhere like this one day after helping mom and dad." Uraraka says to herself.
"So pretty!" Toru yells out excitedly as Shoka chuckles and starts walking to the front door.
"Come on, I'll unlock the door and show you where my room as at. After that I'm gonna go take a shower and you can help me get ready." Shoka says as she unlocks the front door and lets them in, the group follows her after she shuts and locks the front door back as she shows them to her room, rather spacious, it has a queen size bed and minus a desk, mirror, dressers and a few bookcases filled with books there wasn't much else, it was rather plain but it honestly didn't surprise the others that it was and as they looked around Shoka made her way to the bathroom.
"I'm gonna take a shower, I'll probably be in there for thirty minutes so while I'm in there come up with some ideas alright?" Shoka says with a smile after stepping inside the bathroom and after she shut the door and as soon as the girls heard the water turn on they huddled together.
"Alright, we got about three and a half hours to make Shoka drop dead gorgeous and beat Kirashima and the others, any ideas?" Mina says to the girls as Momo speaks up first then.
"Well one thing is for sure, she needs a dress so I'll see what I can find online and make an exception this once to my not making expensive clothing and shoes whenever I please rule." Momo says as she pulls out her phone and begins typing away.
"I'm pretty good at styling hair, got a lot of practice styling my little sisters hair and just about everyone else's hair, ribbit." Tsuyu adds in as Uraraka raises her hand.
"I'm good with makeup." Uraraka adds in as well as Jiro nods.
"Same here, a lot of practice from making myself look the part for concerts." Jiro says with a smile.
"I'm great with makeup so that makes three of us can work on makeup so the only one left is here is Toru, so what do ya got?" Mina says as she then looks to the invisible teen.
"Well, I have a good eye for shoes so I'll focus on that." Toru says as she pulls out her phone as Mina smiles.
"Alright we got a plan, now let's beat those boys!" Mina yells out excitedly.
"And make Shoka look the best she can be, Mina." Momo reminds her with a smile as she scrolls through lists of dresses on her phone.
"That too." Mina says with a smile and a slight laugh as she scratches the back of her head.
About twenty minutes later...The Mall... 2:31 PM...
The guys walked through the mall rather quickly to avoid attention after Matthew put on a hoodie that hid his face rather well, only giving away was his size and tail, he got some looks but never made eye contact so nobody noticed who he was.
"Normally I wouldn't care but honestly right now I just want to get a nice suit or something and be done although I get the feeling Kirashima, Kaminari and Mineta have different ideas." Matthew thinks to himself as they enter the clothing store undetected.
Thirty minutes later...Clothing store... 3:01 PM…
Matthew walks out of the changing room in a brightly colored and surprisingly baggy hoodie, shirt and pants with gold chains and a fedora with a feather as he looks in the mirror with a blank look.
"I present...the rich hipster!" Kaminari says with an excited tone as Matthew lets out an annoyed sigh.
"Next." Matthew says as he throws the fedora on the ground before walking into the changing room grumbling.
Thirty minutes later...Clothing store...3:31 PM…
Matthew steps out of the changing room again in a tight navy blue muscle shirt and wearing black cargo pants with a black hat that surprisingly fits his head perfectly.
"The gun show outfit never fails!" Kirishima yells out excitedly as Matthew looks in the mirror and nods a little bit.
"I'm probably gonna buy this but just for casual stuff, I want to look really nice for this date guys." Matthew says as he turns to them with a smile as Tokoyami and Mineta split off to go looking.
Thirty minutes later...Todoroki Residence... 4:01 PM…
Shoka sat in the chair in front of her mirror with a smile as Tsuyu styled Shoka's hair in the style she picked out as Mina, Jiro and Uraraka finish deciding on what makeup to use, Mina held a stick a lipstick up with a bright smile and giggle.
"No lipstick please, never been a fan of it. It's never really looked good on me in general in my opinion." Shoka says as she watched Mina's shoulders slump in the corner of her eye as Mina held up a stick of clear lip gloss.
"Lip gloss is okay right?" Mina asks as Jiro examines a piece of eyeliner and smirks.
"Yeah, that's fine." Shoka says with a smile as Mina throws a fist in the air with a toothy smile.
Thirty five minutes later...Todoroki Residence...4:36 PM…
With her hair finished Momo and Toru came over to her, Momo showed a selection of dresses she thought that would be best for tonight, Shoka saw one that caught her eye and pointed it out to Momo as Momo saw the dress and smiled before nodding in agreement before walking off to create said dress as Toru then showed a selection of shoes she picked out while jumping excitedly as Shoka instantly saw a pair she thought would be good for the date as Toru nodded quickly before hopping over to Momo excitedly as Shoka giggled as Mina, Jiro and Uraraka came over with the makeup.
"Time for the last few steps!" Uraraka says excitedly as Shoka smiles brightly.
Twenty minutes later...The clothing store...4:56 PM…
Matthew held the tight swimwear up and looked down at Mineta who was smiling then back at the swimwear, then him, then swimwear before he tossed it to the ground with a sigh as he looks to Kirishima, Kaminari and Mineta.
"Guys seriously, I only got just about an hour left and I still need to take a shower when I get home! I'm going on a serious date, this isn't gonna be casual." Matthew says to the group as they all gave an embarrassed smile as Matthew noticed something.
"Hey where's Tokoyami?" Matthew asks and within the next two seconds Tokoyami walks around the corner with a white suit jacket, a fake red rose, black dress shirt and pants in his arms.
"Sorry I was gone for awhile, was just picking out some clothes that I thought would fit the occasion, I'm not one for wearing white but I had a feeling you would be." Tokoyami says as Matthew rushes over looks at the clothes as he picks them up one by one and smiles at Tokoyami.
"Dude these are perfect!" Matthew says to him with a big smile as Tokoyami and Dark Shadow fist bump with a smirk as Matthew puts his hoodie back on.
"Come on, we don't have much time left." He says as he picks up the outfit Kirishima picked out for casual wear as him and the rest rush to the front of the store and as he put the clothes on the counter the cashier began to scan them as she looked up to see Matthew as her mouth dropped immediately as Matthew raised a finger to his mouth and hushed her as she smiles and nods, he pays for the clothes quickly and leaves the store with the others.
"Alright now I just need to get home quickly and get ready, which it shouldn't take long since I live a few blocks from here." Matthew says to his friends after stepping outside the store and as soon as he takes a step someone points at him.
"Hey that's Senshi! All Might's kid!" A man yelled out with a woman standing beside looking shocked as people turned towards Matthew and the others as the crowd began murmuring as Kirishima leaned to Matthew.
"Run?" Kirishima whispers to Matthew as the crowd grew larger.
"Yeah, Kirishima and Tokoyami hop on my back, I'll get us out of here." Matthew whispers to them as they hop on his back and grab on to his neck.
"Hey what about-" Kaminari begins to say but is quickly cut off as Matthew picks him and Mineta up under his arms before using his quirk to run faster as the crowd began chasing them and roaring in excitement but before they knew it they outran the crowd and were out of the mall and on the way to Matthew's place.
One hour later...Toshinori Residence...5:58 PM…
When Matthew got home All Might luckily already left for his date so he was able to let his friends in the house without worrying about them seeing his adoptive father in his weakened state. After letting his friends in he ran to his room, laid the clothes he'd be wearing on the date on his bed and threw the casual clothes in his desk chair as he nearly ripped his clothes off and jumped in the shower. About thirty minutes later a 5:58 PM he was buttoning up his dress shirt and put on his white suit jacket as he pinned the fake rose on and straightened it as he looked in the mirror and winked with a toothy smirk as he straightened his jacket, put the promise ring in one of his pants pocket and rushed out of his room into the living room to see the guys watching TV and scrolling through their phones.
"Hey guys, how do I look?" Matthew asks as they all look to him, Kaminari giving an approving nod, Kirishima looking shocked, Mineta giving a thumbs up as Tokoyami and Dark Shadow smile.
"Damn class prez! Looking sharp!" Kaminari says.
"Sure you won't get a threesome with that outfit?" Mineta says with a raised eyebrow and a perverted smirk.
"Shit man you look like a James Bond character or a lizard version of Indiana Jones from Temple of Doom!" Kirishima says with a toothy smirk and a thumbs up as Matthew smiled at them.
"Thanks for the help guys." Matthew says before looking to Tokoyami and Dark Shadow.
"Especially you two, you guys picked out the perfect outfit, so thanks again." Matthew says to Tokoyami and Dark Shadow as they then hear a vehicle honk twice outside.
"Oh shit, rides here!" He yells out as he rushes out the front door with the others behind him, after running out the door he sees John waving at him as he rolls the window down.
"They coming with us? The girls told me about the little competition there having with your friends there." John says to Matthew as Matthew looked to his friends then back at a John.
"Yeah, they're coming with." Matthew says to John as he responds with a nod.
"Well hop on in and lets get going! You got a big date tonight!" John yells out happily as he unlocks the doors on the limo, the guys all smile at each other as Matthew gets in the limo first and then they follow behind him in the limo and after getting seated and John begins to drive, John looks in the rearview mirror seeing Matthew in his suit as John then smiles.
"Looking sharp Senshi." John says with a smile as he makes a turn.
"Thanks John, I hope she likes it." Matthew says with a smile as he starts chatting with the others, a smile on his face as he does so.
Twenty Minutes later...Todoroki Residence...6:18 PM…
John pulled up to Shoka's house with a smile before putting the limo in park.
"Welcome to La Casa Todoroki." John says before getting out of the limo and opening one of the doors for them as Matthew and the others get out of the limo and after a Moment of waiting and chatting all of the girls except Shoka come out and talk to one another until they look towards the guys as Mina lets out a loud whistle as the other girls look surprised.
"Damn Senshi, the guys went all out with you didn't they?" Jiro says with a smirk.
"You look great Senshi, ribbit." Tsuyu says to him as Momo, Toru and Uraraka blushed while there were standing in front of the front door as Mina folded her arms and cocks her hip to the side.
"Alright boys you did good, I admit, but wait till you see Shoka! Come on out Shoka!" Mina yells out excitedly as the front door opens but can't see Shoka because of the girls as Mina looks behind her with a smile.
"Ready Shoka-chan?" Mina asks.
"Ready." Shoka says with a smile as the girls nod with smiles as they move to the side and Shoka steps forward as Matthew blushes and his eyes go wide as his heart skips a beat. Shoka was wearing black high heels, a silk white v neck dress with a side slit and a red and orange flame pattern on the left side of it, she had on clear lip gloss, black eyeliner and eyeshadow with her left eye covered by her red hair. The guys behind him jaws dropped minus Tokoyami who looked away blushing as Shoka walked up to Matthew and smiles up at him as he blushes very intensely.
"Like what you see Matthew?" Shoka says with a flirty tone and smirk as Matthew swallows the lump in his throat and looked down at her with a toothy grin while blushing.
"Like?..." Matthew says in a flirty tone as he leans down while smirking right in her face making her blush in return.
"I love it." He growls out in a deep tone with a smirk while still blushing as Shoka holds her smirk.
"Ok, that's kind of hot." Jiro says with a slight blush as Momo walks up behind Shoka.
"Shoka-chan." Momo says as Shoka turns around to Momo as Matthew leans back up and coughs into his hand as Momo hands Shoka a white purse.
"You almost forgot your purse." Momo says to Shoka with a smile as John whistles at Matthew and Shoka to get their attention as they turn to him.
"Not trying to rush you guys but you ready to go?" John says with a smile while leaning on the limo as Shoka and Matthew look at each other and then nod to one another as they approach the limo as John opens the door for them with a smile.
"Wait what about us? We need a ride home!" Mineta yells out as Momo pulls out her phone and starts calling someone.
"I'll call my driver to all give us a ride home, don't worry." Momo says as Matthew and Shoka get in the limo as John then shuts the door as he then gets in the driverseat and starts the limo.
"So where are we headed sweetheart?" Matthew asks Shoka as John begins to drive as Shoka crosses her legs and smiles.
"Were going to a very high end restaurant at the top of a skyscraper in downtown called Kitsune's Rest. It has balconies, a dance floor and some of the best chefs in Japan." Shoka says with a smile as Matthew smiles back and nods.
Twenty five minutes later...Kitsune's Rest...6:43 PM…
John makes another turn as he smiles while driving.
"Alright you two lovebirds were almost there- What the hell?" John says after making another turn and drives towards the skyscraper to see a crowd of people and paparazzi as he pulls up to the building and the crowd begins to get more excited.
"What in the hell? Why are they here?" Matthew asks out loud to himself as Shoka looks out the window and sighs.
"Dammit! You've got to be kidding me!" Shoka hisses out angrily as Matthew grabs her hand and gives her nod.
"Don't worry, building security won't let them in." Matthew says to Shoka with a smile as she gives him a nod before Matthew looks to John.
"John, we're still gonna go in. We'll call you when we're done here, just be ready for a fast pick up." Matthew says to John with a smile.
"Alright, I'll be waiting around in the area, try to have fun!" John says to them before Matthew opens the door and steps out to the screaming crowd and flashing lights of the paparazzi being held back by security as Matthew holds Shoka's hand and helps her out of the limo. He then shuts the limo door as John drives off quickly as Matthew and Shoka walk quickly to the inside of the building while being bombarded by screams, questions and flashing lights before reaching the inside of the skyscraper, they look ahead to see a man in a black tuxedo with a clipboard they approach the man and he smiles.
"Reservations?" The man asks with a smile.
"Two under Todoroki." Shoka says to the man as the man looks down the clipboard and then checks it.
"Yes ma'am right here, you two have a wonderful time." The man says as he steps aside as Shoka wraps her arms around Matthew's left arm and they walk to the elevator and before the doors close they see the man press a button and as soon as the doors close, the elevator begins to move up. Within the next minute the doors opened to reveal a fancy seating area with servers and customers as they step out of the elevator as a server with two menus approaches them with a smile.
"Right this way you two." The man says to them as they follow him and he places the two menus on a table by a window as they take their seats.
"What would you two like to drink?" The server asks.
"Ice water." They both say in unison, just like last time as the server gives them a small bow.
"Right away." The man says before walking off quickly as Matthew and Shoka look back to one another and chuckle.
"So I have to ask, what did your brother and sister say to you after you won the Sports Festival when you got home today?" Matthew asks with a smile as he reads the menu as he hears Shoka laugh.
"Well they came in and nearly tackled me with a hug from both of them after I got this dress on." Shoka says with a smile as she reads the menu.
"Also, don't be afraid to get whatever you want really, I got plenty of money. I never really get to spend it honestly." Shoka says as Matthew nods and he puts his menu down.
"Then I think I'm gonna get the Zenko special, it's a big Katsudon bowl but instead of fried pork it's got chopped wagyu beef and chicken." Matthew says as Shoka puts down her menu.
"And I think I'll get the Wagyu steak platter, got a bunch of vegetables on the side." Shoka says as the server returns with two ice cold glasses of water and places them on the table.
"Ready to order?" The server asks as he pulls out a little notebook and pen.
"I'll take the Wagyu steak platter." Shoka says.
"And I'll take the Zenko special." Matthew says as the server quickly writes the orders down and takes the menus with a smile.
"They'll be out soon." The server says with a bow as he walks away quickly again as Shoka and Matthew look out the window admiring the lights and the view.
"Great view of the city, beautiful even." Shoka says to Matthew with a smile.
"Second best view I've ever seen." Matthew says as Shoka raises an eyebrow.
"And the best view you've ever seen?" Shoka asks with a curious tone.
"You walking towards me in that dress with that beautiful smile of yours." Matthew says with a toothy smirk as Shoka chuckles and kicks his foot as she looks away from the window with a smile and begins looking around and after a moment her eyes land on a couple she wasn't expecting to see sitting at a table not too far away from them.
"Matthew?" Shoka asks with wide eyes looking at the couple laughing and performing a toast with wine glasses.
"Yeah Shoka? What's wrong?" Matthew asks as he looks over to her as she points to the couple.
"Look who's over there." Shoka says making Matthew raise a scaly brow as he turns around and look at who she's pointing out making him have to look twice to make sure he wasn't seeing things.
"Well, that explains the paparazzi and crowd." Matthew says as he watches All Might and Midnight chatting away and laughing while enjoying some fine wine together, Midnight looks over in the area where Matthew and Shoka sitting while drinking some more wine. Her eyes land on the young couple surprising her enough to where she almost spat out her wine in surprise as she then looks to All Might and says something to him making him turn to Matthew and Shoka with a surprised look as well, Matthew gives them both a small wave and a smile before turning back around to Shoka.
"You don't look as surprised as me." Shoka says to Matthew as he then shakes his head.
"Yeah, I knew they were going on a date, I just didn't know where. Again, I guess that explains the crowd and paparazzi that was outside." Matthew says with a shrug and before they could continue two servers arrive with the food.
"One Wagyu steak platter for the lady." One server says as he places it in front of her.
"And one Zenko Special for the sir." The other server says as he places the bowl in front of Matthew before they both gave a small bow.
"We hope you two enjoy your meals." The two servers say before walking off as Shoka and Matthew both began to eat there meals. Time passed as they chatted and ate their food, laughing and joking with each other after they finished their meals and kept talking music began to play and people began to get up from there seats and grab their significant other and walk to the middle and begin to dance, Matthew smiled and got up and held out his hand to Shoka.
"Care to dance with me, my lady?" Matthew asks with a smile as Shoka smiles back and takes his hand as they then walked to the middle of the room before they begin to dance together slowly. They smiled at each other as they danced, his hands on her hips and her hands wrapped around his neck somewhat due to the height difference. They didn't know how long they danced there, they just kept going and smiling, Shoka laid her head on his chest and closed her eyes as they danced. Shortly after, the song had ended and people began to return to their seats or go to the balcony, Shoka and Matthew walked to the balcony and leaned on the railings as they let out a happy sigh together as Shoka leaned her head on him with a smile.
"Damn, this view looks almost as good as you do." Matthew says with a smirk as Shoka rolls her eyes, Matthew looks at his phone for the time before putting it back up.
"Night is still young, 7:58 PM, we can go to the park or…" Matthew begins to list off places and things they can go do but Shoka zones out looking over the city, thinking about the past couple of weeks and two months, how quickly changed from normal to deadly to just plain crazy and worse how close she was to damaging her and Matthew's relationship nearly permanently from how she acted, she felt guilty when part of her shouldn't since she already apologized but there was that part of her that still felt awful for it, she bit her lower lip in thought before finally speaking.
"Could we...could we go to your place and just...hang out? I've never been inside your home." Shoka says to Matthew cutting him off and surprising him with the suggestion as he swallows another lump that formed in his throat.
"O-Oh, sure w-we can do that, I'll call John." Matthew says with a smile and a slight stutter as Shoka smiles and they walk back over to their table, leaving payment for the food as Matthew called John and let him know they were ready to go. After taking the elevator down and stepping out of the building they saw the crowd and paparazzi had left as they approached the limo and got in and after they shut the door John turned around in his seat to face them.
"Where to?" John asks with a smile.
"His place John, were going to hang out there." Shoka says with a smile surprising John with there plan as he then shrugged and turned back around before beginning to drive.
"Yes ma'am." John says with a smile as he speeds up a bit.
Twenty minutes later...Toshinori Residence...8:18 PM…
John drove off after the two had gotten out, they walked up to the front door and Matthew unlocked it before stepping to the side and holding it for Shoka.
"Ladies first." Matthew says to her gesturing her in as she smiles and shakes her head at him as she walks in and takes her heels off and sits them to the side of the door as Matthew steps in behind her and locks the door behind them before flipping the lights on.
"Welcome to the Toshinori and Senshi Residence." Matthew says as he points his left hand at the living room and a few of the doors to the other rooms, it wasn't fancy but it was nice.
"Cozy, I guess you two aren't for high end furniture and such?" Shoka asks as Matthew takes his suit jacket off and slings it over his shoulder.
"Yeah, not really, neither of us like that kind of thing honestly." Matthew says as they walk into the living room and Shoka looks around as Matthew then coughs into one of his hands.
"So what do you wanna do? We can watch a Movie, play a board game or-"
"Could we go to your room, I'm curious about it." Shoka says cutting him off again as she smiles slightly as Matthew blinks at her for a moment before nodding.
"Sure, follow me." Matthew says with a nervous smile as he leads her to his room and within the moment they reach it, he opens the door to it and lets her in first. The room was illuminated by the moonlight shining through the two windows, the room was rather spacious, the room had a bookcase, desk and desk chair, a TV with two consoles on the ground in front of the entertainment center, a mirror and the walls were decorated with various band and video game posters. From what Shoka could tell, it was a regular teenage guy's room.
"Sorry about some of the clothes lying on the floor, I was in a rush earlier." Matthew says with a chuckle as Shoka looked around, various papers with drawings and writing laid on the desk with some text books, games, movies and books sat on the shelves on the bookshelf but what caught her eyes was what was on top of the bookshelf. She then approached it and picked up an old framed picture with a smaller black and white picture of a man in a sailor uniform sitting in the corner of the framed picture. The framed picture itself was of an old man in a recliner with what Shoka assumed was Matthew as a little kid.
"I was six years old when that was taken." Matthew says behind her nearly startling her and dropping the picture as she then puts it back up there.
"I guess that's you and your grandfather?" Shoka asks as she turns back around and looks up at him as he then nods.
"Yeah, I know I said I only have this necklace left but well, that's what he gave me anyway, my mom took that picture." Matthew says to her with a sad smile as he holds his necklace.
"He may be gone but, I'll make him proud." Matthew says in a determined tone making Shoka smile and look away for a moment.
"You're always like this, so determined to do the right thing, make sure everything is worth it, so headstrong and so caring." Shoka thinks to herself as her smile turns into a frown.
"But today when I realized how badly I had treated you recently, I just felt so horrible, all you wanted to do was help me and be there for me and I just…" Shoka continued thinking about the last two weeks more and more as she began to cry a bit, ruining her eyeliner as tears flowed down her face.
"Shoka...hey why are you crying? What's wrong?" Matthew asks in a concerned tone as Shoka regains her composure for a moment as Matthew puts a hand on her shoulder, she looks up at him with a look of regret.
"Matthew...I'm so sorry." She says to him in a sad and quiet voice.
"For what? Crying?" He asks as she shakes her head as some tears begin to fall once more.
"For the past two weeks. God I feel so fucking stupid! After everything we've been through over the years and I nearly ruin it all by letting my father get under my goddamn skin!" She yells out slightly as she feels more tears fall more and more. Black streams run down her cheeks, tears and eyeliner mixed together as she cries looking down, but before she could say anything else to him, She felt him wrap his arms around her and pull her into a gentle hug.
"You have nothing to be sorry about sweetheart...I stuck around because all these years I've cared about you and recently less than a year ago? Love you." Matthew says in a soft tone as Shoka stops crying and listens to him.
"I stuck around because I didn't want to lose you sweetheart and…" Matthew says gently as he breaks the hug off and smiles at her.
"I was afraid you lost your way." He says to her with a caring smile as she wipes her eyes and smiles back.
"Thank you Matthew...for always being there." She says to him with a smile as he reaches a hand in his pocket.
"Hey, close your eyes alright?" He asks as she nods and closes her eyes, he pulls his hand out of his pocket and opened it right in front of her with his palm up and the object in said palm, he then took a deep breath in and out.
"Alright, open them." He says as she then opens her eyes and looks at his hand, her eyes go wide and her breath hitches as she stares at the gold engraved ring with a ruby.
"It's a promise ring, Shoka." He says to her as she picks it up shakily.
"I promise to always love you and be there for you…" He says to her as she puts it on her right ring finger shakily as Matthew moves her red hair out of the way of her left eye with his right hand.
"You're one of my top priorities Shoka, I'd die for you." He says lovingly to her, she then leans in and kisses him for a moment before glaring at him.
"I want to make a promise between the both of us right now." Shoka says in quiet and loving tone.
"And that promise is sweetheart?" Matthew asks quietly.
"We live for each other, we don't die for each other...we live for one another...promise?" Shoka asks with a loving tone and look as Matthew nods.
(Recommended song is When the seasons change by Five Finger Death Punch. (Just trust me here.))
"Promise." Matthew says in a loving tone as they look at each other's eyes for a moment, tension building in the air.
She moved her hands from her side and pressed them gently against his abdomen, feeling every muscle there through his shirt as she looked at her hands as she rubbed them upwards to his chest and to the top button of his shirt.
"No regrets?" She asks quietly and nervously as she unbuttons the first button.
"No regrets." He says quietly in a loving tone as he leans down a bit and begins to kiss her along her neck slowly as she unbuttons the first, then second, then third and so on.
She lets out soft moans as he slowly keeps kissing her neck as he moves up and down it, occasionally kissing her collarbone and nipping at it as well as he grabbed her waist.
She finished unbuttoning his dress shirt as he then stopped and let go of her as they both breathed heavily. She then pushed his opened dress shirt off of him, revealing his scar covered body and arms once more to her.
As the moonlight shone in on them she ran her hands across the scars on his arms before moving her hands to his bare chest and letting out a shaky breath before he leaned down again to her and began kissing her passionately. He then reached around behind her and unzipped her dress slowly as they kissed, his other hand reached around and rested on her rear before gripping and squeezing it gently.
"Let me know if I'm going to fast, alright?" Matthew asks her in a loving tone as they break off the kiss.
"I will." Shoka says quietly to him before kissing him again but with more passion.
Their tongues began to dance with one another as she slid her dress off and kicked it away, revealing herself to him. She wore no bra and was now only left in her white panties as they kissed, Matthew then picked her up while kissing her as she wrapped her legs around him in return.
He slowly walked over to his bed as he carried her and once he reached it he laid her down gently near the edge to where her legs were hanging off the side as he then stood there for a moment and admired her looks as she sat up on her elbows looking at him with a lustful expression. Her bust was average but oh was she ever toned, Matthew looked at every detail with his smirk growing more and more, every muscle she had seemed toned especially her abs.
He leaned over her and began kissing her neck again but with more lust and passion this time as he held himself up over her with his arms as she moaned softly, he then proceeded to kiss down her neck to her collarbone, then to her chest and then to her abdomen. Working his way down as he grabbed her panties and pulled them down and off gently as he kissed down to the bottom of her abdomen as she then opened her legs to him revealing her sex to him as he sat down on his knees.
He gently grabbed her thighs as he lowered his head between her legs and began to eat her out slowly, a moan escaped her lips once more but a bit louder when he started. She continued moaning as he kept pleasuring her, lustful moans filling the room as he picked up the pace as he felt his cock pressing against his pants tightly as moaned while tasting her.
Minutes that felt like an eternity went by as he continued, she was gripping the sheets tightly as she moaned loudly. He then gradually slowed down before stopping altogether, he stood up slowly as she watched him undo his belt and unbutton his pants before unzipping them finally as he then slid his pants and boxers down as his cock sprung out, finally free.
He walked towards her and climbed on top of her on the bed, pulling her up further on it before they began kissing each other lovingly and full of lust. He positioned himself between her legs as they kissed and moaned, he started to grind his sex against hers making him let out a deep moan as they kissed before breaking it off.
"Are you ready?" He whispers softly to her as she then nods.
"Yeah, I'm ready." She says as they begin to kiss once more as he grabs his cock before he begins to slide it slowly into her wet entrance as she breaks the kiss off for a moment as she grits her teeth slightly in pain as he then stops.
"Keep going, all the way, I'm fine." She says in between breaths as he then nods and keeps going before fully sheathing himself in her. They stay like that for a few moments as they kissed gently and after she gave him a nod he then began to thrust into her slowly and gently, groaning as he did so as she wrapped her arms around him and had her legs up as she moaned.
Her moans grew louder as he picked up the pace, thrusting harder whenever she asked as he ravaged her sex. Time passed as they made love, for how long? Only god knows, all they knew was that they were finally showing how much they truly loved each other. The two began to reach the end of there lovemaking as Matthew laid on his back on the bed as Shoka rode him, bouncing up and down as he gripped her hips tightly as she moaned loudly and he growled in pleasure as they both kept letting out deep heavy breaths.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" She says out loud as she bounces and picks up the pace as he keeps a grip on her and he grits his teeth.
"Fucking hell, I'm gonna!..." He tries to say something but can't as she bounces one more time before leaning down quickly and kissing him roughly as she moaned loudly reaching her own climax as she wiggled her hips back and forth a little bit before he reaches his climax, filling her as they kissed roughly and full of lust for a few more seconds before they broke it off and she laid on top of him. As they caught their breath, their bodies were covered in sweat and the smell of sex was heavy in the room, after a few moments she rolled off of him and laid beside him as he pulled the covers over them before they looked at each others eyes and smiled before she wraps her arms around his neck and kisses him again.
"I love you Matthew Senshi." Shoka whispers lovingly as she breaks off the kiss.
"I love you too Shoka Todoroki, just one question." Matthew says the first bit in a loving tone as well but the last bit in a worried one.
"What is it?" Shoka asks concerned.
"You're on the pill right?" He asks as she then chuckles tiredly.
"Yes, I'm on the pill don't worry." She says to him with a smile before she gives him a tired quick kiss.
"I'm just gonna text John and let him know I'm staying here for the night and get some sleep, goodnight Matthew, I love you." She whispers in a tired but loving tone to him before rolling turning herself over and facing the other way as Matthew put his arms around her pulled her close gently with a smile.
"Goodnight Shoka, I love you too." He whispers back to her quietly and lovingly as they both quickly drift off to sleep as they are cuddled together with the moonlight shining on the room through the window.
- In Serial8 Chapters
ToTo's Strange Journey: Underground Delivery
Brian Law Korn was an average guy living an average life until one day he met his friend, Brender who entrusted him with a strange box and a toaster to be delivered to an unknown location. Little did he know this will change his life forever.This is part 1 of the (hopefully) 3 parts long ToTo's Strange Journey series. This is a parody based on the action-adventure manga/anime JoJo's Bizarre Adventure by Hirohiko Araki
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Chronicles of Soma: Rise of a King
When I woke up, I was dragged into a grassland. Uwaaaaa! Where is this place? Why am I here? Where is my comfy bed? This is my tale, a tale of man's struggle to rise, in a new world with endless possibilities, and with an AI as a companion.
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I Just Want To Eat 3 Meals a Day
This is the chronicle of a man who just wanted to eat three meals a day and at the same time have some wicked time online. No job? No Problem!
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Night's fury
The night's fury is a remarquable night that takes place every 3000 years. Nobu, dreaming as high as possible, decides to put an end to the worlds suffering by taking care of this night along with some allies. But our boy's story will not be easy for sure. Let us discover together how Nobu and his friends defeated every single obstacle that blocked their way to acheive this miraculous dream!
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Cosmic Plague
In this world, everyone is cursed with a single fate: Become the most powerful. But those who do become powerful, they hate it. Power is misery and death is the solace. လလလ Nazar, a weapon of mass destruction created by the ancient God of Destruction revolted against his creator a long time ago. While he did defeat his creator, the power he was given is still within him. He is cursed with infinite power, standing at the top of the celestial hierarchy. He has more power and wealth than he needs. But even then, he craves one thing; death. He wants to die. Power is misery and death is the solace, but he cannot achieve his only goal. He cannot die. Perhaps that will change when one day, an ancient cosmic Goddess rises from her grave? Perhaps she will finally kill him? Or will she fall short before his awesome yet terrible power? Only time will tell. This is a high cosmic story about the hypocritical life of the protagonist and how it affects everyone (and everything) around him. Naturally, it features very overpowered characters with a lot of high stakes battles roaming across the cosmos. Warning: Swearing, some suggestive sexual gestures/words, gore. Feedback is highly welcomed. (The story was originally named, God's Return, but I wanted to change it.)
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orphic | Complete
"Orphic(adj) Mysterious and entrancing; beyond ordinary understanding."(in which Yoongi learnt that word when he fell for a certain honey-like girl and his world completely changed in the blink of an eye)Started: August 2019Ended: September 2021
8 138