《My Hero Academia: Hero's Horizon》Chapter 5: Combat Training!
Later the next day…
The next school day was mostly introductions to the different classes we'd be taking along with the teachers. After homeroom it was English with Hizashi Yamada A.K.A Present Mic, Modern Literature with Ken Ishiyama A.K.A Cementoss, then Modern art and History with Nemuri Kayama A.K.A Midnight, then Mathematics with Ectoplasm and then the final class of the day was Foundational Hero Studies, which Matthew had an Idea who the teacher was going to be but wasn't sure. He was busy writing down some notes before Kirishima taps him on the shoulder.
"Hey Senshi, you got any idea who's going to be teaching us?" Kirishima asks Matthew as the large teen shrugs in response.
"No clue, maybe one of the higher up heroes?" Matthew says in a questioning tone a few seconds before the class room door busts open and a large man with a cape rushes.
"I AM HERE! COMING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A NORMAL PERSON!" None other than All Might shouts out as he begins walking to the desk.
"That's his silver age costume!" Tsuyu says.
"I feel like a kid again just looking at him in it!" Kaminari says in a excited tone.
"This class is going to be awesome!" Kirishima yells out as All Might reaches the desk.
"As you all probably already know I AM ALL MIGHT! But what you probably didn't know is that I'll be your teacher for Foundational Hero Studies!" All Might says in his usual voice as he lets out a hearty laugh before he continues as almost everyone smiles.
"But first before we continue, I have an announcement!" All Might says before pointing directly at Matthew.
"Young Senshi! Come on up!" All Might says to Matthew in a loud voice as Matthew drops his pencil in shock before looking at him.
"Wait, seriously!?" Matthew says out loud.
"He's wanting to do this now!?" Matthew thinks to himself as All Might laughs.
"Very serious young man! Come on up!" All Might says as Matthew then sighs before whispering curse words to himself as he walks up to the front of the class and after turning around to face them he takes a deep breath.
"Alright you're all probably wondering what's going on? Well I won't give you guys the long version but enough to where you're not confused." Matthew says as almost all of them look at him curiously before he continues.
"At the age of seven I was in a severe car crash due to a villain attack that ended both of my parents life." Matthew says to everyone with a straight face as he notices everyone looking at him either shocked or sad and could have swore saw someone with a tear in there eye before continuing.
"Luckily I was saved and quickly taken in by the hero...said hero being-" Matthew is then interrupted with All Might slapping his back and laughing.
"ME!" All Might says with a hearty laugh as Matthew then sees almost everyone's expression go to pure shock.
"WHAT!?" Almost everyone in the classroom shouts.
"I...I had no idea!" Iida exclaims.
"Your All Might's adopted son!?" Kirishima yells out in a shocked tone.
"This is probably the most surprising thing that could happen today, ribbit." Tsuyu says.
"You had to have been the most popular guy in your school! Easily!" Kaminari says next.
"Alright that's where I'm gonna stop you guys." Matthew says in a raised voice to get there attention so he can finish.
"Continuing on, I do know most of the heroes here and have even considered Aizawa, our homeroom teacher my uncle for years now alongside Hizashi or also known as Present Mic and Midnight as like an Aunt/Mother." Matthew says as he stops for a second to see if anyone wants to say anything but then continues on.
"And no, I didn't go to public school at all, I was completely online and homeschooled for my safety and no this isn't common knowledge, you guys are the first to find out about this besides a few other people and few pro heroes and the reason why we keep it secret, besides the fact that if people knew and word got out, villains would most likely start targeting and try to kill me instead of my dad to hurt him and get to him through me…" Matthew says before scratching the back of his head.
"It's also because I didn't want to be treated like royalty just because who my father is." Matthew says in a shy tone.
"So do me a favor and don't treat me like a regular classmate or just one of your friends alright everyone?" Matthew says to everyone with a smile.
"Not like I was gonna treat you any differently anyway." Bakugou says in his usual.
"No problem man." Kirishima says with a thumbs up as the rest of the class just finding out about this agree before All Might coughs into his fist to get everyone's attention.
"You can go sit down now son." All Might says to him as Matthew then nods before going back to his seat as All Might then looks at the entire class with a stern look.
"Now one more thing before we continue onto the lesson." All Might then raises one finger.
"Anything that was just talked about with young Senshi's connection to me will absolutely not leave this room unless given permission by me, Senshi, Midnight or Aizawa...and if anyone breaks this rule they will be effectively expelled for jeopardizing and endangering a fellow student into a deadly situation. Understood?" All Might says in a stern voice to the entire class as everyone says yes sir in unison before he coughs into his fist again.
"Good and sorry for making the entire mood dark but here's something that'll cheer you guys up! The type of training we'll be doing today is!..." All Might then pulls a card seemingly out of nowhere saying 'FIGHT!'.
"Combat training!" All Might yells out getting everyone excited again.
"Fight training!" Bakugou says in a sadistic tone.
"Real combat?" Midoriya says in a questioning tone before All Might then pulls out a remote with a button out of thin air it seems.
"And what kind of hero training would it be without COSTUMES!" All Might says as lockers pop out of the classroom walls as he presses the button as everyone began to cheer.
"Put these on in the locker room and meet me at Battle Ground Beta in ten minutes!" All Might finishes saying before running off to Ground Beta as nearly everyone rushes to get there hero costumes and running to the locker room.
Eight minutes later...Locker Rooms…
Matthew sighs as he puts on his gauntlets before he puts on his utility belt and tying a pouch to his right side as he then straps on his knee guards and he then puts on the final piece finishing his costume, the cross necklace his grandfather gave him, he then looks at his hands and arms as he flex's a bit to make sure the costume is comfortable he then hears somebody whistle behind him making him turn around seeing Kirishima.
"Nice costume man! Very manly!" He says with his signature smile.
"Thanks! Same to you Kirishima and also you didn't have to wait for me, you could've gone with Midoriya." Matthew says to Kirishima with a smile as Kirishima waves it off.
"Nah man, I didn't want to leave you behind!" Kirishima says to Matthew making him smile even bigger.
"Ready to let everyone see our costumes?" Matthew asks with his fist out to Kirishima after walking up to him as Kirishima smiles back and fist bumps.
"Hell yeah!" Kirishima yells out as they both rush out of the locker rooms running.
Two minutes later...Battle Ground Beta…
They both slow down to a walking pace as they see Midoriya walking out by himself as they then quickly join him in the sunlight revealing Kirishima's Costume and Matthew's. Matthew's costume consisted of a pair of black baggy GI pants, a thick cloth wrapped around his waist that hung low in the back colored a atomic blue, titanium knee pads and gauntlets, a black utility belt with a black pouch to tied to his right side and finishing his look, his cross necklace, no shirt or clothing to obstruct his spikes when he pops them out. He walks up to the rest of the class with Midoriya and Kirishima with a big smile on his face.
"Fucking hell I feel like a badass just LOOKING like this! GAH! Snap out of it Matthew!" Matthew yells inside of his head to snap him out of his geek moment being able to dress like a hero finally as Midoriya walks up to him.
"Your costume looks great Senshi-san!" Midoriya says in a excited tone as Matthew gives a thumbs up and smile.
"Thanks Midoriya you...too…" Matthew says with enthusiasm at first before looking between him and All Might for a good five seconds and connecting the dots before mentally face palming.
"So obvious Midoriya...I understand you're a fanboy but at least try to be your own hero at least!" Matthew says in his head as they continue talking along with everyone talking to each other for a minute or so before All Might gets everyone's attention.
"Now, it's time to begin combat training! This is a real battle, so don't forget that! However there is no robot you can just beat up! Instead you'll be going against each other!" All Might says before being bombarded with questions.
"I-I'll answer all of your questions, just one at a time please!" All Might says before pulling out a smile booklet.
"Seriously dad? A script?" Matthew thinks to himself struggling to stop himself from giggling.
"The situation is that the villains have hidden a nuclear weapon in their hideout, the heroes are trying to dispose of it, the heroes need to catch the villains or get the weapon within the time limit, the villains need to defend the weapon till time runs out or catch the heroes!" All Might reads out to the class making Matthew raise a scaly brow.
"Sounds like something straight of Mission Impossible or some shit." Matthew thinks to himself as All Might then pulls a box out of thin air again it seems.
"And teams and opponents will be selected through lottery!" All Might yells out as Iida then raises his hand.
"The teams will be picked in such a random fashion? Is that wise?" Iida asks and before Matthew could speak up Midoriya beat him to it.
"Well think about it, sometimes heroes from different agencies have to make makeshift teams to protect the people." Midoriya answers.
"Ah I see now, my apologies for interrupting!" Iida says with a bow.
"Don't sweat it! Now let's draw!" All Might yells out as everyone, one by one pull there ticket and find their partner.
Team A: Uraraka and Midoriya
Team B: Bakugou and Todoroki
Team C: Mineta and Momo
Team D: Shoji and Iida
Team E: Matthew and Kirishima
Team F: Koda and Sato
Team G: Kaminari and Jirou
Team H: Tokoyami and Tsuyu
Team I: Ojiro and Toru
Team J: Sero and Mina
Matthew and Kirishima fist bump each other with smiles.
"Stroke of luck huh?" Matthew says making them both chuckle as they both then look to All Might.
"And the first two teams to go against each other will be…" All Might then pulls out the cards.
"These guys!" All Might yells out as Matthew sees the cards making him instantly nervous.
"Team E will be the heroes and Team B will be the villains! Everyone else head towards the monitoring room!" All Might says to the class as nearly everyone in unison say yes sir and as the others walk back he turns to his right to see Shoka looking at him before giving him a small smile and a nod before walking off and then he saw the person that worried him glaring at him, making Matthew glare back before Bakugou walks off to catch up to Shoka, he then starts walking off to the building.
A few minutes later...Outside the "hideout"...
After handing them earpieces so they could communicate to their teammates and All Might went to the monitoring room and now Matthew and Kirishima were looking at the floor plans together thinking.
"So...you alright with against your girlfriend man?" Kirishima asks with a concerned voice as Matthew chuckles a bit.
"I am, trust me." Matthew answers.
"Not worried about hurting her?" Kirishima then asks making Matthew laugh making Kirishima confused.
"Hurt? Hurt her? You really have no idea what she can do, do you?" Matthew asks Kirishima as he then shakes his head.
"Trust me, if anything I'd be worried about the surrounding area if we went all out against each other, me and her are on the same level of power, that I'm pretty sure." Matthew says in a calm tone making Kirishima drop his jaw.
"Are you serious!?" Kirishima exclaims in a questioning tone.
"Yes and thankfully I got a plan." Matthew answers him again.
"I'm all ears." Kirishima says to Matthew.
"Alright well, from what I can tell Bakugou is the type of person to hunt us down and no matter how much Shoka tries to stop him I'll bet he won't listen, so when he finds us I'll take him while you go up and get the bomb on the top floor." Matthew answers in a calm tone.
"I don't like running from a fight and also you're wanting me to go against Todoroki?" Kirishima asks as Matthew answers with a nod before talking.
"Here's some advice, don't EVER stand still or she'll freeze you in place, stay on the move because she can't keep it up forever." Matthew tells Kirishima.
"What do ya mean?" Kirishima asks as Matthew responds with a smile.
"You'll see." He says to Kirishima as he pats his back before All Might then speaks to them and the other team through the earpiece.
"Alright everyone, originally this was gonna be fifteen minutes but I'm now extending the time to twenty minutes but without any more delays! May the battle...BEGIN!" All Might yells out as Kirishima then starts walking towards the front door.
"Alright let's-" Matthew then stops him.
"Wait a second." Matthew says to him earning a raised eyebrow from him but after a few seconds of waiting the building begins to be covered in ice quickly and soon enough is covered entirely with the entrance being sealed by a thick layer of ice as they then walk towards the door together and look to each other.
"Shall we?" Matthew asks Kirishima.
"Let's." Kirishima answers as they both let out a war cry as they both punch the entrance as hard as they could breaking through the ice and sending the doors flying off the hinges before stepping in and beginning there walk to the top floor.
Meanwhile in the top floor of the "hideout"...
"You half and half BITCH! Why did you seal us of BOTH in here!?" Bakugou screams out in anger as Shoka then pinches the bridge of her nose and lets out an annoyed sigh.
"One so we can defend the bomb together and two because we have to work as team whether we like it or not." Shoka says to the angry blonde in a more annoyed tone than usual as the angry blonde clicks his tongue in anger before walking over to the door.
"And where are you going?" Shoka asks as the blonde looks back with a look of fury.
"I'm going to go find shitty hair AND your over sized lizard of a boyfriend and kick there asses whether you like it or not! And especially give that scaly bastard a lesson in manners." Bakugou finishes off saying in anger as he blasts the door open with two duel explosions and as he walks out Shoka grits her teeth before shaking her head.
"We promised not to hold back against each other...just be careful, Matthew." Shoka says to herself quietly as she guards the bomb.
Two minutes in...third floor of the "hideout"...
Matthew and Kirishima both continued walking down the ice covered hallways together looking for the next staircase quickly while trying not to fall, this one taking a bit longer to find and as they both continued Kirishima began to shiver.
"Jesus christ it's cold." Kirishima says as he then sees his own breath as he then notices Matthew looks completely unfazed.
"Why aren't you shivering? I thought lizards didn't like the cold." Kirishima asks.
"You're right, they don't, however they don't have a heart that's basically a nuclear reactor, but to answer your question, I can use the radiation in my body to raise my temperature enough so it'll feel like a slight breeze pretty much." Matthew answers to Kirishima after letting out a chuckle.
"So wait, you don't have to worry about getting cold in the winter then?" Kirishima says asking another question.
"No, not exactly I could probably keep this up for an hour at most before I start running out a steam, it also depends on how active I am while doing this, if i'm just walking or standing still then no problem, but if i'm fighting and running? I give it fifteen minutes." Matthew says answering his question.
"Dang, still that sounds pretty-" But before he could finish speaking as they are about to round a corner he sees a hand come out ever so slightly making his eyes go wide.
"WATCH OUT!" He yells out as he pushes Matthew out of the way quickly and hardening his arms and head as he raises a guard up just as the blast goes off.
"Kirishima!" Matthew yells out as he gets back up as Kirishima then backs up to him, still hardened up and at the ready with only a scratch.
"I'm alright, just a scratch." Kirishima says to his partner as Bakugou waves away the smoke.
"Come at me you two...time for you two extras to learn your place!" Bakugou yells out as he charges them, Matthew then pushes Kirishima behind him quickly as he then raises his arms and blocks the explosion as he then turns his head to Kirishima.
"GO! I'll take him! Just stick to the plan!" Matthew yells out as Kirishima responds with a nod and runs off before Matthew turns back and back steps out of another explosion before locking eyes with Bakugou.
"I've been looking forward to this, I was hoping to crush Deku when I found out we'd be doing combat training...but being able to grind you into dust is just as good." Bakugou says to Matthew with a sadistic smirk as Matthew gets into a fighting stance and pops out his dorsal fins before replying.
"I'd like to see you try frag brain...what with that glorified firework show of a quirk?" Matthew says mockingly to agitate him and get him set on only him but after saying that he sees Bakugou twist to one of pure rage as he lets out a war cry as he blasts towards him, Matthew dodges the hit barely before throwing a right jab but misses and gets blasted in the face, he then shrugs it off quickly not stepping back as he throws another hit lands it right in his gut and then combos it into a uppercut connecting to Bakugou's chin making him reel back as he attempts to retaliate with a dual explosion but misses as Matthew ducks barely in time as Matthew spins around and slaps Bakugou in his midsection with his tail sending him flying back and as he lands, he grabs his midsection while gritting his teeth before looking at Matthew with a look of rage as Matthew holds his fighting stance.
"Lets see how fast you really are...you OVER SIZED FUCKING LIZARD!" Bakugou screams out as he blasts towards Matthew at blistering speeds.
Monitoring room...seven minutes in…
Everyone watched with anticipation seeing possibly the two strongest students in there class fight, Tokoyami winces as he sees Matthew take another strong hit even though he shrugs it off.
"Matthew is fast but not fast enough it seems." Momo points out as Matthew isn't able to dodge another punch as Bakugou then dodges his counter attack.
"It seems Bakugou is learning quickly how to counter him but Matthew is keeping up the pressure regardless how many hits he takes." Shoji adds in, meanwhile Midoriya watches the fight silently and analyzing the two fighting and hoping Bakugou doesn't find any of his weaknesses, he was then about to add in something but before then he heard All Might cough pretty loud into his hand before closing it into a fist and getting everyones attention.
"Everyone, something has come up but I won't be gone long, at the most for ten minutes but if you need me I'll be in the staff room down the hallway!" He says before taking the headset off and setting down on a table before running out of the room.
"Wonder what came up?" Kaminari asks out loud.
"Probably some work he forgot to do and or something? He is new at being a teacher after all." Izuku says to everyone trying to cover for All Might.
"Most likely." Tokoyami responds.
"Everyone look! Kirishima made found the bomb room finally!" Iida exclaims as everyone looks at the screen with Kirishima hiding around a corner before rushing into the bomb room.
Top floor of the "hideout"...eight minutes in…
Kirishima peeks into the room slowly seeing the bomb and Todoroki without her noticing and then quickly contacts Matthew.
"Yo Senshi, I found the bomb about to go in there now." Kirishima whispers as Matthew responds as he lets out a roar with explosions going off in the background with lots of cursing.
"Good! Remember what I said, don't stay still no matter what!" Matthew yells out as he grunts in pain after an explosion.
"Good luck! Gotta go!" Matthew says before cutting out as Kirishima then smirks and hardens up as he charges in the room.
"Alright Todoroki lets go!" He yells out as he rushes towards her and the bomb.
"Kind of dumb to just charge at me." She says in her regular as she creates a wave of ice towards him but right before it hits him he dodges with a smirk and keeps running towards the bomb, Todoroki then raises a thick wall of ice around the bomb stopping him in his tracks for a moment.
"Not going to be that easy." She says to him as she shoots another wave but manages to dodge again.
"Not good, hope you don't take much longer buddy." Kirishima says to himself as he stays on the move.
Ten minutes in...third floor of the "hideout"...
They both slam a fist into each others face making them both back off as Bakugou then charges Matthew again but this time Matthew catches him and slams him into the wall beside them.
"I'm ending this NOW!" Matthew yells out as he holds Bakugou to the wall pulling out the capture tape, as Bakugou sees this it enrages him beyond belief.
"AS IF I'D LET YOU WIN!" Bakugou screams out as he brings his right hand up to Matthews neck and lets out a powerful blast making him let go and reel back, roaring in pain.
"Fuck!" Matthew says as he rubs his neck quickly while also groaning before his eyes go wide and he looks at Bakugou who now has a sick grin on his face.
"Oh shit…" Matthew thinks to himself as Bakugou charges him as he tries guarding his neck but is to slow as he strikes him in the neck again with an explosion sending waves of pain through Matthew's body as he then grunts in pain as he keeps being pushed back but then after stepping back some more he finally is able to retaliate as he attempts to land a punch but misses as he then sees Bakugou palm coming towards his face, he then closes his eyes expecting the explosion but nothing comes, he quickly opens his eyes only to be met with smoke he then quickly looks up to see Bakugou going over him with an explosion ready, he then aims for Matthew's back making Matthew's eyes go wide.
"Oh fuck!" Is all Matthew is able to think before the explosion goes off and sends a wave of some the worst pain he has ever felt go through his body as he lets a roar of pain so loud it even reaches the monitoring rooms faintly as he then falls forward on his hands and knees, he struggles to get up but is met with another blast to the back, again and again, causing agony, he then manages to get up and fight back as they exchange blows again but is then quickly blown back into a wall seemingly stuck as the pain going through him is still lingering, Bakugou then steps in front of him with a sadistic smile.
"Time for you to have a lesson." He says sadistically as he starts his onslaught of explosions.
Sixteen minutes...Monitoring room…
Everyone was watching as there faces got paler by the minute looking at the beating Matthew was receiving from Bakugou.
"Why doesn't he just tie him up already? He already has him beaten!" Jirou yells out in frustration seeing the guy that saved her being essentially tortured.
"He was good in the first half but whatever Bakugou did when he blasted him in the back nearly knocked Matthew out…" Momo says grimly as All Might walks back into the room.
"Sorry about that kids, had some paperwork leftover needed…to be...finished." All Might finished slowly as he saw the screen with his adopted son on it as he then walked over to the table and picks up the headset and puts it on.
"Are you going to end the fight sir?" Iida asks looking at him as All Might then sighs.
"No...I promised him before the battle started I wouldn't end it no matter how bad it got...and as much as I want to end it i'm gonna stick by my promise." All Might says to Iida as he then looks at the screen and grits his teeth.
"Dammit...come on son! Make a comeback! You're aren't gonna give up this easily are you?" All Might thinks to himself as Bakugou slows down.
Seventeen minutes in...third floor of the "hideout"...
Bakugou slows down his onslaught before stopping altogether and smirks sadistically at Matthew seeing blood drip slightly from scratches on his head, neck and chest along with burn marks.
"Is that...all you got firework boy?" Matthew asks tauntingly but weakly as Bakugou chuckles.
"Nah, I already beat you...hey maybe if they let me go another round I'll get to go against your bitch." Bakugou says with a sadistic tone making Matthew clench his hands into fists and grit his teeth.
"What?..." He asks quietly in an angry tone.
"You heard me...might give her a worse treatment than you, considering how she acts like I'm a nobody even though you're all extras!" Bakugou yells out to Matthew making him even more angry as Bakugou then turns around walking away with a smirk.
"D-Don't you…" Matthew then starts shaking with fury even though he's freezing now.
"Ever…" Matthew then starts charging his breath.
"TRY HURTING HER!" He screams out at the top of his lungs as he prys himself from the wall in fury and as Bakugou turns around he's met with a fist to the face, breaking his nose, Matthew then blocks his counter attack and lets out a roar as he slams his fist into Bakugou's chest knocking the wind out of him before grabbing his arm and slamming him into the wall as he then blasts Matthew in the neck to make him back off, the distance is quickly closed again as Matthew headbutts him and continues his onslaught as he charges his breath as he then tries to leap over Bakugou and just as he fires his breath Bakugou quickly looks up with his right palm extended with his left hand gripping a pin on the right gauntlet.
"Oh for fuck sakes…" Matthew thinks to himself within a split second.
"YOU TWO! STOP!" All Might yells out desperately but is too late as a explosion then rocks the building they are in.
Meanwhile not long before that...top floor of the "hideout"...
Shoka sends out another wave of ice but is a lot slower this time but so is Kirishima as he barely dodges it.
"Matthew must have gave him advice on how to fight, can't say I blame him given the power difference at the moment…" Shoka thinks to herself as she tries narrowing down Kirishima's movements with a wall of ice but isn't quick enough.
"That roar he let out earlier...sounded real bad, I wish I could've just stopped fighting and go check on him but I can't with Kirishima here...plus I'm pretty sure he'd just tell he's got it under control anyway." Shoka finishes thinking to herself as she sends out another wave of ice towards her opponent as more frost builds up on her right side as Kirishima dodges her attack again.
"Dammit! I'm not gonna be able to keep this up for much longer! Where is-" But before Kirishima could finish that thought a loud boom could be heard and something went flying between him and Todoroki through the floor and ceiling as it then crashes through the roof and lands beside him, he turns and sees Matthew beaten, burned and bruised.
"Holy shit! Are you alright!?" Kirishima yells out in a question as Matthew groans as he gets up slowly.
"Yeah, yeah I'm fine...just gonna have one hell of a headache." Matthew says in a pain filled tone as all three of hear Bakugou let out a roar and blast through the hole and past the two of them as he then faces Matthew.
"We ain't through yet lizard breath!" He screams out in anger with small explosions going off as Matthew retracts his dorsal fins and go back to back to Kirishima as Matthew glances where the bomb would be.
"Bomb is through that ice I assume?" He whispers to his partner as Bakugou screams out profanities.
"Yeah, got a plan?" Kirishima says between breaths as he hardens himself up.
"No time to explain, just trust me." Matthew replies.
"ONE MINUTE REMAINING!" All Might yells through the headsets as Bakugou lets a yell of rage.
"Quit ignoring me you bastards!" He yells as he then begins to pull the pin on his left gauntlet as Shoka begins sending a wave of ice towards them.
"Sorry about this man!" Matthew yells out as he grabs Kirishima.
"Wait, what!?" Is all he can say before Matthew throws him as hard as he can with his quirk at the bomb and as Kirishima yells while flying through the air like a human bullet, he crashes through the ice as Matthew is hit both with the massive explosion from Bakugou and Shoka's ice as Kirishima grabs on to the bomb like it was life or death.
"I GOT IT!" He yells out in victory and a big smirk.
"The hero team...WINS!" All Might yells out over the headsets as Bakugou stands there in shock and anger as Shoka runs over to where Matthew is only to see half of him is covered in and him mostly covered burns, bruises and scratches as he then looks over to Shoka with a smile.
"Hey...nice job there sweetheart." He says weakly in a pained tone as she hugs him.
"Are you ok?" Shoka asks in her version of a concerned tone as Matthew keeps smiling at her.
"Kinda...probably gonna need to see Gran in the nurse's office though and I doubt she'll be happy." Matthew says with a chuckle as Kirishima walks up behind Shoka with a smile while Bakugou starts stomping towards the exit while shaking in rage.
"Hey frag brain." Matthew says to Bakugou, making him stop and turn his head slightly towards him.
"Our next fight won't be so close, I'll guarantee that." Matthew says to him in a determined tone as he then continues walking to the exit.
"You're right...because next time you won't stand a chance." Is all Bakugou says before leaving the room as he then looks to Shoka.
"Mind getting me out of here?" Matthew asks his girlfriend.
"Yeah sure, sorry." Shoka says as she puts her left hand on the ice and heats it up just enough to melt it as Kirishima walks up with his fists harden and starts breaking the ice as well before looking to Shoka.
"Hey wait, you can use fire can't you? How come you didn't use it against me?" He asks making her stiffen up a lot and when he didn't get answer as they kept getting rid of the ice he looks to Matthew to see him shaking his head, Kirishima then nods without saying anything and drops it as they keep breaking the ice until Matthew is free.
A few minutes later...monitoring room…
Back in the monitoring room the entire class gathered in front of All Might before he began speaking.
"Alright now! Who can tell me who did the best in this exercise?" All Might asks as Momo's hand shoots up.
"I can sir, if you'll allow me." She says to him respectfully.
"Hit me with it young lady!" All Might replies before she begins.
"The hero team, Senshi and Kirishima did great for the most part, splitting up may have been not the best plan but it worked out luckily, from what I understand Kirishima took Senshi's advice and followed it to the dot as Senshi held off Bakugou and even weakening him and at the end sacrificed himself to complete the objective and retrieve the bomb before it could "go off", even though he's part of the reason of all of the structural damage, he still did very well and embraced himself in being a hero for the battle, not only that they were able to work together and trust each other in the end to win." Momo finishes saying as Matthew and Kirishima both fist bump with smiles before she continues.
"The villain team however could've done a lot better in the team work aspect, Todoroki had a sound strategy that would've possibly won the battle but Bakugou ignored her it seems the entire time and refused to work with her and opted to go out on his own and try to take both of them on at once while she decided against joining him and protected the bomb until Senshi showed up, by the time they were in even the same room together, they were already significantly more damaged and/or tired than either of the heroes. Bakugou however did embrace the villain role but did take the battle a bit too far as to keep hitting Senshi when he was defenseless and refused to capture him, which eventually led to them losing the battle." Momo finishes saying as she looks to All Might.
"Am I correct?" She asks simply.
"Well...uh...yeah you pretty much covered it all!" All Might says as Matthew grunts a bit in pain when he tries moving.
"Hey da- Sensei mind if I go see Recovery Girl?" Matthew asks in a pained voice as All Might responds with a nod as Matthew then walks away slowly limping a bit with a smile.
"Thanks." Is all he says before leaving the room.
A few hours later...homeroom…
After getting patched up Matthew passed out due to Recovery girls quirk and rested a few hours, but as soon as he was awake he left for the homeroom classroom to gather his things, what he wasn't expecting was to be greeted by a group of his classmates.
"Dude! You guys were awesome in the first round!" Kaminari says in excitement.
"Yeah man, you guys went all out!" Sato says next as Sero pops up beside him.
"I only wish I got to see you use your breath, the explosion blinded the camera's!" Sero adds in as Tsuyu and Mineta pops up next as Matthew puts his hands up in front of him.
"Woah, woah! One at a time! Tell me your names first alright?" Matthew asks as they smile and Sato speaks up first.
"The name's Rikido Sato, but my friends call me Sato!" He says as he points a thumb at himself.
"Name's Tsuyu Asui, but just call me Tsuyu." Tsuyu says with a smile.
"Denki Kaminari at your service!" He says with a joking bow.
"Hanta Sero, Nice to meet you!" Sero says with a smile as Mineta jumps into the air.
"And I'm Minoru Mineta!" He says with his fist out as Matthew smiles at all of them.
"Nice to meet you all, but I was wanting to know what happened after I went to the nurses office?" Matthew asks shyly.
"After watching you guys go all out we didn't hold back in our tests either!" Sato says with a voice filled with pride.
"Yeah, it was really something seeing you guys in action. You guys seem to be the powerhouses of the class alongside Midoriya." Kaminari says to Matthew.
"Oh come on, you guys are powerhouses in your own right!" Matthew says to them with a smile before looking around and noticing Shoka, Kirishima and the others are gone.
"Hey where's Kirishima and Shoka?" Matthew asks as he walks over to his desk gathering his stuff into his bag.
"They said they would be waiting outside for you, they went out there like fifteen minutes ago, ribbit." Tsuyu answers Matthew with a finger to her chin as Matthew slings his bookbag on his back and starts exiting the classroom.
"Thanks Tsuyu and I'll talk to you guys more tomorrow alright? See ya tomorrow!" Matthew yells out that last bit as he exits the classroom and after exiting the building within a few minutes he sees Shoka, Tokoyami, Jiro, Mina and Kirishima talking as they then turn to Matthew and Kirishima waves at him as Matthew walks up to them.
"Hey guys, thanks for waiting." Matthew says with a smile as Kirishima gives him a toothy smile.
"No problem man, we make one heck of a team." Kirishima says to Matthew.
"You showed great skill today, and you three inspired me and the others to do the best we could, so thank you." Tokoyami says to Shoka, Matthew and Kirishima before Mina speaks up.
"You two were awesome! The way Senshi was shrugging off Bakugou's attacks for the longest time and then making a comeback and all of that dodging Eijiro! That was amazing!" Mina exclaims in a happy and excited tone.
"Yeah and the way you threw Kirishima was hilarious." Jiro says trying not to laugh again as Matthew scratches the back of his head as he looks to Shoka seeing her smiling a bit.
"Guess he did turn into a human bullet when I threw him huh?" Matthew says finally making Jiro laugh as he and the others join in, even Tokoyami and Shoka started chuckling and after it all died down Matthew looked at them with a raised scaly brow as he looks at the time just then.
"Don't mean to be rude but aren't you guys gonna miss the train home?" Matthew asks as Kirishima shakes his head.
"Todoroki offered to have her ride drop us off at our houses, so we said why not, never rode in a limo before." Kirishima answers as said limo then pulls up.
"Speaking about the limo…" Kirishima says before taking off towards it.
"Last one in isn't manly!" Kirishima yells out as the others follow, with Jiro and Mina in hot pursuit and Tokoyami behind them in a light jog as Matthew and Shoka walk together to the limo, Shoka then looks to him and gives him a kiss on the cheek.
" You did good today Matthew." She says with a faint smile as Matthew gives a kiss on her cheek back.
"So did you, glad you weren't afraid to hold back even given how bad of shape I was in." Matthew says with a chuckle as they get into the limo after everyone else and close the door as John then starts driving to drop Kirishima off first since he was closest.
"Well today was hectic but it turned out great in the end...hopefully tomorrow is calmer." Matthew thinks to himself as he looks out the side window with a smile.
- In Serial113 Chapters
Sword Immortal's Rebirth
After sacrificing himself to avert the collapse of his world, Sheng Jiansui, the Quintessence Sword Saint thought that his soul would crumble away, his memory lost to the void. Unexpectedly, he is reborn to a new world as Heifeng Jiansui, a Prince of the Black Phoenix Empire ruling over a Great World! "In my previous life, I rose to the apex of the Sword Dao! In this life, my Dao shall encompass all there in the World!"
8 475 - In Serial12 Chapters
Goblin Rebirth
Framed for the assassination of the King, the realm's most accomplished and famed knight is immediately under suspicion. With all his strength, he is unable to fight against the injustice. He is executed and thus his story ends there...Or so they believe.He still lives. Reborn. As. A...Goblin?Let's see how he will live to claim revenge against the assassin and learn how to live as one of the realm's weakest species. An original series, please see my progress at https://tapas.io/series/Goblin-Rebirth
8 108 - In Serial16 Chapters
Vemödalen: From The Other Side
War is coming - And when it comes - And where it comes - And whence it comes - The living shall envy the dead One to carry their sword in the name of their goddess and lady, to protect their land and people against the threat of the wicked. They know their path to be the righteous one. One to roam the land, hunting for all apparitions, and be scorned by man and beast alike. They know their path to be an arduous one. One to wander the realm in search of power, to protect themselves and what they believe in. They know their path to be the only one. Writers note: The first chapter will set the standard in terms of mood for the remainder of the story. It also comes to no surprise to me that half the people who read the first part stop reading any further. It has quite a bit of the good ‘ol ‘ultra-violence’ mixed with a great deal of realism. As much as I could fit into it from my own knowledge and experience in the elite forces. The first few chapters will be slow, after, but starting from ‘Restless Destroyer’ the remainder of the world will start to open up, and when we hit ‘Adronitis’ the prologue is largely finished. The novel is well thought out and filled with hidden lore, culture, history. So even if my word choice appears random – it’s not. There is a reason why these chapters take as long as they do. Vermodalen is fantasy adventure, with magic and heroics in an as realistic setting as I could fit. Things are rarely what they seem, and the ugly nature of people bleed through the letters at the turn of every page. I hope you can give this story a fair chance, even if it isn’t immediately to your taste. Lastly, english isn't my first language. It isn't my second one either. So, if you find errors in grammer and spelling, wordplay and sentance building, do let me know, and you will be rewarded by a surge of dopamine that will be released inside your brain for helping someone whom you haven't even seen or heard.
8 224 - In Serial6 Chapters
Curse of the Immortal
"You can't tell me what pain is and what it's not. I've lived for thousands of years searching for her, longing for her smile, her touch. Waking up each morning not knowing where to go, where to look, but still holding on to that hope. That someday I will find her again, to make her happy and protect her from harm." Tears started to well up in his eyes as his voice became coarse. "Only to find out that in the end, I've already found her and yet I've caused her death... again." He knew that she died to protect the people she cared about... He wasn't powerful enough to break the chains that bound his life... "I may not be her nor will I ever be, but you are the reason why I am still living." she was just a normal girl of the 21st century, but due to her soul, she was tasked to maintain the balance of the realms. Will she be able to fulfill her duty even if it means putting an end to the immortal?
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GCSE Revision!!!
This is just going to be my tips and tricks on how to revise, what works best for me, and actual revision notes --> however as the GCSEs are all changing because of the education system, remember that it's all different now as my year are the first to do the new maths and English GCSEs, but the rest are the old ones. But you can always just apply what I say to your own :)and good luck to everyone with exams and everything as they're all super stressful and hope you get the grades and results that you wanted :)
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Forever - A Treegan Story
Troian Bellisario and Keegan Allen? Best friends. What will happen when they realise they want to be more that best friends?
8 188