《My Hero Academia: Hero's Horizon》Chapter 4: First Day!
It was finally here, the first day of school. Matthew was standing out on the sidewalk in front of his house waiting for Shoka to pick him up since the driver offered to pick him up even though All Might offered to give him a ride, Matthew declined so he could ride with his girlfriend and chat along the way, and just as Matthew was about to ask out loud where she was at a limo pulled up in front of him as the driver window rolled down to reveal a man with a scarred face, facial hair stubble with slicked backed hair and green eyes with his hair graying on the ends as he then looked to Matthew and smiles as he waves a prosthetic left hand.
"Morning to ya Senshi! Ready for school?" The driver asks Matthew in a american accent as Matthew then smiles before answering.
"Yup! Got my uniform on and everything, John." Matthew says with a smile as The driver known as John nods with a smile before looking back in the limo with a frown and back to Matthew before he leans out of the window to whisper.
"Shoka hasn't been herself lately, I don't know what's wrong but she seems more...distant is the only way I can describe it, I'm starting to worry." John whispers to Matthew.
"I'll talk to her and see what's up, the drive is an hour right?" Matthew whispers and asks as John replies with a nod before Matthew returns the nod.
"I forget sometimes that Shoka's father isn't a complete piece of shit, John was a homeless Marine vet back in Seattle, Washington. He lost his arm in Afghanistan and got that scar in the same fight. But one day when Endeavor was in America on a mission to bust some villains trafficking people for underground fight clubs and sex slaves John was on the side of the road when Endeavor stopped the convoy and one guy was still up and would've shot Endeavor in the back of the head if it wasn't for John tackling the would be shooter and knocking him out, in return Endeavor took time to get to know the man and when he was done with his mission he offered to take John in and give him a job and a home, ever since then he's watched over the Todoroki family and even though he disagrees with how he treats his family he still respects him which I can't exactly hold that against him, given the circumstances." Matthew thinks to himself as gets in the limo and sits beside Shoka before giving her a kiss on the cheek while she looks at her phone making her smile and turn to him.
"Hey Matthew." she says in her regular tone as Matthew smiles back but notices the dark circles under her eyes.
"Hey Shoka, you alright? You don't look like you haven't gotten much sleep." Matthew asks with concern as John starts driving them to UA High which is an hour away as Shoka frowns and looks back down at her phone.
"Yeah, just been thinking about stuff." Shoka says in a slightly sad tone as she then looks at Matthew seeing he has a raised scaly eyebrow as Shoka then sighs before looking out the window.
"It's about my oldest brother…" Shoka says quietly as Matthew widens his eyes at that.
"Touya? What did you find?" Matthew asks with excitement and a hint of concern.
"Rumor has it someone nearly matching his description is in Hosu City right now, except now he has burn marks covering the large majority of his body, probably due to him over using his fire or worse." Shoka says to Matthew as he then nods but decides to press considering the tone she used at the end sounded...fearful.
"It's good that you know where he might be but...you sound like your scared of or worried for him now...what's wrong?" Matthew asks her as she then looks down with frown.
"The thing is...the description matches perfectly with a murderer in those parts, not the Hero Killer everyone has been talking about but somebody else." Shoka says with a shaky tone as she sounds as if on the verge of tears as Matthew then pulls her in close with a side hug.
"It's alright Shoka...Listen, I'm not saying to stop looking for him but maybe give it a break for a bit? We're starting school today and we got the entire school year ahead of us and more, I know you miss your brother and I never knew him personally but would he want you worrying so much about him when you got so much ahead of you and on your plate?" Matthew says to Shoka in a comforting tone as she then looks up at him and hugs him back as she sighs.
"I hate to admit it, but you're right...he wouldn't...I just miss him so much." Shoka says in a somber tone as Matthew frowns a bit.
"I know sweetheart, but I know you'll see him again someday, it may not be tomorrow, this week, this month or maybe not even this year but you will find him." Matthew says to cheer her up which it manages to thankfully Matthew thinks.
"Thanks, Matthew." Shoka says with a renewed smile as Matthew smirks.
"You also need to make sure you don't get my bad habit of staying up late doesn't rub off on you because trust me, it sucks." Matthew says to her before he laughs a bit, as he then stops laughing before he makes more conversation with her he looks to the rear view mirror up front to see john smiling again and giving a subtle thumbs to him through the mirror to Matthew as he then smiles back as him and Shoka starting talking more to make the hour long drive go by faster.
An hour later…7:30 AM
After arriving at UA High and entering they began searching for there class room and after a twenty minute search they finally found it with a smile Matthew opens the door and looks around to see some people were already here, a girl with a black spiky ponytail, Tokoyami, Jiro, a girl with long green hair, a guy with strangely shaped elbows and finally Bakugou, Matthew and him then make eye contact and glare at each other as Shoka and the others in the classroom between the two as Jirou whispers under her breath "oh no."
"Name?" The angry blonde asks in a angry tone.
"What?" Matthew replies saying to him making the blonde angrier.
"I'm asking for your name you stupid fuck!" Bakugou yells at him as they hold their glares.
"It's Senshi...Matthew Senshi...yours?" Matthew replies as Bakugou stands up and walks towards him.
"Bakugou...Katsuki Bakugou…" He answers as he stops in front of him looking up at him as they stare each other down before raises his right hand and starts setting mini explosions off in his palm to put emphasis on what he has next to say. "And don't forget it because i'm gonna enjoy grinding you into the ground for one up-ing me in the entrance exam like that." He says with a sadistic smirk as Matthew then folds his arms.
"Is that so?" Matthew replies before shoka to his left speaks.
"Funny how you already think your the best when we were just starting." She says in a dull tone to the angry blonde as Bakugou then turns to her with an angry scowl.
"And who the hell are you? His bitch?" Bakugou asks as Matthew then grips Bakugou's right wrist as he curls his lips up to show his rows of sharp teeth.
"Watch how you talk to her or we are going to have an even bigger problem than now." He says to the blonde in an angry tone as somebody walks into the classroom.
"Oh so she is your bitch...good to know I got somebody else to grind to dust." Bakugou says threateningly making Matthew begin to growl while clenching his left hand into a fist as Bakugou begins to set of mini explosions in both of his palms with a sadistic smile and as everyone else in the classroom was beginning to become increasingly worried blows were going to be thrown until a familiar face to Matthew steps in pushes him and Bakugou away from each other.
"Easy guys, you two don't want to get detention or worse on the first day do you?" Kirishima asks the two as Matthew lets go of Bakugou's wrist and puts his arms to his side as he holds his glare on him as he lower his arms as well.
"Yeah, I don't." Matthew says as Bakugou clicks his tongue frustration as he goes and sits down in his seat as Matthew, Shoka and Kirishima go to there seats.
"Thanks for that Kirishima, I was starting to lose my temper." Matthew says to Kirishima as he gives a thumbs up to Matthew.
"No problem man." Kirishima replies as they both take their seats which are luckily beside each other with Tokoyami on the right of Kirishima and Matthew on the left of him.
"So man I'm guessing that girl with the red and white hair is your girlfriend?" Kirishima asks Matthew as he replies with a simple nod.
"Yeah, we've been dating for little over six months going on seven here soon I think." Matthew says with a smile to Kirishima before looking behind himself to see Shoka in her seat in the back beside the girl with a spiky ponytail as they talk to each other.
"Good for ya man and don't worry I ain't the type to get in between people if you're worried about that, to me it's unmanly." Kirishima says with a smile as Matthew returns the smile as he shakes his head.
"Don't worry, you never struck me as the type to do that anyway." Matthew says as he then leans forward on his desk and sees Tokoyami on the other side of Kirishima.
"Hey Tokoyami! Sorry I didn't realize you were there with how quite you were being." Matthew says as he scratches the back of his head as Tokoyami looks at him with his usual expression.
"It's fine friend, I prefer being quite and out of people's view mostly, but it's good to see you made it early." Tokoyami says to Matthew with what he could've swore was a faint smile, Matthew then turned around to look to his back left and see Jiro listening to some music with her eyes close she then opens and sees Matthew looking at her prompting her to take her ear jack out.
"Hey Senshi, whats up?" Jiro asks her large friend as he smiles back.
"Nothing but I was wanting to know what were you listening to?" Matthew asks Jiro with a smile because one thing they both had in common is that they were in love with music.
"Oh, I was listening to some Metellica and was about to start listening to some Aimer." Jiro replies as Matthew gave a thumbs before giving his own suggestion and as time went by more and more people came into the room eventually there were only two missing and that one was Izuku and somebody else and as a tall teen with glasses was moving his arms robotically who turned out to be named Tenya Iida and telling Bakugou to get his feet off the desk Matthew saw the door open with Izuku standing there quietly shaking in nervousness before Iida turns around and sees sees him.
"It's him." Iida simply says as everyone in the room turn to Izuku before Iida begins walking towards Izuku.
"Hello, my name is Tenya Iida I'm from the-" Then Izuku interrupts him by telling him he overheard and as they continued to talk and the girl that caught Izuku from falling walks up behind the nervous boy as Matthew recalls was named Ochaco Uraraka then realizing how much time has passed he looks down at his watch to see turn from 8:29 AM to 8:30 AM as he then sighs.
"It's time for classes, where's our Sensei?" Matthew asks himself in his head as he then hears a voice he hadn't heard in nearly two years.
"If you're just here to make friends then pack your stuff and leave now." The tired voice says as he hears a man stand up and zipper before the man walks into the classroom making Matthew go wide eyed as he sees who it is.
"Uncle Shota!? Don't tell me he's…" Matthew thinks to himself as he sees Aizawa glance at him for a second before speaking again.
"It took you all five seconds to quiet down, that's not good enough, you kids aren't rational enough." He says as he then scans the room while holding his sleeping bag.
"My name is Shota Aizawa and I'll be your homeroom teacher, nice to meet you." Aizawa says to the class in a tired tone.
"Our teacher!?" Everyone the class yells at once except three or so students.
"Now I know this is sudden but put these on and go out on the field." Aizawa says as he pulls out a bag of gym uniforms.
UA Field…8:40 AM
"What!? A quirk assessment test!?" The entire class yells in unison as Ochaco steps up.
"But what about the entrance ceremony and orientation!?" Ochaco asks there Sensei.
"If you're going to become a hero then there is no time for such events." Aizawa says coldly as he then turns around.
"However UA isn't tied down by regular school traditions, that includes how the teachers run their classes." Aizawa says as Matthew starts getting slightly nervous.
"I don't like the sound of this." Matthew thinks to himself with a slight sweat drop before Aizawa continues.
"This is designed to see whose quirks are the strongest and whose are the weakest, so whoever comes in last place will be expelled on the spot." Aizawa says with an odd and frankly disturbing smile before Ochaco speaks up again.
"But that's not fair! You can't just do that!" Ochaco says to Aizawa as he looks at her.
"Are villain attacks fair? Are natural disasters fair? Is life fair in general? No it's not." Aizawa says as he has the entire class's attention.
"You think it's gonna be fun and games for the next three years here? No it's not going to, these next three years are going to be the toughest in your life and I'm not even counting the physical training." Aizawa says as he then raises hand and giving a gesture for them to come forward.
"So come on, give it your all and then some, plus ultra style." He says in a challenging tone as most of the class stand there silently but accept the challenge as Matthew locks eyes with his Uncle.
"Guess dad wasn't kidding when he said Aizawa is a tough teacher but that ain't gonna stop me, i'm ready." Matthew thinks to himself as a machine then shoots a weird ball to Aizawa and he catches it without even looking as he keeps looking at Matthew standing in the front beside Izuku and Ochaco.
"Senshi, you got the highest score in the entrance exam did you not?" Aizawa asks as Matthew replies with a simple nod.
"Then your gonna demonstrate how this is gonna work." Aizawa says as he tosses the ball to Matthew as he barely catches it.
"How far are you able to throw a ball without using your quirk?" Aizawa asks Matthew.
"About eighty meters or so I wanna say." Matthew says as Aizawa points to the circle on the ground near him.
"Stand in the circle and throw the ball using your quirk, anything goes as long as you stay in the circle." Aizawa says to Matthew as he walks into the center of the circle, he then takes a deep breath before pulling his arm back and as he throws it as hard as he can he lets out a roar and after launching the ball it creates a gust of high speed wind pressure, Aizawa then looks at a small device after about ten or so seconds and then shows it to the rest of the class.
"804 METERS!?" Most of the class yells in unison.
"Thats crazy!" A boy with blonde hair and a black lightning bolt yells out.
"You haven't even seen him use his breath yet." Jiro says to the excited blonde teen beside her.
"I could do better." Bakugou says in an angry tone before Aizawa speaks.
"Now without any further delay let's begin, follow me." Aizawa says as he begins leading the class to the first part of the test.
Test One: Fifty Meter Dash…8:46 AM
The first few people have already gone that being, Iida and a girl hopping like a frog Matthew recognizes as Tsuyu and Uraraka and another teen he recognizes as Ojiro, now it was his and Mina's turn.
"You got the strength big guy but let's see how fast you can really go!" Mina says to Matthew in a excited tone as they both stretch, Matthew then looks at her with a grin.
"Gladly, pinky." Matthew then chuckles a bit as he then gets ready as the bots counts them down.
"Go!" The bot says as they then take off, Mina using her acid to skate quickly as Matthew reroutes the radiation into his legs, amplifying his speed, he then crosses the finish line.
"4.32 seconds!" The bot says as Mina then crosses the finish line shortly after.
"5.48 seconds!" The bot says as Mina stops herself and then gives a thumbs up to Matthew.
"Dang, I was really hoping to beat you there." Mina says to Matthew with a smile, obviously not really upset.
"If it was downhill you probably would have won." He says to Mina as they share a fist bump and smile before moving out the way as the next two had already started going.
Test Two: Grip Strength...9:02 AM
"Strength, where I excel at, easy." Matthew thinks to himself as he begins gripping the device with all of his might while activating his quirk then pouring the radiation into his right arm, he then stops once the device beeps and then looks at it as an invisible girl and the teen with the odd elbows look at it as well.
"1,300!? Holy crap man!" The teen says to him.
"With muscles like that I can't say I'm surprised." The invisible girl says to him making him blush.
"O-Oh thanks." Matthew stutters out making the girl giggle.
"Why do I get the feeling this might be a common occurrence?" Matthew thinks to himself as everyone finish up the grip test and as he looks around and then spots Midoriya looking kind of nervous.
"After this I'm pretty positive I need to make sometime and train with him, see if I can help him regulate his power better so he isn't a goddamn glass cannon that kills themselves basically." Matthew says in his head before putting the grip device down and walking to the next test area.
Test Three: Standing Long Jump...9:10 AM
Midoriya attempts the jump and lands in the middle far from the landing point, after getting up and walking away it was Matthew's turn, he walks up to it and gets ready to jump.
"I don't even need my quirk for this one I think." Matthew thinks to himself as he then leaps across it and then lands on the other side and after standing up he goes back to join his classmates.
Test Four: Repeated Side Steps...9:14 AM
Matthew kept counting so he didn't lose track but was running out of steam quickly since he wasn't used to doing this.
"97, 98, 99, 100" Matthew says before stopping and falling on the ground breathless and letting out a heavy sigh.
"I can run as fast as a car if I really pushed it, I can lift train carts...but I can't do a lot of those side steps like that it seems." Matthew says out loud to himself as he gets back up and he sees a people giggling at him mainly the one he recognizes as Mineta.
"Aw crap I completely forgot about him, this ought to be interesting later, I already know me and him are gonna have an issue." Matthew thinks to himself as Mineta walks up there getting ready to do the side steps.
Test Five: Ball Throw...9:34 AM
After everyone watched Uraraka get an infinity score on the ball throw it was Bakugou's turn and as he stood in the circle he regained his grin.
"I'll blow them away with this one." Bakugou thinks to himself as he readies to throw the ball.
"DIE!" He yells out as he blasts the ball with a powerful explosion and after about ten seconds Aizawa looks at the device as it beeps and then turns it to the class.
"703 meters, not bad Bakugou." Kirishima says to the angry blonde as he stands there for a second shocked before walking back over to everyone else with a very angry scowl on his face as Aizawa calls Midoriya up, Matthew then looks to Bakugou to see he was glaring at him, Matthew then narrows his eyes at him in return as they glare at each other before looking back to Midoriya being held by Aizawa and then let go.
"Jesus I didn't realize me and dick head had a staring contest for that long." Matthew thinks to himself as Midoriya readies to throw the ball and then as he throws it at the last second he activates his quirk through his finger touching the ball making everyone go wide eyed as Aizawa shows the device saying he threw it 705 meters.
"That smart bastard." Matthew says to himself with a smirk as some people point out how bad is quirk backfires and how his finger looks but Matthew snaps out of his daze as he hears the familiar explosions going off as he then turns to his right seeing Bakugou shake with rage.
"Deku…" Bakugou says in a very hostile tone borderline killer as Matthew gets ready.
"He's gonna charge at him the arrogant bastard." Matthew thinks to himself.
"WHERE THE HELL DID YOU GET THAT QUIRK!?" Bakugou yells as he charges Izuku but before he even gets half way he's stopped as he feels someone grip his left wrist tightly.
"The fuck?" Bakugou says as he turns around to see Matthew glaring at him.
"If you're gonna start a fight, make sure you can end it because otherwise you'll regret it when I get involved." Matthew threatens Bakugou as Bakugou's face turns a bit red from anger.
"I'LL TURN YOU TO ASH!" Bakugou screams out as he brings right hand to Matthew's face with an explosion at the ready but it never makes it as his quirk is erased and his head and hands wrapped with Aizawa's signature scarf holding the explosive blonde back.
"Thank you Uncle Aizawa." Matthew thinks to himself as he lets go of Bakugou and turns to Aizawa.
"Apologies, Sensei." Matthew says to him.
"It's fine, but enough of this, I'm tired and over using my quirk gives dry eye so quit it Bakugou or you'll be the one going home today." Aizawa says to the angry blonde before he lets go of him and Midoriya then walks past him quickly but nervously before joining the others, Matthew focused completely on Bakugou as he stares at him studying him.
"I won't be surprised if me and him end up going against each other within two weeks or so and when it happens, it won't be pretty." Matthew thinks to himself as Tokoyami walks up to the circle for his turn.
UA Field...11:31 AM
After everyone gathered in front of there Sensei he pulls out the device he's had with him throughout the test.
"Alright your total score is all of the marks you accumulated throughout the test, it would be a waste of time to tell your scores individually so I'll show you them all at once." Aizawa says as he presses a button on the device in his hand as the wall behind him then displays the scores of all the students from highest to lowest.
SCORES (From first to last.)
Momo Yaoyorozu
Matthew Senshi
Shoka Todoroki
Katsuki Bakugou
Fumikage Tokoyami
Eijiro Kirishima
Tenya Iida
Mezo Shoji
Mashirao Ojiro
Ochaco Uraraka
Mina Ashido
Koji Koda
Rikido Sato
Tsuyu Asui
Hanta Sero
Denki Kaminari
Kyoka Jiro
Toru Hagakure
Minoru Mineta
Izuku Midoriya
As soon as Matthew saw that he looks behind him to see a scared Izuku Midoriya as Matthew then sighs.
"Three, two, one…" Matthew counts down in his head as Aizawa then turns back around with a odd smile on his face.
"And nobody's getting expelled, it was all just a logical ruse to get you all to do your best." Aizawa says to the whole class.
"WHAT!?" The majority of the class yells out.
As the class talks amongst themselves Matthew walks over to Midoriya and then taps him on the shoulder to get his attention.
"Hey Midoriya, you alright?" Matthew asks in a concerned tone as Midoriya shakes his head to regain his composure.
"Yeah, I'm fine Senshi, just got really scared there for a few seconds." Izuku says to Matthew before Aizawa walks up.
"Midoriya." Aizawa then pulls out a note and hands it to Izuku.
"Go to the nurse's office and give this to her so you'll get patched up but don't make a habit of this, you need to learn to control your power better." Aizawa says to the green haired teen before turning to Matthew.
"Senshi and Todoroki, I want to speak with you, the rest of you are dismissed and be sure to pick up a syllabus from the class room." Aizawa says to the two and the rest of the class as they all begin to walk away.
"See you later Todoroki!" The girl with the black spiky ponytail says to Shoka.
"See you later Momo." Shoka says as she waves at her slightly as all three of them watch the rest go inside the building.
"They all inside?" Matthew asks excitedly.
"Looks like it." Aizawa says.
"Yeah, they are." Shoka answers as Matthew then turns and hugs Aizawa.
"Uncle Shota! I missed you so much!" Matthew says with a very happy tone as Aizawa starts chuckling as he pats the large teen on the back.
"I missed you too kid...You did great today." Aizawa says to his student and nephew as well.
"Thanks and I'm not saying you did but?..." Matthew says dragging it on making Aizawa raise a hand.
"Don't worry I'm not gonna play favorites, you know I'm not like that, in school and official settings I'm your Sensei, not your Uncle, so remember that." Aizawa says to him as he responds with a nod before Aizawa then turns to Shoka.
"You too Todoroki, you did great." Aizawa says to her as she nods as well.
"Thank you and it's good to see you're well." She says to her boyfriends uncle before turning to Matthew.
"I'm gonna go wait for you over there and let you two discuss some things." Shoka says to Matthew before she started walking away as Matthew then turns back to his uncle.
"How come you and the others didn't visit the past year and a half or two?" Matthew says in a sad tone as Aizawa then sighs with a frown.
"As you know your father isn't able to do as much hero work due to his injury five years ago…" Aizawa says to the large teen making Matthew tense up.
"I remember that...I was so terrified my father was going to die due to the injuries he sustained from that villain...He still won't tell me about the villain either." Matthew says as he feels his blood drop a few degrees.
"Because of that some villains are starting to realize that and run rampant, mostly The Yakuza gangs, so we've had little to no breaks because of it and it's getting worse by the day." Aizawa says in a grim tone as Matthew nods his head in agreement before he speaks.
"Speaking about my father I've been thinking...should I tell my classmates? There probably gonna find out eventually and to be honest if I can I'd like to avoid unnecessary rumors." Matthew says to his uncle.
"It would be for the best most likely and to let them know about your connections to the others as well." Aizawa says with a sigh as Matthew scratches the back of his head as Aizawa puts a hand on his shoulder.
"But worry about doing that tomorrow, go by the classroom and pick up the syllabus from the classroom and go home and get some rest for tomorrow, alright?" Aizawa says to his nephew/student with a genuine smile.
"Yes sir, 'Sensei'." Matthew says with air quotes and a smirk earning a chuckle from Aizawa before walking away and as Matthew walks up to Shoka and speaks to her before walking towards to the entrance to the building Aizawa looks at him with his usual expression.
"Get some rest kid, your real training starts tomorrow along with everybody else." Aizawa thinks to himself as he watches the two enter the building before walking away as well.
- In Serial56 Chapters
The Great legend of Fafnir: The Beginning
Long ago, a kingdom reigned supreme, ruling over a country that was to make its mark in history. One night, the royal family had arranged for a celebration that will forever be known to the rest of the world. And be known throughout it did, for blood was spilt, and the lineage was stained red. One man took it upon himself to change this destiny, forcing the kingdom to crumble under his might. he carried with him the idol of Arakthur, the first dragon of existence, waltzing through the land as he tears the nation to ruin. In his wake, he stumbled upon a boy whom fate favored, and so did he. "I will give you a life you were never meant to have. Abandon your past. You will have no choice but to live as I dictate you to." And in the end, you will realize, your true purpose.
8 87 - In Serial131 Chapters
Wandering The Multiverse! Saving The God?
“Ah, when did things get mixed up this much. Damn that Deaf God couldn't even send me to the right world. Why was I even reincarnated in a world that I have no understanding of?! I asked him to reincarnate me on a TV show which I actually knew about and was a fan of! Damn, now how will I live in this world? All I do is wander in Multiverse. Mostly Anime Worlds I heard, but I never watched. Now I have to visit all of those worlds, with my intelligent system, named The Crow. He guides me and helps me, but there is more to it. When I was getting stronger, all of the sudden I targeted by a group called Templars. As I later found out they also traveled from other world and come to the same world to learn strong techniques, so their God, can be more efficient in the next Annual Universal God Tournament. I was at beginning of my journey and oblivious to the worlds I visit. My intelligent system was keeping me in dark. Do I also get stronger for the God reincarnated me? Am I chosen?" This is mostly an anime fan-fiction novel. The MC is oblivious to the Anime Worlds he jumps into. The story jumps from one world to other. Some of the popular novel worlds also part of the story. The MC first went to the Naruto World but is presently in the One Piece world. But, he will be back! Next Anime World will be Hunter x Hunter !!
8 92 - In Serial24 Chapters
ABERRANT: The Tale of Magic Under the Fallen Sky
THIS NOVEL HAS BEEN DISCONTINUED. CHAPTERS WILL NOT BE UPLOADED AS OF 3/18/2021. In the world of 2093, Earth's surface has been ravaged by the elements of outerspace and humanity has retreated into the colossal dome cities. Where Magic is introduced as a scientific concept, mankind lives in a technological society hanging between a utopia of peace, and a cornered race awaiting its destruction. Michael has lost his family, friends, and home in an incident that has changed his life forever. But he does not abandon hope, as the truth behind his town's destruction may lie in humanity's salvation. Accompanied by his childhood friend Julia, Michael faces the fate of the world starting at the gate of Lyre Magic Academy! Will he be able to succeed in his new school life? Will he be able to call on his dark past to lead him towards his desired future? Find out next time on dra This is the first novel I've written so I'd appreciate any type of feedback I can get. While the quality may fluctuate here and there, I promise you that the writing will continue to improve as the story develops into a deeper, more sophisticated world of exciting adventures and challenges. Stay with me to delve into a complex world of intense hardship and discovery, all to sate your unending hunger for fantasy and exploration. And yes, the cover art is made in MS Paint.
8 94 - In Serial14 Chapters
Army of the Fallen
Over the course of history the nations of Corulant had been facing attacks from creatures of immense strength, powers and wickedness, Monsters; they would rape, pillage, desecrate, and devour all forms of life the world held, however at the end of the last millenium humanity along with a couple other races of Corulant were able to fight back and drive the monsters away from their homeland. And so centuries later of wars between the same allied races that had fought the monsters together, and many civil wars the world had finally attained peace. However this one seemed to be, one which would soon be interrupted by a new contagion that would affect every creature in Corulant.
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The Whistle Of A Night Furys' Wings (HTTYD FAN FIC)
Hiccup and Toothless are brothers, but don't really look the part. They look completely different, but with Toothless' being a Night Fury, it makes senseHiccup and Valka were stolen by dragons during a raid. They lived with them for 20 years, and learned to trust them. Toothless and Hiccup bonded like brothers, and flew around the world at night, riding the winds of the twilight. Then, when they meet a girl named Astrid and a dragon named Sky, their world is forever changed.... but when Toothless looses Sky, his life is forever changed a bit more....P.s. Dreamworks own all characters, with the exception of a few I made up (You'll know when you find them...)
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The United Miracles of America (And Texas)
Every state is granted a special power upon joining the American nation. This power is a part of them, a fragment of their very soul, and they have to vow to use it only for the good of their nation. From elemental to straight up mystical, us states have it all. Every state has their own unique ability...Every state, except me.Howdy, my name is Texas, the lone star, the only state who didn't get sh*t.I'm not an indestructible diamond like Arkansas, or part animal like Florida, or a perfect little golden child like señor perfecto California who can just turn anything he wants to into pure gold.There has to be a reason I'm like this... right? There has to...And by god I'm gonna find out what that reason is
8 123