《My Hero Academia: Hero's Horizon》Chapter 3: Entrance Exam!
Day Of Entrance Exam, UA High Entrance, 8:40AM
Matthew looks down at his phone as he texted Shoka letting her know he got to UA on time as he keeps walking forward by many others that will be taking the exam as he then gets a text from Shoka telling him good luck, making him smile as he thanked her and then put his phone away.
"Alright, don't freak out Matthew, you've been training constantly for almost a year for this." Matthew thought to himself as it definitely showed, sure he was never small in general but now? He feels like he could lift a cruise ship with ease! Well, that's what he felt like at least. As he was walking to the entrance he saw someone who looked very familiar trip and started floating.
"Wait, messy green hair, nervous body language, has a determined aura about him? That must be Izuku Midoriya, I remember him now even before All Might told me about him and to keep a lookout for him today. Well might as well go introduce myself to him, he probably already knows about me unlike most people since All Might tries to keep me a secret which I can't blame him for." Matthew thought to himself as he walks over to Izuku and the brown haired girl who looked familiar as well and as the two exchanged a few words Matthew stood behind the girl, overshadowing both of them with his large body and he had a large smile on his face, showing a few of his sharp teeth.
"Hey uh, what's wrong with you?" The brown haired girl asks with a confused look as Izuku pointed a shaky finger with a shocked expression on his face to the large teen behind her making the girl turn around slowly and after fully turned around she slowly looked up with a surprised look that got funnier to Matthew the more she looked up until looking directly at his face seeing his fiery orange eyes.
"Hey! The name's Matthew Senshi, nice to meet you." Matthew said with a happy tone and a smile as the brown haired girl shook her head and replied in a nervous tone.
"H-Hey, nice to meet you as well, listen i'd love to talk more but I need to get inside so I hope I see you two after the exam!" She said as she started to run towards the school building entrance.
"Do I look that terrifying?" Matthew says out loud to himself with a confused tone before he looks to Izuku with a smile before extending a hand out.
"You must be Izuku Midoriya, I'm guessing my dad already told you about me correct?" Matthew asks as Izuku took his hand and shook it as Izuku then nodded.
"T-That's right, he told me a lot about you...I just didn't expect you to be so big." Izuku said in a nervous and surprised tone as they broke off the handshake before he continued.
"I have a ton of questions about you, like what is your quirk, what's your weaknesses and-" Izuku was then cut off as Matthew covered Izuku's mouth with his hand to shush him before lowering it.
"Listen I'll talk to you all about it after the exam, alright? So let's get through this today then talk." Matthew said to Izuku with a smile as the messy green haired boy nodded as they both began walking to the entrance.
Exam Orientation, after written exams, 9:45AM
As Matthew took a seat beside a spiky red haired boy on his left and with a boy that had a head of a black bird on his right and after waiting a second the lights on the stage lit up revealing none other than one of the two people he considers as an uncle.
"Hello examinees! Welcome! I hope you all are excited because I am! Now let me hear a PLUS ULTRA from you kids!" Present Mic yelled over the mic, after the response was just silence he coughed before yelling okay. He then continues on to explain that people will be going to separate battle centers and tells to look at our exam cards to see which one we're going to.
"Hmm...seems I got Battle Center A, what about you Red?" Matthew asks the red haired boy to his left calling him a nickname he came up with on the fly since he didn't know his name or recognize him yet, the red haired boy looked up with a smile showing his shark like teeth.
"Hey, I got Battle Center A as well." The spiky haired teen said in a happy tone before the teen on Matthew's right spoke up.
"As did I, looks like we'll be taking this last part of the exam together." The black bird head teen said in a low tone as Present Mic then continued to explain about the one, two and three pointers and after a teen boy with glasses pointed out there was four robots and for some reason pointing out that who Matthew assumes was Midoriya was muttering a lot when he couldn't even hear him but after that Present Mic finally continued after thanking the examine for pointing out the fourth bot.
"Now the fourth robot is called the Zero Pointer, It's incredibly dangerous and there is pretty much no point to taking it out!" Present Mic said with his signature smile.
"Oh I get it, so it's like a trap in a video game you have to avoid." The red haired teen beside Matthew said.
"This whole thing seems like a video game." Matthew said as he kept looking ahead at Present Mic.
"Alright examinees! That's all! Go get ready for the exam and go the Battle Centers! Good luck!" Present Mic yelled out over the mic as people then stood up and started going to the locker rooms.
Battle Center A, 10:20AM
Matthew walked forward to look around more to see if he could find the two people he spoke to during orientation for this part of the exam, Matthew was now wearing nothing except a pair of black track pants he wore for training, he didn't wear a top of any kind because it was just going to be shredded anyway. After looking around for a moment he spotted the two teens in more casual and loose clothing, Matthew smiled and then walked over to them.
"Hey there you guys are!" He said in a excited tone as they both looked at him.
"Just in case if run into each other during the exam, what's your names you two?" Matthew asked in a curious tone as he folded his arms over his chest before the red haired teen responded first.
"Eijiro Kirishima! Nice to meet ya!" The red haired boy named Kirishima stuck his hand out as Matthew smiled and shakes it as he remembers him now and after they finish shaking hands he looks to the teen with a bird head as he sticks his hand out.
"Fumikage Tokoyami, nice to meet you." The bird head teen says to Matthew as they shake hands and he remembers him as well before ending the hand shake.
"Well Kirishima and Tokoyami, my name is Matthew Senshi and before you ask my mother is american, father was japanese." Matthew finishes saying to them with a smile as he then puts his fist out towards them.
"Good luck you two, if I see you two in there I'll lend a hand." Matthew says as Kirishima fist bumps him with a toothy smile as Tokoyami then fist bumps Matthew as well while wishing him luck as well and appreciating the offer of help if the need arises.
"Alright folks!" Present Mic yelled over the intercom as Matthew then looked at the large gate with a determined smile and got ready as Present Mic continued.
"You only got ten minutes to get as many points as you can!...NOW GO!" Present Mic yelled out over the intercom as the gates shot open and Matthew used his monstrous strength to make a mighty jump and get ahead of the rest as they ran through the gates he then made another jump to land on a building and then began his hunt while jumping from rooftop to rooftop to find his own group of bots to destroy instead of trying to compete with the horde of other examines.
Two Minutes in…
Matthew had found two lone two pointers and five one pointers and with a smile he leaps down at them from the rooftop, landing on a one pointer to crush it before using his strength to rip its mechanical legs off and then threw one of said legs like javelin at a two pointer, destroying it.
"Four more." Matthew thought to himself as he focused himself.
He then used the other leg he had ripped off as weapon, beating two one pointers into piles of scrap in less than ten seconds, before discarding the bent and broken leg before leaping in the air and proceeding to bring down both his fists on a one pointer as he was standing up a one pointer tries to attack from behind but is hit twice with Matthew's tail, Matthew then spun around and nailed the one pointer with a left hook as he kept spinning as he then landed a solid blow from his tail after gaining moment, crushing the one pointer, as Matthew tried gaining his breath as a two pointer then came bearing down on him, Matthew the shot both of his hands into the robot and then slowly but surely ripped it in two, he growled loudly as he finished it.
"Shit, so that's nine points." Matthew thought to himself but as he finished that thought he heard lots of metal moving across pavement and concrete as he then looks to his right down the road seeing a hoard of all manner bots, all the way from one to three and as they slowly advanced on him he smirks to himself.
"This is going to be fun." Matthew says to himself in a excited tone with the most evil smirk he has ever let come up on his face before charging with a roar, with his fist at the ready and his dorsal fins out.
Five minutes in, judges room
In the judges room there were many Pro Heroes sitting, all of them being teachers at UA of course, they watched the screens intently commenting on how the examinees were using different tactics like stealth, strategy or pure combat prowess but one person in there who wasn't a judge was watching two screens in particular, one screen showing a boy with messy green hair running and the other of a large scaly teen going to town ripping bots apart with his bare hands with the occasional quick blast of his atomic breath the very skinny man smiled a bit seeing his son and successor doing their best.
"I see little Senshi is taking the exam." Midnight says to Toshinori as he kept looking at the screens intently, his smile grew bigger.
"Yeah, you guys haven't seen him the past year and half have ya?" Toshinori asks them as they kept their eyes glued to the screen.
"Yeah, I was happy to see him sitting with the other examinees, wish I could've talk to him but that can wait, today is too important." Present Mic said with a happy tone at first but a sad one at the end knowing he couldn't talk to the boy he considered as a nephew, as they all kept talking about the boy and the other examinees a lone man in the back with a tired expression took a look at the screen with the scaly teen fighting with every fiber of his body, he then looks away and smiles slightly.
"Knock'em dead, kid." The tired man says to himself out loud but quietly.
Six minutes in…
Matthew brought down both of his fist on the last three pointer as he did a 180 spin and fired his atomic breath at the last two pointer before leaning down and putting his hands on his knees to catch his breath.
"Jesus, I lost count after twelve." Matthew thought to himself as he pants heavily and as he catches his breath he hears a large explosion go off, he then takes off in the direction of the explosions and after running for a whole ten seconds down another street, he then finds himself in the middle of pure chaos, examinees left and right destroying bots he then stops looking around when he spots Tokoyami, Kirishima and some blonde teen destroying some bots. He starts running over to them and as he is reaching them he notices a three pointer sneaking up on the blonde teen.
"Hey, watch out!" Matthew yells out as he unleashes a quickly charged breath attack on the three pointer, charged just enough to destroy the bot he stops and smiles at Kirishima and Tokoyami.
"You two doing alright?" Matthew asks.
"Yeah we're fine, nice one by the way." Kirishima says while giving a thumbs up.
"Thanks Kiri-" Matthew was then interrupted by the blonde teen.
"Hey! I told you extras off!" The angry blonde teen said in a rage filled tone as Matthew then realizes who he is.
"Oh great its Bakugou." Matthew thinks to himself as he glares at Bakugou.
"And you, you over sized lizard! Are you trying to one up me!?" Bakugou yells at Matthew as tiny explosions go off in his palms as Matthew just glares back.
"No, I saw one sneaking up on you so I decided to help you out, dick." Matthew says straight to Bakugou's face and before the rage filled blonde could respond the ground began to shake, after a few seconds a large dust cloud formed due to buildings collapsing, Matthew then turned around slowly and saw a large, metal figure come from the dust slowly.
"That's the Zero Pointer?" Matthew says to himself in shock as it began to move forward as all the other examines except Matthew, Tokoyami, Kirishima and Bakugou as they stood there in shock. Matthew was then knocked out of his daze of a girl letting out a cry of pain, he then looked forward and saw a girl with earjacks hanging from her earlobes pinned under some concrete, her left arm was stuck and she couldn't move as a girl with pink skin shot out some acid from her hands melting the bots moving on them.
"Hold on! I'll get you out but there's too many!" The pink girl yelled and as Matthew saw the large robot move ever closer to them.
(Recommended song - You Say Run (Simpsonill Remix) Extended Version)
"There gonna be crushed." Matthew thought to himself as his eyes widen in shock but then he regains his composure.
"Come on! We gotta save them or they're gonna get crushed!" Matthew yells out before letting out a growl and charges forward with determination burning inside his heart as Kirishima and Tokoyami follow behind him.
"Three minutes left examines!" Present Mic yells out over the intercoms as Matthew then crashes into a one pointer that's in the way and as he cleaves through it at high speeds, Kirishima and Tokoyami get to work as well.
"Outta the way you piles of scrap!" Kirishima yells out as he hardens his arms and proceeds to slam a right swing right into a two pointer's head as Tokoyami uses Dark Shadow to leap over Kirishima.
"Dark Shadow! Turn off the bots so we have a clear path!" Tokoyami yells out as his Dark Shadow comes out again.
"You got it!" Dark Shadow yells out in response as he began to dodge the robots attacks and get behind them to switch them off, the trio kept this up for thirty seconds until they finally reached the two girls surrounded, Matthew sees a three pointer about to attack the pink girl from behind so he speeds up using the monstrous strength in his legs and then rams into the three pointer with his shoulder, making him stop as the other two catch up, the pink girl turns around smiles at Matthew.
"Thanks for that big guy!" She says in a happy tone before hitting another bot with acid that was coming up behind Matthew.
"No problem." Matthew says as he then leaps at a one pointer and destroys it by smashing his fist into it before looking at the pinned girl and running over to her.
"I'll get you out!" Matthew said as he grabbed the massive piece of rubble and lifting with little effort before chucking it at a one pointer in the distance.
"Can you walk?" He then asks as she tries to get up but falls back down.
"No, I twisted my ankle when I was running and when I fell that's when I got pinned." The girl says as Matthew then picks her up, then the ground began to shake violently as Matthew then turned around and saw the giant zero pointer bearing down on them as it swung one of its arms, decimating the top of a building close to them, he then looks up above the pink girl and sees a piece of debris falling.
"Watch out!" Matthew yells out as the pink girl turns around at him before being getting tackled by Kirishima, moving her out of the way just in time as the debris landed.
"You alright, Mina?" Kirishima asked the pink girl as she then nods.
"Yeah, thanks for that!" The girl named Mina says to Kirishima.
"You three! Get out of here it's too dangerous!" Matthew yells out as he dodges a piece of debris while carrying the girl he saved as he then pops his dorsal fins out and begins to charge his breath.
"Two minutes left!" Present Mic then yells out over the intercom as Matthew then looks at the other three people as he keeps charging.
"GO!" Matthew yells out as Kirishima grabs Mina and takes off as Tokoyami follows them albeit reluctantly, Matthew nods to himself as they run off and he dodges an attack from a two pointer before crushing it with his tail.
"What are you doing!?" The girl asks while being carried by him.
"That zero pointer is too dangerous, somebody could get killed...I'm gonna take it out." Matthew says in a determined voice as he keeps charging and begins to feel the atomic energy build up in his chest.
"You can't take that thing out!" The girl yells out at him as he shakes his head with a determined look on his face.
"Just watch!" Matthew says as he then dodges the massive robot's fist slamming into the ground.
"Thirty more seconds come on, I haven't charged to my max since I was eight and I only took down two trees with it, so I'm hoping on the fact that it might have gotten immensely more powerful since then." Matthew thinks to himself as he dodges a one pointer's attack and then leaps out of the way of the zero pointer's fist.
"Twenty more seconds…" Matthew thinks to himself as he feels the heat in his chest rising rapidly and his dorsal fins start glowing brighter and brighter as he smacks a two pointer away with his tail as he dodges another attack barely.
"We're not gonna make it at this rate!" The girl yells out.
"We'll make it!" Matthew replies back as he dodges another bot.
"Ten more seconds…" He thinks to himself as the built up energy starts reaching its peak as the heat starts to become unbearable, he dodges another one pointer but as he looks at the zero pointer he lands right in the path of its fist, coming straight at him and the girl.
"Oh shit!" The girl yells out in terror as Matthew feels the heat and energy reach its peak.
"Done!" He yells out in his head as he grins at the zero pointer.
"EAT THIS!" He yells out before puffing up his chest quickly and then right as the fist is about to land he unleashes his blue atomic breath, creating wind pressure from the force of it behind him as the large blue beam hits it mark on the zero pointer's fist as Matthew keeps the beam firing, stopping the fist dead in its tracks.
"HOLY HELL!" Kirishima yells out.
"Such power!" Tokoyami then yells out as the beam melts straight through the fist and then hits the zero pointers chest as Matthew keeps firing.
"He's still going!?" Mina yells out as Matthew keeps firing the beam as it then finally punches through the zero pointers torso and after punching through it he then finally stops firing, closing his mouth as smoke then escapes the sides of his mouth through his teeth and smoke also coming out of his nostrils as he breathes out through it as he watches the metal titan fall back slowly as molten metal drips from the inside of it and the stub of its right arm of where its fist used to be.
"Times up!" Present Mic then yells out over the intercom signalling the end of the entrance exam.
"Are you okay?" Matthew asks the shocked girl he's carrying as smoke is still slightly coming out of his nose and mouth.
"Y-Yeah...I'm fine, just wow, that-" She begins to say before Mina comes running up.
"That was awesome!" Mina says as she stops in front of him after he turns around to the other people coming as a crowd formed behind the now shocked Bakugou in the background as Matthew just scratches the back of his head nervously.
"It wasn't that great I mean, I was just doing what I had to protect someone injured." Matthew said in a nervous tone from all of the praise.
"Come on man, quit being so humble! What you just did was amazing hands down! Even though there was no point to destroying you still did anyway to protect us right?" Kirishima says in an excited voice as Matthew answers his question with a nod.
"Impressive feat Senshi, even if there was no other point to destroying it other than to protect the other examines I'll be surprised if you didn't pass the exam." Tokoyami says to Matthew as he then looks at him.
"You have my respect, I hope to be your classmate." Tokoyami says to him as Matthew smiles at him.
"Thanks Tokoyami, I hope to be your classmate as well." Matthew said with a happy tone as the three of them began to conversate as the explosive blonde stood there shocked.
"W-What the hell!? He took that thing out in one go and he doesn't even seem like he's about to collapse! Everyone of them are weaklings except him...Hell that over sized lizard acts like he can talk shit to me!? When I get the chance I'll-" Bakugou was thinking to himself angrily as the person his anger was directed towards bumps into him as he didn't notice they started walking towards him while he was in shock, the two then share an angry glare as Bakugou grits his teeth in frustration as Matthew curls his lips back, giving him a feral look as he let out a low, deep growl that sounded like it was coming from the deepest parts of his chest before he looks away and keeps walking.
"Hey, I'm gonna carry you to the nurses office since you twisted your ankle, but what's your name?" Matthew asks the girl he's carrying.
"Oh, thanks and Its Kyoka Jiro, but just call me Jiro." Jiro says to the scaly teen carrying her as he smiles at her.
"No problem and the name is Matthew Senshi, call me whichever, doesn't matter to me." Matthew said to her in a happy tone as the other three caught up and joined in on the conversation with there walk back to the school to change there clothes and go home.
UA High, Nurse's Office, 11:00AM
It was a bit of a hike back to the school since they opted out of taking the buses and decided to walk so they could all talk more and get know each other, after reaching the school however they all exchanged contact info before splitting off, Tokoyami, Kirishima and Mina heading to the locker rooms as Matthew took Jiro to the Nurse's Office and after finally arriving he opens the door gently and after coming he closes it back just as softly as an old, short woman with a syringe cane looked away from her desk right at him.
"Oh hey there deary, I see you brought somebody that was hurt." The old nurse says to Matthew in a soft happy voice as Matthew smiles at her.
"Yes ma'am, she twisted her ankle so I decided to carry her here, Gran." Matthew said to Recovery Girl also known to him as Gran.
"Gran? She's your grandma?" Jiro asks with confusions looking between the two as Matthew chuckles a bit.
"Well, not by blood but she might as well be." Matthew said with a happy tone as the old woman smiles at him before at the girl.
"Alright deary, hold still." Recovery Girl says to Jiro as Matthew looks to the other side of the Nurse's Office to see a familiar green haired boy sitting up in the bed looking out of the window with a sad look.
"Hey Midoriya, what's with the sad look?" Matthew asks Izuku as he walks up beside the bed before sitting down on a chair beside it.
"I didn't get any points...I failed." Izuku says sadly as he keeps looking out the window and after he says this Matthew puts two and two together.
"Hero exam only destroying robots doesn't make you a hero so...Oh jesus I'm an idiot for not realizing that sooner." Matthew facepalms as he realizes his stupidity for not realizing there was a second part to the faux battle other than destroying robots.
"Midoriya did you save anyone?" Matthew asks with a curious tone as Midoriya replies with a nod making Matthew smile.
"Keep your hopes up Midoriya, you might have made it in." Matthew tells Izuku to cheer him up, making Izuku smile a bit at Matthew as Jiro leaves after telling Matthew goodbye and as the door closes Matthew looks to Recovery Girl.
"That's everyone right Gran?" Matthew asks her curiously as she replies with a thumbs up before he looks back at Izuku.
"So Midoriya about One For All, I'm gonna help you train when I'm able to, alright? Also don't freak out Recovery Girl is one of the few that knows about One For All." Matthew says to Izuku.
"A-Alright Senshi-san." Izuku replies back to Matthew nervously as Matthew smiles.
"Alright now before we talk about One For All and your training, how about we talk about my quirk since you were so interested in it." Matthew says in a happy tone as Izuku pulls a notebook and pencil out of nowhere it seems.
"Tell me all about it." Izuku says with a smile.
"Well there's five parts to my quirk." Matthew says as he then holds up one clawed finger up.
"One, is my radiation. My heart is essentially a nuclear reactor and it produces radiation, I can also control said radiation but I've never really experimented with it other than using it to create powerful atomic beams I shoot from my mouth, when I use my radiation my dorsal fins glow blue, my 'Atomic Breath' as I've taken to calling it is also blue. I do have some ideas on what else I can do with it so I'm gonna experiment while we wait on our exam results." Matthew says that last bit in a excited tone as he raises a second clawed finger.
"Two, I can breathe underwater. I have gills as well as lungs and I am also a very effective swimmer, I should practice more underwater combat than just once a month though." Matthew said this as he pointed out a set of gills on the sides of his neck that he then flexes open but closes them quickly.
"However those gills are sensitive spot for me, hit them and you're gonna cause a world of pain for me and hit them hard enough and I might start bleeding a lot, might even start coughing up blood, never been hit that hard though yet." Matthew says to Izuku as he continues to write down in his notebook at lightning speeds as Matthew raises a third clawed finger.
"Third, is my scales. My scales are very thick and I can take one hell of a beating, my bones are very dense to and are very hard to break, never broke a bone yet and I feel like I'm gonna break a lot of bones here in UA." Matthew says to Izuku before raising a fourth clawed finger.
"Four, my strength. I have monstrous strength and I'm still training heavily in that department, I can pull three fully loaded train carts connected to each other, I don't know my max weight at this point, I haven't tried finding out yet which I should." Matthew told Izuku as Matthew finally raises his thumb.
"Fifth is that I can consume radiation, which I've only done once. When I consume radiation it revitalizes me, giving back my stamina and even rapidly healing me, however even with being able to do that, It doesn't help the taste." Matthew finishes saying as Izuku quickly finishes writing before looking to Matthew with a curious look.
"Do you have any other weaknesses?" Izuku asks him curiously as Matthew took a deep breath before replying.
"Yes and don't write this down or better yet tell anyone or you'll have hell to pay." Matthew threatens Izuku along with a glare as Izuku then nods before Matthew continues.
"At the base of my tail, where it connects to my body, my scales are thickest there because I have a second brain, It's the reason why I can control my tail so well and it helps me control my radiation. I'm afraid if it was to be destroyed the pain alone might send me into shock and kill me if my radiation going out of control doesn't first." Matthew says in a grim as Izuku looks at him shocked but regains his composure before nodding.
"Promise me you won't tell anyone Midoriya, because that could literally kill me." Matthew asks Izuku.
"I promise I won't." Izuku says to Matthew as Matthew then smiles at him as he extends his fist out, Izuku then fists bumps him with his left arm while smiling, before they continued to have a conversation about One For All and his training, with handing out advice to him and such.
Outside UA High, 11:45AM
After discussing One For All and how Izuku was training they parted ways with Izuku going to the train station and Matthew walking to the school parking lot with All Might waiting beside the car and after they both got in All Might shrunk down to his weakened form and started driving out of the parking garage.
"So, what did everyone think of me? Did I do good?" Matthew asks curiously with a smile as All Might proceeds to cough up some blood from the surprise of such a question.
"Did good!? Son you nailed it right on the head! And when everyone saw what you and Midoriya did to the zero pointers in your guys Battle Centers there jaws totally dropped to the floor!" All Might says in a happy and excited tone as Matthew looks at his adopted father in surprise.
"Midoriya took down a zero pointer as well? He didn't mention that." Matthew says in confusion as he just brushes it off as he didn't want to bring it up before All Might responds.
"Yeah, Hizashi was impressed by how much stronger you've gotten and I'm pretty positive I saw Shota smile once or twice, however everyone still graded you like everyone else. Wanna know your score?" All Might asks the smiling boy as he thought about it for a second before nodding.
"Your score is seventy villain points, tying another examinee in villain points but you got eighty rescue points adding up to one hundred and fifty points in total." All Might says with a hint of pride in his voice as Matthew's jaw was dropped before closing his mouth to respond.
"B-But how did I get so many rescue points!?" Matthew asks in a shocked tone.
"You helped save two examinees from being overrun by bots giving you twenty and then you took out the zero pointer that was causing so much havoc and putting all the other examinees in danger." All Might told his son with a smile as Matthew smiles back.
"So my boy…" All Might said as he stops at a red light before looking at Matthew as he extends his right hand to him.
"Welcome to your hero academia!" All Might says in a proud and pride filled tone to Matthew as he then proceeded to get the biggest smile he has ever had. After getting home Matthew texted Shoka telling her that he passed with flying colors and after sending her that she replied.
Shoka: Told you had it in you, also told you have what it takes to be a hero.
The text said making Matthew smile.
"This school year is going to be fucking AWESOME!" Matthew thought to himself as he walks to his room as he began texting the new friends he made today.
- In Serial16 Chapters
The Bettor's Oath [A Dark-Modern LITRPG]
We live in a world where the rabbit’s foot helped win the game. Following that logic, tell me, what happens when the odds are flipped against the strong and a god rises to give the weak their right for revenge?~Last segment of the First Monarch's speech before the Lablanca battle. Lothar Ardolf, an alcoholic 27 years old high school teacher, was one of the many men who failed to catch up to life.When everyone around him worked to leave a mark behind, he idled away between states of short sobriety and static numbness, hoping that one day everything would resolve itself. It took little to wake him up. Only a life, soul, and body changing experience.Thrust into a world of cheap power and tyrannical governments, where a man could rival what is true and alter what is false, he was tasked by an elusive being with befalling titans.He wakes up in a prison with a path laid in front of him; one that would challenge all the resolve he has and more. Intertwined in a convoluted scheme of politics and old grudges, he will need to learn how to wield his new powers in order to escape before the secrets of the prison threaten to unravel him.However, he shortly realizes that his new faded fantasy was not a fairy tale. All that awaits him in the end, for standing against the world, is death. That is, if the three sided coin lands on heads. If it lands on tails... The shadowbane army rises. ...... This story is a neo-noir dark LITRPG in a world similar to earth. Take the tags seriously. I've been working on this project for 6 months and my MC is a bit unconventional, so I'm excited to introduce you all to him. Beware, it will be a slow-burn, so please be patient. The main plot will start to kick up at around chapter 15. I will be writing about racists, rapists, cultists and horrible humans. I do not condone or excuse their behavior or choice of words but the first arc will be in a prison and (some) prisoners don't mince their words. My MC doesn't adapt to the new world immediately because that is not realistic at all. It takes time and because of his personality, it will take more than a system to convince him to do someone else's bidding ;) Each chapter will have around 3000+ (give or take) words. I will be updating 2-3 times a week (depending on how busy I am with work and/or college) when I'm done publishing my backlog (Which is very big, 40,000+ words). **Each comment gets rep! Cover art by @tahraart on Instagram. Link to discord: https://youtu.be/91wX0NRjJqg Have a good one, Pistol. **** THE STORY IS ON TEMPORARY HIATUS. WE WILL BE BACK IN 2 MONTHS. SORRY EVERYONE.
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8 122 - In Serial27 Chapters
LITRPG: The Great Machine Sage
With the War Machine System, Hax will create the deadliest machine throughout the universe!It is the 200th Millenium. Humanity has conquered the entire universe.Now, they set their sights on the multiverse.Hax, a human prodigy created with the brightest genes humanity could offer, create the technology for humans and waged war against the other universe.They have conquered one universe, it won't be long before they take another one.But Hax never thought the enemy would come from within.Banished into a strange universe with his past long forgotten, Hax will have to start from the beginning.This time with the War Machine System!His deadly war machine took the new world by storm! He equipped his army with his machine and dominates his enemy. Through increasing his wealth, power, and influence, Hax stormed through every opposition.But as his strength increased so does his enemies. His journey will be filled with peril and hardship."Nothing can stop my war machine!"Join the discord server https://discord.gg/yPtRt29tAg*The cover is not mine. If you want me to take it down, feel free to contact me.
8 254 - In Serial22 Chapters
A Dessert of Dreams
When she was a child, Choice experienced what she considered to be true freedom but now that she has grown up, there are a lot of rules and responsibilities she has to submit to. She despises hiding her dreams, desires and personality. She is one of the children of the King so why can't she sit on the throne. See Choice as she meets different people and species on her journey to reach the top. But can she achieve her dream? Can she change the mind of a nation and ascend where no one wants her to go? What will Choice do to reach the top? Just remember Choice is not always a good person. This novel has lgbt+ characters. and feminist themes. There are no sex scenes in this novel but there are many innuendoes and references to sex. Written for NaNoWriMo 2018.
8 154 - In Serial93 Chapters
Underestimate Me ⇝ anakin skywalker x reader {book 1}
I dare you. highest rank(s):#1 anakinskywalker#1 in fanfiction (it was like for an hour, but it still counts ok fight me)#3 Star Wars {disclaimer: some ideas and most characters are not mine. Also keep in mind that this is a fanfiction and some of the storyline will not match up with the movie/other} { cover by : @swagwalker }
8 119