《My Hero Academia: Hero's Horizon》Chapter 2: Connections and Training for the Entrance Exam!
Seven years later, Musutafu City, 3:34 PM, Training Room, Age: 14
Toshinori in his weakened state entered the training room of his house as he heard loud grunts coming from near the center of the room. There stood a 7'0 tall, scaly, muscular teen in black track pants and white tank top, his face was no longer soft looking and more angular and boxy like he wanted. The teen was deadlifting 500 lbs and after deadlifting it for the tenth time in a row he stopped to take a breather giving Toshinori a chance to talk to him.
"Hey kid."
The scaly teen turned around quickly from being startled.
"AH! How long were you watching!?"
Matthew asks in a surprised and deep tone as Toshinori chuckled at the look on his face.
"Just for the past two minutes don't worry, but I came by real quick to talk before I go grocery shopping." He said to Matthew with a smile as the large teen sat down on the ground.
"Alright, what you need to talk to me about dad?"
Toshinori decided to sit down with the teen before speaking as Matthew sat down with him and after sitting he kept smiling at the teen.
"Well...ten months from now will be the day of the entrance exam and you know I plan on working at UA High so I wanted to ask-"
Matthew then raises a hand and stops him in mid sentence since they have had this talk before.
"No, I don't want to get into UA High by recommendation and No I don't want One For All, I think you'll find someone here soon that deserves your quirk more than me, I already have enough power I don't need more, I'll rise to the top with my own power and I'll help whoever you choose as your successor dad." Matthew said with a determined smile and chuckled after finishing speaking, Toshinori sighed at this before smiling again.
"I wish you would accept it but I won't pester you about it, you're a perfect candidate for it, your body could for sure handle 25% of One For All straight from the get go and you have a good heart, son."
Matthew nodded at this while he smiled back.
"I know but like I said, I think you'll find someone soon."
They both got up and after standing up, Toshinori hugged his adopted son as he smiled.
"Either way.. I'm very proud, you're becoming a fine young man." Toshinori said to Matthew and right when Matthew was about to reply his phone started ringing, he quickly pulled it out and answered.
"Matthew Senshi here." Matthew said in a bored tone expecting to hear a telemarketer but was surprised as usual.
"Hey I'm heading to the park Senshi-san, want to join me?" A young woman his age asked in a cold but friendly tone as Matthew shook his head to regain his composure.
"Oh, uh sure Shoka-chan be there in about 10 minutes." Matthew answered with a smile.
"Alright, bye." She said as Matthew then told her goodbye himself before hanging up and then sticking the phone back in his pocket.
"Looks like I got to go too dad." Matthew said as he started walking towards the door with his adoptive father who smiled.
"I'm surprised you haven't asked her out yet even given who her father is."
Matthew then smiled at that as he opened the door for Toshinori.
"I will.. But not today.." Matthew said as they both left the training room.
10 Minutes later, Musutafu City Park, 3:45 PM
Under a cherry blossom tree stood a young teen girl that stood at 5'5, had half red and half white hair that reached her shoulders, she wore a simple black jacket with a white t-shirt, Jeans and white training shoes. She looked over the park from under the tree with a neutral expressionless face as she remembered the night before.
Todoroki Residence, Last Night 8:12 PM
A loud slam of a door and the burst of flames in rage.
"We don't say that name in this house." The large angry and literally flaming man said to his two daughters about 'that' weakling his youngest daughter called a friend.
"The world he tries to bring you into isn't meant for you, now get into the training room...now." The flaming man said before storming out of the room."
Musutafu City Park, 3:46 PM
Shoka shook her head to get those memories away as she felt some pain from the burns she earned on her right arm that night from her father being more 'Aggressive' in there sparring session after he overheard her and Fuyumi talking about Matthew. Speaking about the large teen when she looked down she saw a shadow as she then turned around to see the large teen with a smile while wearing a white tank top with a leather jacket fitted just for him, his old cross necklace and jeans but barefooted because all the shoes that have been offered and have tried just seemed awkward to him to wear so he just goes around barefooted
"Hey Senshi-san." She said in her usual tone as she was then pulled into a gentle hug by the large teen.
"Hey Shoka-Chan." Matthew replied saying, before breaking the hug off as they then both sit down under the tree looking over the park.
"How's everything been going for you?"
Matthew asked with a smile after turning to her, Shoka thought for a few seconds before speaking.
"Good, just the usual, father pushing me to my limits in all aspects...including my patience for him honestly." Shoka said with a frown while avoiding to look back at him, she hated lying to the only true friend she's had but she worried how he might react if he found out how brutal her father has gotten with her in the training room due to them being friends, and she cared about him and his safety, but now that she thinks about it Matthew would probably lose his cool and try fighting her father.
Shoka repeated that word in her head for a few seconds until she felt the large teen wrap his right arm around her pulled her into a side hug making her gain a faint smile.
"I know right now it doesn't seem like it but, It'll get better I promise. Everything happens for a reason."
If it was anyone else telling her that she would think there stupid and even sometimes when it's coming from her dear friend she thinks it's dumb to think that way but she decided to agree with him so they wouldn't go back and forth.
"Anyway Shoka-chan aren't you taking the recommendation exam in four months or so?" Matthew then asks as she made the smile leave her face before answering.
"Yes I will, are you going to?" She said before Matthew shook his head while smiling.
"Nah, I want to earn it the hard way, plus I feel like I need to prove to myself that I deserve to go there."
The large teen said with a determined look, Shoka then shook her head at this before looking back over the park.
"I don't think you have anything to prove, you're the adopted son of All Might, got decently high grades from what you told me and have enough power to blow down a city block if you charged up all the way right?" Shoka said as Matthew answered by nodding before speaking.
"True but, I just need to prove this to myself, I've always had doubts about doing hero work because i'm afraid I wouldn't be strong enough and I don't mean just physically..."
Shoka understood completely what he meant, ever since they became friends, they opened up to each other about their parent's, mostly there fathers. Shoka's father wanting to push her to the brink to become not just stronger than himself but All Might, that's why she was 'created' in the first place from what she understood and Matthew had an alcoholic abusive father ever since he was born until both his mother and said father died in a car crash when he was seven, with him in it and was saved by none other than All Might before being adopted by said number one hero. So when it came to abusive fathers they understood one another and how important it was to let it out...mostly, Shoka still kept things from him after seeing how protective he can get with her.
"Speaking about strength Shoka-chan I'm thinking about amping up my training to the next level, I found an abandoned train yard I could use for training to the max, I'll have to run five miles to and from it everyday but it's worth it." Matthew said with a hint of excitement.
"But why not just ask your father for heavier weights and better training equipment?" Shoka asks wondering why the teen would be willing to do that when he could easily have it bought.
"Because honestly I don't want to bother him with it and I find this a bit more entertaining honestly." Matthew said with a chuckle at the end as he scratched the back of his head.
"So, your father gonna force you to amp it up as well, I guess?" Shoka nodded in response to that instantly.
"Since we're so close to getting into UA High yes, he will." She said in a cold tone hating to bring up her father again.
"Well, lets meet here everyday we can until after the Entrance Exam at least? Compare our progress?" Matthew asked with a little hope in his voice as he smiled, Shoka didn't respond immediately but let a smile grow on her face slightly as matthew raised a fist towards her.
"Alright Senshi-san.. I'll agree to that." Shoka said as she then fist bumped the large teen awkwardly obviously not used to doing that yet as Matthew let the biggest smile he's had in awhile grow on his face.
"Alright! Now thats out the way how about we go do something before you have to head home at six o'clock right?" Matthew asks as they both got up and started walking down the hill out from under the tree.
"Yeah, six and sure got anything in mind?" Shoka asked as Matthew then started naming off things to do as they continued walking and as they spent time together that afternoon they realized one thing, The real training begins tomorrow.
Month One Of Training, Abandoned Train Yard 1:34 PM [Recommended song is Hero A Extended by Elu Tran on youtube]
Matthew hopped the fence with his duffle bag and after walking forward a bit to an open area in the abandoned trainyard he plopped the bag down and smiled as he took his shirt off and cracked his neck.
"Good thing I finished my studies early, thank you online school. Now first get everything set up, and then start my version of training hell, hope that meal plan dad gave me will be enough to keep my body up in order for what i'm doing."
He said to himself as the more he looked around the more excited he became, while at the Todoroki Residence however...
Todoroki Residence, Same Time
"Gah!" Shoka yells out as she was sent flying across the training room from a strong right hand flaming punch from her father and as she sat up on her knees her father walked up to her.
"Get back up Shoka, We're only just getting started." He said with a glare as she returned the glare as she spat out some blood and wiped the corner of her mouth before standing back up.
"Like I was going to stay down against you...'Father'" Shoka thought to herself as she got herself in a fighting stance.
Month Two Of Training, Abandoned Training Yard, 2:46 PM
Matthew used the monstrous strength given to him by his new body he created years ago to deadlift an empty flipped train cart on a patch of dirt near the other things he's been using.
"Dad ended up finding a successor so training like this!"
The large teen let out a roar as he deadlifted the train cart again.
"Is the only way i'm gonna be able to keep up or better yet stay ahead!"
He strained again lifting the massive object.
"Everyday I wake up stronger than before, I need to push myself over the limits and then some. For christ sakes I have the body of the king of the monsters essentially! I shouldn't have been slacking on training these past seven years! Either way, TIME TO PUSH IT TO THE LIMIT!" Matthew yelled inside his head as he repeated the deadlift with a determined look.
Todoroki Residence, Same Day, 4:38 PM
Shoka repeated doing sit ups in a pair of black track pants and sports bra revealing her built upper body with a few burn marks from her father as she thought about her friend Senshi.
"Last time we talked he seemed larger and he looked like he could barely hold himself up without collapsing due to exhaustion...I hope he ain't pushing himself too hard.."
She then shook her head and chuckled internally at how mad her father would be if he knew she was being distracted thinking about that 'weakling' as he calls him. She also realized she was beginning to think more and more about him which concerned her a little but not much when she realized something.
"Am I…starting to develop feelings for-" Her thoughts were interrupted as her father entered the room in his training gear.
"Get up! We're sparring again today!"
Even though they already did today twice she agreed after letting out an annoyed sigh.
Month Three Of Training, Abandoned Train Yard, 5:04 PM
Matthew grunted loudly with each step as he used the chains to pull the loaded train cart on the tracks, every step he took he worked harder.
"I'll become stronger, stronger than I ever thought possible this I SWEAR!" He yelled out as he crossed the line he set before promptly dropping the chains before dropping to his knees in exhaustion.
"Next up, target practice with my breath...god my throat is gonna be sore..I'll be surprised If I don't start coughing up blood."
The large scaly teen who had grown in mass visibly within three months said to himself as he stumbled to his feet and popped his dorsal fins out.
Month Four Of Training, Musutafu City, 6:23 PM
As they both walked along the sidewalk together while heading to a place to get a bite to eat together Matthew remembered something.
"Hey today was the recommendation test right? How did you do?" Matthew asked with a smile while looking back.
"Good. I passed it so i'm in, now you just need to pass the entrance exam." Shoka said with what Matthew could of swore was a happier tone than usual even though it wasn't much it was still there.
"Shoka-chan don't take this the wrong way but you actually sound happy for once even just by a little." Matthew said with a smirk making Shoka go back to her regular tone.
"What do you mean?" Shoka asked hoping he would just forget about that but instead he laughed at her question knowing what she was doing which in turn caused her to shake her before looking away with a ever so slight blush across her cheeks as Matthew grabbed her hand gently and started leading her to the restaurant.
"I think she actually likes me back.. No, I ain't screwing this up if she keeps acting like this then next month I'll ask her out." Matthew thought to himself as he smiled.
"Shit...even though this is my second chance at life i'm already better with girls than I ever did before...awesome! Thank you God for second chances!" Matthew thought himself as well without knowing that a certain pair of brothers were laughing and there father smiling at this from Eclipse Horizon.
Month Five Of Training, Musutafu City Park, 3:56 PM
As Matthew sat under the cherry blossom tree they always met under as he smiled while thinking.
"Alright don't freak out...you're gonna ask the girl that's been your only and best friend in this universe for the past seven years out..what could go wrong?...a lot."
He sighed while keeping the smile up as he just noticed Shoka sitting down beside him.
"Hey Senshi-san."
Shoka greeted him with a small smile.
"Hey Shoka-chan."
After greeting each other they both sat there in an awkward silence for the next three minutes before Matthew finally spoke up.
"H-Hey...S-S-Shoka…there's something I-I-I need to tell y-y-y-you." Matthew said as he became a stuttering mess as he screamed in his head for doing so.
"I'M STILL AWFUL AT THIS KIND OF STUFF! FUCK!" Matthew screamed in his head in a panic before Shoka Replied.
"What is it Senshi-san?" Shoka asks Matthew then swallows the lump in his throat and said it.
"Would you like to go out on a date with me?" Matthew asked bluntly and after saying that he saw Shoka get a large blush across her cheeks.
"I know this is sudden but well we've known each other for so long and I've grown strong feelings for you, more than a friend so I thought I would-" Shoka then put a finger up to his mouth to stop him as she gave him a genuine smile, the first time Matthew has ever seen her truly smile.
"I…like you too Sen-...Matthew, and I'd love to go out with you on a date." She said quietly in a happy tone as she retracted the finger.
"Well...we can go now? I got the money and I know a place." Matthew said happily and as soon as she nodded Matthew jumped up ready to go.
"Come on you only got two hours today, so let's make it count!" Matthew said excitedly as She stood up with a smile as they started walking out from under the tree.
Month Eight Of Training, Abandoned Train Yard, 2:19 PM
Matthew fired off his atomic breath at a low setting before firing again and again each breath hitting a target while rapid firing and after doing so he stopped to catch his breath.
"I got what? Eight before stopping. I need to work on my charge time, faster I can charge, the better my combat effectiveness goes up. Especially when it comes to rapid firing like that, more target practice later though, gotta do bench press and then weighted pull ups." Matthew thought to himself as he then sighed tiredly before he started walking towards the makeshift bench.
Todoroki Residence, Same Day, 7:29 PM
Shoka fell to her knees as she then coughed up blood from that last punch, which was almost hard enough to make a few tears come out from the pain. Shoka was strong but she's never seen her father this angry…even though they tried their best to keep it hidden, her father ended up finding out about her relationship with Matthew after her father paid someone to follow her when Matthew and her went on a date the other night, she looked up glaring to see the rage in her father's eyes as he then kicked her across the training room.
He then stepped over to her and lifted her up by her shirt collar before throwing a right punch to her face after letting go a split second early so she would get launched back, sending her skidding across the ground.
"Was that you ignored my orders." He said with venom as he stormed out of the training room as Shoka laid there with a black right eye, slightly broken nose with burns and bruises covering her upper body and the last thing she saw was her sister rushing in with her older brother with tears in her eyes as one thought passed through her mind before passing out.
"Matthew is going to want to try killing my father for this…I hope you'll keep your emotions under control Matthew." Shoka thought before she then slipped into unconsciousness.
Month Nine Of Training, Abandoned Train Yard, 3:37 PM
Matthew started pulling the chains connected to the two loaded train carts again as he was still fueled by anger.
"I know it's been a month since it happened but I swear if I ever get the chance I'm gonna rip that man in half being such a piece of shit of a father to her..."
The large teen took another step, straining while letting out a roar.
"Because nobody deserves that kind of treatment from their own goddamn father." He thought to himself as he pushed himself beyond his limit once more.
Last day Before The Entrance Exam, Musutafu City Park, 5:23 PM Age: 15
Matthew sat under the tree leaned up against it with Shoka in his lap as they looked out over the park as the sunset, he then wrapped his arms around her gently, making her smile a little but not much.
"Tomorrow is the entrance exam right?" Shoka asks in her usual tone as Matthew smiled with excitement,
"Yeah it is, tomorrow I get to see if I'm really cut out for this line of work.." Matthew said in a determined voice and as he had a determined look on his face he saw Shoka shift in his lap to turn around slightly and then gave him a small and quick kiss on the cheek making him blush like a madman.
"You are Matthew, you'll do great I know you will." She said in a slightly happy tone Matthew noticed before returning the kiss on her cheek with a smile.
"Thanks Sweetheart." Is all the large teen said before they continued watching over the park as the sun continued to set.
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Planetary Brawl
Participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge What good was victory when so much had been lost. A party of over a hundred, reduced to less than twenty, the last remaining members of the human race. There was a chance to go back, to start from the opening of Dos, but only one member of the party could go back. And he was dead. Dustin found himself waking up to a head filled with memories he did not remember, a life lived, and ended, without his consent. Cover Image:"Red Giant Earth warm" https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Red_Giant_Earth_warm.jpg by Fsgregs is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0. / Image has been modified by adding text.
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Calum was happy. Despite something that happened when he was a child, he felt content with his life. He had a good twin brother, an amazing father, and was doing decently in college. But the night after he had finished freshman year, he saw something. Something far from normal, something extraordinary. Something... supernatural. Aka wanted something more. He needed something that wasn't in his life. When he saw Calum, he knew that he was the missing puzzle piece in his life. But he couldn't approach him. Not when he was something that was considered a myth in the world. When they meet, Aka and Calum find themselves and their friends and family brought in the middle of a division between humans and the supernatural. I have posted this story both on Quotev and Wattpad as well.
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To fit in, is to belong. To be a part of a whole. Growing up an experiment with people far more broken than himself, Naruto was never given that gift. Armed only with a strange talking seal and the demons of his past, Naruto will have to carve his place in a world far larger than he is used to. Will the misfit find his family, or will the world find a monster? Gamer Elements. AU.
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Warfare's Ultimate Frontier
**Hey guys, the first volume (Chapter 1-77) is available at this link. This is also available on amazon kindle unlimited. For those of you who have read on this site, don't worry, there were lots of edits made to make it a lot more readable.** Short synopsis: What if military minds from every civilization came together and fought for supremacy using weapons ancient, modern and futuristic? Long synopsis: The only concept more thought about than what will happen during our lifetime is what will happen in the next lifetime. Turns out, the so-called afterlife is nothing more than being transported to a place where your greatest characteristics will be able to shine. Unfortunately, so is everyone that has ever existed and everyone that ever will. This new life, for most, is not a mercy. Instead, only those who have clawed their way to the top could ever hope to live peacefully. For Baron Magellan, he reincarnates into the planet of the military strategists where he has to compete with countless generations of strategists, pirates, rebel leaders, etc. Ranging from Napolean to Subutai, to Bai Qi, to Alexander the Great. There are no shortages of battles and ruthlessness. There have been no recorded deaths on this planet and some inhabitants have lived for over 10,000 years. Every millenia, there is a tournament that pits the best of the best against each other. The winner gets whatever they wish.
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If you were to be transported to another world then given a choice of what power would be given to you, what would it be?Some would pick flight, others telekinesis, and even others invincibility.But what about time control?No good? Then what about something similar?You still want more?Well, whatever. But time control comes first, okay?!
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How a lame loner's life is not like normal dudes
Are you a loner? If you ask me I have to say yes. And it has nothing to do with the plot. The summary is going to be messy so please bear. *The Summary* Join the adventure of our MC Akito. Who's a Japanese 2nd Year High School student going throuh with an unusual problem. And that is the writer has not casted him in a good narrative story. The MC is going through serious depression and anxiety due to this and he doesn't even know what's going to happen with him in the near future. And of course this won't be narrated in the story because the author is a lazy hobo who has no will to write. *Lame unimportant information* *Please skip this part* Its a story of a character who happens to be the character of a writer. And that writer by the way is the character of another story. Basically its a story of that guy. And here the main character happens to be me (the main character here. I'm narrating the story for your information.). And its kind of sad that its a comedy rather than gruesome action fantasy or virtual reality story. But its an uncommon story which you'll never hear about or will never see be famous for some lame reasons. By the way the author doesn't even have any aspiration to imrpove his grammar so whack him for his terrible excuse of grammar. And also be prepared to wash your eyes with bleach after reading it. Bleach is gonna clean your eyes ;)
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