《Unstable World》12. Jogging Through The Forest


They had already run five kilometers and five more were left. Just by jogging, they left one team behind them. As they were going to run their sixth kilometer, Osir saw something on the tree. It was a soldier with a taser gun. Osir stopped and raised his open hand to stop everyone else.

“Looks like there will be guards on trees now.” Said Osir

“So what will we do?” Asked Lucas.

“We can’t charge, we don’t have anything to block the taser gun with and we don’t know if there are more guards like that.”

“Let’s go a little deeper into the forest.” Said Aria

“We can’t, the rules said that we need to stick to the path.” Pointed Emilie

“Lucas? Did you ever punch the tree?” Said Osir with a slight smile on his face.

Lucas punched a tree a few times to get a bark and Emilie healed his damaged fists. Osir froze barks to create shields big enough to support them all.

“Ok, now Aria you will be the one with a shield since by lifting it with your power we won’t destroy it.”

They started running close to each other. Guard tried shooting a few times but then he noticed that his taser didn’t do anything to it. When they didn’t hear shooting anymore they slowed down until the next guard. They did that for the next 3 kilometers.

After a while of walking, they didn’t see any guards so they left their shield behind, it was already damaged. Trees were planted less often as they walked feathers. Finally, they could see a finish line but there were three people lying on the ground just a few meters before the finish line.

“Wait! Something is not right. Why are there people on the ground?” Said Osir


“But the path looks clear for me.” Said Emilie.

Aria picked up the rock and threw it but nothing happened. They got twenty minutes left to end this part of the test.

“No reaction? It’s risky but Lucas, can you run to the finish line by yourself for now?” Asked Osir

“Why me?!”

“Because of your power… duh.”

“You have a point.”

“Since you ran fast with your ability you will run past them before they could react.”

Lucas got into the position to sprint in a straight line. As he was going to run past the first tree he saw something there but before he could shout what it was he was shot and fell to the ground. Osir, Aria, and Emilie looked at each other with a little shock.

“Well, I knew there is something tricky there…” Said Osir

“Then why did you make him run and get shot?!” Said Emilie.

“Well I didn’t lie with him being the fastest and in his power training he was... electrocuted many times so… yeah…”

“But it wasn’t that many volts! He fell immediately!”

“Ok… Now is my turn…”

Osir was walking around and he was thinking about what to do.

“Why didn’t we do the same tactic with the shield?” Asked annoyed Aria

“Because there is a high chance that we would be surrounded. I need to test one more thing.”

He looked around for any rock but he couldn’t find anything. On his face, you could see that he is concerned about it. Osir opened his backpack and picked a knife from it.

“Emilie, are you able to regenerate my finger?”

“I might but I never tried.”

“Well… It’s enough for me.”

Osir placed his hand on the tree and raised his other hand with a knife. As he was going to cut off his finger Aria grabbed his hand.


“What are you doing!?”

“Checking on more thing.”

“By cutting your finger?!”

“Behind those trees are automatic turrets. They don’t react to movement because they didn’t shoot the rock you threw and there are two options left. Heat detectors or body shape detectors. I didn’t find any rock so I couldn’t check if they had heat detectors so one option was left.”

Emilie was just standing there while Osir and Aria were arguing. Finally, she stopped them and quietly said:

“I may have the solution for that…”

They didn’t hear her and she still stood there mumbling before them. She walked closer to them but they didn’t react so she slapped Osir in the face. Osir and Aria were surprised that such a gentle girl like Emilie did that.

“First of all… Sorry for slapping you. Second! I have an idea with that shape detector...but you need to take off your shirt…”

Osir took his shirt off and asked:

“What now?”

While Emilie was just surprised that he took it off without questions Aria looked the other way. Emile came closer and turned him around. Then she laid her left hand on his back. After a few seconds in her right hand, she was holding the hand that she created.

“That’s all? What did you…” As Osir was going to turn around he saw the hand that Emilie created and he was surprised.

“I recreated your hand.”

“Wow… That’s an interesting ability.”

“So… I just need to throw the hand?”

Osir nodded and Emilie threw the hand. Nothing happened and the hand landed by Lucas.

“Ok, so it looks like my ability will be enough.”

Osir, Emilie, and Aria got closer. Osir raised his hand and after a few seconds, everyone felt that the air was getting colder. When they walked past the first tree they saw a turret that was aiming in their direction. Emilie almost panicked but Osir calmed her down. Behind each tree, there was one turret.

They walked to Lucas. Emilie tried waking him up. He slowly opened his eyes and saw a hand. He jumped because of fear but then he saw the rest of the team.

“Is that your hand... Osir?”

“Technically… yes.” Lucas fully opened his eyes but Emilie explained everything. “It’s Osir’s hand that I recreated.”

Lucas calmed down and they passed the finish line fifteen minutes before the end. After that Osir and Lucas were jumping out of joy but Aria stopped them and said, while she was flushed:

“Can you finally put on your shirt?!”

“Oh, right I forgot. Haha.”

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