《Unstable World》13. Combat Test


At the end of the forest, there were a few tents. Tent with the red cross, a white tent where examiners were doing their things, and a blue tent for students to rest. In the tent, there were two teams waiting already. Osir’s team was third to finish.

“Looks like there are two teams left. One that we left behind but now… did some of them leave their teammates or there was a whole squad laying in front of the finish line?” Said Osir

“The less the better for us.” Said Aria

“Yeah, you’re right.”

They sat away from other teams. Emilie healed Lucas’s injuries that he got from falling on the ground. Osir exchanged a glance with Martin. Martin is an esper that can control the air. He wasn’t the best until recently when he showed his new technique. Since then he is pursuing the top spot whenever it’s possible.

Martin stood up and approached Osir’s team. Osir also stood up to face Martin. Martin looked behind Osir and he saw Emilie healing Lucas. He smiled slightly and said:

“Top students ended up with injuries on a walk? Maybe you are not a big shot after all.”

“So I take it that those people outside, lying on the ground weren’t your teammates?”

“Those losers? Of course not! They tried to use my power to their advantage and they simply lost.”

“So you attacked them?”

“Of course not. As the general said we can’t help each other so I simply stopped shielding them.”

“So your power is so great now? Huh. I’d like to see it.”

“I’d also like to fight against you, Osir.”

They shook hands and went to their teams. Osir saw the look in Aria’s eyes, he knew that she hated him for some reason.


“What do you think of him, Aria?”

“Arrogant. I also would like to fight him just to show how bad he really is.”

“Well, you might be the best person on our team to fight him.”

“Yeah? Then I show him.”

The last team finished and came with the General to the tent. The last team had only two people left. General let them have ten minutes to rest and then all of them gathered in front of a white tent.

“Test will be simple. You will be fighting a team randomly chosen by us. Rules are simple, there will be defending and attacking teams. The objective for the attacking team is to press the button that will be placed in the building and defenders will have thirty minutes to don’t let the enemy press the button. Another way to win is to simply take down all your enemies. We gave you electric weapons so you could use them against each other. It will be a tournament bracket so the winners will be fighting one more time. Are there any questions?”

No one raised his hand so the General provided further explanations.

“I will only say the names of the leaders but the whole team will be fighting. The first round will be Martin vs Wanda and Alex vs Osir. Since we only have one test ground, only one test at the time will be held.”

The first test is Martin’s team vs Wanda’s team. Martin’s team with two people beside him was attacking and Wanda’s team was defenders. They got lucky since only two people only finished the run through the forest.

The test ground was surrounded by wooden walls. In the middle, there was an old, empty three-story hospital surrounded by trees. Around the arena flew a few drones


Team Wanda is made of Wanda (Scout), Noel (Fighter);

Team Martin is made of Martin (Fighter), Samuel (Scout), Sofia (Support);

“Can you take care of that? I need to save some strength for the next match.”

Samuel and Sofia agreed on that. They all know that Martin is the strongest in their team. Samuel and Sofia ran toward a building while Martin slowly walked toward it. Samuel placed his hand on the building and closed his eyes.

“I don’t know where they are. They don’t move and Wanda is using her ability so I can’t hear their breathing nor their heartbeat.” Said, Samuel.

“Then just take a bat or taser out and look for them.” Said Sofia

They both entered the building. Sofia was holding a taser and Samuel had a bat. They started both looking for them on the first floor but Wanda and Noel weren’t there. They parted their ways on the second floor. Samuel went to the left and Sofia to the right.

While Sofia was walking in the corridor in the middle of it she saw a Noel with a bat in her hand.

“Support alone? Was it a good idea?” Asked Noel

“Support is the only role that they gave me. Don’t get cocky because you’re a fighter.”

Sofia shot from her taser but Noel, without moving, repelled the bullet toward Sofia. It was looking like Sofia would get hit but the bullet almost touched her.

“Do you have the same ability as me? No… You wouldn't be supported. What was your power?” Asked Noel

“Oh… Someone didn’t do their research.”

Noel threw away a taser gun and she took a bat from her backpack. She ran toward a Noel.

“You know how my ability works yet you still fight?”

Sofia tried hitting her but the bat was repelled like a bullet. Sofia jumped far away.

“See, you can’t touch me.”

“We’ll see about that!”

Sofia started running from far away. She was getting ready to hit Noel when she was far away but for some reason, she was able to hit Noel from four meters away but he wasn’t knocked out by the hit nor by the electricity.

“What the hell! What kind of power is that?! A bonus range or something?”

“Well… I simply know that you can activate your power for a moment so I used a little trick of mine to hit you.”

“It won’t work twice!”

Sofia pointed a bat in front of her. Noel was tased so much that she fell to the ground unconscious. In reality, Sofia was standing in front of Noel but she saw her like she was a few meters away.

“I told you that I can touch you.”

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