《Unstable World》11. First Years Test


After a whole year of training, students are tested to see if they can still grow stronger and be a member of the Esper Military Forces. If they can’t pass, the only option left is to become a soldier in a normal army.

The test is divided into two parts. Running through the forest with full equipment and after that combat test between teams. It sounds easy at least after a year of military training but since it is a test to become an Esper Soldier, examiners will make it hard for them.

11th of March 2057 Switzerland / Bern

In front of the forest, students stood in a row divided into five teams. In front of them stood General Meyer and five more high rank soldiers that will be examiners for this test. General counted to see if anyone is missing. Since everyone from class 1 D was present, the General started explaining the test.

“You will run 10 kilometers through the forest with full equipment in two hours! There is a designated path you will run so you won’t get lost. Teams can’t cooperate with each other nor fight with each other. If even one person in the team will break that rule the whole team will fail the test. Any questions?”

A tall bald boy raised his hand. General nodded with his head to give persimmon to speak for the boy.

“Does the whole team need to pass the finishing line? What if one person from the team will not make it in time.”

“Good question! If at least one person from the team will finish the run in time the whole team will pass this test but in the next test, only that person who finished the run will participate for the whole team. In short, one person can pass the test for the team. Does anyone else want to speak?”


No one raised his hand or spoke out.

“Prepare yourself! You got five minutes to come back here with your equipment!” Shouted general.

Everyone left to the locker room and picked up their equipment. They got backpacks with first-aid, food rations for two days, and two weapons. Since they are still first years they had taser guns and electric bats. Normally Esper Soldiers have a gun, hand-gun, and laser weapons for close combat. Laser weapons are designed to fight against mechs so they can easily slice metal.

Everyone was getting ready to run from the start. Most of the teams were close to the forest but Osir kept his team behind.

“Why are we behind? We need to get to the finish line as fast as we can.” Said Aria trying to change Osir’s plan.

“Wait and you’ll see. We need to be at least ten meters behind another team.” Said Osir.

“Aria. Was Osir ever wrong?” Asked Emilie as she grabbed Aria’s shoulder.

Aria looked away and said “Right…”

General Meyer raised his arm with a gun in his hand. Everyone got into the position except Osir. When his team saw him, they did the same. After the sound of the shot, everyone ran to the forest. Osir’s team was jogging.

As they were jogging the team in front of them started moving weirdly. They were running to the right and then to the left and again and again. Osir stopped a hole in the ground.

“Look out there are traps. Spread out on the path. Aria if you will see someone falling use your ability to stabilize the ground” Said Osir.

Osir knew that the holes were covered so they were hard to spot but with Aria’s ability even a stick is enough to step on it in the air. And what he predicted happened. Emilie almost fell but Aria used a damaged plank that was covering the hole to help her.


“I knew that they wouldn't give us the easy way. There are probably more traps like that.” Said Osir

“How did you know?” Asked Lucas

“Well, General said to run 10 kilometers in two hours when you need around an hour and fifteen minutes with our equipment. So definitely something would slow us.”

For the two kilometers from the beginning of the route, there were hidden holes underground. Many people fell into the hole the teams didn’t leave their members yet but definitely, there were more people behind.

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