《Abyssal Fortress girl in another world》Chapter 25: New Hero


-One hour ago before Gladys meeting Viscount-


I stared at my face and body reflected on the crystal clear wall made of an unknown material from various different angles.

A short statue, grey round-shaped body, the face looks like drawn by a child and tiny small hands without a finger. My face looks like made from one big dot and one line that simple.

The only point that made me stand out from other things like me is a tiny portion of black hair that grows on top of my head. If you wonder why I am checking my body?

Well it because I am human well 'were'. My name is Kudo Homura, a typical Japanese high school student. If you were wondering what had just happened, it is actually quite simple to explain.


After dying in an accident, I had been born once again.

I understood that as soon as I was conscious again. Not because I met God or something like that, but just because of the feeling that I had definitely died still remained.

The feeling of having your bones break into pieces while getting crushed by a random truck that fell on top of me. It was so sudden and so absurd that even now I can't accept I died by truck fell from the sky out of nowhere. Also reborn as unknown creature in unknown world surrounded by strange people in white clothes.

After spending some time in shock, I checked my status.

Name Kudo Homura Age 0 Race Homunculus Level 12 Class Psychic Battery Titles [Reincarnator],[Hero] Attributes Health 10 Vitality 5 Psychic 2000€0 +10 per second Strength 1 Agility 10 Intelligence 10 Dexterity 0 Skill point 2 Passive Skill Blunt Attack Resistance lvl 2, Bystander Active Skill Bounce lvl I, Telepathy lvl II, Telekinesis lvl I Unique Skills Archive Racial trait Skill Air Refresher, Non-Elemental Core


Except for an insane amount of Psychic energy, all of my statuses were pathetic. Then I checked my title and skills.

Name Reincarnator Description A unique title was given to the soul that travelled between world. Effect x2 exp and base attribute, Random Unique Skill Name Hero Description Unique title granted for people destined to be greatness. It can be attained by heroic action or can be lost Effect x2 skill point and attribute on lvl up Name Bystander Description Giant never notice an ant unless it is ant attack first. Effect Complete immunity to any harmful aura and pressure attacks until the host's power reaches a certain level or host attacks first Name Archive Description Knowledge in before you and you just need to point which one you want to know. Effect Appraisal anything without level restriction entering right keyword host can learn info about a target. Beware info is restricted to the knowledge of intelligent beings in the current world.

All of my abilities are non-combat related also I am walking air refresher ?!

So I tried to use the Archive to understand more about my class. It sounds strong powers ability to have because I can know everything, but the core problem was I must know first, so I can't use without any clues also it is pure support ability so makes it pretty useless for the current state of mine.

After entering name of my class, some moments later a message appears in my mind.

Name Psychic Battery Description a mass-produced type of Homunculus by Trinity Force faction's Mind sub-research lab. The sole purpose of Psychic Battery is to provide air for facility members and used to power powerful psionic weapons

So basically means I am walking air refresher can be used as a battery.

[Move you, idiots!]


Then seeing one man wearing security like clothes hitting creatures like me with electron baton I understood this is not a time for being depressed. Immediately I followed man's order and stood in a row along with other Psychic Batteries.

After that, people in white coats look like a scientist that appears in the movie begun to check Psychic Battery one by one using a weirdly shaped tool and after check, it presses something on its back.

[Ah, this one is a failure it is lower than two] said one scientist shows a number displayed on tool's screen to guard.

[Tsk, fucking useless trash.] with a disgusting face that can be even seen behind the mask guards grabs Psychic Battery that scientist pointed

[mi!, MI!, MII!]a poor guy tried to struggle but only made guard madder.

[SHUT UP!] with rage guard kicked Psychic Battery.


With a loud noise, Psychic Battery slammed into a wall but stoop up with blue blood dripping from a small mouth. Psychic Battery was barely alive.


[Trash is still alive]

[Just drop it into recycler don't dirty this place.]

[Okay] Said Guard tried to hit Psychic Battery with his baton.

Seeing this scene a fire takes over my mind and controlled gun on guards holster. I released the safety and pulled the trigger. At the same time suddenly I felt very exhausted.


*WARNING level 1 Psychic attack detected*

[AAARGH MY FEET!] Along with wail from a piece of shit laying on the ground while holding his bloody feet I heard another sound of an alarm.

[Here! that Psychic Battery using it] scientist pointed towards me laying there trying to catch my breath.

Well, it was worth it.

[You TRASH!] With anger, another guard grabbed his gun from a holster then aimed towards me.


Sadly death didn't come, because the scientist stopped the guard from shooting me.

[Quickly took him to Viscount!]

Then followed by their talk I lost my Consciousness

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