《Abyssal Fortress girl in another world》Chapter 24: Idiots


There was no sign of alert when I pass the gate.

I slowly stopped right beside of futuristic looking ship. Upon closer look, I noticed this ship along with others doesn't have the same type of engine as I do. Theirs was a just a trusters while mine is more like a mix of truster and turbine.

But all of them looks remarkably fancy or elegant or a mix of both so they say rich people have weird taste and I don't want to absorb it because who knows it may have an alarm or weapon.

I gave a command to one harvester minion that storing my clothes for my human form to stand before me.

Just as usual I transformed into my human form and took clothes from minion's storage. Clothes were a Trinity faction's Type 1 military uniform for the commander.

This uniform made of fitting knee-high brown boots with a steel sole, black shirt and pants, large white great goat made of body armour along with an iron plate inserted between in fabric and emblem of blue star with a yellow edge which is Trinity force faction's emblem.

There all kinds of Types uniform for the commander like a one for zero gravity, for Vanguard, formal, navy that has outfitted with gadgets like gravity boots, ammo pouch, power armour connector, energy battery and more.

I choose Type 1 because it felt more comfortable despite it is a quite heavy one which is no problem for me.

It is a bit tight around my chest.

Oh well, I switch it when I return to dock.

Now I need to knock the door and doorman will answer me.






I can take a gore, but I can't take horror!

What if moment I open the door weird human without skin appears before me! or Asian child with pale skin and pitch back eye appears and disappears on the moment I look back!


Is cross made of nanomachine work against ghost?

I have so many reasons to go back, but In the end, I decided to enter through the door.

I scanned the door and using the information then I imagined a card with highest tanking access. A moments later A fancy looking black card with my name appears from my hand. I gently hold the card on the scanner.


With the sound of confirmation a door slowly opens in before me without any problem.

Let's try sending minion first!

I know I am being scared, but I can't help it!

So minion #1 GO!

I controlled the minion, passed through the door aaaaand seconds later, I lost connection.

God dammit!

Then I saw a cleaning robot appears along with minion that I just lost connection and thrown out like garbage. I walked towards the minion and scanned body.

After the scan, I found out Its destroyed it is own core.

I converted my destroyed minion back into material mass and restored back requiring almost no resource.

Now, what should I do about this complex I can't just destroy it because it holds many things or can't send a scout.

So the only option left it I go in person huh?


I use beam destroying the whole thing when things got suspicious. Who needs treasure when one is dead anyway. I changed the colour of my eye to hide I am Abyssal Princess.

Then I step through the door and felt nothing.


After some walk, I noticed this place looks very similar to the entrance of a large company except everything looks futuristic. Feeling bit relaxed I went towards information machine to find information about this complex.

*Tap, tap, tap*

I heard footsteps and I saw a middle-aged man dressed in same military uniform same as Woods but unlike Woods's black colour his was the green one.


Scanning his body using smart vision I found he had no cybernetic or bio-enhancements he was pure flesh and blood.

[Ma'am I am Corporal Paton, Viscount Warson says he want to meet you] said, the man invited me to meet a Warson.


What a heck there is a still nobility ?

I thought nobility is already abolished.

Following man, I arrived in front of a large decorated door.

[Please wait a second I tell Master Viscount that ma'am arrived] Man gently opens door and moments later he said.

[Ma'am you can come in]

After passing door a blond man in early twenty dressed clothes like a coat, waistcoat, breeches and surrounded by six young women dressed in a maid uniform also during the scan I found a small animal like thing peeking from the chandelier.

Maybe faint but I definitely noticed that six maid is very happy that seeing me while Viscount is unhappy.

Also can't you hide your perverted eyes?

Isn't first thing noble must learn is to learn control his expression?

[So miss are you from the army ?]

Miss!? I look that young?

Well, he thinks I from the army so let's go with that.


Good thing I asked from Woods.

[Third Army?]

Heating my answer Viscount reacted like he doesn't even hear anything about the third army. Paton walks towards him and whispered in his ear.

Then I saw a smile on his become wider as swisper goes on until when Paton walks back to his place Viscount smiling like a Cheshire cat.

[Well it is my pleasure to meet Gladys and good bye]

Then Viscount touched something under his table.

WARNING! Received powerful psychic type mind attack! Mind shield successfully reduced power by 70% to prevent damage disconnected main brain! Secondary brain Activated Primary function of body is restored WARNING! Int reached 0!

Oh f*ck!

Followed by message everything became dark

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