《Abyssal Fortress girl in another world》Chapter 26: Tasty


After some time I woke due up and first thing entered my vision is a luxurious room looks like it came out from European mid-age style. Followed by a quite handsome blond man dressed in the same style of clothes in mid of his meal.

[Sir that Psychic Battery is waked] a middle-aged man dressed in unknown green military uniform said to a blond man.

[Oh that is great now make him use his Psychic ability. It is the perfect time I was just thinking about my dessert] After wiping his mouth blond man gave to command to a middle-aged man.

Why so sudden is he talking about making me use my ability?

I used my Archive on noble and saw his status.

Name Warson Vorg Age 56 Race Human Level 30 Class Unholy Aristocrat Titles [Cannibalism],[Degenerate], [Psycopath],[Liar],[Forbidden Groumet] Attributes Health 3500è0 Vitality 300 Psychic 500h0 +1500 per second Strength 450 Agility 300 Intelligence 450 Dexterity 50 Skill point 0 Passive Skill Regeneration lvl2, Corruption aura lvl5, Enhanced body lvl3,Forbidden Pact lvl 4 Active Skill Mind control lvl6, Unholy Form, Mind Break lvl3. Unique Skills None Racial trait Skill None Name Unholy Aristocrat Description A unique class that given to people who use their authority and privilege to perform inhuman action that surpass any sane mind for their selfish reason until they become something similar to devil. Name Forbidden Act Description By consuming the flesh and devouring soul of a victim to a devil who is forged pact user can extend his life and become stronger. Effect For every victim consumed mana regen increased by 10 and Str,Agi, Int increased by 1. In Unholy Form, the skill effect will be doubled.

He was not a human especially seeing his enormous regen he definitely ate more than 100 people how can someone not notice this abomination!


But checking the status of middle-aged man and six maids who are standing beside of vicount I speculated almost all of the higher ranked people of this place already corrupted and fed human flesh.

It was a nightmare also I pitied those six maids serving a monster without knowing they are the food.

[With pleaseure] said a Paton walked towards me with a creepy smile plastered on his face.

I don't know why he wanted me to use my ability, but listening to their conversation, I believe even kid understand something wrong will happen if do the thing they wanted. So I decided to not use my ability with all of my power.

Also, my health is only 10, so that means I am fragile enough to killed by a simple punch.

It is nothing to be proud of but, for my current state, it is a perfect situation.

Suddenly a mechanical voice began heard in the room.

*Warning high ranked military personnel entered complex*

Oh, that is great another one of them visiting the...m!?

My thought cut in mid because I noticed both Vicount and middle-aged man's face under sudden changed for worse.

Maybe it is good news for me.

[Hide that Psychic Battery and receive our new guest] Viscount quickly give a command to hide me from that new military person.

[Yes, sir.]

Following Vicount's word, Paton put a leash on me and connected to a top of a chandelier and went to receive the person.

Do they think I am a cat or a dog !?

A few minutes later I heard the voice of the Paton who went to receive the guest.

[Please wait a second I tell Master Viscount that ma'am arrived]

From the top of the chandelier, I saw Paton opens the door and a very tall woman dressed in white great-coat and brown military boots entering in the room.


The first thing that drew my sight is a deep large X-shaped scar between her sharp eye and her white glove looks more like a claw.

At the same time, I noticed Viscount observing her with the perverted eyes but with her messy hair, poker face and cold aura she looks less of a sex-toy and more of a ruthless female warrior to me.

[So miss are you from the army ?] Viscount asked.

So Viscount really afraid of the military because maybe his action not noticed by higher-ups, so that is why he is beware of the military!

[I.am.Gladys.Griefheart.commander.of.Third.Army] A woman introduced herself with a completely monotone voice.

Then I saw Paton whispering something in Viscounts' ear. Looks like there something with the Third Army. At the same time, I quickly used my Archive for information about the Third Army.

Name Third Army Description From army under command of Trinity Faction the third army is one of the most unique army that made of entirely mechanic related units like cyborgs, heavy armoured infantry and all kinds of vehicles designated to fight front line. Because the role of the first line of defence and offence against forces of Abyss army also called suicide army by others especially by commanders. It is called miracle when a new commander survive more than a month when assigned to the third army.

Now I understood why Viscount smiling like that because he got many good reasons to dispatch her.

[Well it is my pleasure to meet Gladys and good bye]

Just as expected with cliche line Viscount reached towards something under his table. Suddenly I felt something passed me.


With the last word, Gladys closes her eyes.

F*ck why good people always die first!

[Paton bring her and my dessert into my room later] after saying that Viscount leaves a room with maids who have expression despair.

[Nothing hurts when I get taste first right]

Paton reaches towards Gladys's chest with glee in his eyes.

Sick Bastard!

Burn in HELL!

Mother f-




I saw seemed lifeless body of Gladys buried her hand into Paton's body who is in daze.

[Cough! W-what are y HUK! STOO~] Before Paton finished his word his whole body begun to expand like a balloon then.


With sound, his whole body exploded I closed my eye at the moment but blood and pieces I waited didn't happen. So I opened my eyes and saw a whole room filled with a strange black cloud and Gladys standing in mid of mist holding a red marble along with bright shining red eyes.

Puting a red marble into her mouth and crushing with her saw like teeth. I heard what is she saying with her monotone voice.


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