《Abyssal Fortress girl in another world》Chapter 27: New opponent


Suddenly her head moves and our eyes met. Staring right directly at her bright red pupils I felt something cold running through my back.



She walked towards me and easily reached towards my collar and with a twig, she broke it.

Is she freeing me ?!

Maybe she is not a bad person than I. Why is she licking her lips? Suddenly I had a very bad feeling of dread, I tried to struggle out of her hold, but due to a large gap between our power, I couldn't even move her finger.

Nooo! I don't want to eat by my opposite sex in this way!

To protect my self from becoming a meal, I used Telekinesis on a gun left from Paton remains and aimed towards decoration on top of her head.

Take that!


Ah! I aimed wrong.


The bullet bounced off after hitting her skin and hit the wall.

I know I am in another world with a status screen but isn't being shot by a gun is a pretty serious thing?

Or is she the weird one?

So I used an Archive on her but a blue screen that different from status screen appeared before me.

Blocked by unique title

Then how about telepathy!

Nulified by strong Psychic type shield

Damm it is like facing end game boss just after finishing the tutorial. Is this how I end?

I close my eye waited for my death, but after some time I didn't feel a thing.

Is she swallowed me whole?

By curiosity, I opened my eye and noticed she just biting an empty air in front of me and can't tighten her grip more despite I seeing clearly she trying it.

A few minutes of tries later she tried many things on me like punching, pitching, kick and I understood any of her action that can harm me are stopped by some kind of invisible barrier around me.



Eventually, she seems like understood something, so she took me gently and put me in the pocket of her coat like some kind of toy.

[This is security sir Paton are you okay] I heard the voice of a man who is behind the door look like they noticed a noise coming from this room.

Her attention immediately switches from me to men behind the door. She slowly raises her hand and aimed towards the door.


After the sound, red blood flowed under the door. With no expression, she walked towards the door and opens it then I saw a headless man dressed in armour drops on the ground along with a small but deep hole on the wall.

What! how did she kill him I didn't even hear any sound of a gunshot?

Then I saw she buried her hand into man's chest like she is searching for something.

Maybe she is searching for marble like a thing found in the Paton. Then maybe she is like a natural predator of them.

*WARNING intruder alert!*

I tried to use Telepathy again to tell her Viscount to have that marble-like thing, but because of her protection, I couldn't tell her anything.



Many people armed with guns begun to shower her in bullets, but all of them easily bounced off on her normal looking skin.

[Go, go, go]

[Instruder is combat cyborg quickly prepare .50 caliber!]

[YES, SIR] said one man with muscular body quickly puts his gun on his backpack and at the same time a something like gun support shot out from his arm stuck into the floor followed by he pulls a large gun connected to his backpack and fixing on support.

The way he accomplished this action on only more than three or two-second, while his comrades providing him suppress fire it looked like it came out from an action movie.



Sadly their target was wrong because why I am talking so calmly because she blocked all those bullets with her just palm as if nothing and again using those invisible gun of her she blasted apart all of their heads except muscular man.

[F*ck you monster] screamed muscular man tried to fire his assembled gun, but she split gun in mid and ate along with man's hand and crushed his head with one slap splattering all brain his remain matter into the wall.


and I lost my Consciousness due to fear.

-Switching to the third person-

After killing an attacker, Gladys continues the search through attacker's body for a delicious thing she found from the first attacker, but sadly she didn't found what she wanted.

Due damage in her brain from Psychic attack resulted in her losing the last few points of her int turning her into a beast that only knows eat and killing.

Gladys had no idea what kind of thing she killed and due to the unique taste of devil core that resides in Unholy Aristocrat made her carving even more of that core and because she couldn't found similar thing made even madder than before.

But unconsciously she put a small creature she found in a safe place then.


Leaving large crack on floor Gladys rushes through the corridor while destroying and devouring everything trying to harm her.

[Intruder detected]

A five Beast class combat robot armed with large 50.cal minigun and 20mm autocannon loaded with an Armor piercing round appear before Gladys. In the right situation those combat robots were powerful enough to easily decimate entire swarm of Abyssal minion, but right now they are faced their worst type of enemy in the worst situation.


In a just blink, Gladys appears before one of combat robot with her claw ripping off its core and absorbing into her self. Without any fear other four combat robots moved their gunpoint towards Gladys.


However, Gladys already swung large body combat robot like a rag smashing all other four combat robots and destroying each of them before even they fire one shot.

But suddenly Gladys felt something around her stomach with strong force and smashing into a wall with a loud sound.

[Well are you quite tough one, I wonder what is your body made of ?]

Following the direction of speech, Gladys saw a young man dressed in dark military uniform casually walking towards her with calm smile.

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