《Abyssal Fortress girl in another world》Chapter 18: Good and Bad news


Due special achievement acquired Title Princess of Abyss Title description Having proven your strength by beating the previous holder of this title. By slaying other holders of the same title(Prince, Princess) you will receive Ruler Of The Abyss Effect Grants ability to sense other title holders, Aura of the ruler lvl II, Ancient Class Weapon Slot II Due special achievement acquired Title Doom Seeker Title descriptio Received due doing action beyond any sane mind in mid of battle and surviving after a match. Effect Closer to death stronger you will become, Major combat-related status boost and small decrease on intelligence/+100 Agility, Armor, Strength -150 int/ Due large difference between intelligence and processing capability a new status created 'Computing power'

A message was first thing ringed inside my head when I woke up. I ignored the message I observed the dock. Everything was alright along with Kurogane, Woods and other socket soldiers with an idiot like a face. First Kurogane steps in front of the ground and spoke with his hands in long sleeve.

[Greetings Master.]

Behind him, a Woods spoke.

[Good to see you back, Commander]

Thanks to my smart vision I found a sign of exhaustion on everyone. Maybe they seem alright from a quick look but upon closer observation there all kinds of signs revealing they worked without any break. For example, Kurogane's unpolished horns and black cloth thong as for Woods's small black bag under his eye and cloth with many wrinkles.

After interacting with him almost all of the time, I noticed Kurogane likes to keep his horns clean when I asked why he answered for Dwarf Onis their horns have the same value as their face and mirror of their personality so If in any way I met other Dwarf Oni like him Kurogane said first check his horns. As for his clothes, he said it is something like his work clothes but, I noticed he likes to switch the colour of his sandal's cloth thong by every day like a tie, that means he got no time to change cloth thong of his sandals also clean his horns. I clearly remember he wearing sandals with black cloth thong.


As for Woods despite his worn-out clothes, it's always maintained clean colour and wrinkles state it clearly signifies military life become part of him. Bag under his eye showing he didn't sleep for at least for one or two days and wrinkled clothes with little bit stain clearly showing he didn't get a chance to clean it.

I will surely repay their work and sweat maybe they say don't need it, but I will surely show them their choice was right.

[Yes. it. felt. good. to .see . you. all]


Why am I speaking like a broken cd player?.

[Master you talks even weirder now.]

At least my previous robotic monotone speech was able to me converse normally but now am I speaking like this what happened!

Name Gladys Griefhearth Age 0 Race Abyss Level 25 Class Type II Kraken class Abyssal Hybrid Titles [Reincarnator],[Giant Killer],[Berserker],[Trigger happy],[Princess of Abyss],[Doom Seeker],[Who Watches The Heroes] Attributes Health 45000/34000 Armour 7100 Energy 38000/38000+153 energy per second Strength 2000 Agility 4100 Intelligence 20 Dexterity 2900 Material mass 350.000 Computing power 500 Add-on

Combat: Enchanced 4-inch abyssal gun x10, Enhanced 6-inch double abyssal gun x2, Enhanced 7-inch triple gun x 2,Abyssal Combat hand Lvl 5, 22in-Abyssal twin torpedo tube x2,Deep Mine layer Type V,Armory V,Minion Hangar I,Enhanced artificial muscle lvl 8, MG-50(Modified) x2, GS MK-2, 9mm Rail Machine Gun x10.

Survival:Body of Abyss lvl VII, Extra Armour V,Madness engine lvl II

Auxiliary: Smart Vision lvl I, Sonar radar lvl V, Dual Energy Core lvl I, Quad Engine lvl I, Repair Node lvl I, Resouces havesting module lvl I, Onboard micro synthesizer module lvl I

Ancient Class Weapon

[Corrupter], [Armour Shredder]

Active Skills Bite lvl X, Overcharge lvl II, Mad enhancement(Curse) lvl III, Coup De Grâce VI,Speech I,Spray and Pray II, Aura of the ruler lvl II, Human Form EX, Abyssal Form EX Unique Skills Martial art mastery Racial trait Skill Upgrade, Remodel/Locked/


WHAT DO YOU MEAN Speech lvl 1!

Is this saying speech is a skill that I should grind up are you kidding me I can think alright but, I can't talk!?

I calmed my self down and begun to think about this problem.

A haha now I get it looks like my body more specifically my speech can't keep up with my mind, I immediately get an answer on a moment I thought of some calculation that means I am alright simply some modules can't keep up with my mind.

Seeing those all kinds of new things, first I decided to transform into human form. I can't wait to walk on my two feet and explore my dock.


Critical Error!


What? really error !? don't I just magically change into human form just like in any fantasy movie or novel? I am in a fantasy world that magic and monsters exist right or not?

Suddenly I got feeling that God sent me another world.

So I decided to ask from Kurogane.


Hearing my question Kurogane's eye became big like a cat then he pulls his sleeve showing his hands. Wait a second there, why you wearing the fingerless glove on your left and there is even serial number on it?

I zoomed towards his left hand and saw writing.

Let's see, Bio-Print T-156-29 I don't know what is this.

[Master observe this]

Said Kurogane slowly moved his hand in swiping motion on that moment a small ball of shining light produced from his hand.

[This is a simple spell called 'Shining Ball' mana in this realm bit scare but it possible to produce simple spells]

So that means I am not in the wrong world but there is a problem with me, right?

Due risk of heat generated from Madness Engine requesting host to update Emergency Cooling System Recommended add-ons: Installing Internal Protection Nanomachine, Second Brain, Enhanced Circulatory system reducing further damage in human form and increasing control and survival

Well better be safe than sorry.

I Immediately installed all of those add-ons including recommended ones by that I saw all of those my hard earned material mass dropped faster than my bank account during my payday.

Sh*t 250.000 disappeared in a blink.

It is better to be worth or else I will send a complaint to the Association.


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