《Abyssal Fortress girl in another world》Chapter 17: Certain Dwarf Oni's Dilemma


I, Kurogane, am now observing my master Gladys Griefheart swimming towards us after killing giant monster about twice of her size. Looks like she didn't forget to consume that monster for new upgrades. She won against overwhelming odds but in exchange for receiving an insane amount of damage.

[Woods immediately prepare for repair]

[Yes sir!]

I immediately give the command to Sir. Woods prepare for instance repair Even without using my unique skill [Eye of Artist] I know damage she received is already exceeding a limit. But the thing that really surprised is the master's action that she has done for an order to win. Even without any sensation of pain, it is hard to rip off parts of your body and use it as weapons it's not about feeling but, it is about a thing in our consciousness preventing those dangerous actions.

Seein master trying her best to move towards us I and socket soldiers couldn't help but pray for her to reach us.



I wanted to reach towards her, but sadly I don't have any ability to move underwater nor a body able to withstand the pressure. Is this meaning of being powerless !?

Please make it!


Hearing the familiar sound of metal, I saw master successfully made it on a dock.



I screamed towards those idiots just standing there with a dumbfounded expression. First one who recovers was Woods, and he quickly gives commands to others.

[Move you maggots move!]

Immediately socket soldiers have begun to move along with minions that master left under me. First I must quickly restore core parts let's see [Eye of Artist] activating my skill, and I saw just by repairing from out will not save her. Master already prepared the spare parts by converting mass for emergency repair but this was not something can be achieved just by replacing the damaged parts.


There were many overheats, internal leaks and destruction of many modules. What a malicious move!

First thing is first.

[Bring me a lift]

[You heard the man quickly bring the lift!]

A moments later socket soldiers bought a lift and using the lift I reached a large x shaped hole created from that monster's beam attack. Thanks to my small size I easily entered through hole used my skill [Thread Manipulation] seeking the foreign thing invaded through the gap.


Pulling the thread, I noticed an ugly black worm with a sharp drill extruding from the head part looks like that monster trying to enter directly to master's brain.

Seeing my [Eye of Artist] can't see the information that means this is not something created by being. Immediately I used my thread cutting spine disabling motor function maybe it is the main body of that monster I give to master after she woke up.

Now critical part is taken care of I need to enter the master's body to fix internal problems.

[Woods give me that]

[That! are you sure ?]


[Okay don't turn self into popsicle]

Said Woods gave me a pipe that connected to a backpack. This is a device that can spray liquid helium towards the designated area. Along with one more container and breathing device, I entered into master's body.


Due overheating, it felt hell inside the master's body but thanks to [Heat Resistance] and the help of my clothes made from flame moth able to move through this extreme heat. First I quickly reach [Madnes Engine] and sprays the liquid helium quickly cooling the off the heat, I begin to restore the severed tube that transports Mad Cell for restoration.


This is what's always been dragging the machines down just like last time what happened to my previous creations master will not die in a fight but die because of her own body!


I need to find a way to erase this problem quickly.

I quickly repairing storage I connected to Madness Engine preventing further heat from energy limit then went towards Repair Node and Emergency Cooling System. When I arrived as suspected despite repaired from Mad Cell, it is all connection severed by small bug shaped creatures that eating away the connections.

[Abyssal Possessor lvl 10

A small bug shaped abyssal creature made by Avon for purpose of taking possession host after severing all support systems. It can only work again heavy damaged foe.]

I quickly cut them apart using my thread and stored them in my emptied backpack who know they have an ability to regenerate. At the moment I restored the connection Repair node began to repair master's body in rapid pace. Using Liquid helium as cooling may damage some modules but it is better than blowing apart.

-One hour later-

At last, I finished completely erasing Abyssal Possessor from master's body now let's leave...

Oh, that is right I almost forget about that. I took out a small bottle and collected a Mad Cell that leaked from one tube and exited from master's body through one hole that not fully repaired yet.

[Is everything okay sir ?]

[Everything is now stabilized I got rid of every danger]

[No sir I am talking about you]

Huh?! why is he talking about me?

[Sir, your left hand is]

Oh, well looks like I didn't notice my left hand burned into crisp seemed I need to improve my protection as well.

[Is Bio-cloner is working?]

[Yes sir]

I really need to find a way to solve the heating and energy problem. Should I use a method of that brutes with a pot belly?

No no! that means my loss right ?!

[Sir! your hand, your HAND!]

But it is for my master.

But I don't want to! just by remembering method their shitty face appears along with it !.

Yosh! I should do that way. If I can't find the solution with seven days then I will use their method.

Yes I do that.

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