《Blood Born》Chapter Sixteen: War arrives!
Omg I know this is ungodly late, but I have not slept, and have literally been working on this, going over every detail multiple times, and ensuring there were no real flaws, skips, issues, or bloody inconsistencies.
So, without further waiting, I give to you the spectacular, amazing, wonderfu...You know what? I give you the special chapter! ha!, so much easier to say.
I hope you all had a wonderful weekend!
I'd been woken by the sudden banging on my rooms door, Forge calling for me; his voice somewhat desperate.
"Rage! Cruelty is back, she has bad news."
What the fuck could it be? Rushing to the door, sparing a small glance to the bleary eyes Saphiria I rushed out behind Forge as he led me to Cruelty.
She was in the war room with her two toys. Each one looked like hell, covered in grim and blood. Like they hadn't slept, and seemed exhausted.
Fredrick was trying to get her to talk, not the smartest idea in the world. Cruelty only reported to me. Forge seemed to be the most suited to handling the growing hysterics of Fredrick, so i let him do that.
Walking up to Cruelty, I began extracting information. What she told me, made my eyes widen slightly. Son of a bitch, they were here early. We were down several soldiers already that were recruiters the lizards. I doubt any of them would return to bother thinking we have been lost.
Turning to Fredrick who's face had gone pale. "Numbers, your numbers Master" He only shook his head, and slumped down. Oh no, none of that. This would be glorious beyond compare.
"Numbers you useless cat!" I roared this time, ignoring my taunts. He told me six hundred, a hundred had been sent out to gather the reinforcements.
To few, but I could work with it. "Forge, Hate, get all six hundred bows and whatever arrows you can find then go to the second wall. Envy, take the other water essence and focus your essence on the river to the east of this place, we need rain. Cruelty, to the second wall, when they manage to get passed our presents I want you to instill fear, no restrictions on them. Anvil, Hydra; you will both join me behind the gate, with the rest of the Pride, to the second wall for when it breaks. Cruse, stay at the third wall and begin summoning your pets, all you can. Bitter, keep Envy from collapsing, and then both of you, along with River move to the third wall and begin setting up a place to heal the wounded."
Orders left my mouth one after the other, the confusion and weakness of those feelings from yesterday long gone at the thrill of the battle we would face. Each of my eight began enacting my plan, the few Prideling underlings within the war room rushing to gather the others.
I was stunned, my hope was lost. How were we going to fight with only six hundred soldiers? It didn't matter the improvements they had made, the beast men numbers would simply overwhelm them, swallowing them in mass.
I still watched as the uncaring Rage began issuing detailed instructions on there plan to survive. He wasn't concerned about life or death, in fact, looking at the others of his kind they all were excited. What had the Pridelings done to create such battle loving monsters?
I could only shake my head, and was slowly giving up more hope when Hellen smacked me as hard as she could after everyone had left the war room.
"Snap out of it Fredrick!" She yelled, and I could only blink at her.
Did she not understand? We were all going to die. nine thousand against six hundred? It was suicide. These wouldn't even be the weak vanguard of before, these were veterans of each clan coming to crush us beneath there heal before invading the rest of the Draconian Empire his grandfather had surrendered to, and sworn to defend in exchange for life.
She smacked me again, and left to join the others. I could only think about how she would fall in the battle after that, her body torn asunder by weapons and claws. The sight made me begin to cry. What hope...
When we left the war room, I watched as my River joined Envy, and Bitter to the western portion of the second wall, and began there work on the water there, while I got Hate to help me gather up all the soldiers, and get them equipped as quickly as I could.
We could all see the dust cloud over the barren portion of these lands slowly drawing closer. The cat people moved faster. I looked at the dust, and felt true contentment. Battle in all it's glory would commence here.
We all had to maintain control though, it would be hard. The smell of all the dying, the blood, the screams that would create a symphony of beauty would make it hard to stay sane and not lose ourselves to it.
But Rage would keep us sane, it was his job as our leader. I silently felt that's why he'd taken the gate with the rest. He wanted to let loose and take all the fun. It was beyond cruel in my mind, not allowing me to join, but I could better defend and relay information from up her with the others.
Sighing, we hurried to begin preparations, and rushed to get everyone there weapons, and the hundreds of arrows we would need for the killing field between the first and second wall.
Orders, finally, I had been given orders. The others would join battle, it made me sad that I could not join them. But Rage had told me to summon all I could, he must know they would breach the second wall in time.
That made me happy, I could fight, and show Rage my abilities in combat.
Standing in one of the few open spaces behind the third wall before the keep, I began to summon the hell hounds I had subjugated. Using blood to call them, and blood to feed them, binding them further to my will. The practice the last several days had allowed me to bond with the beasts.
I could call more of there kind, I would give Rage a small army to buy us more time, and slaughter the enemy to a greater degree. Glory in War, our peoples motto.
"Glory in war, despair at the death we reap for all shall be lane asunder, when the Blood Father speaks" I whispers lightly. I followed Rage, and was loyal to him but I could not understand his hatred of the Blood Father, none of them did. We all but worshiped the ground he walked on, but Rage did not. It changed nothing however.
One of the Hellhounds took a snap at me, I back handed it, and focused more. Must concentrate.
I'd been slowly woken up by the pounding, and watched as the blur that was my Master dashed from the room, leaving me alone. What was happening? I woke up quickly after I realized he had not taken me with him on a walk.
I did not like the idea of being left alone in this room either. I heard shouting, and running as the others of his people were woken, and rushed through the hallway.
When everything went silent, I got off the bed, and tried to reach the door. The chain kept me from fully reaching it. Shaking it, trying to move it and the bed closer I froze; the door handle was turning.
I calmed down a moment when I saw it was Hellen. She seemed kind to me, and looking at me had a gentle smile on her face.
"Come child, we need to get you to a safer place" I was confused, Master never let me leave with another. Frowning at her I told her as much. She smiled softer still, and went to get the chain from under the bed. She grunted in effort, unladylike, and managed to do it. "Jesus, what kind of bastard can do this regularly." I heard her mutter.
When she turned to me, she answered my confusion. "The Beast men clans, your people, have arrived a day earlier than expected. Rage and his kind with what soldiers we have left are already on there way to the gates, preparing. I'll be damned if I let a child like you die here alone should the worse come to pass"
I blinked blankly at her. It meant her former Master was here as well, and that made her shudder a moment. Hellen must have taken that as fear and hugged me. It wasn't fear, it was revulsion. But she smelled nice, and I secretly enjoyed the hug.
She dragged me out with her toward the main keep where Fredrick held his council. There were other nobles who looked up startled as my chains rattled when we entered, my short gait rushing to keep pace with Hellens long stride.
Several of them I knew wanted to do me harm, but feared my Master, Hellen I wasn't sure they feared. Maybe today I would be allowed death, but I doubted it.
The short time I had spent with my new Master showed me he was brutal, cruel, and seemed uncaring. But he never said anything he did not mean. I felt I would be living a long life, regardless of any efforts to end it. It made me sad, but somewhat happy as well for some reason.
Suddenly the ground shook as lightening raced across the sky, and it began to rain outside...what?
I watched silently as Envy, and River made the river water evaporate at an increased rate that was abnormal in the world. It took them half an hour, and I could see there strain.
But they were not exhausted, and Rage had said until exhausted. I would not disobey him after what had happened. He had ensured both I, and Hate knew our place. I scanned the area to make sure no one was going to be a hindrance, my sword bared to the world.
"Bitter!" I heard Envy, and rushed toward her confused, when I saw them below us. Five people clad in black scaling the walls. Oh shit... "Keep working Envy, I'll handle it"
I flung a ball of concentrated light at the closest black figure that was scaling the walls, and I swear I heard a laugh before it struck, and sent the thing walling to it's death. I managed to do it two more times before the others scaled the wall. They had long black tails like a cat, but were spotted slightly. Beast men.
I growled at there figures, and kept between them and the other two. They regarded me with open hatred, I had killed three of there brethren after all. They had also never seen anything like me. I was small, attractive but smelled like something out of a nightmare, a predator that spoke to there most base instincts and told them to flee. I knew this, because Rage smelled that way to us all. We held the same effect, but to a lesser degree for some reason.
The one on the left lunged at me, and I cut him in two, my blade sheering through his on impact and meeting his flesh. The second soon joined him, his sword pierced my stomach though. The pain was immense, and I could feel weakness taking my limbs after I cut him down. Poison....
Then the sky broke open, and rain began to pour all around them. I could hear Envy calling me, but the poison hurt. I was lifted off the ground, I knew I was being healed slowly, and kept from deaths door, but it hurt...It hurt.
I watched as all the cat people lined the wall in a steady stream, the fear coming from them coating the air in a thick haze. Anvil and Hydra were with me, with the rest of my Pride while I saw Forge off to the left issuing orders, Hate just a bit behind.
Cracking my neck to the side, the bones grinding when a satisfying pop echoed out I smiled with pleasure as I saw the distant figures of the enemy army come into sight. Just outside the first wall, and three hundred foot run to the second wall. I hoped they liked all the presents.
I knew they wouldn't stop. Their numbers alone would bridge the cap of the hundred we would slaughter as they charged, and attempted to breach the wall. But it wouldn't hold them. We needed the run, to turn the field below into a mud pit, and slow them further once they passed the traps. Buy us more time before we had to fall back.
They began to reach the first wall, I saw hulking masses that looked to be the size of Forge move up, and then holes appeared in the dirt wall. Growling in frustration I saw they fit the description of the bear beast men.
I heard the sky cry out, before the first drops of rain began to drop, pouring in an avalanche and doing what I needed. I smiled as the water covered us. It would hamper the arrows, but luckily they just needed to shoot and maim them.
There were more surprises with Curse and his pets to be had. Turning to a few of the weaker members of my Pride, I told them to change. Just five, it would help them keep pace and fall back without dying. I didn't need to lose any of my people today...What? No, no, don't think about the weakness, kill. Kill everything that comes through these gates.
I began hearing screams, and 'mighty' roars of pain as the enemy met the traps outside. I could not see them, do to my position but Forge called down telling me they were in range. "Fire" I roared out, and the sound was echoed by Forge whose roar was deeper than mine. I heard boy after boy begin firing, some snapping from the rain, and I imagined few managed to hit anything but enough did to cause the screaming to increase.
The cats fired freely, and without restrain. The ones with broken boys rushing to pick up the long spears they used to keep enemies at bay.
This went on for hours, I was beginning to grow bored, and impatient. About to have Forge open the gates. I'd been given regular reports by Forge, or Hate throughout the battle. Hundreds had fallen, but there numbers just swallowed the dead. Shrugging, I knew this was an outcome. But the beast men didn't seem to hold any real knowledge of strategies, even the cats were the sort to beat there head against a wall till it moved. My people followed the path of might makes right, but we used our minds to ensure we won.
After the fourth hour, I began to hear a thudding, the gate that was just in front of me was moving. I rotated my shoulders, ready for the breach even as Forge called down that they were at the gates.
"Keep them off the walls!" I roared at him, and he nodded before grabbing something and throwing it that was behind him. Shit, they already were up there in places. I could hear the skirmish. We'd need to retreat soon. As I thought that, the second walls gate burst open, and the first three beast men were met by a knot of Berserkers roaring at them. I saw them freeze a moment, the first lost in it's charge was already dead. My hand was through it's chest, and I flung it to the side, striking the wall that blocked off the ramp they wanted to use.
"Come on you weaklings! Come into our jaws!" I screamed, and then moved forward, smashing another head into the stone to my left, brain matter and skull bits flying out around me.
Then they charged, and the battle was on. It became a blur in and of itself, I had no way to measure time, but the bottle neck we created stopped them cold, while I heard the battle above rage on as well. It was glorious!
After a decent amount of time had passed, those of us in the bottle neck growing tired I heard forge above screaming the walls were being taken.
I moved to the back of the group, hating that I could not keep fighting, and let Anvil take the lead. When I reached the back, I saw one of the lion forms of my weakest dive in and out in a hit and run method, using his giant paws to smash an enemy into the stone.
I roared then, aiming at the third wall. As loud as I could over the battle screams, and storm raging around us.
I smiled, turning to bare my fangs at the sight behind me. I could see if now, the land covered in enemies, the wall held more of them dead than the cats at least, though I could see dozens had fallen in the melee.
Forge was organizing the retreat to the third wall, using his size and strength to simply fling enemies left and right.
That's when the first flaming hound that smelled of brimstone arrived, I saw it briefly gaze at me in it's rushed charge and ripped into a beast man that was about to kill one of the cat people.
Following it came another sixty, seventy...one hundred Hellhounds. Curse...what how strong did you get? I wondered a moment. The bottle neck was a sight of screaming enemies, and my Pride slowly withdrawing. All of us were making our way to the third wall, a break neck sprint our guide while the Hellhound army tore into the enemy, using the shock and fear that Demons instilled in most to there advantage before they began to be cut down.
When we reached the third wall, I turned to see the last Hellhound cut down by a large male wielding a Halberd. 'Prey, Mine' I thought before baring my fangs, and jumping to the top of the steel wall, and roaring at the enemy, the storm slowly dying around us.
Let them come!
Beast men commander.
I had taken the field myself to rally my men, and slaughter the defenders at last. I wanted the big bastard that held a shield I had seen casually tossing my elite to the side and off the wall with ease.
A challenge at last. When I arrived though, we were met by Demons. It took an hour to cut them all down. When my Halberd had slaughtered the last I looked to see a black skinned, silver haired 'boy' on top of the gates roaring at me. Not a war cry, but a literal leonine roar, and I felt a tinge of fear as I stared at the gore covered body.
I could feel his killing intent, and his joy at what was happening. I smiled at the challenge, and raised my halberd at the shiny gate as the storm finally died, and my army charged. We'd lost maybe eight hundred in the initial siege, now I would crush them beneath my boot.
This Tridant Fortress would be the first stepping stone to proving the beast clans might over all!
That's right people, the special chapter has a cliff hanger! Sorry for that, but I want this battle to last a while. I am once again sorry for the late release. I finally passed out, and finished it today. Going over it a few more times before I released it. I hope you enjoy the first clash between Rage and the Pridelings, and the Beast man coalition.
See you all later today with the second part of the siege.
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