《Blood Born》Chapter Seventeen: Holding the Wall
Hello folks, I'm here with the second chapter for the day.
For all of you battle crazed people, I hope you enjoy the struggle between the Defending cat beast man, and Rage with his Pride against the massive Beast Man coalition army. They are on there last wall, what surprises will be revealed in the battle? Will they all die, or shall they survive! Stay tuned to find out.
Yeah, I can't seem to resist the odd add in here and their like that in my Authors notes. I wished to once again thank you all that have followed my story so far, and helped me improve from that first chapter. I will say this now, because it is the largest complaint at this time. I intend to go over every chapter from beginning to end at the end of this first Volume, which is still a decent amount of time away, and fix those mistakes for future readers. For those that stuck through my obvious grammar mistakes, and errors, you are troopers and I love you for it.
When i first started this, I didn't think anyone would read it, and here we are. The base is small, but each and every single one of you are why I am able to continue writing this with a smile. I salute you once more, and dedicate this chapter and all that follow to you who have favorite , followed, rated, and commented with your polite, and kind advise to help it grow, and to aid my own improvement. Yes, i do read the comments, and often reply to each one if you have not noticed. ^.^
I bared my fangs, tasting a bit of blood that had mixed in with the rain, and was happy when the large male with the Halberd raised it, and his people charged forth without thought. So simple, numbers were all they had.
Motioning to Forge, I advised him to prepare our last present for use. It wouldn't be used until the last moment, but it would cause chaos within there ranks when he unleashed it.
Forge nodded a looked out at the charging enemy, a few of the cats still had bows and were using them. Maybe fifty or so, very few but we had no shortage of arrows at least. A constant peppering would be useful if they could target key figures. But it was hard to see in that mass, the only key figure of note seemed to be the one with the Halberd.
I could only shrug at that. My 'captains' gathered around me, and I noticed one was missing. "Where is Bitter?" We would need her when the time came, along with her light essence.
Envy told me she had been stabbed by a blade, and taken out of commission for the time being. I raised an eyebrow at that, a simple blade couldn't keep us down that long. I said as much.
"Poison, powerful poison Rage..." was what she said in return. I felt my eye begin to twitch and it grew harder to stay sane, and keep the Berserk rage down.
"Why are you not with her then?" I asked as calmly as I could, her faced paled considerably. "River is with her, she was less drained from the rain, and could better ensure her survival" I could smell her fear when I stared at her for a moment, and wondered why I was so angry over it. Before I could speak however, a sharp pain hit the back of my thigh, looking down I saw a javelin head protruding from my leg. Shit...
"No time, Anvil, Curse, cut down any and all ladders with your underlings aid. They do not get up here!" I yelled the last at them. "Hydra, coat as much of the wall as you can in your ice. I want them to slip and impale themselves if they try to climb the spikes over the ladders." I saw Hydra's eyes tighten at the order, but he nodded. I'd have to deal with him soon.
"Envy, get back to the healing area, help River." She moved very quickly, smart.
"Hate, anyone that makes it to the wall, crush them with overwhelming force." I saw her smile and take up a position as the first ladder made it's way to the wall, a moronic dog like beast man on the top; only to watch it fall back down in pieces, the body of the beast man following shortly after.
All around me were the cries of pain, and anguish of the dying. I saw several of the cats with spears begin to fall with short javelins protruding from there chests. To take there place I directed members of my Pride not occupied with other matters, Namely Hate and Bitters underlings, to take the spears up and keep them down. The few that I had directed to change into their lion selves were with there respective leaders, using there considerable size, well over double the height and weight of a normal lion, to smash ladders to pieces; occasionally biting a few that made there way to the wall top in half.
Forge had returned, informing me he could begin at any time. "Not yet.." It had only been a few minutes since the battle began. That was a trump card, and would only be used once. We needed to hold for the day at least. My mind was wracked with possibilities, and what to do next.
I hate this planning shit. I get to think, and my Brothers and Sisters get to kill. It is incredibly unfair. I saw a weak point to on the left begin to open up, none of my Pride were there to help bolster the defense. "Forge, plug that hole. Keep them down!" The big man sprinted at them, and I watched as he put that huge shield of his to work; slicing enemies in two with the massive blades that grew along the sides, and pushing several back into the maw that was there army.
I surveyed the wall, running back and forth along the lines to give orders where they were needed.
Roughly three hours had passed by now, and the sun was still high in the sky. It was only noon. At least seven more hours until nightfall. Hold, they would hold.
I heard the random screams, and yells as the battle progressed. I felt left out, as did River, that we were not with our brothers and sisters fighting and killing. But we ensured the inured cat people were able to return to the field, at least every four out of ten at any rate.
Some were injured to badly, and our healing took to much out of them for them to return today. We moved them to a back portion to rest with the herbal specialist healers the cat beast men used in charge of feeding them what they needed.
Bitter, at least, no longer needed our attention. But she was weakened badly. Her body still fighting the poison we had been able to dilute to a safe level for her blood to finish off.
Our blood was a territorial parasite like entity that did not allow intruders, but with those of us in Rages pride being so young and weak, strong enough invaders (poisons, bacteria, or disease) that acted quickly could kill us, or incapacitate us before our own inner workings had a chance to crush it.
I bit my lip and looked at Bitter. I could see her sweating, and breathing hard but her vitals seemed fine. I remembered the look that had passed over Rage when I told him what happened.
I saw his face contort, and a slight red tinge color his eyes before it went away, and he looked at me in the coldest way I had ever seen. It hurt, it hurt so much I wanted to kill Bitter for causing him to feel anything for her. I knew why Hate had attacked her. I understood it, and the following punishment that sent home the fact to everyone Rage ruled our Pride.
I bite my lip further, a few of the male cats looked at me and stared in what I could gather was there form of lust. I knew my looks, but Rage never noticed. Shaking my head, by wet hair clinging to my body making the gesture feel odd, I went back to work.
I needed to show that I was useful, that I was something other than a piece on the board that was glorious war. Maybe then he would notice me.
I was randomly using my wind essence, combined with the strength used to swing my sword to send out blades of air into the mass that was the enemy army, killing a few dozen with each swing. Every one I killed though, at lease three more filled the gap. It was wonderful!
I could kill and kill to relieve my pain from yesterday. It had almost crushed me when I was punished, to see Bitter suffer only a broken thigh, the way his hand looked like it caressed it a bit before he snapped the bone ((AN:Yes people, she is a masochist. mwuahaha)) It wasn't fair. These thousands of beast men would be a perfect outlet for the emotions, I couldn't take them out on Bitter, so I imagined her face on every enemy I killed.
A few had managed to reach the top of the wall I was guarding, and them I crippled, taking an arm or leg, and threw them back into the enemies ranks. A sort of moral tactic. Alive and screaming before hitting the ground head first to die beside there brothers in arms.
It was pleasant to think it was Bitters head that was cracked open. Her Hate had reached a peak because for the first time in her life that night, she had cried.
I used my shield with abandon against the enemy that managed to make there way to the wall. They had given up on the gate, I'd used the best steel and combined it with even purer grades to strengthen the portcullis to a degree where it would take at least thirty well aimed boulders being thrown a the center to crush it.
A few of the enemy had fallen thanks to the ice from Hydra on the wall and impaled themselves, creating a gruesome affect on the others that tried to follow the example and use the spikes to climb up.
I lost track of time as I sliced, and bashed enemy after enemy; thinking of River behind the lines working to heal I was relieved slightly. I wanted to protect her, it was a males job to protect what was his. So I would do so.
Roaring with a renewed vigor as I shoved the blade tip like point of my shield into the stomach of a skilled enemy I had been battling for a few moments, and cutting him in two I moved along the wall helping the cats that had been pushed back a foot by the growing numbers breaching the wall.
It was beginning to be to much, our only real saving grace was that the third wall was relatively small compared to the other two, and was blocked on both sides by natural hindrances that couldn't be traversed without opening their rear, and flanks.
But we held out longer and longer. I couldn't use the surprise until Rage ordered it, and he was running here and there where the enemy numbers grew to great and adding his strength to push them back and reform the lines.
We'd managed to keep the fifty bowmen still with bows alive and peppering the enemy in the distance to try and use the growing dead there as a break to stem the tide. It wasn't working, to few, and we lost more and more of the cat people to the enemy. I saw a few of the Pride even being forced to go to the healers with missing limbs, or in the case of those who had turned into lions dragged away unconscious. Strength and size had it's perks, but our lion forms were meant for shock and awe, not elongated battle.
Luckily they were the weakest. But time was beginning to show them there reserves were not unlimited. It was humbling. Curse was the first of the others to succumb to the strain, though he refused to be taken away. Instead he began taking a few of the dead bodies of both ally and enemy alike and using the draining blood to summon Hellhounds and Imps to the battlefield at the gates. They were few in number, but I had noticed it when my portion of the wall received a brief respite from the battle.
The reason was Rage had come here. "We can't keep this up Rage" I said absently, my stamina was greater than the others, as I threw a random tiger like beast man from the wall, taking to others with his body.
"I know, hold for two more hours Forge, they don't have our night vision from what our Master said. They can't fight like we will in the dark." I groaned lightly but nodded.
Rage had become more talkative, but was still distant to everyone but that little pet he kept. He was even distant to her, but he changed slightly after leaving the Pit, and that change was growing. It was disturbing to watch. I worried for our leader. Rage soon left to another break, and we were on our own again. Roaring once into the face of a few dozen that had climbed the wall I charged into them, leaving limbs and bodies in my wake.
I was beside Hellen who was looking after the few citizens, and nobles of there clan that had remained with distaste. I could only wonder why, but didn't voice my question.
I saw Fredrick on his chair in the center, his head in his hands, and he looked broken. Meanwhile I heard the screams of the people fighting outside the keep; every so often catching a large roar that echoed out within the chaos. Five hours had passed since the fight had begun, and I had begun to feel fear.
"Master.." I realized to late I had whispered it rather than thinking and saw Hellens head snap in my direction, a frown between her brows. "Child, do not call that beast your Master." She said without bothering to look at my face afterwards.
I was angry that she had told me what to do. Petulant, and childish maybe but screw her. It didn't matter. I could still hear the battle raging, and like that another hour filled with the screams of the dying and their killers filled the air.
All while myself, Fredrick, and Hellen with the scattering of a few dozen citizens and nobles huddled int he keep while the soldiers and my Masters people fought for their lives. I fiddled with the chain around my neck a moment. The last few days of eating properly had allowed me to put on a small portion of weight, not much but enough I no longer felt like it would compress me into a pancake when i stood.
I looked at the door, hearing a familiar roar that was slightly louder than most of the others, and fiddled with it more. Why did I care what happened to Master? He kept me alive when I wished for death, still wished for it to a degree. I should hate him, but why?...
Finally, the sun had begun to set. I saw the tide of enemies slowly disperse, their army withdrawing from the wall.
They didn't leave Tridant though, they I saw how the rear ranks were beginning to set up what looked like a command center. I growled lightly at that, it threw several of my plans to the wind of turning that place into a death trap. Annoying beasts.
A few cats stepped back at my growl, they had seen me slaughter with abandon earlier and had grown a healthy fear it seemed.
Shaking my head, flinging bits of blood and brain from my hair I set about having the stronger underlings that were slowly beginning to look less winded set up a watch, Forge was in charge of the night watch. None of the cats could do it, there eyes were to poor to see without fire, and I refused to allow it.
Anvil elected to stay with Forge for any extreme issues that may arise during the night, though I doubted the beast men would do anything. It was best to be cautious. I growled at that, regardless of what tactics and war knowledge had been forced into me, I hated not being able to charge out and slaughter without care. But my current Master had to remain alive. My letter was very clear about what I had to make sure happened. The keep remained in Draconian control, Fredrick survived with his family, and the enemy was slaughtered. Fucking lizard.
When I went to the healing tent I saw around ten underlings, not including River, laying in unconscious heaps. The ones that had become lions were forced to shift back by envy to make sure they retained the needed room.
I went toward the prone form of Bitter, and looked down at her silently. Envy was working on her still, the labored and shallow breathing I heard, her pale skin seeming paler from the poison. She was covered in sweat.
I looked at Envy, who was avoiding my gaze, and growled lightly. "She is fine, just weakened. Give her time, Rage." She said in a soft whisper that seemed to be filled with pain. It confused the fuck out of me, so I ignored it. I barely stopped my own hand from touching the soft blood colored hair that adorned Bitters head, pulling my hand back with an effort that shocked and confused me further, I left the healers tent. A soft sob echoing behind me, I chose to believe it was one of the inured soldiers.
I reached the keep, Hate, Hydra, Curse having regained the ability to walk, and cruelty were with me. The other underlings resting, or guarding key points on the wall. When i opened the door, I heard a scream and saw one of the children hide behind it's mother and cry out in fear.
Apparently blood and gore scared these children, weakness, I went up to Fredrick; regarding him a moment. "Master, we have repelled the enemy for the day." He just grunted, fear, resignation, and a very small glimmer of hope fighting for domination within his brown eyes. Pathetic, why did I have to save this weakling? I though absently before I heard the jungle of chain and looked at Hellen who seemed to be staring daggers at me. Turning my gaze down I saw my pet was there looking at me with the same resigned look, but without fear at my appearance, a little shine was in her eyes that looked like a tear.
I walked over to her, taking the chain from Hellen who only released it when I growled at her, the sound echoed by the others with me. Picking her up, I set her on my shoulder, keeping her steady with my forearm over her small legs, and used my free hand to wipe the small tear from her eye that seemed to be forming. Leaving a streak of blood on her soft skin, I licked the tear from my finger, the gauntlets having sense been placed within my blood. I saw the shock register on her face, and then heard a small growl, I turned to look at Hate and glared her down. Her head bowing in submission, though blood was trickling from her clenched fists where her claws were digging in deeply. Snorting, I walked back to my room, telling the others to rest before relieving Anvil and Forge later in the night.
I'd done my job, regardless of how I hated it. My head hurt from wondering why I had shown kindness to my pet, and shrugged it off, gently patting her thigh I told her she was a good girl; reaching my room I set her on the bed, and told her to sleep at the foot like normal. She looked at me for a time, and curled up in a ball, the soft deep breaths that showed she was asleep soon following.
I laid down myself shortly after, and drifted off. My dreams filled with blood and death, it was a good dream.
Group of observers watching the battle from a hill about half a mile away
"he survived the day" the largest of there small group said. They numbered ten in total, and each were varying sizes, some blatantly female.
"He got lucky" one of the other males said.
"Still to weak to be of use to Father" a soft spoken, female replied.
The largest shrugged lightly at this, and continued to watch the fort with interest, he liked that steel wall. Intuitive.
"We will watch till it ends. This is the first true test to see if they will further Fathers ambition" The others nodded, and spoke one after the other. "Yes, Ogre" each said before sitting down. The Ten had come to watch under the Blood Fathers command. So they would watch there children, and Fathers blood child fight and live, or die.
Beast man coalition army leader
I threw the desk that was inside the larger house I had commandeered as a command post into the wall, and screamed in pure frustration, his captains looking at him in worry. For half a day we besieged this puny fort and it's tiny force. I had lost another thousand men in the assault on the third wall. We breached it multiple times only to be met by the strange people that Silver haired bastard led and been thrown off.
"Who the fuck are those people!?" I screamed finally, and no one could answer. They had never seen there kind before, and had a feeling that before it was said and done, they would never want to see them again.
That wall, it was made of steel. Nothing like the reports from the surviving vanguard had said. It was suppose to be wood! How the hell had they changed the wood to stone, and steel in two days. It was not natural! Then there were the Demons, and the ice that had covered the steel wall before our eyes.
It wasn't natural. I growled in frustration and began making our plans for the next day, never seeing the soft amber colored eyes that reflected in the light through the window before it vanished.
Here you are my friends. The first full day of the siege comes to a close at the end of our two part special. I hope you enjoy the little surprise I threw in, didn't think they wouldn't watch did you? hehe.
I also hope you enjoy the slow showings of care/compassion to a few people Rage has shown, without fully understanding why. I really hope you enjoy his struggles as he comes to terms with feeling things for the first time.
And once again, this chapter and all others are dedicated to you, you amazing people who have stuck it out. Thank you once more, and I hope you continue to enjoy my story.
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