《Blood Born》Chapter Fifteen: Believed Weakness
Howdy folks! I saw that follow number, we have passed the one hundred mark, and I shall live up to my promise of a special chapter. What that details, is a secret, hehe, but it will also result in a double chapter release tonight.
I'm glad to see so many people are following, and favoring my story. It makes me want to improve more and make it grow.
I digress, this chapter I decided to show a bit of character growth and throw in a surprise that should make some of you happy. But on with the show!
When I woke up the following morning, I went on a short walk to observe the progress, and was pleasantly shocked to see that Forge had fully finished his, I doubt he slept at all. There was even a very nice addition to the steal wall, all along it's surface were small steal spikes about two inches long. It would be very fun to throw bodies against them.
I noticed that while I walked with my pet, no one looked at her today. It seems my demonstration the other day had born fruit. I was slightly saddened by this knowledge though, if meant I couldn't kill anyone else. A shame, really.
I did however see Hellen watching me as I made Saphiria crawl around behind me, and a small sweat formed on my brow, the woman terrified me for some reason, not including what she had done to get her clothing and food the day before. Ignoring her, as best I could I went to the second wall, it had at least half of it turned to stone. Anvil had collapsed half way through due to exhaustion and was just waking up when I went by.
I wasn't that shocked, half of the second wall was about a third larger than the full section that was the third wall. He was making progress, which was all that mattered. It meant we would be done by the time the enemy arrived.
When I had reached the second walls gate, i met Envy and the little female that held water. They were our only ones. "Come" I stated without preamble, Curse was still out there playing with his dogs. I say playing, but really he was throwing bits of bodies that were the remnants of our rampage to them and watching them jump to grab them.
At least three of the earth essence injured members of my Pride were helping him, they must have been his underlings. Motioning, they came to me.
"I want you to fill the entire area between the second, and first wall with pits, have someone gather sticks to put in the base." They began shambling to do their jobs. They were getting quicker at moving, it meant that maybe they would be of use during the battle that was coming. "Envy, take her and call up water on the inside of the first wall. I want that to become a mud field."
I admit, the mud field may not do a thing, it relied on to many variables with the weather, but if it worked it would bog down enemy forces going over it while the cat people peppered them with arrows. It was worth a shot.
My little walk done, I had brought my pet back to my room, and had food brought to her. She wouldn't leave, the chain was to heavy to allow that right now.
After I ensured she was secured to the bed I patted her head none to gently, and left for the little garden knoll I had seen Bitter laying in the day before.
When I reached the knoll, Bitter wasn't anywhere near it. I frowned at that, but went into the area and looked around at the tree, and pond. It smelled a small bit like Hybroium, and it reminded me of the first small taste of freedom I had experienced before it was dashed away. 'This place is worth seeing' I though mildly.
I stayed there a moment, when I turned to leave I came face to face with Hate who was regarding the area, and myself. Dear lord not again, I felt this would end badly but stayed where I was.
"Why do you only watch her?" I was somewhat shocked by Hates question, it was not what I had expected. Obviously she meant Bitter, I shrugged a bit. "Don't know" I stated simply, and began to move past her.
She stopped me, placing a hand on my chest above my heart. I froze, and slowly looked down at the hand on me, then into her eyes. I saw her wince, and try to pull her hand away; I snatched it before she could.
"You do not touch me" I stated simply while applying a great deal of pressure on her forearms. I felt the bones crack a bit and saw her gasp at the sudden pain before I released her.
She clutched her hand to her chest, and looked to the side, eyes down cast. Submissive, good. "Never. Touch. Me. Again." I said, enunciating each word carefully. We needed Hate for the battle to come, and I didn't want to kill anymore of my brothers or sisters. The feeling itself was an odd sensation, but I could not argue with it.
She nodded, before moving to the side to let me pass. Regarding her before moving, Shrugging the odd sensation of not wanting to kill her off I went to find Fredrick.
My forearm had multiple fractures, it hurt, but would heal in an hour or two. That wasn't what hurt though, not really. What hurt was that I had been told in very certain terms to never touch him again. It was frustrating, all he did was watch the weakest of them, he gave her attention over Envy, or myself who have made it clear we would do more than just sit there to be stared at.
She feared him to begin with! It wasn't fair. I railed within my own mine at the events sense sexual maturity had reached them. Envy and I had seen Rage look at Bitter, smelled her fear when she noticed. It would have been fine if there sister had been seen as food by him, or someone he was debating on harming. But it was different.
His look was always so concentrated, and intense. It made parts of myself go weak, and grow wet when I saw it. But it was always for the weakling. Never for her or Envy. I cared for Bitter, to an extent, but I hated her at the same time.
She feared him for the past. We were animals for fuck sake. We lived in a kill or be killed world. The weak perished, and the strong thrived.
It hurt more when I knew she had kept pace with Rage, Forge, and Anvil during the initial charge they had led several days ago. The weakest had kept pace, while I had fallen behind. Trying to shake myself from this I just stood in the garden knoll, and was oblivious to my surroundings while lost in my thoughts.
That was when the object of my current small hate, and envy walked in and tapped my shoulder. "Hate are you.." I lashed out without thinking, slapping her, and being met with a growl at the challenge. I began to growl back, baring my fangs.
Hate had slapped me! I was in shock, and instinct kicked in causing me to growl at her, it quickly escalated into more than growls.
We both roared a bit before clashing, our eyes gaining a slight red tinge to them. Most of what happened was a blur, but I remember tackling her, and trying to rip my teeth into her stomach when we both hit the water of the small pond.
It would have quickly become a death battle, we were Berserkers, and lionesses, a battle of dominance with our caste of fighters was always to the death. Before my teeth could latch onto her stomach, she punched me int he side of the head. We had begun circling each other slowly in the pond, swiping with out clawed hands and creating lacerations at least an inch deep in each others shoulders, stomachs, and on one occasion I vaguely felt my breasts being released from the leather strap holding them.
A roar that was a great deal deeper and louder than outs in our fight stopped us. Normally we wouldn't have been able too, but even when we were almost lost to our rage we obeyed the Prides leader. Rage was standing there. My own anger disappeared and was replaced by fear. I knew what would happen, he tortured all those that broke his rules. None of the eight were allowed to fight each other for dominance. Beside me, I heard Hate scoff, and growl lightly at me. "weak" I heard her whisper. Why? We were friends, at least as close as our kind could be, why turn a shocked reaction into a death match.
My thoughts were shattered again when I realized that Hate had begun screaming in pain. Rage had her lifted by her throat, moving her out of the water and onto the grass while his hand was buried inside her stomach. I watched as his fingers made the toned muscle beneath her skin dance, his claws creating small peaks within, while blood cascaded onto the grass.
"What was my rule hate?" He asked calmly, the calm was scary. he was only ever calm when he tortured one of us. "To..*cough* not fight each other" she wheezed out.
"Then why did you break it?" his voice held curiosity while he dug his hand deeper into her stomach; causing her to cry out again.
"Because *scream* she...she has your interest *cough and a small roar of pain*" I was baffled by her words, his interest? What?
Rage froze, and after removing his hand threw her with a great deal of force into one of the stone walk way pillars just outside the garden. Moving to me, I stood still, if I backed away it would show me as weak. I was not weak anymore. I could not help the immense amount of fear I let loose when he came near me, grabbing my neck with the blood stained hand that had been inside Hates stomach. I shut my eyes knowing it would hurt.
Damnit! I was pissed, not only had one of my few rules been broken, but it was a fight between Hate ad Bitter. I'd have to punish them now. I had only begun with Hate when she answered my question and stopped me..Of course, she and Envy probably saw me watch Bitter. I threw her into the hallway, feeling proud that she let out another small roar of pain before moving to Bitter.
I had to punish her now too. Fairness, cruel but fair. Both must be punished. I smelled her fear, it excited me. When I touched her slender neck, and wrapped my blood covered hand around her throat she closed her eyes.
Tilting my head in confusion, I slowly lifted her out of the water, her fear growing more. When I sat her feet on the grass beside me, I leaned in and sniffed near her ear. Her fear spikes more. It almost made me purr, fun.
"Open your eyes Bitter" She did, slowly, after a moment and blanched when she saw my face so very close to hers. I could see her sweat beginning to form.
"You know I have to punish you as well right?" She nodded when I released some pressure on her neck, taking a pained breath. When she had nodded, I grabbed her thigh and squeezed as hard as I could, enjoying the soft firmness of her leg, before hearing a crack as the femur shattered under the pressure.
When she cried out in pain, tears forming in her eyes I dropped her to the ground; allowing her to crawl away from me. I did my best to ignore her breasts that had been bared in the fight. I was not angry at Bitter, it was not normal. What was wrong with me? I had to find out and learn what these feelings I kept getting were when I saw her, and the child. It made me weak, I knew that. I could kill the child, I cared nothing for her, but I didn't. Bitter, Bitter I knew without a doubt I would not be able to kill.
Weak, it made me weak. I have to either expunge this, or kill her to prove I can. My heart stung at the thought. Growling at the small pain, I watched Bitter cringe; I did not like that. Then I walked away. Damn! What was wrong with me?
I'd think on it later, I needed to find my Master.
I looked up in shock as Rage entered the war room. I was speaking with my lieutenants when he had. I saw his blood covered hand, and the very disturbingly large amount of concentration on his face and feared he had killed another noble and the family they belonged too.
"Rage.." He must have known what I was going to ask because he looked at his hand a moment before beginning to lick the blood off. "No Master, it was punishment for one of mine"
I shivered at the calm brutality he had spoken with. But at least it was not another noble, even if it had been a cur like the one who was slain.
"What do you need then?" He waited to answer as he looked at the map, his hand cleaned of blood. I saw him point to one of the small villages behind us.
"Numbers" he said "To few of your people, and mine can do only so much." It was an obvious observation, but I was shocked he cared.
"Yes, I was discussing how to fix this problem. Do you have any input?"
I watched him look at three villages about half a days travel from the fort in the direction of the Draconian Empires main highway. "Conscript, force there men to join us."
I was baffled, what? "We cannot do.." He cut me off without hesitation
"Then we die. We need numbers, they have them. Force them to aid, let them know they die when we do otherwise."
His simple approach was barbaric. There were political obstructions to such and action, and I was shocked more when my wife chimed in support of this. I looked at her in confusion and just saw her smiling her very frightening beautiful smile at Rage who looked disturbed. I wondered what that was about, I'd learn later.
We discussed it for an hour more before I finally gave in. It was true, we needed numbers, my people had died for those lizard men servants of the Draconian's for decades now as we defended the border, and fought. They needed to pay us back, and if we fell, they would too.
I agreed to send some groups of soldiers to conscript from the lizard people all those that could fight. With luck, they would be here on time. We continued our meeting for a time after that, ranging well into the darkness.
It had been hours since I was left in the room. I had eaten, and young monster from my new Masters people brought me more food when it was dinner. I was not punished this time, and could only assume that Master was busy. It oddly made me feel dejected. I was confused before realizing that it was possible that her Master knew I would die from to much so had stopped. He really was going to make sure I lived.
My wounds from yesterday still hurt. I had also not bathed for a time, and did not like how I smelled. I saw the wash basin, and had washed myself with the rag beside it. It got off the grime and dirt, and some of the smell at least. I felt better, even though I had reopened most of the wounds on my body.
Being left alone, was a first. It was not pleasant I learned. I knew there was at least one of the monsters outside the door because when I had moved to much it opened and showed a young male with reddish skin look in, and regard me with detachment, as though I didn't matter.
During one of the check ins as the sun went down, I asked him if he would talk to me. He nodded and came into the room slowly, looking around, his amber eyes seemingly unsure if he should be here.
I asked him about my new Master. I knew his name only really, and wanted to know more.
The male, whose name was Heat, could not answer much. He had described there five years in something they called the "Pit' though. I blanched multiple times at the stories he shared, more so when it came to how my Master had enforced his rules with cruel efficiency, along with there fights against the slaves. I listened to him for two hours about the Pit before I learned that those five years he spoke off, was the entirety of there lives aside from the last few days. But...they were adults, young adults, but adults. My Master and the others all looked to be between eighteen and twenty.
How was it possible they were all only her age? That...was insanity. But I had also witness the walls I felt impossible to have happen, all but occur over night. What were these people? I asked, and was told they were called Pridelings, a race of Leonine shifters that had a lot of quirks, and strange abilities. I knew they were war like, but I learned of there caste system, and how my Master and the other monsters were Berserkers, the strongest within the caste for fighters next to there leaders personal guard, the Black guard.
I was going to ask more when Heat suddenly froze, and abased himself to the door, like a puppy that knew he was going to be hurt. When I looked as well I saw my Master was there. He was leaning against the doorway lightly while glaring at Heat.
I was speechless, how long had he been there? I watched as my Master came in, and grabbed heat by the neck before throwing him into a wall, and breaking one of his hands. I barely heard a whisper as my Master spoke, more growl that voice "Mine"
It made me freeze, they were lions, were no doubt they were territorial like the canine beast men normally were. But was he talking about the room, me, or both?
I winced at the roar filled with pain the came from the smaller one, before he was thrown out. "Find another to do your job." was all my Master said afterwards, before slamming the door, and turning toward me.
he grabbed my chain, and lifted me off the ground with ease, choking me with the gravity before throwing me onto the bed. and sitting beside me, pulling me onto his lap and stroking my hair lightly, only occasionally digging his claws into my scalp.
I was enraged when I saw one of the weaklings in my room. It was mine!, my territory, I was even more so when he was speaking to my pet. I had been overcome with an odd feeling. She never spoke to me at length beyond obeying, and answering a few questions. But she had spoken to him. I did not like that, it was almost like when I saw Hydra eating with Bitter.
I had pulled her into my lap, forcing her to curl into a ball as I stroked her head absently and tried to understand what was happening to me. It was not normal, I felt it weak. I stared down at my pet, contemplating whether snapping her neck would rid me of my growing weakness, but restrained it. If it was her doing this, or even Bitter, I needed to understand it first to stop it in the future.
"Good girl, staying home" I said absently, and saw her tail stand a bit, and the tip twitch. It was kind of adorable. Like she was conflicted on how to feel about the complement. Placing my hands beneath her arms I lifted her up and looked into her deep blue eyes for a moment. I saw resignation in them as I regarded her. She had accepted her fate, yet she never cried out in pain when I abused her, she had taken it in stride. A strength akin to what my Pride had been taught much earlier in life.
She intrigued me much the way Bitter did, but I could not fathom the feelings. They were foreign, they were weak.
Setting her at the foot of the bed, I told her to sleep, and watched her for a while once more, before going to sleep myself, my mind plagued by what was happening to me.
I know this chapter is short, forgive me! I meant to do this and the second much much longer, but I am at work, and it picked up. So while I slowly write the second chapter, it will be much longer, promise, and hold the special portion I promised as well.
I do hope you enjoy how Rage sees the growing emotions outside of rage, and love for war as they grow. I'ts kind of fun to confuse him with them haha. I'm evil, I know.
On a side note, free cookies for all!
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ɢᴏᴛ ʏᴏᴜ (ꜱ.ᴄ)
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