《Blood Born》Chapter Fourteen: Preparations Commence
Hello my lovely readers. It got ridiculously busy here at work, but I did not wish to waste the inspiration that had struck me like a bolt of lightning.
A heads up for this chapter, it is going to be almost utterly dedicated from Rages POV, and I am going to begin focusing more and more on him. Each main character will get there share of time still, but I want to move him forward a bit. I'll be throwing Saphira's POV into this as well maybe one or two others. But it will mostly be Rage.
I hope you enjoy. ^.^
I was awoken by a loud banging noise. Slightly confused by what the hell that was it took me a moment to realize people knocked in the real world outside of the Pit. Shaking my head, and moving legs a bit, I looked down to see the child had curled around my left foot for warmth. Frowning, I kicked her off the bed, she hit with a solid thumb that was followed by a scream when she fell before it cut off, and the chains began to rattle in her attempt to stand.
At the scream, the knocker opened the door and looked in worriedly. It was Fredrick, wonderful. Judging by his look, how his eyes flicked from me to my pet he wanted to discuss her. Fat chance kitty. She's mine. Standing up, I lifted the bed, and pulled the chain looped around the leg and pulled it lightly, causing her to lose her balance'frowning at her, I continued to ignore Fredrick before telling the child to crawl.
She hesitated, so I slapped her across her face, not hard enough to break bone but blood trickled from where her teeth cut the inside of her mouth. "Crawl!" She didn't hesitate this time, getting on all fours and crawling to me. Reaching down when she reached me I patted her head, digging my claws into her scalp lightly. "Good girl"
Turning to see Fredrick, I saw disgust on his face, and tilted my head at him. "Yes, Master?" I asked without making him wait longer.
"Don't call me that!" he snapped, and it made me smile. 'Master' was his new name. "We need to talk about the child..." he continued, frowning a bit I motioned with my hand for him to continue. "You won't release her willingly will you?" I shook my head and smiled, a feint growl beginning in my throat.
"Can you at least dress her better?" I contemplated that, and shrugged lightly. "When she earns better clothing she will get it." That should be common knowledge period. Everything had to b earned.
I saw him sigh, and heard a little mutter about how he had tried, then proceeded to warn me of the problems my pet would cause. "She's a tiger, an enemy, and a young female. Child or not, a lot of my soldiers lost family to her people, and the other beast men. They will try to abuse her, harm her, or kill her. Then the fact we have no slavery here will push buttons and many will want her freed, while many will want her dead."
That was cute, no slavery. It almost made me laugh, but I didn't. "They can try to harm what's mine, Master, but it won't end well. She lives at my sufferance, and will not be allowed to die until I want her to." I felt the chain jiggle slightly as the girl lifted her head to look at me. Staring down I regarded her a moment, and lifted the chain causing the leather to choke her. "No looking up" Waiting a minute, her face turning blue I let her go back down. Still no fear, fun.
When I regarded Fredrick again, he had a defeated look on his face in regards to that. So he chose to ignore the child, it was fun to watch him try so hard.
"We need to prepare for the main army, but our numbers, and our defenses are...limited now." I waved his worries away, the defenses could be fixed with my peoples work.
I began explaining what I needed. For all the metal and armor that was metal of the enemy dead to be brought to the third wall, and placed behind the gate, for Forge to be sent to me, and for the weaklings that could not fight to gather at the gate as well. I knew most of them held the Earth Essence.
Fredrick was confused, but nodded. The letter he read that was assigned to myself gave him the needed information that I could do that at least.
He went about making this happen, and I went on a walk with my pet. Stopping momentarily to admire the little garden area with a pond in it I found. More than that though, I was admiring the bathing Bitter. I stared a while, my pet causing the chains to rattle a bit as she fidgeted. Annoyed, because it caused Bitter to look toward me, I snapped the chain and it struck the side of her head lightly, but firmly.
"No fidgeting pet." She stopped, good, quick learner. I turned back to regard Bitter in all her nude glory under the sun, and was once more confused by the emotions that made my gaze always draw to her when I could. It made my head hurt, and shaking myself mentally I broke the gaze as the first waft of fear hit my nose. It made me angry she feared me for some reason, and continued my walk out of the keep, and toward the gate.
When I reached the third wall, which really after I got a better look at it was nothing more than a single line between the second wall which circled the entire fort, but it was the only way they could enter the keep. I saw that most of the weapons had arrived during my two hour walk with Saphiria. Forge was waiting for me, and asked what I needed him to do.
"I need you to take the steel from this, and force it on the outside of the wall in sheets that are smooth. I don't care how you do it, but make sure they are seamless and smooth when the outer portion of the third wall his covered. Then, if anything is left I want you to create a grated gate in front of the door. I believe the books called it a portcullis."
I watched as he nodded, and began directing the cat people where he needed the metal to be most concentrated at the weak points. It wouldn't replace the wall, but it would create a shield that was bolstered by the wood behind it.
Swinging my gaze to the sixteen wounded, six held the fire essence. I told them to go help the beast men bring in the metal. The ones with earth Essence I began instructing to layer the second wall with hardened dirt, and when that was done they were to find anvil, and have him use his greater affinity with it to turn that dirt into hard stone.
Well, that was easy. I had noticed in my planning with Forge how some of the cats eyes my little Saphiria. Most wanted to harm her judging by the hatred in there eyes, some looked like they wanted to try and gut me for having her as a pet. Let them try, I had smiled at those, baring my fangs.
When I made my way down through the town section and the gate of the second wall, I looked at what was meant to be the killing field, and was slightly stunned. I saw several large dogs that were on fire going around and eating the dead after they had been stripped. What the hell? The cats were giving them a wide birth. I was regarding them with some interest when I heard Curse speak in his soft voice beside me. Quiet little bastard. "Rage, I have managed to summon ten hell hounds with the power I managed to take from all the dead souls. They will clear the field for us, and should be useful"
Always the quick thinker, I liked Curse for that if nothing else, Grunting in acknowledgment I waved a hand vaguely over the expanse of the first wall, and the large field of lang between it and the second.
"When you can, have the ones making the second wall come here and repair this first wall with just a hill of dirt all around. Then I want you to let Anvil, and Envy know to find me when it's all done. I expect the entire affair will take a few days."
I saw Curse nod, shock showing on his face, I had not spoken much like this before. But it was preparations for the coming battle. I needed each order to be detailed, and done without question.
Leaving him to it, I began making my way back through the town, my pet still crawling slowly beside me. That's when I caught a vague blur fly by my head, I wasn't thinking when I launched my arm up, and caught it in my hand. An arrow? with the head pointed...to my pet. Following the line of sight I saw the kneeling figure and their shock. Oh you dumb piece of shit, I thought. Dropping the chain I ran after him, a small roar leaving my lips, the cat was to stunned at the fact I had caught his arrow to even register, then I was on him. A solid punch in the face and he was down. unconscious. WEAK! Why are they so weak. I dragged the pathetic male by his feet back to my pet, and picked her chain up after rubbing her head for staying still, putting more pressure on her scalp with my claws. "Good girl." I saw he tail twitch in annoyance, it was slightly cute. Walking back up to the keep, dragging the unconscious male, I say Hate who fell in behind me, wondering no doubt what I was doing with him.
She regarded the child with indifference though. When we reached the keep a female cat in a long dress, likely a noblewoman of there clan came running out screaming something about how dare I do that to her husband. Hate stopped her short with her sword at her neck, a trickle of blood flowing down the length of the blade where it dug into her flesh slightly.
Good, she didn't kill her yet. Fredrick was there, luckily. He would not like this I imagined. When I finished telling him all he could do was sigh, while the Tabby Hellen regarded me with disdain, and looked at my pet with sympathy and pity. That wouldn't do.
"Stand" I said while shaking the chain lightly. I watched her slowly get up, blood fell lightly from her scrapped palms, and tattered knees, bits of gravel stuck into he flesh. Dropping the males leg, I bent down and retrieved a knife that I had felt in his boot. Handing it to the girl, I watched as Fredrick's eyes widened. "No Rage, you cannot just kill one of my.."
"An example" I said cutting him off. "Weakness thrives in those that think they will escape judgment for harming what is another's, and I refuse to allow this weak pathetic creature to experience the glory of war that will soon befall us."
I handed the knife to the girl, instructing Hate to make the female kneel, and hold her so she would be forced to witness the spectacle. I heard a few of my Pride show up, the six injured I had sent for metal, there job complete now, and form up around the few that looked like they might charge in. Weaklings they may be, but they were mine.
Pointing at the male I told her very simply. "Kill him" I saw her eyes widen in shock, looking from me, to the knife, and slowly to the man that almost killed her. I watched, for the first time, something other than resignation and acceptance cross her eyes.
Hatred, so I held the mans head, he was regaining consciousness, and fighting when he saw his wife on her knees, and forced with her head held up to look at him, a sword against her throat.
Enough of that, so I held him still, and made them watch each other. I really did like playing with my prey. I told the girl exactly how to cut to slit the throat and make him suffer as he bled out, from jaw to jaw, deep enough to not heal and clot, but not so deep it ended quickly. At this point both were crying, and Fredrick was trying to tell me not to do this.
'Fuck them' I thought, and nodded at Hate, who drew her sword slowly along the females neck, cutting it, her blood slowly drenching the white gown she wore. It was fun to have the male try to lunge forward. "Do it" I said, and my little pet cut his throat just as I had shown her.
letting him fall next to his dying mate I took the knife from her tiny hands, and threw her over my shoulder. Chain and all, I knew she wouldn't be moving on her own anytime soon.
"Make sure the others that want to harm what is mine know that next time, there kids join in." I said in a very calm, almost happy manner. I saw fear slide through his eyes at the brutal action I had done, but nodded.
I heard him order two soldiers to gather up the bodies, and moved them to be buried. I hardly cared. I told my pet what a good girl she was for doing what she was told, and rubbed her back, slicing my claws into her soft flesh; only deep enough to scratch and cause pain. Nothing that would debilitate her. I heard her soft whimper of pain, and smiled to myself as I made my way back toward my room. Today had been a good so far.
I had killed someone, without thinking I had taken a life. This was my thought process right up until I my back was rubbed and I was told I had been a good girl. The pain of his claws digging into my back broke my thoughts.
I had hated the male that shot the arrow, not for shooting it, but because he had failed to strike home. I didn't dare disobey an order either, because my master would not kill me, he'd made that plain. He'd make my life worse though.
That was ok though. There was no way that this fort could survive the army coming to attack it. Regardless of the nonsense she heard earlier. Turning a wall to stone with so few in so little time, and coating another in steel? Impossible my mind said. I was five, not stupid. Only the strongest magic users could do that, and I doubted someone of that skill was here.
When I was thrown onto the ground of my Masters room, I whined at my butt hit the floor, it hurt. I saw him smile. It was odd, I only ever saw him smile in anyway that seemed almost normal when he hurt me. I couldn't even hate him, all I could do was wait and hope he killed me finally. I wanted death so badly, I was made a slave by my own father after he lost a gamble to cover his debts. Things had been done to me but the slavers before my last master bought me. I was broken, I knew that this master was trying to make me feel fear, but how he acted and stared. Randomly throwing out pressure that choked me, but the fear was long gone from my body.
I waited on my sore bleeding knees, for a while after he left. When he came back, my ears perked a bit at what he had in his hands. It Look liked leather, dyed red.
"Cloths, off" he said in the normal commands that held nothing like what he had told the other monsters. These were simple. Standing, I slowly stripped, showing my half starved body. His cold amber eyes regarded it, before throwing me the leather jerkin, and leggings that were old, but covering and better than what I had worn.
"For being a good girl." He petted me, and I winced more as he dug his claws in a little further. He left again when I had dressed, and ensuring the chain was looped under the bed. What was her Master doing now? I knew I was the equivalent of a pet for him, but I still didn't understand.
When the door opened again, I smelled food. Cooked meat, vegetables. My mouth drooled, and I fought so hard to not show the desire in my eyes for that plate, even as my starved stomach betrayed me. My Master regarded me, and set it down by the door, moving to the bed he instructed me to eat. I dove on it, without thinking. When I took my first bite, that's when I felt a sting hit the uncovered portion of my shoulder, it was white hot. I stopped eating to turn around and see a small leather strip, long enough to reach me.
"Eat" he said. Dear god, he was going to whip me while I ate. No reward without punishment. My life would be hell, every moment he could make it such. I didn't hesitate again, I knew he would hurt me, then heal me somehow if I didn't. I ate, and with each bite he struck another portion of my body not covered in leather.
By the end of my meal, my feet, shoulders, and triceps were all lacerated and oozing blood. I had begun to cry from the pain, but I had finished my meal.
Turning to offer him the blade, tears streaking down my face I told him my thanks, my old master liked being thanked, so did the slavers after...never mind "Thank you, Master" I saw him frown at that, then throw the little leather strip to the side. It had grown dark during my meal. Watching him blow the light out after he put the plate of food outside the door, he dragged me once more to the foot of his bed.
"Sleep" he ordered, he sounded grumpy...Why? I was to hurt, and exhausted after the day to wonder much before sleep took me though, taking me from the pain.
When I had left her earlier, to check on Forges progress, I had been cornered by Hellen. I tried growling at her and moving passed but she had put a hand on me, and threw me into the wall, keeping me there. This tiny, curvy woman had just pinned me, and I could not move. What the fuck?
"Listen here you bastard, you are going to give that child cloths, and food or so help me I will castrate you, and make sure you never have little monsters of your own."
I just widened my eyes at her. Why the hell couldn't I move? It felt like I was in the presence of one of the Ten again. She was exuded that much killing intent. I nodded, after a moment, real fear flowing through me a moment before I calmed down.
I watched her smile a beautiful smile, and sashay her way back down the hall. Son of a....She was not someone to be underestimated any longer.
Shaking my head, I watched her move away, then moved, slowly, to follow to the third gate. Forge was almost done with his task. Anvil had begun to turn sections of the wall to stone on the second wall, and the ten injured cubs were beginning to repair the first wall as an earthen barrier. Fast workers, were my Pride.
It would take at least a day for Anvil to finish his task, and Envy had strangely not come to see me. Curse must not have found her, or she was exploring with the others. Didn't matter right now. Tomorrow I'd find her personally.
When I had returned with the leather for my pet, she stripped as ordered, and was nothing but bones. I didn't enjoy that. It meant she would not be able to take as much abuse.
So adhering to Hellens very real threat, she followed me apparently to make sure I did as I was told, I brought food. I had whipped my pet with each bite. When she had finished finally, she had thanked me and called me Master.
I'd frowned at her, and she got a confused look on her face. I did not like being called Master, it seemed. Ignoring it, I took the plate out, blew the light out, and dragged her to the foot of my bed, putting my feet against her back again when she fell asleep. Why did I simply not kill my pet, I thought for not the first time that night as I struck her during her meal.
I could only guess for now. But it confused me greatly. One day down, by the reports from Fredrick, and Cruelty who i had sent out with two others, the enemy army would be here in two more days.
Two more days to prepare, tomorrow, I would have to speak with Fredrick about our exact numbers. I smiled as I fell asleep for the night, real battle and the planning it took was so much fun.
Here you go folks, and woohoo! I see 90 followers. ten from the 100 goal for a super special chapter for everyone haha..
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