《Bugs》Chapter 27
Happy to get a proper supply of potion and with the large boost in mana thanks to the hive, I happily head to the town gates on the west side.
A little geography lesson about the area.
The west side is considered the most dangerous of all the sides of the town because it’s the closest to the forest. To the east a good part had been cut and the weeds and underbrush had been cleared to around 70% so animals couldn’t hide as well. From the north west and southwest sides it was the same and beyond that point all roads virtually ended. It’s a trek in a closed forest that stretches miles. Now another useful note to take into account is that though this is considered the western region it’s actually closer to the center of the continent and furthest of the opened land from all the coasts.
That said, I think there are some areas that they made fishing villages and port towns around some really large rivers leaving the forest in direction to the other regions.
Geography lesson done I headed out through the west entrance and took the beaten path straight through the farmland.
Though I avoided most of the rabbits and after taking a good look I saw foxes hunting the rabbits, as well as wolves. I couldn’t avoid the only one I truly hated.
“HEY BUDDY!” Said a hoarse voice of an irritating old man.
As if by instinct already my arm moved to elbow him in the gut but he caught that on.
“Good tr... UF!” After he caught my elbow but I simply spun my arm up making my fist connect with his nose cracking it.
He fell on the ground holding it in pain.
“How many times do i have to tell you I don’t want to be a fucking achievement hunter. There isn’t even a fucking achievement system in this damn game. You fucking masochist!” I said and turned around and walked closer to the forest.
I looked back and saw he was not even 20 steps behind me.
I can’t even call my bugs thanks to him.
“If you keep stalking me I will report you.” I say.
“As if that would resolve anything. I’m not cheating, hacking or doing anything against the rules.” He said.
“I think stalking is a good enough reason to report you.” I tell him.
“Fine, do it and see what happens.” He says with a grin.
I shrug and open the menu and then customer service. Then there is a section report player.
A screen appeared and a young woman appeared.
[Hello sir, how may I aid you?] She asked.
“Yeah, there is an idiot that won’t take no for an answer and keeps stalking me and I’m about to enter a forest to train and he calls himself an achievement hunter so I am worried about how his retarded thrill seeking will affect my time here.” I say.
[One moment please.] she says and the screen vanished. Moments later the young woman appeared next to me dressed like a paladin.
She took a look at Ulfred and frowned.
“Should have known it was this idiot!” She scoffs.
“So it’s not the first time?” I ask.
“I’m afraid not.” She says.
“Oh miss Monica it’s good to see you again.” He says with some sweat on his brow.
“Okay mr. Droso, I don’t need to check any video feed to confirm what you said since i am more then already certain he was actually stalking you.” She says.
“Yeah, how do i deal with him?” I asked.
“For 1 week ingame you will be put on a restraining order Ulfred. You can’t get within 100 meters of this man inside the town and 500 meters outside of the city. You also get your first warning for pestering this player.” Monica said.
“This player, how many has he done this to before?” I asked.
“Around 48, seven of which were willing to use a lot of real money to teleport their character to a different region.” She said making me facepalm. She pulled out a crystal and tossed it to me.
“Wait! Do..!” before he could finish the crystal touched my hand and a sudden shock wave was released from the crystal sending him flying. Then the crystal melted into my hand forming the pattern it had on my hand.
“In a week it will vanish. If he keeps acting up report him again and we can give you a stronger restraining order. If he does it a third time he is banned for stalking and mentally endangering other players.” She says.
I nod and thank her and she vanishes.
I look at my palm then at the very far off idiot that had crash landed on his face.
It was funny to see that at least and since I saw it live I quickly opened the live feed and saved the part of him being smashed by the shockwave and then crash on the ground.
This was totally going on the net, this and that video of him ‘assaulting’ Debby.
I turned around and entered the forest while releasing the Tier 2 bugs Flesh Hunter Wasp, Scavenger Wasp and Bug Hunter Midges.
The numbers have grown nicely and each bordering around 300 each. They were still bugs so as a swarm I needed to see their fighting potential and look for weaknesses.
First thing though, i needed to change ‘Bug’ hunter Midges into animal hunters. Also I need to see if the two wasps would die if they used their stingers and what poison they have.
I pulled out a small glass bottle and put a thin cap on it.
I then called a Flesh Hunter Wasp and told it to release it’s poison inside the bottle.
Drop of Flesh Hunter Neurotoxin
A special type of Neurotoxin found in Flesh Hunter Wasp. Unlike common wasps that eat bugs, the Flesh Hunter’s target is small mammals and it flies in swarms. The sting from a single wasp is followed by excruciating pain from the insertion from the stinger as well as the Neurotoxin that works to paralyze the prey but unlike other Neurotoxins that slowly numb the senses this one causes the pain receptors react and brings about a pain comparable to being touched by a hot iron.
For a small creature such as a rat, it takes the sting of three wasps to paralyze it and 5 strings for the rat to enter cardiac arrest and die.
For something the size of a rabbit it would take around 20 stings to kill.
I shiver when I see the text about the poison. This is much stronger than most bugs on earth already. Considering it's a Tier 2 bug I don’t doubt the pain behind its sting wouldn’t match or outclass the bullet ant’s bite for now.
Seeing the Flesh Hunter’s poison was a bit afraid and thankful they followed my will. I then got a new bottle and had a scavenger do the same.
Drop of Scavenger Wasp Neurotoxin
The Neurotoxin is only usable as a defense mechanism. That said, because it focuses completely as a defense mechanism toxin focuses completely on causing pain towards the predator.
The poison is non lethal alone and can’t kill not even in high doses but for small creatures the pain can cause them to enter into shock and mental collapse allowing the scavengers to slowly kill the animal by making it suffer mind numbing pain until it’s brain shuts down.
I cringe even more with this one.
“Seriously it says it’s only used as a fucking defense mechanism yet it’s enough to cause enough pain for an animal's brain to shut down. This fucking bug is sick and sadistic.” I shout in my mind.
Seriously you can’t underestimate the natural world sometimes. Since they have such strong poisons I call up those who have the strongest poisons. I haven’t done this yet which I should, I have those with the strongest poison make a branch of breeding but I make sure to keep the stats potential with the proper ones.
Now the Bug Hunting Midges. They aren’t animal hunters but it can be changed. They are blood suckers and feed off other bugs and some species are like mosquitos and can suck blood from mammals.
Their hunting method is a bit easier since I can simply follow the same route I did with Vampiric Mosquitoes.
With that in mind i find the weakest 100 of all three bug species and spread them out to scout.
This is most definitely the best part about being a bug breeder. The forces you can use to scout can’t be compared.
After a little while I found some grey wolves. Of the wolf species Grey ones are the weakest followed by brown, black then silver. Silver wolf is a boss monster in some places they have a rare spawn rate and when one appears the strength of wolves suddenly rises.
The wolf was a female with two pups.
The mother would be a problem but nothing we couldn’t deal with. Though most people would aim for the back of the head or neck where it’s weak I can’t do that since the strength of the bugs isn’t enough to surpass the barrier of fur. On the other hand you aim for the weak spot all quadrupeds have, the underbelly.
When one of the wasps entered the wolves view I noticed how the wolf mother avoided it. She must have experience and knew that their sting wasn’t a joke.
Because they buzz when they fly they can’t remain hidden against the wolf but since this was one of the scouts I wanted to test how strong the scavenger poison is.
I moved it quickly towards the wolf while weaving along the flora and got near the pup.
When they stopped near a small stream it landed and crawled over to the leg of one wolf pup and onto the underbelly.
Though crawling too much would cause it to notice, I reach just between the joint of the right hind leg and order the scavenger to sting there.
It took 5 seconds for the pained whimpers of the pup to reach my ear and I could feel the scavenger didn’t sting just once and was continuously stinging it.
Like I thought, it really is a sadistic bug.
The wolf mother was on alert and looking at its pup who was in pain. When the wolf saw the wasp it carefully swatted it away pushing it away but that was it since it still feared the sting.
Suddenly a lot of buzzing came from all around.
Just then the swarm of scavenger wasps came out and suddenly latched onto all the wolves.
The wolf mother began biting and swatting as were the pups.
With each killed wasp I felt like a needle was punching a hole inside me.
Eventually all the wolf pups were foaming to the mouth and the mother was spasming.
I recalled the wasps and the Midges moved in and flew to the underbelly and all began to stick their stingers into the wolves and started to get bloated.
When one was filled it would leave and open room for another and would rapidly digest the blood and return to me.
For over 15 minutes the wolves were under the painful assault until they died of either blood loss or their mind was shut off due to the pain.
Afterwards the Bug Hunter Midges kept eating and I noticed some were dying.
I looked through them and found nearly 200 of them were sick due to eating mammal blood and not bug blood.
I quickly have them breed. The 100 that weren’t sick were the strongest of the breed and the two I had bred all of them with pairs that were of equal potential.
I then used the mother wolf as the location for them to place the larva and so they placed 8 larva each. I wanted to see if they survived or not so I sent the body into the Rainforest where they live and recalled all the sick ones and told them to rest.
I will monitor them and see how it goes. They may evolve if they survive or change into a different kind of race.
The other pup told the wasp they can eat them.
Oh right, I got one grey wolf pelt, 2 grey wolf pup pets, 5 grey wolf claws and a wolf tail.
Each species of wasp took back one pup to the hive themselves while leaving the strongest larva on them before returning out here.
Now I want to test the effectiveness of only the Flesh Hunter’s poison.
I really won’t be using Scavengers to hunt anymore. They may be stormtrooper type bugs but i won’t have them as the main fighting units unless i need a really good distraction.
I spread out the scouts again and soon found a small pack of 4 males and 5 females grey wolves. For a player party you would need a full party of levels 20-24 to fight the grey wolves [Level 18-21]. The reason should be obvious. Pack mentality. The main reason the rabbits were a pain to beat until recently.
This time I don't wait for them to notice the swarm and send the scavengers first to distract them and try to sting the legs and underbelly and decrease their speed.
The beating of their wings made a really intimidating sound that put the wolves on alert but the sudden swarm that came from all sides made it even worse since they didn’t know where the threat was.
About 10% of the swarm went for the faces and jaws to distract the wolves while the rest did a quick dive under them and began stinging them several times before flying off.
The countless stings paralyzed the wolves with pain but they flailed around after a moment. Those that got up limped on all legs and were itching and biting themselves as if they had the worst fleas in the world.
Before I could do anything more I saw the funniest thing I ever witnessed in the world. One of the wolves was making a peculiar motion. It was sitting on the ground while wiggling its butt around. It would pull on its butt while dragging its body about using its front paws fairly frequently. Soon another wolf joined in, then another came a minute after as well. Giving it a little thought, I understood the situation, they were stung in their butt by the swarm. Watching the wolves, I noticed three others were doing the same thing and began copying him.
As much as I wanted to kill them for the exp I simply couldn’t because I could easily make a ton of cash on this video on the net.
I held back my laughter so I could see more but when it seemed the pain had gotten too much for them they collapsed on the ground. I didn't want to put them through more so I had the Flesh hunters advance and sting them in places like arteries where the poison would travel fastest. That also caused them to… concentrate… in between the hind legs since a lot of veins pass there.
I had to look away out of pity but soon the window announcing they were dead showed up and I split the bodies fifty fifty for both races.
I dismissed them back to the hive while setting them to breed. After what I saw, I felt too much pity for them to continue hunting with these demonic sadistic bugs.
I return to the farms and head to the town.
I saw from far away that freaking hobo nearby but he can’t get close.
I call Debby and find where she is.
I found she had plans to head into the rat dungeon. Apparently she had created scented rat poison pellets.
It would be an effective trap if we aimed for the nests and would cause mass mayhem for the rats in the dungeon as well but rats are cunning and would learn quickly I think. But the quick exp gained would be worth a few hours in the sewers i guess.
As I walk the path to the town gate. At the base of a few trees at the side of the road caught my attention. It wasn’t that there was something on it but i kind of realized, “WHY THE FUCK HAVEN’T I LOOKED UNDER ROCKS YET!?” I nearly shouted.
I turned to the rocks and bent over. Finding a spot I could pull the rock best, I found which side is deeper and which is shallower and pulled.
As soon as I do so I instantly find under it a bed of different bugs.
I grab a stick and start to push them all around. Centipedes were walking around, beetles and all kinds of bugs but of course I was looking for specifics.
Not finding it under the first rock I went to a few and found no bugs until the seventh rock where more bugs were hiding under.
I smiled when I saw a good number of what bugs I wanted.
I poke them and they roll up in a small ball that I could easily lift.
“Tame!” I say and a small glow surrounds the bug.
You have tamed Pill Bug
A grin appeared on my face as I tossed him into the hive and kept at it until I caught 20 of them.
I looked through them and saw 12 females and the rest males. Nodding, I have them breed at random to raise the number. I found they were sent to the Rainforest that had lots of foliage. Regular diet for pill bugs is dead leaves but soon it will change as I supply meat for them to eat. The best advantage is that they lay eggs instead of larva.
Happy at my catch, I race to Flor who should be waiting in the Sewer entrance for me. I still need to show her the videos. I can’t wait to rewatch those.
- In Serial106 Chapters
Dungeon Core Chat Room.
This is a slower-paced "experiment and dungeon building" web novel that tries to use the idea of peer-to-peer communication with Dungeon Cores instead of Dungeon to slave monster communication to break up the detailed dungeon building. Rank 1 description: (minimum met for system initialization...detailed description as follows) Each race was given a system by the gods to make up for their shortcomings and balance their place in this world. Humans: Abysmally bad at understanding and using magic unable to use more than the lowest of magic were given the "Skill System" magic in the form of premade skills with use, study, and mastery tied to experience. Elves: Intuitively understand magic and have long lives leading to vast knowledge and skill in their chosen fields. However, as a species, they have nearly zero sex drive and less than low fertility, so they were gifted the "World Tree System" with experience gained through the care of natural areas – gifting the chance of children to increase their numbers without dirty copulation. All “natural” or “wild” monsters are given an "Evolution system" designed around killing and consuming as many creatures as possible, slowly increasing strength and, at thresholds, allowing mutations to alter them multiple times. Dungeon cores are different. Unlike humans, they can see, manipulate and live off mana. Unlike Elves, they naturally crystallize after extended periods of time in high mana level areas. However, they cannot easily move or communicate and typically go insane without companionship. As a species other than the odd eccentric they are unimaginative. Brute forcing solutions without the drive to truly innovate. Thus they have been gifted with the "Dungeon Connection System" a magical version of the internet accessible by their peers that allows them to barter and sell: bait, traps, monsters, and knowledge, as well as entertain each other with “adventure streams” using exciting recorded battles and humorous reels of arrogant chumps biting off more than they can chew to often fatal effects. This is the casual story of a dungeon unluckily spawned far from potential adventurers forced to innovate beyond its peers to find its place in this world. Rank 2 Description: Justification. I've been on a dungeon core kick for months and while I love the genre – it's sparse with entries. Often the forced conflict gets repetitive and frantic solving of threats "power levels" the protagonist to god levels to progress the plot – taking away the nice steady progression fantasy I'm looking for. (Progression in this story is linked to how strong of monsters/traps/whatever he can create not his "level"...this is demonstrated by some of his newer monsters beating his older monsters not with discrete "this monster has 10 attack this one has 40") Additionally, the focus on 3rd parties with their drama takes away from the reason I’m reading dungeon core novels in the first place – I'm looking for magical crafting, experimentation and kingdom building – not defence from higher and higher levelled enemies looking to steal/destroy/control the MC. This novel is kind of just me writing the story I wish I could read. I like thinking about the experimentation that can be done in fantasy settings using 'mana' as an excuse to make up rules and try to keep them internally consistent. IE once I define how a rule works, I'm going to commit to keeping it – no breaking hard truths I've given when it's convenient, even if it backs me into a corner. Hopefully, that should make the story interesting to read even if it's SOL and less action-oriented. There will be problems to solve and a clear progression in strength (of created monsters and knowledge) however due to not wanting to force conflict for the sake of conflict the general theme will be closer to slice of life with few action sequences and no overarching goal so please keep that in mind when picking this up as the genre is not for everyone. Finally, I have a clear goal of what I want from this story (not an endless romp but a series of arcs and then a conclusion that's a couple of dozen medium-sized chapters long) I want to commit to finishing it or at least bringing it to a point of rest. I hate all the engaging stories that stop with a “hiatus” indefinitely so in the event I lose motivation I'll work to end this even if the ending becomes rushed/unsatisfying just to give a sense of closure. I’m planning on including several polls in terms of direction and taking feedback heavily into account if I get enough readers (but may choose to ignore it if it deviates too far from the direction I want to take this as in feedback like: “The MC needs a cartoonishly evil arch-enemy that wants to enslave him and force the mc to pump out magic items” or “the MC needs to make a body and learn teleportation then live with humans” will get shot down without consideration.)
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Everly is a werewolf living in a pack where no one wants her. Her mother and father don't treat her the same as her beautiful sister. She has learned to get used to their unfairness towards her. Her sister, Victoria, humiliates her in school, at home, around her parents, and the whole pack thinks she's a weak link. But no one can take away how she feels when she runs in wolf form. Something only her mother and father know about her is she's a black wolf, the only known female black wolf in existence. She doesn't think anything of it, in fact it's something her mother and father hate about her the most. She can't wait to find her mate and just get away from her pack and family.When their pack alpha dies a new one comes in, Maddox, one of the most feared Alphas. When he comes to the new pack he instantly starts showing Everly some confusing attention. She doesn't know whether he likes or hates her. But what happens when her eighteenth birthday rolls around? The day she's supposed to finally know who her mate is....or isn't.Secrets start to unveil themselves causing trouble not only with Everly and Maddox but also with her family and the surrounding packs. Find out what happens when situations occur and they try to figure out how to fix it...and fast.Number 1 in #Werewolf- 2020
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