《Bugs》Chapter 28


At the moment, both me, Flor and several large bulky men were rolling on the ground laughing.

To explain this let us rewind several minutes back.

Twenty minutes ago when i reached the sewer entrance we found a multitude of players spam killing the rats in the area. Most of these were low leveled players who had followed the swarm since they knew the stronger rats inside would be kept at bay.

Now going to where I arrive.

After grabbing the Pill Bugs and having them breed until I can get a good number of them I met up with Flor who stood just outside the smell range of the sewer.

"Hey! What took so long?" Flor asked me as I arrived.

"I remembered a place where I could get some bugs so I found one type I have been looking for." I told her.

"So another one added to the army. Well your main battle power in the future will depend on them. I suggest you think of that early on." She told me.

"Yeah, i know. Anyway why are you all the way out here and not down there?" I asked, curious.

"Two reasons, the idiotic attempts to party with me and the rats." She said.

"Aren't rats easy?" I asked clearly remembering the level range.

"Since the rabbits downgraded stronger rats have started to come out. The range now is levels 2-5 the weakest creatures were recently created to balance the power and are slimes that also live in the sewers but a different branch of it." She explains.

"Besides ratmen what other things could be coming out?" I asked.

"Plague rats, venom rats, bull rats with ratman riders. In short it’s a small scale invasion force the players have begun fighting back." She said.

I somewhat understood.

"Are we going?"

"Too many people who would try to recruit us or get in the way. We need a full party for this." She said.

"Then let’s call those policemen from before. I doubt I would worry with them in the group." I told her.

"Yeah, we can do that."

With that we PMed their leader and when they heard about the possibly easy exp and constant battle zone they were raring to go. They said their group already has 7 of their platoon mates and they would gather where we are.

Party system in this game has no limits to the size. That said once the number of people in a party surpasses 6 the party is then referred to as a raid party.

Most people advise against this since the exp is split between everyone but again. Raid party's name already says it all. You get the most benefits when you raid. It can be dungeons, hideouts, castles whatever. In a raid party the system seems to give a small stat boost to the party at the expense of a larger number of people. The more people the more strength boost. The best element for a raid party is definitely in a dungeon and even more so during a kind of event like this.

We moved a bit to the side of the road and I started to cook food with my own cauldron. I was going to make soup from seasoned wolf and dried rabbit meat soup with potato.

First starting with cooking the wolf meat then adding the dried rabbit meat a little bit later after the wolf meat had been somewhat cooked. Then I had water until about four fingers above the meat and then started adding the peeled and cut potatoes. Finally i start to add seasoning and scented herbs to the mix.


It wouldn't be exaggerated to say the men found us by following the smell of the food.

The seven well built men wearing beginner plate and leather armor were drooling when they arrived.

Golet, the leader of the seven man police force, was almost making a waterfall.

Luckily i was almost finished so i simply handed out the bowls and used the ladle to scoop and pour the soup.

The meat had gone tender and the dried one was almost melting after it had sucked up so much water and left the liquid concentrated.

It was good to eat cooked food and it gave me another level in cooking.

As everyone sat satisfied I remembered the videos I took.

"Hey guys, i got a video to share with you guys." I said catching everyone's attention.

Sharing videos can only be done between players for obvious reasons. Not to mention you can't be near NPC to keep them from thinking we are crazy.

I pass them a copy of the restraining order video first.

"I found out that if someone stalks you, you can get a restraining order. Look what it does." I told them with a smile.

And so they all look into mid air watching the video.

"Pff..." one of them almost loses it but holds back the laughter.

They all had cramped faces after seeing the idiot land on his head.

"This one i found after… testing a creature i bred." I said with a slight frown.

I upload the full video to them of the bugs swarming and passing through.

They frowned as they saw the wolves in pain and were about to ask what was funny but the first wolf started scratching its own ass and the cramped faces returned before it broke into laughter.

And so we are back to the present.

We were rolling on the ground for a good few minutes before we started to get dizzy from the lack of air.

Waiting a bit, catching my breath, I sat up. The sound of me getting up makes the others follow and we all start getting up.

As we laugh out the last bit of giggles Golet asks me something.

"The video was funny and all but you said that it was a creature you bred?" He asked.

At once all of the men looked at me just as curious.

"Might as well tell you. My class is a breeder type class for bugs. I can control them with my mind." I call out a scavenger wasp and have it land on my hand. The bastard was in the basic format of a wasp, two long wings, a pointed abdomen, a dark brown color and it's scary size of 12 cm long.

"Fuck, this bastard looks mean!" One of the men shouted.

"Droso, how did this thing cause so much pain for the wolves. I doubt simple stings would cause that." Golet asked.

I pulled out the bottle with the drop of Scavenger wasp neurotoxin.

"There is a small drop of poison in there. Identify it if you have the skill and share what you find." I tell them.

I hand the bottle to Golet and he, as well as everyone, turns to the smallest man who had leather gear and a bow on his back and a short sword on his side.

They toss him the bottle and he gets it with no problem and looks inside.

It took a few tries but he got it eventually and started to read.


The first part of the text was alright, nothing much but when he started to read the second paragraph, his words turned strained and his face turned pale. Not only his but everyone's face including Debbie's was very pale.

They turned from the man to me then their eyes landed on the wasp.

"W... Are you a sadist Droso?!" Golet asked with a strained voice.

"OF COURSE NOT!!! I just found out today and went to test their combat potential. Forget about combat, I will never breed this thing beyond tier 3." I said.

They look at me strangely before I sigh and explain my grading system for the bugs up until now.

"This is tier 3 then?" Golet asked, a bit pale. "What is a tier 3 then?"

"I would say a monster bug, here let me show you."

I call out one of the Thunderbolt Darter Royal Guard. The beating of his wings startled the guys because it sounded like a swarm of bees by himself. Heh, if they saw the swarm then they would shit themselves.

Though they didn't say it, I told them the physical stats of this variant of the breed was a bit stronger then a recently registered player.

A clear show of disbelief spread through their faces so I proved it. A player with 10 strength could lift about 40 kilos.

I brought out 35 kilos just to be sure it would lift it.

I tried it with a small rope, adding to the weight.

Then, had him lift it up.

He landed on top of the pile and began beating his wings and quickly rose up into the air leaving the jaws of the seven men on the ground.

"Well, less about the bugs you may see in action if we aren't around to many other players and more about strategy. We are going deeper right?" I asked.

Snapping out of their shock as I speak and recall the royal guard who I allowed to keep the meat for his hard work.

“Oh, right. Yes we want to go deep into the dungeon maybe even beat it.” Gelot said.

“First we should tell each other’s class. To get some information on how we fight.” I say. “My class is called Arthromancer which is like i told you, a type of bug breeder but i also fight with Glaive so i can be vanguard or frontliner. I’m level 23.”

“I am an Alchemist but i have trained with the bow and arrow and mix it with the poisons i make in with the arrows i use. I’m level 15.” Flor said.

“I’m currently a warrior class currently level 13.” Gelot said. Oh right, Gelot’s is 180 cm tall with a large build, slight tan skin and short brown hair in a buzzcut .

Next was Gelot’s right hand man, called Orion. He has short black hair, about 178 cm tall with a similar large build like all the policemen who look like bodybuilders.

“Like the Boss, I’m a warrior but to compliment his fighting style I learned magic and mixed it with swordsmanship. I’m level 11.” he said.

Next came Avent, he is shorter than the others and with hispanic traits, straight black hair and a kind of native indian like face. He was 170 cm tall and well built like all the cops. He was the one that identified the drop of neurotoxin.

“I got the Scout class from the archer and thief hybrid branch. It was something we needed and I have always been one of the best at tracking since I would normally go sport hunting. I’m level 9.” He said.

After him was a large black man which was the biggest of the group and most muscular. His name was Tyson and he wore similar metal armor to Gelot but he had his metal gloves customized to have a few spikes on the first digit of all his fingers. Seems he is a boxer so he fights with his hands more than anything.

“I unlocked the hidden class Fighter after training my boxing and kickboxing in the training hall. The trainer told me the best armor I should use is cloth since I would be moving a lot or the max leather armor since my build is large but I prefer metal. I’m level 12.” He said.

Most are turning out to be frontliners it seems. After him came Harm, don’t ask me why. He is probably the thinnest of the men and is one of the few with full leather armor. He is 174 with black hair and a pair of glasses on his face over his dark eyes. He is the thinker of the group. On his waist is a mace and a shield on his left arm but on his back is a long magic staff.

“I was able to get the Mage class. It is because we need someone to be a DPS caster (Damage per second mage class) and I doubt these idiots would stick themselves in a library long enough to learn enough magic for this class. Just reached level 8 today.” He said.

After him is the fifth man. His name is Hawk, he wears half leather and half metal plate armor with a longbow on his back. He looked irish with pale skin and red hair.

“Got the archer class but wondering about getting some crafting class skills and trying to fabricate guns and make the marksmen class if necessary. Got level 10 yesterday.” He said.

The final guy in the group was the youngest of the group but not in the least the smallest. Ripley, seemed to be a recent addition that was transferred over. He was tanned with short curly black hair and with a large scar on his cheek. He has light metal and leather armor.

“I took Rogue class since no one wanted to take the shady class even when there is already a scout. Oh and I got level 11 this morning.” He finished.

With that the introductions were done with. Everyone was still adapting to using swords but they had more skill at fighting due to their job. It would be an advantage they could easily exploit.

After that we began to set up a formation for ourselves but I had forgotten about a single thing that had popped up behind me with a hearty laugh.

“MWAH HA HA! This great one has come to aid you in this fight! This great one will fight in front and push back all enemies before anyone can get close to mister.” Said the high pitched voice of a certain little queen I had left sleeping.

Everyone was completely frozen seeing the little bug girl. Everyone but me who took out the small wooden slapstick and with a spin activating after a while the Educational Strike.



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