《The Kitty Litter (LitRPG)》Dung Beetle Pet (Chapter 21)



The golem awoke. It felt terribly hungry and itchy all over, just like when it awoke the previous day (aka chapter 3).

Good morning. You have been attacked by an Metallic Scarab while you slept. -538 HP.

Poopy took a good look at itself only to realise that a huge chunk was missing from its chest. Almost a quarter of its entire body in fact. Honestly, that wasn't the worst that could have happened to it. I'm actually surprised that no worms decided to tunnel into it. Must have been too repulsive for even worms.

The golem quickly got out of the hole and tried to sniff hard for the missing chunk of itself, panicked. Knowing itself quite well, the unique scent was quickly found by it. Poopy quickly charged towards the source of the smell anxiously. The source of the smell was found in a minute; it came from somewhere under a bush. Poopy used Plant Control to uproot the bush, revealing a tunnel under the shrub.

Level Up!

Congratulations, your Druid Class is now level 2!

+100 MAG

New skills learnt:

Suggest and Benevolent Taming!

Suggest: Command a creature with weaker MAG temporarily.

(MP Cost: Depends)

Benevolent Taming: You can now tame a creature as a pet.

Requirements: The creature must be fully willing. No abuse to the pet is permitted.

(MP Cost: 0)

Skill Level up!

Congratulations, your Plant Control is now level 2!

-1 MP cost.

Poopy was quite satisfied. But first, it had to retrieve its dung!

You have restored your lost body mass. +300 HP, -1 MP.

The ball of dung inside the tunnel flew out and fused back into the golem's body, pulling out a panicking dung beetle along with it. The beetle had a shiny carapace that looked like silver and a somewhat long horn. It was the size of a kitten, around half of the dung monster's height. Having gained the habit of spamming the scan skill, Poopy decided to scan the huge insect.


Metallic Scarab

LVL: 30

Species: Insect

HP: 30,000

MP: 3000

EXP upon kill: 300,000

Drops: ???

Compatible as a pet!

Skill is too low levelled to excess more info.

Skill Level up!

Congratulations, your Scan is now level 2!

Now you can tell what type of fighter the target is!

Compatible pet?

Additional System Input: Druids can only tame compatible creatures with their permission. It's honestly like sending a friend request. Oh wait, you don't have friends. HAHAHA.

The dung monster ignored the system and tried the taming skill on the scarab.

What are you, dumb? You think that something that just met you will allow itself to be tamed? -300 MP.

Pending Request...

Meanwhile, the dung beetle was quite confused. The system was unable to accurately convey the message across due to the low intelligence and limited language the insect had. It thought hard and concluded that "Do you want to be Poopy's pet?" meant "poop friend want?". So it agreed. It loved poop more than anything!

Congratulations: You got a new pet!

Additional System Input: Wow, seriously? You two are both weirdos. Perfect for each other.

Name: (Please select a name)

Species: Metallic Scarab (Insect)

Grade: Rare

LVL: 30

STR: 3000

MAG: 300

DEX: 30

AGI: 300

DEF: 3000

INT: 60

HP: 30,000

MP: 30,000

EXP: 28,234/30,000

Passive Skills:

Dung Tracking: Scrab is able to detect dung in a 50 metres radius.

Charge: Sudden increase of speed (10x) when preparing to ram the foe with its horn.


Harden: Increase DEF by 50,000 for 10 seconds. Cooldown: 15s. (1000 MP)

Horn Stab: Deals STR x 2 DMG. Cooldown: 10s. (1000 MP)

Quick Tunnel: Makes a tunnel in the ground in seconds. Cooldown: 30s. (100 MP)

Seeing the first passive skill, Poopy was elated. Now it can find all the poop with ease! But how was it going to use the skill of it's pet? As it was about to question the system, it realised that it could connect to the mind of the beetle and the thoughts of the insect. This in turn allowed it to sense all the poop which this beetle could detect. Sensing a pile of wolf dung around 20 metres away, Poopy dashed towards the spot. The dung beetle quickly followed.


The golem quickly absorbed all the dung the moment it reached it. The beetle that ran right behind was devastated. It realised the mistake it had made; was this poop monster going to steal all its poop from now on? It felt like crying, but it had no tear ducts. With the pet bond, Poopy could sense the beetle's distress. It pitied the beetle and gave it a small dollop poop from its arm.

The beetle happily rolled the dung into a ball and hugged it, heading to a nearby bush to dig a burrow under to hide in. The golem was enraged. How was it going to find more poop if the beetle hid in a hole like this? It used its power to pull the dung from its arm back into itself along with the beetle.


Abuse Metre: 1/10

Hitting 10 will cause the pet to to no longer be a pet.

"GAAAAAHH!" Yelled Poopy.

Did it really have to comply to all of the beetle's whims if it wanted to find all the poop? Poopy felt really dismayed.

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