《The start of a rookie summoner》chapter 13


Chapter 13

I rest around fifteen minutes before I feel less sick. I get up, take my equipment, and start walking the hall. After five minutes I get to a cleavage. I have the choice to go left or right. From the left I can hear goblin sounds coming so I decide that it is the safest to go right. I choose the right corridor and start walking again. After another five minutes I come across another cleavage. From the left I hear again goblin noises and the right one is silent. I choose the right one and begin to walk again.

I find it quite surprising that there are so many cleavages . I walk for I think another five minutes before coming across another cleavage. And again I hear the sounds of goblins from the left and silence from the right. This time however I walk towards one of the wooden walls and mark it with an X. Then I choose the right path and start walking.

After five minutes I come across another cleavage, but this time on the right side of the wall is a mark. This meant that I was walking in circles, which suprises me. What is the point of this?

This time I choose the left path and begin to walk slowly. After what I believe is ten minutes I enter a huge room. This room is at least fifty meters wide and fifty meters long. Wooden ceiling, wooden walls and a wooden floor. At the end of the wall is a black obsidian door. But that wasn’t the thing that impressed me the most. You see, the thing that impressed me was the fact that fifteen goblins where sleeping on the floor.

I slowly back off before thinking about a strategy. What is the smartest thing to do. I doubt that rushing in the room and attack the goblins will allow me to survive. No, now that I think about it, it will be a suicide mission. This means that I have to go with another plan. Then I realise the obvious. I have to do it stealthily. This means that I have to kill the goblins before they wake up.


I start to spych myself up before crouch walking in the room. I slowly walk up towards my first victim. I look at the goblin in front of me. It looked like a child. An incredible ugly child, but still a child. I quickly push my hand over the mouth of the goblin before slithing his throat. The goblin wakes up and tries to escape before dying.

I stand over the corpse and try my best to hold back my vomit. Damn this is nasty. I look around me and realise that the goblins have not yet woken up. I walk towards my second victim and do the same as I did with the first. When I am done, I walk to the third, then the fourth and then the fifth. After my sixth kill I do not have the urge to vomit because of the killing, but because of the disgusting smell the goblins have. I quickly kill the seventh and eight before arriving at the ninth one.

I place my hand over its face and slit its throat, but then a scream echoes through the room. I immediately turn my head to the source of the sound and see that one of the goblins had woken up. Probably because of the blood smell.

The remaining five goblins also wake up and immediately group up with each other. All six of them are equipped with wooden clubs .

I slowly walk towards the group of goblins before suddenly trying to slash at one of the goblins. But one of the goblins realises it and prevents it by swinging his club, forcing me to back off.

Wait, aren’t those clubs incredible ineffective if is stand too close to them. I get an idea.

I run towards the goblins before standing right in front of one of them. Because I suddenly ran towards them the goblins were stunned. When I stand right in front of goblin #1 I stab his side. Forcing my dagger deep inside his body before pulling it out and backing off ten meters. Goblin #1 screams in pain while putting his free hand on his wounded side.


I start to circle around the goblins looking for another target. While I am circling I can feel my heart beating. I am nervous as hell.

I rush again towards another goblin to try and stab him the same way as the other goblin, but the goblin realises what I try to do and backs off. Unfortunately for the goblin he stumbles and falls on the ground, forcing to other goblins to fall with him. I immediately make use of this confusion and stab another goblin in the chest. And I Again back off.

Another goblin screams in rage before rushing towards me. When he comes close to me he swings his club as fast as he can. But because he is running and uses too much force in his swing, this action makes him stumble and fall to the ground. I immediately stab my dagger in his back. Not once, not twice, but thrice for good measure.

I then get up and see how the goblin that I stabbed in the chest falls on the ground. Seemingly dead.

The three goblins that had fallen on the ground try to get up, but they are doing it extremely slowly. I use this chance to rush to one of the goblins and stab him in the back. I then back off again.

I am sweating like crazy and my heart is racing. Just two more to go and then I can rest. The two goblins stand up and look at me. Our eyes lock onto each other for a few second before the goblins break the contact. Then both seem to yell a battle cry and run towards me.

I wait until both of them swing at me, but because it is uncoordinated I can easily evade both. I then punch the right goblin in the face as hard as I can. This forces the goblin to fall on the ground. The right goblin, thinking that he has a chance, tries to crush my right shoulder with his club, but I side-step. Because I evade it, the club flies past me right on top of the fallen goblin. You can hear a loud crushing noise and the goblin that had fallen on the ground stops moving.

There is one goblin remaining. I start to run away. When I am ten meters from the goblin I turn around and start sprinting towards it. The goblin still doesn’t realise what is going on since he just stares at his, now, dead friend. I jump in the air and scream as loud as I can LEEROY. The goblin turns around to look at the source and instead of seeing me, it gets two boots in its face. I dropkicked the little fucker. The goblin flies back three meter before he hits the ground and starts to roll like a ragdoll. After another meter he stops moving.

I am pretty sure that I broke his neck. I wipe off the blood from my dagger before walking towards the door. When I am close to the door I do not open it. Instead I rest my back against the door. I will first rest before opening the door.

After ten minutes of resting I stand up and look at the door. I then open the door and what I see makes me dumbfounded. In front of me is another huge room, but instead of fifteen sleeping goblins it is this time thirty.

All that I can think is fuck.

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