《The start of a rookie summoner》chapter 12


Chapter 12

Seven days of hell went past in a flash. Lily had made me do these impossible things like carrying two times my own weight while running or she made me spar against her and if I didn’t touch her she would beat me up. It wasn’t exactly pleasant, but I did feel the result of the training. I can now run longer and faster, It is now also possible to carry my own weight without getting tired to fast.

Lily also taught me some other things, for example strengthening magic. Lily has an affinity for Strengthening magic and so she tried to teach me. After six days I was finally able to enchance my body a little. If you were to put it into perspective then when I do not use the magic, I am able to carry 60 kilogram and when I am enhanced I could carry 65 kilogram. Lily also gave me some advice on how to survive in a dungeon. She told me that I should always treat every wound, because it can get infected otherwise. Try to find water in a dungeon. There is no shame in fleeing and last but not least if you have to, eat the monsters and drink their blood. The last piece of advice was a bit concerning, but apparently it can save your life.

In these past days Lily also explained how a dungeon works. Dungeons are apparently sentient beings that have too much Magical Power, because of this they have create monsters and treasure. If you go in a dungeon, you will be unable to leave it except if you clear all the floors. Because of this people will only go inside a dungeon when they have trained for a long time. Fun fact, if you go in a dungeon you go into a different dimension. This means that if you go inside a dungeon alone, it will be impossible to meet other people, but if you were to go in with a party, you wouldn’t be alone.

And right now I stand in front of the dungeon entrance. Behind me are Carl and Lily. Jack is defending the cart.

“You know the rules right. You are not allowed to use your summoning and we will wait for fifteen days” Carl says.


“I know, I know”

“You do have all your equipment right? And the medicine?” Lily asks, clearly worried.

“Don’t worry Lily, I have my dagger, medicine and food” I smile reassuring.

I have found out that Lily truly cares about me. Like a little brother you could say. This was also the reason why the training felt like hell. She was trying to make sure that I would become a little stronger.

“Well then, Ill be off” I start walking towards the dungeon.

“Wait” Lily suddenly says. She then runs up to me and gives me a hug.

“Take care of yourself” She smiles.

“I will”

And I walk into the dungeon entrance.

POV Carl

So the boy finally went into the dungeon. He accepted this so easily, as if a dungeon is nothing dangerous. I thought that I would have to convince him, but apparently not. This means that he will probably die which is a good thing. Don’t get me wrong, Lian is a good boy, but his ability is way too terrifying. He summoned a book that has all the maps of the world and can predict natural disasters like it was nothing. What’s more is that he gave it to me so easily, as if it was nothing. Because of this I thought it was a good idea to throw him inside this dungeon. I do feel a bit of regret but it is for the best.

POV Lian

I have entered the dungeon Volta. Right now I am inside a wooden hall. The width between walls was around 7 meters. At the moment the hall went in a straight line and I did not see any monsters. The temperature is also quite cool. Seems like the perfect environment for the first floor.

So Carl had told me not to use my unique power, but I still had taken the MP stone with me. I mean it would be stupid not to use my unique power if I was on death’s door right?

Anyway I am in the dungeon Volta. This dungeon has a total of ten and every five floors there is a boss. This meant that I had to fight two bosses to get out of the dungeon.


I unsheath my dagger and begin to walk forward. Of course I am cautious. I do not walk fast and I am in the posture to immediately attack.

After an hour of walking I still haven’t seen any monsters. It is mentally taxing that I know that there are monsters but I do not see them. I also discovered that there are random boulders placed in the hall. I do not why, but it is a perfect place to take a break. I walk towards one of the boulders, this one being three meter high and four meter wide, and sit down. I take out my MP stone and begin to charge it, but this time I do not fill it up until I have no MP left. The moment my MC comes close to thirty-five I stop charging. I need to have MP left if I were to encounter a monster.

Suddenly I hear the sound of footsteps. I can clearly hear that there is more than one person walking towards me. I silently get up and take out my dagger. I can hear them coming closer, yet I do not move.

The footsteps come closer and closer and then I see two beings. They have a green skin color and are about as tall as a twelve year old. They both have loincoths on, but for the rest nothing. Those two beings do not see me and walk right past me. Both beings hold a wooden club, but it doesn’t look like they know how to use it efficiently. These beings are Goblins. I hold my breath, not believing that they walked right past me, granted that I am behind the builder, but still. I look at these goblins and appraise them.

Goblin Soldier Goblins soldiers are dumb green creatures that have little to no capacity to think. They are always horny and will do anything to have intercourse. They are weak and have no immunity to any magic.

Those goblins do not look like a big deal to be honest. I think that they have the strenght of a twelve year old, but the appraisel shows that they are dumb.

I slowly sneak behind the two goblins. Both goblins have no idea that I am behind them. I grab one of them by the head and slit his throat. Blood spurts out of his throat like a fountain. I back of immediately and look at the remaining Goblin. This Goblin doesn’t even know what happens. He stares at the dead goblin before looking at me.

Then he screams in rage and comes rushing at me. My heart beats like hell, but I concentrate. The goblin swings his club at me as fast as he can, but I step back. Dodging the club in the process. Because the goblin swung his club as fast as he could he tumbles forward. I see my chance and stab the goblin in the chest.

Because I think that the goblin is dead I let go of my dagger. The goblin however doesn’t fall over as I had thought. Instead he raises his club, while having a dagger in his chest.

Shit how did this happen? I jump backwards, looking at the goblin in shock. How is he not dead. The Goblin screams again and rushes at me. When he is only a few meter away he suddenly falls on the ground and stops moving.

I just stare at the goblin. I made a big mistake, letting go of my weapon and underestimating the goblin. Before I can even think of something else nausea hits me like a truck and I began to throw up my breakfast. While I am on my knees throwing up, I make a promise to myself: Never underestimate someone again.

After I am done throwing up I slowly rise. You may ask yourself why I attacked the goblins instead of ignoring them. There is a simple reason for that, I do not want any enemies attacking me from behind. So I made sure that these goblins wouldn’t be a threat to me.

Still, even though I killed these goblins I still feel sick. I sit down, with my back resting against the boulder. I have to take a little break.

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