《The start of a rookie summoner》chapter 14


after I realise that there are thirty goblins in the next room I decide to rest a bit longer. After I am done resting I start to think of a plan. Rushing in will be suicide so this means the same as before, but this time I need to act faster or I will have to fight way too many goblins. This is what was going through my head.

I open the door and sneak in. Then I start an assassination spree. One, two, three, six, seven, fourteen, fifteen, twenty, twenty-one. After I kill the twenty-one goblin. The rest of the goblins wake up. Then they do the exact same thing as the other goblins in room one. They all gather up. I start to circle around them and pick them off one by one. One down, two down, four down, five down, six down, seven down, eight down and then there is only one goblin left.

The goblin looks at me with eyes filled of rage and fear and rushes at me. I easily dodge the swing and stab the goblin in the chest. These goblins were too easy to kill. The reason being is that they have certain patterns. Furthermore they have no technique which makes it easy to read them. Not that I have any techniques, but I slowly learn from killing them and yet they don’t really see my pattern nor do they try to predict it.

I clean my dagger before opening the black door. On the other side of the door is the same hall as before, except that it is made out of stone and the edges of the hall are dark. It is like there is some kind of black smoke that I can’t see through.

I close the door and decide to rest for fifteen minutes. After fifteen minutes I open the door again and start to walk. I am on edge, since I do not know what will happen.

After walking for at least half an hour I accidently trip over my own feet. The moment that I fall I feel something flying over my head. I immediately get up and look at the source. In front of me is a goblin, but it is different from the others. He is way skinnier and is, instead of light-green, dark green. Furthermore he has a stone shaped dagger in his hand. I look at him carefully and use appraisal.

Goblin Scout This kind of goblin is extremely fast, but they are weak when compared to the other goblins. They have the urge to hide and do not attack their enemies up front. When you see one of them their danger level drops considerably. Watch your back when you come across these goblins

The goblin realises that his attack failed and tries to cut me, but I block it with my dagger. Woow, they really are weak. The goblin suddenly pulls back his dagger and tries to cut it. I block again, but the bastard still succeeds in making a cut on my right arm. I push his weapon back and stab him in his side, killing him instantly.

I sigh. Damn instead of normal goblins, I now have to fight assassins. I take out the medicine from my backpack and apply some of the ointment on my wounded arm. It begins to burn a bit, but I ignore it. It is probably supposed to feel like that.

Still isn’t this dungeon way too dangerous for someone of my level?

I shake my head. Carl wouldn’t send me to a dungeon like this if I couldn’t handle it. I begin walking, but this time I concentrate on my hearing. I can’t see them, so it is useless to look for them. After a certain amount of time I hear a slight breathing sound from my right. It slowly comes close, notifying me that it will attack me soon.


Then the goblin jumps out of the darkness. Slashing at my shoulder. His stone dagger effectively cuts in my shoulder, forcing me to growl. Damn, I immediately try to cut him and I succeed. A long horizontal wound is on the chest of the goblin.

The goblin turns around and starts running away. “Where do you think your going” I growl with a bloodthirsty voice. I begin to run after him. After a minute the goblin stops, seemingly out of breath. I smile and look at him. “You are mine now” I laugh.

Then I suddenly feel a pain in my left side. I look to the left and see another goblin grinning at me. With a dagger pushed deep inside my side. I cough and feel how some blood flows out of my mouth. With my left hand I grab the goblin by his throat. The goblin ,not expecting this, begins to struggle, but it is to no avail. I slowly slit my dagger across his throat, spraying blood all over me.

Probably not the smartest idea. I look at the other goblin, but I don’t see it. It probably ran when I was busy killing the other goblin.

The pain in my side becomes worse and worse until I feel like I am on fire. Everything hurts when I move. I dropped my backpack when I ran after the goblin. So I turn around to get the medicine. I begin to walk back, feeling the pain become worse and worse. After some time I can’t find the strength to stand anymore and fall on my knees. I decide that I should crawl to the backpack.

I feel a sharp pain from my shoulder. Damn, I am also wounded there right? I begin to laugh, wait why am I laughing? I should be crawling. But maybe I should do both? I am starting to lose my mind aren’t I? After some time crawling I realise that everything is becoming darker. Is it becoming evening? Wait I am inside a dungeon, so does this mean I am losing my vision. Pain surges through my body again, making me yelp.

I don’t want to die. I want to live! I want to explore the countries, see all the races. Why am I stabbed. It hurts, it hurts.

I am becoming sleepy. Maybe I should close my eyes for a second? I mean a second can’t hurt me right? The moment I think about this pain surges through my body again. Damnit, I cannot sleep with this much pain.

Suddenly I feel some fabric touching my hand. It is the backpack! I grab inside the backpack and my hand touches something round. It is the MP stone. I realise that I am dying. “Sorry Carl” I whisper “But I am going to break the rule”

“Summoning of Viarsamitor”

I can’t even see the bright white circles, only something vague. Then the white flash hits, still somehow able to blind me. I don’t even find the strength to curse. I stretch my hand forwards and feel something cool against my hand. I bring it to my mouth and start to gulp down the liquid inside the thing. Then darkness surrounds me.

I am falling through the darkness. Vague colours flashing around me. I hear familiar voices. Then I see my mother standing in front of me smiling. After a few seconds she disappears into smoke. Not so long after I see my father standing with an axe chopping down a huge tree. He turns to look at me and says “That is how you do it son” before disappearing into smoke again.


Then a bright white circle appears and starts to pulsate. What is this? Suddenly a bright flash appears blinding me. My eyes!

I wake up sweating like hell. What was that dream. It felt weird. Wait my wounds. I look at my side, but the only thing that I see is a small scar. It seems like it is gone. What about my shoulder. I look at my shoulder and see that it is bright red, yet there is no wound. My shoulder begins to hurt. How is that possible. I take out some of my water and wash my shoulder, lifting up the pain.

My shoulder is still red and a bit swollen, but most of the pain is gone. Still how is that possible? I had fixed it with medicine and I doubt that is what should have happened. The goblins also didn’t have any poison or I would be death. Wait how am I even alive? I was unconscious and the goblins didn’t attack me. And what did I summon? I remember drinking something and that is it.

I look around me and see an empty glass bottle. I immediately try to appraise it, but it is no use. It just says it is a glass bottle.

Too many things don’t make any sense and I start with my shoulder. I used some medicine on it and after my summoning the shoulder was still hurt, yet there was no wound. Could it be the medicine itself? But Carl wouldn’t make a mistake right?

I look in my backpack and take out the medicine. Carl gave me ointment and some pills. Last time I appraised them was before I dived into the dungeon. I appraise them again.

Salve of Tornetto The Salve of Tornetto is a poison that halts the regeneration of the target. It is a generally weak poison and is easy to identify since when it comes in contact with the target it feels like something is burning. To detox it all you need is some water Pills of Sleep The Pill of sleep is a pill that forces the body to relax. It is a great way to relieve stress, but it is also highly addictive. Furthermore you are completely defenceless since you are in a almost paralysed state. To detox is to wait until the effect wears off

I stare at the medicine. No. I stare at the poison. This isn’t medicine at all. This is clearly an attempt to kill me or at least weaken me. But why would Carl do this. Moreover is Lily in on it? Or does she not know?

I do not feel anger, but betrayal. And sadness. I just continue to stare, not realising that tears are starting to form. Before I know it I start to cry out loud. Why did Carl do this? How can he do this! Isn’t he a friend of my father? Doesn’t my father trust him?

I keep on crying, feeling betrayed and after a long time. I start to feel something else. This feeling was not anger, but something far worse. It felt cold, yet comforting. This feeling was rage.

I stop with crying and feel nothing. No, nothing isn’t the way to describe it. I was pissed off in the most dangerous way. I take out the MP stone and start to charge it. I will make it out of here alive and then I will talk to carl. This is what was going through my head. After an hour or so I am done charging the MP stone.

Why did I get wounded? Because I didn’t have any armour. Then what do I have to do? Summon armour. I touch the MP stone and say the words again.

“Summoning of Viarsamitor”

And a circle appears, but this time the circle isn’t white. It has the colour of blood and it the pressure that comes from it is no joke, yet I do not care. I am in a way too emotionless state to even give a flying fuck about it.

Before I know it the flash appears again, this time red. It still somehow manages to blind me, forcing me to close my eyes for some time. When I can see again in front of me lays a suit. I simply look at it and smile. Yet if you were to be in the same room as me you would back off. The smile that I had at the moment would scare anyone. It was a smile that would make you realise that you would die.

Still I am glad that I gained an armour and not some monster or being. I am curious about the effect so let’s appraise it.

Gantz Bodysuit This is a black suit that has many defensive and offensive abilities. The suit is made from an unknown substance and covers the whole body of the user. If the user wears this suit he gains the following perks:

* The suit will regenerate over time.

* The suit’s defensive capability is decided by the strength of the user.

* The body of the user becomes stronger the more you fight. This means that if you were to fight 200 enemies your body will increase in overall strength.

* The user’s senses will be enhanced by six times.

* If the user becomes emotionally unstable the suit will lose eighty percent of its power.

This is good. No, this is perfect. This will help me tremendously in surviving this dungeon. I walk to the suit and touch it. The moment that I touch it something happens that I did not expect. The suit burst in black goo and the goo starts crawling over my body. Normally I would panic, but now I was just too tired. After a minute the black goo turns back into the suit and covers my whole body.

I feel stronger. That is not quite right, I feel like I can sense everything better. My offensive capability did not increase, but my defence did. I decide to fill up the MP stone just in case I have to summon in an emergency . After I fill up the MP stone I begin to walk deeper into the cave.

I have to be careful since I do not have any medicine left and I have the feeling that if I were to summon something, I would summon something that I do not want to meet.

After walking around five minutes I hear something breathing, but that is not all that I hear. I somehow am also able to feel the vibrations through the floor, pinpointing the source. It seems that my senses have become quite strong with this suit. I feel how the goblin comes closer and the moment that it jumps I turn to my left and stab it violently in its chest. The goblin falls down on the ground and tries to stand up but I do not allow it. I pull out my dagger and stab the goblin again and again.

After what feels like a long time I stop stabbing. Apparently I had to relieve my stress or I would go insane. I start walking in deeper and begin to hear more and more noises. I get ambushed around five times before standing in front of an entrance of a big stone room. The room is the same as the one on floor one, or at least I think. I can’t be sure since there is a long path and the rest around it is pure darkness. I furthermore hear so many noises that I can’t pinpoint any enemies.

It seems like I have to get to the other side of the room without getting stabbed to death. The problem is that I can’t see any of the goblins, nor can I sense them. There are too many of them.

I walk back a few meter before trying think of a method to pass through the room. I could not make any light nor can I run across the room. I have no great plan. Then an idea strikes me. An insane idea, yet still an idea. In all those novels that I read in my previous life the protagonist had to go through some kind of training to sense the enemy. These protagonist did this by closing their eyes and walking through dangerous parts.

If I do the same it might work( In case you’re wondering why the hell Lian thinks of something so insanely idiotic, well he still has the mind of a child and he is desperate)

I start to psych myself up before walking closer to the room. Then I close my eyes and start walking straight forwards.

Without knowing it I get into a trance. I sense everything around me, yet it does not overwhelm me. I feel a fluctuation in the air notifying me that a goblin will jump from the left. I jump forward, feeling that the goblin misses his strike.

Somehow I can sense the goblins now and five minutes ago I could not do it. I continue to walk forward until I feel three goblins closing in on me. One of the goblins tries to ambush me from the right, but I realise it and duck. The moment that I duck I slash my dagger upwards and feel how I open something up. I hear how the goblin falls on the ground and stops moving.

The two other goblin are a bit smarter and attack at the same time, yet it somehow doesn’t make a difference to me. I feel way too calm.

I jump backwards before rushing forward. I slash at the left goblin forcing it to block. Then I change targets and stab the right goblin. Killing it in one blow. The left goblin realises that he is open and runs back into the darkness. Not that it matters since I can sense them.

The goblins continue to ambush me every few meters. Sometimes forcing me to retreat a few meters. Some of them also hit me, but the suit defends most of the damage. I have a few scratches here and there but not enough to be a problem.

after the fifteenth ambush I collide with the door. Hitting my head quite hard. I immediately open my eyes and open the door. Walking straight through and closing the door before falling on the ground.

I did it. I actually did it. Then I suddenly vomit. I keep on vomiting until nothing is in my stomach anymore. After I am done vomiting I look ahead of me and see the same cave as the one before except for three things. First of all there is no dark mist, On the walls grow moss, also on the floor. And the last thing is that the cave is somehow extremely bright. If you were in this cave you would think that it is daytime on a sunny day.

I finished the second floor and am now one the third floor. I sigh in relief. Before I continue, I will sleep for a bit. I lay down and close my eyes and fall asleep in a matter of seconds.

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