《The start of a rookie summoner》chapter 15


Chapter 15

I slowly wake up after what feels like a long time. I keep lying on the mossy ground. Thinking about what happened yesterday. Right now I do not feel anger or sadness, I just feel weird. Like I am still sleeping. I stop thinking about yesterday and get up. It is time to start exploring the third floor.

I begin to walk. While getting deeper in the third floor I notice that the moss becomes more evidently. Does it have some kind of meaning?

I continue when I suddenly sense a great danger coming my way. I jump to my right and a second later a fire ball flies right past me. The fireball was as big as a baseball and the heat that it gave off was no joke.

I get up and try to see the culprit, but I see no-one. I begin to slowly walk forward, making sure to stay vigilant. Before I know it another fireball flies towards me. I dodge it again and the moment that the fireball hits the floor it explodes, making it spew flames. Have you ever set oil on fire and threw it around? That is how it looks like.

I begin to run forward. If I am correct there has to be an interval between the fireballs. There it is. In front of me I can see a skinny goblin with some kind of staff. It looks like an shrivelled up old person/goblin. It also has a light green skin. I appraise it to see what kind of goblin it is since I was sure that it would be another variant. I already encountered a soldier and a scout. Let’s see what it is this time.

[ Goblin shaman

this goblin variant is physically one of the weakest, but they have an incredible affinity for magic. These goblins are only capable of four affinities. These are Fire, Water, Earth and Nature.

Be careful for these type of goblins never travel alone.


So it is a shaman this time, huh. I wonder what will be next, maybe a hobgoblin or a slime. No, maybe a …

A fireball gets thrown at my head and I can evade it at the last second. Dangerous. I quickly advance towards the goblin and right when I am in front of him two fireballs are fired at me. One from the goblin and another one from behind the goblin. I am able to evade one of the fireballs but the other one explodes right in front of me, scattering some flames on my bodysuit.


Before I can extinguish it, it disappears one its own. Did the suit protect me from the fire? I quickly jump forward and cut the goblin down, only to be met with a fireball in the chest. The air gets blown out of my lungs and I fly at least five meters backwards. I hit the floor and roll another meter. Argh, that hurts. Nope, my bodysuit doesn’t protect me from the balls themselves. Should have guessed it.

I get up with heavy grunting and look in the direction of the fireball. And I see the bastard goblin who shot the ball. Did he just smirk at me? That bastard. I begin to run towards him, waiting for him to throw another fireball. There it is! A minor hand movement but big enough to notice that it is important. I jump to the right to evade the fireball and a second later the fireball flies harmless past me. I get in close proximity and slash with my dagger, effectively cutting the throat. This time I am the one that is smirking. The goblin looks at me with what looks like an annoyed look before falling on the ground. That’s what you get. I continue to run and meet the second shaman. After another fireball I also cut his throat.

It is surprisingly simple after you understand the pattern. There is also a cooldown on the fireball spell so that helps too. I think around two seconds otherwise those shamans would’ve been blasting fireballs right and left.

I start exploring again and another five minutes I come across another team. After finishing them off another team. And another one. And another one. Another one. Oww look another one. Another one. Wait what is this? And another one.

What feels like fighting the same opponent a hundredth times I finally come across a huge room. I examine the room and see that there are four hills and on top of those hills are goblin shamans. It doesn’t look threatening at all. Is there a trap? Wait could it be that those shamans all have different elements? Or is this just an easy floor?


I slowly walk in the room. Aha, it seems that they noticed my presence. The shamans all turn there head towards me and look at me menacing. By the way when they look at you like that their ugly factor triples. Just so that you know.

I rush towards the first shaman on top of the first hill only to stop with my mouth wide open. The shaman that should have attacked me somehow managed to trip and roll down the hill towards me. What is this? This doesn’t make any sense. I sidestep, letting the goblin roll past me. I slowly walk towards him while raising my dagger. The goblin on the other hand doesn’t do anything. I stab with my dagger only to meet empty air. The shaman is gone.

What happened?

I just stare blankly at the open space until I hear a weird laughter. I look towards the source of the sound and see a goblin shaman on the top of the first hill laughing. Did he somehow trick me? Did he use an illusion spell? Or did he teleport?

Just when I want to climb the hill I realise something. The other shamans haven’t attacked me at all. I look at the other hills and see the shamans resting on top of the hills. They are not even paying attention.

Hell, one of them is sleeping. Does this mean that they won’t attack me together? What is this convenient situation, almost like someone wants to show me the difference in goblin shamans. Weird.

I look back at the laughing goblin and start walking on the hill again, only to be met with a falling goblin again. But this time I ignore him and continue walking up the hill. After half a minute I stand on top of the hill and the goblin is still below me. So he can teleport or something like that? Just as I am about to descend I hear a weird sound to my left. I turn around but see nothing. I squint my eyes to look extra precise, but I do not find anything.

I am sure I heard that sound. I continue to look at the direction of the sound until I look on the ground and see something interesting. The grass that should be standing up is in two spots pressed down in a unnatural way. Just like something or someone is standing there. I immediately dash forward and swing my dagger. I feel something getting sliced and then a goblin suddenly appears out of thin air. So it was an illusion.

I glance back down the hill and see that the goblin down there has disappeared. I focus back on the goblin in front of me, only to find out that he is dead. A large streak across its chest. Well that is anti-climactic.

Just as I am about to leave I hear something being thrown through the air and then feel something hitting me on the head, forcing me to fall over. I slowly get up, while checking if my head is alright and to my surprise it is.

I look back and see the goblin looking at me with a mad gaze. The goblin then murmurs something and a water ball appears out of nowhere. Then pointing at me and there the waterbal goes flying towards me. I do not hesitate and run towards the goblin and slashing at him again. I slash his throat and see the goblin falling on the ground. I immediately crouch and start stabbing the goblin in the chest for good measure.

Damn that was close. Because I thought the goblin was dead I let down my guard. I slowly sigh out and look at the three other goblins. It seems that I have to defeat three more goblins. Hopefully they will be a bit more straightforward.

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