《The start of a rookie summoner》sidestory 1


Sidestory 1

My name is Carlos. If you had to describe me in one word it would be average. I was born in a village in the merchant country and after gaining my status left to become a merchant. I found my teacher and after five years of teaching I had gained enough experience to be on my own.

My first trade was a disaster. Why? I had bought some MP potions and was driving to a city, only to be ambushed by bandits. Shitty luck. They stole everything, but fortunately left me with my life. After getting robbed I reported it and started to work in an inn.

Why an inn? I needed money for the way back to my village and an inn pays pretty well. In this inn I met three people. Their names were John, Helena and Lily. I got along rather well with them and after a long time we would travel together to my village.

Long story short we travelled a lot together. After a couple of years John and Helena settled down in a certain village and I hired Lily to act as my bodyguard.

This went well until we met Jason. Jason was a boy, just became ten years old and had received an unique power. This unique power was absorption, he could practically absorb everything and gain its traits. Lily and I took him along for the ride and we taught him a lot for a few years.

We eventually said our goodbyes and we went our own ways. A few months later however we came across him. However the Jason that we knew was gone. In front of us was Jason, but he was completely drenched in blood. Around him were a lot of corpses. And he was laughing.

We were shocked and when we talked with each other it appeared that Jason had gained this ridiculous idea. He thought that he was above everyone else, because he was stronger. We begged him to stop, but he didn’t listen. He did, however let us go.


Lily and I quickly left the village and I came to the realisation that too much power corrupts.

A couple of weeks later we heard the news that Jason had been killed by some bounty hunters. I felts sad and relieved at the same time. Me and Lily both grieved for a couple of days before resuming our trade.

After trading for a couple of months we somehow managed to come across another child. This time it was a girl and her name was Livia and again she had an unique power. The power that she had allowed her to shrink stuff and return it to their original size.

This time Lily and I tried to educate Livia to become a good person and after a few years we parted ways. However like I realised before too much power corrupts. We heard the news not much longer about a girl shrinking people and then selling them to other people. Or that she used the power to kill innocent people.

Lily and I were shocked again. The mistake that happened before had happened again. We blamed ourselves for the deaths that had happened. We felt incredible guilty, but eventually we resumed our trade.

And it somehow happened again. it should have been impossible, yeti t happened again. We came across a orphan with an unique power. A boy that could change living things to metal and back. Lily and I took the child in and taught her to never use her power to hurt someone. This time we kept repeating it, almost as if we were possessed.

She eventually left on her own and we were begging to the gods that she wouldn’t hurt anyone. We didn’t hear anything about her. A year went past until a rumour began to spread. A witch lives in an abandoned town and she turns everyone that looks good into a metal statue.


We didn’t waste any time and began to search for this village and after a few weeks we found it. A village so silent that it was creepy. And statues everywhere. From elderly people to children, all turned into metal. We didn’t stay in the village and immediately left and reported it to one of the bigger cities.

We again heard news that they had killed the witch, but the people that she had turned into statues did not turn back. It was at this point that I promised to myself to make sure that children with too much power should disposed of. Of course this was extreme but they would otherwise become way too dangerous.

I never told Lily the promise that I made and we began to travel again. We eventually visited Helena and John and found out that he had turned ten.

I was ,of course, happy for my friend but the happiness disappeared the moment that I heard about the powers that the kid had gained. This power was way more dangerous than anything else. What if he summoned an Evil God? What if he summoned a disease?

The kid showed us his power and I immediately knew that I had to dispose of him. I did not wanted to kill the son of John, but the kid was way too dangerous. He had to disappear.

I managed to get the kid to go into a beginners dungeon. Those dungeons are extremely dangerous and chances of him dying is almost certain. I also promised the kid to wait fifteen days and even though I know that the kid will die, Lily does not. So we will wait here for fifteen days and then we will leave. I am sorry boy, but please understand.

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