《The start of a rookie summoner》chapter 16


Chapter 16

You would expect that the dungeon that I am in is original right? Well, guess not since the other goblins were the exact same as the one I killed before. They all tried to use some kind of illusion magic to confuse me but they all forgot some details which made it incredible easy to find out their location. Killing them was no problem whatsoever.

There was however another problem. This problem being a feeling as if my next summoning will go horrible wrong. I just know that it will summon something monstrous. It is not a great feeling.

Any way I look at the door in front of me. If I enter I will be on the fourth floor. I wonder what kind of floor I twill be. I open the door and walk into a hallway. Think of a school hallway and you got the picture.

I continue walking, while being extremely cautious. What kind of creature will I come. After what feels like an hour I take a rest. I needed to relax or I will certainly make a mistake. I eat some of my food, which is some kind of jerky by the way and start talking to myself. I am talking about all kinds of things, from stories to my family, from food to hobbies. After fifteen minutes I stop talking and get up again, feeling quite refreshed.

I start walking again and I still come across nothing. No monsters, no traps and no surprises. Is the dungeon malfunctioning? Is it sick?

step by step I continue. Nothing happens, what is the goal?

And then I see a door. The kind of door that will lead you to the next floor. What the hell? Is it an illusion? I open the door, not walking through it, and look on the other side. What I see is an arena with in the middle of it a huge goblin, like really huge and buff. I immediately close the door. That is the next floor but how is it possible? This floor didn’t do anything.

What I did not know was that the floor that I was on is supposed to stress the adventurer completely. Making them snap and or even insane. The meaning was that you would look for an enemy that did not exist and eventually making you lose your grip on reality. The floor was meant as a mental challenge not a physical one.


I slowly open the door again and scan the Buff goblin.

Jack the Ogre Jack the Ogre is a an Ogre. An Ogre is a superior version of a hobgoblin, which is a superior version of a goblin. An Ogre has incredible strength and a strong constitution.

Jack gained the name after he killed some adventures and heard an adventurer whisper the name Jack. The ogre thought that the adventurer meant him, making him believe that his name was jack.

Did I mention that ogres are incredible dumb?

Well shit

I won’t be able to beat that ogre with my strength alone. I at least realised that much.

So how will I defeat it now? First things first is that I will use the summoning in the room to remove the bad feeling. Afterwards I will make a plan.

I take out the MP stone and charge it and then open the door.

“Summoning of Viarsamitor”

The white circle appears right in front of Jack, making him stare at it in amazement. I close the door as fast as i can to make sure that I do not get blinded. After waiting for a few seconds I open the door. Only to be flashed by a blinding light making me curse out loud. Shit! I can’t see anything.

After a second or three I can see again and what I see makes me want to run as fast as I could from this place. In front of me was a seven feet monster. It had a black exoskeleton and large, curved, oblong head.. It had a long muscular tail, equipped with a sharp after end. The moment that it opened its mouth you could hear some clicking noises and the tongue of the monster had a mouth

It was a Xenomorph.

What is a Xenomorph you may ask yourself. Ever seen the movie alien vs predator? Yes. Then you know what a goddamn Xenomorph is. No? Think of it as an agile dangerous alien that has blood with acid properties

Jack looked at the Xenomorph for a second before it charged at the alien. The Xenomorph reacted way too fast, shooting its tail right through the head of Jack. Forcing all kinds of brain matter to be propelled out of the head.


The Xenomorph then flings its tail to the side throwing the body of Jack to the side. While Jack was thrown away a tearing sound was heard. The head and the spine of Jack were torn off the body because the head was still impaled on the tail. The Xenomorph looked at head of Jack before prying it off.

It then suddenly turns its head around and looked at me. It begins to make threating clicking noises before dashing towards me. I do the logical thing and immediately slam the door shut.

I brief out in relief and back off a few meters. Holy shit, that Xenomorph just one shot the ogre with ease.

It seems like my bad feeling was right. I summoned something horrible. I walk towards the door and put it a little ajar. I look through the small opening and see that the xenomorph stands in the middle of the room. I immidiately appraise it before shutting the door.

Xenomorph The Xenomorph is One of the deadliest of all known alien species, these creatures need a host organism in order to reproduce. The appearance of the Xenomorph varies depending on its host.

The Xenomorphs are around 7-8 feet tall land are incredible agile and strong. They prefer sneak attacks, but that doesn’t mean that they are weak once they are discovered. It could be said that it would be even worse since it will likely try to use you as a breeding partner.

The best way to describe it by quote is : "You still don't understand what you're dealing with, do you? The perfect organism. Its structural perfection is matched only by its hostility."

It is advised to not engage this monster.

I was speechless. It was clear what I had to do. Use the summoning of Viarsamitor and hope to get a weapon or item that can defeat that alien. I really royally screwed myself.

After realising that I had to start summoning stuff I begin to charge the MP stone. After I fill it up I received a notification saying that my perception gained another point. Neet!

Before I start the summoning I decide to take some rest. After all I need to be fit if I somehow manage something summon dangerous.

A few hours later

I wake up feeling refreshed. I eat some breakfast or dinner. I do not know what time it is so let’s just say that I ate some food.

I had been thinking before going to sleep what to summon, but I still don’t have any clue. As such I decide to just activate it and hope for the best.

Stupid? Maybe, but this is the most interesting way.

“Summoning of Viarsamitor”

The white circle appeared on the ground and again the flash of doom appeared. Again the flash blinds me, even though I closed my eyes.

I open my eyes and everything is a blur. I wait form my vision to recover before looking at what I summoned.

In front of me lays an item. This item has a ball-like shape and a red colour on top and a white colour below. It is a pokeball!

Pokeball This is a pokeball. An item that trap sits target and makes the target loyal to the user. Chances of success are 80%. If the target dies the pokeball can be used again, but it has a max usage of three times. Every specie is able to be captured (gods included)

Only the user is able to release the target and if the user dies while the target is trapped inside the target will be released and will return to its previously state.

To capture a target throw the pokeball and scream "Gonna catch them all"

Once the user has captured the target, the user will be able use the ball as a means to release its target or verbal messages. These verbal message are:

"xxxx, I choose you" release the target

"xxxx, come back"



I can work with this

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