《The start of a rookie summoner》Chapter 17


Chapter 17

I open the door and glance in the room. In the middle stands the Xenomorph idle. I open the door completely and walk in the room. Then I scream.

“I am gonna catch them all”

The Xenomorph turns around and starts running towards me. Damn that thing is fast. I grip the pokeball in my hand a bit stronger. When the Xenomorph is five meters away I throw the pokeball.

The pokeball flies through the air. I hold in my breath. Then it appears that the pokeball misses the Xenomorph.

It flies past the body and hit the ground. But then it rolls further and hits the tail of the Xenomorph. A red light appears and seemingly red hands start pulling at the Xenomorph.

The Xenomorph starts to struggle but to no avail. It slowly gets pulled towards the pokeball. Once it is a meter before the pokeball it lets out a loud screeching sound.

The sound is so loud that I am forced to put my hands over my hears. When I remove my hands from my ears I see that the Xenomorph gets absorbed.

The pokeball lays still.

It flashes one time.

I hold my breath

It flashes another time

I almost faint because of the tension.

And it flashes a third time. Signalling me that it had worked.

“YESSSSS I CAUGHT HIM” I scream out loud. Relief flows through me and I fall on my ass. This was the riskiest action that I had ever done. I release my breath and get up again.

What should I call him? It is a pain to keep calling it Xenomorph or Alien. Hmm. I sink deep into my thoughts. Should i call him Cthulu? Or maybe Ares. No I should keep it simple.

I will call him Xero from know on.

What you hate the name? Bite me.

I pick up the pokeball and throw it on the ground and say one of the most embarrising lines I have ever said


“Xero, I choose you”

The pokeball opens and the Xero appears. He still looks the exact same, but this time it doesn’t attack me.

“Holy shit, I wonder what rank you are classified in?” I mumble to myself.

I have never talked about ranks before have I? Ranks are the danger grade of certain beings or the power level. There are a total of eleven ranks:

G= Harmless.

F= Single adult can defeat it.

E= Ten adults can defeat it.

D= village level danger

C= small town level danger

B= town level danger

A= Capital level danger

S= Army level danger

SS= country level danger

SSS= Alliance level danger ( multiple countries)

X= Unknown level danger

I am sure that Xero is at least rank C, maybe lower level B.

Anyway Xero is quite dangerous and the fact that I am his master I might be threatened to dispose of him. I doubt that I will dispose of him since Xero is loyal to me. I wonder if Xero has some skills.

Status: Xero, Xenomorph Magic Power: 0

* Magical Capacity: 0

* Magical Perception: 0

* Magical Density: 0 Powers:


Unique Powers:

- Skills:

Dash, Lvl MAX

Stab, Lvl 7

Breeding, Lvl 3

Stealth, Lvl MAX

Lurking, Lvl MAX

Camouflage, Lvl 9

Assasination, Lvl 8

Echolocation, Lvl 7

Well there was no chance that I could have ever killed this guy. I mean look at those skills, they are all extremely high except for breeding. I actually wonder how this thing will breed.

Breeding he Xenomorph will implant a parasyte into a weakened target. The stronger the target is the stronger the baby will be. The baby will be loyal to its parent, unless a Queen is close by. In that case the baby will become loyal towards the Queen.

Alright then, it appears that this guy is way more dangerous than previously thought. Xero is at least rank A, probably rank S.

It appears I captured something OP.


I walk past Xero and open the door tot he next floor. Floor six has a straight path with stone walls and a stone floor.

I order Xero to walk in front of me and start to move. After a few minutes Xero suddenly dashes forward, leaving me behind suprised.

I then hear some kind of loud screech before it ends abruptly. Afterwards I only hear Xero’s clicking noises, which by the way sound creepy and at the same time awesome.

After walking for thirty seconds or so I come across Xero and a dead body. The dead body had a few holes in i tand a few bite wounds. Xero feasted on it.

“Good job Xero” I say while appraising the body

“*Click* *Screech**Click* *Click*” Xero answers.

“Yes, yes you can kill more of them, but do not use breeding on them” I absentmindly say, not even realising that I just answered Xero.


This is a Kobold or at least what is left of it after a monster ate it.

Kobolds are a sub-type of goblins and are superior to them, except when it comes to breeding. Kobolds have the same body type as goblins except that their heads are twice as big as goblins and their hands are sharp dog-like claws.

I look around and see that Xero has dissapeared again. I wonder where he went. No wait he certainly went ahead.

While I continue to walk I slowly begin to feel that my body is becoming hotter and hotter. I stop and begin to check on myself. I immediately understand what is going on. My body is “evolving”.

Remember the Gantz Suit? Apparently the Ogre and the capture of Xero counts as killing them. The Ogre probably counts as a kill because I summoned Xero and dont ask me about Xero. My body was changing. I would probably become a little bit more buff and I will defenitely grow.

I sit down and wait until the heat stops. After half an hour the heat stops and I begin to continue exploring the floor, only to come across some horrible disfigured bodies.

One body, two, three

Twenty-one, twenty-two

Eighty-five, Eighty-six

I enter a big room and in that room Xero is sleeping like a dog. Slowly clicking in his sleep. This could be seen as a bit creepy, but what made this horryfing was that there were at least a hundred bodies sprawl across the room. Some where decapitated while others had stab wounds. Some where split in half and some were half eaten.

Yeah, this is not cute at all. I take my pokeball and throw it in front of Xero. Red lights surround Xero before he dissapears. He didn’t even wake up.

I walk across the room and open the door. Yup that is the seventh floor. I close the door and release a sight. This was way too unfair. Xero had killed all of them and even though that made me stronger (The suit for some reason counts Xero kills as my skills) it did not increase my experience in a fight.

No, wait this is perfect. I need to get out of this dungeon to ask Carl a few questions. I unknowingly started to smile wickedly. I suppose Xero can kill a lot of creatures. Its not like he hates it, it is probably the opposite.

I laugh out loud. I really need to get some human contact before my already low social skills become even lower.

My plan was as followed: Right now, I will rest for an hour, at the same time this gives Xero some time to rest and then we will crush through the next floor and then hince and repeat.

I sit down and decide to close my eyes for a second. It was disturbing how fast I fell asleep in a room full of dead kobolds.

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