《The start of a rookie summoner》chapter 18


Chapter 18

I stand in the middle of a dark room. Screams surround me. You can hear the fear in them. I smile bloodthirsty, I am almost out of the dungeon.

I was in the last room of floor eight. After I woke up I opened the door and released Xeno. By the way the seventh floor consisted out of Kobold assassins. This dungeon doesn’t have any originality does it?

Anyway I let Xeno loose and started to walk through the darkness. Even though I didn’t kill anything I still gained the merit of Xeno killing. I was sure that I could hit a kobold in the face and that the said Kobold would fly at least nine meter from me. If I was serious maybe twelve.

And right now I am walking to the door that grants acces the eight floor. I open the door and I see a mossy, stone hall. For real? I whistle and Xeno appears in front of me. I learned Xeno this trick half an hour ago. I climb on his back and order him to run as fast as he can.

It is awesome! It feels as if I am flying through the air. I bet that an outsider would be scared stiff if they saw a ten year old boy riding a Xenomorph while laughing out loud. Xeno is awesome

“Click” ”Screech” ”Screech”.

“No Xeno, you have to speed run this floor. No time to eat them” I sigh and pinch my nose bridge. I wonder if Xeno understands what I want.

I still didn’t realise that I can talk with him. I probably thought that I was talking to myself and using Xeno as a personage in my self-talking.

Within ten minutes we reach the end of floor eight and Xeno quickly massacres the four Kobold Mages. It is quite sad if you think about it. Those Kobolds expect a humanoid figure to attack them, but instead get a monster. I pity them to be fair.

I open the door and enter the ninth floor. I really am speed running these floors. I climb on Xeno again and start moving again.

“Click” “Screech” “Click”

“Really? Kobolds taste like that? What about the Ogre?”

“Click” “Click” “Screech”

“For real? He tasted like chicken? I wanna eat him now”

“What is your favourite colour?”


“Sorry, I forgot that you do not perceive colours like me. So do you like to be pet?”

“Screech” “Click” “Sissss”

“Alright, after we are done I will pet your tail and head a lot alright?”


Me and Xeno continue to talk, even though I still didn’t believe that I can understand him, until we reach the end of floor nine. I open the door and peek around it. The room is the same as floor five, but at the back of the room is a black stone. I think that that is the way out of the dungeon and to receive powers. In the middle of the room stands a huge terrifying monster. Not.

Jackie the Ogre The sister of Jack the Ogre. Jackie is mutated ogre. Unfortunately for her the mutation backfired on her and made her extremely fragile. She can however use magic and is seen as quite dangerous

She also…

I close the window before I am even done. I swing the door open and point at Jackie.

“Xeno, GET!”

Xeno dashes at the ogre as if he is looking at a toy and begins to attack her. Before Jackie can even register what happens Xeno moves behind her and stabs his tail through her back. Then he opens his mouth and his tongue pierces through Jackie’s skull.


“good boy Xeno, good job” I praise Xeno and Xeno starts wagging his tail. Of course after he removed the tail from insides of the body.

[ You have received + 5 Magical perception]

[ You have received + 5 Magical Density]

I look at the windows before dismissing them. Then I scream at Xeno:


Xeno wags his tail even more, while munching on what seems to be an arm. Making some kind of drawing on the ground because of all the blood on his tail.

Needless to say that I am extremely happy. Because Xeno killed Jackie I received some great rewards.

I look at the black stone in the back of the room. If I touch it I will get a power or maybe a skill. I have heard of stories that sometimes people gained skills, but it is apparently extremely rare. After I touch the stone I will get teleported out of the dungeon. That is when I will meet Carl, Jack and Lily again.

Only thinking about meeting Carl again makes my blood boil. If he dares to make some flimsy excuse than I swear to god that I will kill him.

I release my breath, realising that I held it in for quite some time. I look at Xeno and see that he looks at me curiously.

“It’s nothing Xeno”


“Thanks Xeno” I softly say. Xeno is the only one that I can trust at the moment. I breath in deeply before walking to the stone. I hold out my hand and touch it.

You have cleared the dungeon Volta

Because of this you will gain a power based on a random number

Please choose a number between the 1 and 9999

"5664” I answer without hesitation. I just said a random number, bite me.

Selecting power number 5664

Power has been selected and you will receive it within ten seconds

] you have received the power [Minor Aura Affinity] You will be teleported outside the dungeon in 00:00:10:00

I begin laughing out loud. I gained Minor Aura Affinity? What is that? How does it work? I have no freaking idea.

Xeno walks up to me and surrounds me with his tail. I smile, how could I not?

“Xeno, come back”

A bright red light surrounds Xeno and then the light flies towards my shoulder.

What is happening?

The red light phases through my armour and I feel a sharp pain in my shoulder. I immediately remove the armour from my shoulder and then I am astonished.

On my shoulder is a tattoo of a pokeball with the face of Xeno in the middle of it. Did the pokeball just turn into a tattoo? But it didn’t say anything like this when I appraised it. How is this possible?


I get interrupted by this message. It seems like I will meet Carl soon. I hope that he can explain this. I take a posture as if I am about to be attacked by an enemy and wait.

00:00:00:05 00:00:00:04 00:00:00:03 00:00:00:02 00:00:00:01

A black circle appears under me and the world is suddenly darkened.

Let’s see what you have to say Carl.

Just kidding I won’t end it here.


Before I know it the world brightens again and I am in front of the entrance. I look around and see a camp not too far away. Of course I start to approach it. I do not release Xeno, because I want to use him as a trump card.


When I get closer to the camp I see one figure in the middle of the camp. After coming even more closer I see that it is Lily.

“Hello Lily” I say with a distanced voice.

Lily looks up in surprise and then starts smiling brightly.

“You are back Lian. I knew that you would make it”

Lily stand up to hug me, but stops when she releases that I am backing off. She then notices that I am still holding the dagger that she gave me.

“What’s wrong Lian?” She asks surprised.

“Did you know?” I ask while wishing to the gods that she did not know anything.

“About the medicine?” I almost spew those words out while looking at her as if she is something dangerous.

“What about the medicine?” Lily asks confused. She clearly doesn’t know about the poison. I visible relaxes and speak again.

“The medicine wasn’t medicine” I tiredly say.

“What do you mean?” Lily clearly wants to know what I mean.

“It is poison” I take out the “medicine” and throw it to her. Lily easily catches the poison and looks surprised.

“What are you talking about Lian, we gave you medicine” Lily clearly refuses to believe me.

“Then smell it or something ” I answer with a cold look. If she refuses to believe me I would have a bit of a problem.

Lily opens the ointment and takes a small lick. She then looks at the pills and starts to sniff them intensely. She then widens her eyes.

“This is indeed poison, but how is that possible”

“Take a guess” I answer annoyed. I couldn’t help it, doesn’t it make sense that someone switched them?

“You mean that one of us gave you this” Lily askes while looking me in the eye. She clearly hopes that that is not what I mean.

“That is indeed what I mean”

“That cannot be, we wouldn’t poison you, why would we…”

I interrupt her now that she seems innocent

“Where are Jack and Carl” This is important.

“Umm, they went to take care of their business?” her last words sounded more like a question than an answer.

Alright, I take Lily’s hand and pull her out the camp towards the dungeon. Around the dungeon is an open area of at least thirty meters so Carl and Jack cannot ambush me.

“What are you doing?” Lily asks, but then realises it herself and unsheathes her sword. She however doesn’t point it at me.

“What will you be doing?” I ask Lily. If she were to attack me when I am talking to Carl then I would be in trouble.

“I will see what is going on and judge the situation myself”

Even though she says it, she clearly knows something that I do not. I wonder what it is.

After waiting for a few minutes I see two figures coming out of the trees. These two figures are Carl and Jack.

They both look confused as to where Lily went until Carl sees her standing close to the dungeon. He then shifts his sight to her right and spots me. I can see that he tightens his fist.

“CARL and JACK” I shout out loud

“Come over here NOW!”

Both of them slowly walk towards me and stop at a distance of fifteen meter.

“Boy, how are you doing?” Carl asks, but his smile looks cramped.

Lily also seems to notice this and furrows her eyebrows.

“Carl, why did you do it” I softly asks.

“Do what?” Carl innocently answers. So he is trying to deny it huh.


Carls face suddenly becomes blank before he says something again.

“Lian, I believe that you are …”

“Carlos, stop this farce” Lily interrupts him. What’s more he called me Lian and not boy, suspicious.

“Lily what are you talking about, I have nothing to do with thi…”

“CARLOS I KNOW THAT YOU ARE LYING” Lily raises her voice.

Carlos becomes quiet for a second before pointing at Lily.

“Lily, sleep” he orders

Lily looks at Carl surprised before a weird symbol appears on her forehead and she then falls on the ground.

What the hell?

Carl then points at me and then talks to Jack.

“Kill the boy”

Jack just nods his head and dashes towards me.

I am greatly surprised, but these days in the dungeon made me react faster than before.

“Xeno, I choose you”

A red light flies out of my shoulder and Xeno appears before me.

“Kill him Xeno” I scream and point at Jack. Xeno’s tail pierces through Jacks chest before he can react. Xeno then raises Jack in the air before decapitating him.

I just looked shocked at how fast Xeno killed Jack. I thought that this would at least be a fight. Not a slaughtering.

I then look back at Carl and see him shivering.

“What is that thing?” he asks fearfully, yet in an annoying tone.

“What? Did you think that after I found out that you poisoned me I would still keep my promise?” I say sarcastic.

“Do you think that I am an idiot?”

I begin to walk closer to him and Carl begins to sweat more and more.

“Did you really think that I would allow this?”

Another step closer.

“Did you really think that what you did not have a consequence”

I stop walking and stand a few millimetre from him.

“Guess what, You fucked up asshole”

I snap my finger and take a few steps back. Then I say the magic words

“Xeno, Use breeding on him”

Before Carl can even react to what is happening Xeno pushes him on the ground and opens his mouth. He then puts his mouth over that of Carl and stays like this for a good minute before standing up.

In the meantime Carl tries to spit something out, but is forced to swallow. I again snap my finger and Xeno moves behind me.

“Scam, and leave your Teigu here”.

Carl gets up and begins to run as fast as he could, but he stops at the camp to pick drop something before running of.

After a few minutes I realise that Carl is gone. I lose the strength in my legs and fall on the ground.

“Did you tell your child to come back to you?” I ask shakily.

“Click” “Click”


and everything faded into darkness.

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