《The start of a rookie summoner》chapter 7


Chapter 7 ( Geografie)

The moment I walk in the room i see a familiar sight: six small tables with six wooden chairs and in front of them was a desk. Four out of the six tables are already occupied. The people that are occupying those tables are Kyle Verdict, Sasia, Lisa and Elene.

Kyle Verdict was the son of mister Verdict. If you had to describe him in six words it would be: Harem protagonist with a bad attitude. The reason why I named him a harem protagonist is because Sasia, Lisa and Elene are in love with him. Furthermore the dense motherfucker doesn’t even realise it or he just doesn’t care. But Lian, why did you say with a bad attitude?

That is a simple to answer question. He acts like a dick towards me for no good reason! When I told Selly a story he interrupted me and called me a, and i recite, stealing son of a bitch. I got mad and we fought. If that was all i wouldn’t say he had a bad attitude. But that wasn’t all. When i was playing tag with Selly he wanted to join in. I allowed it and then he punched me in the face after I accidently hurt Selly. There was also this one time were I was tickling Selly and then he began to beat me up after Selly had left. What is wrong with the guy!!!

Kyle’s appearance is unfortunately quite good. He has blond hair and blue eyes. A slender but good body and he has this aura that makes people automatically think that he is a noble or something like that. In short an ikemen.

After Kyle we have Sasia and Lisa. They are twins. I think their age is 13 years old and they look exactly the same. They also have the same personality what makes it even harder to differentiate them from each other. They are sweet girls that love top rank, however the moment you even dare to threaten Kyle they turn into devils. Scary!!!

Appearance wise Sasia and Lisa have long brown hair and brown eyes. Slender figure and their “Assets” are growing quite well. They are a bit short for their age, but that is the only noticeable thing really.

The last one is Elene. She is the shy type. Sweet but extremely shy. She is good looking and her assets are HUGE. I just have to say that. She is 13 years old but and likes sweets. She also has platinum hair and a little mole under her right eye. Small lips, but big eyes. Those eyes are silver btw. Have no idea how that colour is possible for a human but alright.


I took a seat and began waiting. A few minutes later mister Verdict entered.

“ah it seems that everybody is present huh. Well let’s get started with some geography of our beautiful continent” Before he even reaches the desk he already starts talking about the continent and the countries.

“We have five countries and …” I shut off the rambling of the old man. I already know this. I read it in books that i have read when i was younger.

The continent that we have doesn’t really have a name. Most of us call it Thear or just Areth. The continent has five countries and we still haven’t discovered all of the land in the West and the South.

Before i begin to explain the countries you first have to know the inhabitants right? Well we have way too many races so we split them in two kinds. We have the Main races and the Variable Races. The difference is easy to explain. For example as a Main race we have a Demon, but the Variable race is an Oni. The Oni is a demon, but not all demons are Oni’s. Do you understand it?

Anyway these are the following Main races.

We have Beastmen and Beastkin. They are however not the same. Beastmen is more human than beast while Beastkin is more beast than human. Simple right? A beastkin has more features of animals like mouths, extremely hairy, sharper teeth, on the other hand Beastmen have more human features. They of course have a few beast features like ears or tails, but the rest is human.

After those two comes the Celestials and Demons. In case you’re wondering they are not enemies, not best friends but certainly not enemies. Celestials are always born with the Holy affinity and are stronger than most races, however their growth is limited whereas the other races have more growth potential. The Demons have a higher chance to get an affinity for darkness. A higher affinity, that means that they do not always have an affinity, just a higher chance. Demons act a bit more on feelings than rational.

Then we have Elves and Dwarves. Just a quick note. Elves are douches most of the time. Like a real asshole. They are seen as one of the more beautiful races and act with a lot of arrogance. They live mostly in forests and have a high connection with Nature. Dwarves on the other hand are friendly and loud. They are smaller than humans but also broader. Their live span is also thrice than that of a human. Dwarves feel a strong connection to metal and make the best equipment. Also if a dwarf promises something, he will do whatever it takes to fulfil it.


The last two are Draconic beings and Spirits. Draconic beings are beings that have the blood of a reptilian in them. Most of them have the blood of some wyvern or a crocodile, however there are some that have the blood of a dragon and ooohh mother you do not want to piss them off. Most of the Draconic Beings are peaceful towards other races, but do feel the need to challenge them to see who is stronger. They are practically muscleheads. Also whatever you do, do not touch their families. It appears that if you were to do that, they will hunt you down till the end of the world.

Spirits are a special case. Spirits are beings that somehow gained a conscious. An example would be a Dryad. A Dryad is a tree that gained enough power to get a conscious and also has the ability to transform into a more humanoid form. Most spirits come from plants and rivers, however there are some spirits that come from those who died with a grudge or a goal that was unfulfilled. These spirits are called Evil spirits.

Lastly we have a race that does not have a name. The reason being that they once were monsters. They have so many races that we cannot just give the Main Race a name. These beings are mostly evolved monsters. Take a goblin, give him enough power and he becomes an orc. When he becomes an orc there is a chance that i twill become intelligent enough to communicate with other races. The moment that that happens, they become part of the Main Race.

Now that we have that out of the way, we will go to the countries. I could make this long story but in short:

Holy kingdom of Stuela:

Human supremacy, see other races as inferior. Discrimination towards non-humans is high. Lays in the North. Bad relationship with the Wildlands of Austros..

Empire of Hope:

Eastern country. Place where I live. All races are welcome except spirits. The reason is cause the spirits for some reason become corrupted once they enter the country. We have a good affiliation with everybody .

Land of Etren:

This is the country in the middle of the continent. It is the biggest country of all and accepts any race. However those with money are those who control the country. It is a merchant country. It was founded around the same time as the Empire of Hope and they have a good relationship with everybody, especially The Empire of Hope.


This is the western country, even though it is western it still hasn’t been discovered completely. This is because of the desert in the country. In this country lives mostly draconic beings and some beastmen.

Wildlands of Austros

The southern country. This country is also not completely explored. This country is mostly inhabited by Demons and spirits. They have an extremely hostile relationship with the Holy kingdom. However they have a neutral affiliation with the rest of the countries.

That concludes all the information about the continent.

“That is it for today. Make sure to imprint all of this information inside your head. If you by any chance don’t understand something feel free to ask me anytime” Muscle grandpa says. I immediately get up and walk to Selly.

Kyle gives me a hostile look for some reason, but I choose to ignore it. “Selly, I’ll go back to the field for some time alone, alright.” I tell her this while expecting her to make a fuss. To my surprise she just nods and leaves. Well that went easier than i thought. I had expected her to make a fuss because she would have wanted to hear a story or something like that. But apparently not. I quickly leave the class and begin to walk to the field, yet for some reason i can still feel Kyle’s hostile look.

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