《The start of a rookie summoner》chapter 8


Chapter 8 ( experimenting)

I first return to my house. I take my bag and begin walking towards the field. I can fill the MP stone while walking so I did not waste any time. The reason why I want to return to the field is because I want to test some things. I even made a list

The to test list :

1. Am I able to summon items from different timelines?

2. If I try to summon an item, is there a chance that beings can be summoned instead?

Yea it is short, but what about it. It is not like size matters. The reason why I wanted to know if I can summon items from different timelines is to see if i could abuse it. Think about it for a second. If I can summon for example one Alder Wand from every Harry Potter book I would have seven wands instead of one. It will be important to know.

The second point in my To Test List is important for obvious reasons. I do not want to accidently summon, say fora n example Sauron. Hell, if I were to summon even someone slightly stronger than me, I would be screwed.

So that is the reason why I want to go to the field.

Now a completely different subject. What will I do in the future? It is normal to start thinking about your future when you’re ten years old. Well it depends on your status actually. You see, countries do not want to waste any talents so every 5 years The Empire will send its soldiers to secure people with great talents/powers. We name those people “Caretakers”.

If you have promising powers you’ll be send to the Royal Academy. The Royal Academy is the place where the people with great talents are gathered. These people will always have a great future ahead of them.


I do not want to join the Royal Academy. Reasons? I have read too many books about people going to an academy and getting screwed over. What’s more, the Academy is full of politics. And I hate politics.

So I will pass the Academy. Instead I am planning to travel around with a few merchants. My father is friends with some merchants that sell products to our village. The plan is to ask my father a favour and hoping that the merchants will accept me following along.

Those Caretakers will be sent in a week or so. This means that Selly and the others will be going to the academy. The Empire will refuse to let someone like Selly go and the other kids are also qualified to enter the academy.

I enter the field and go to the same spot as last time. I take the MP stone and activate my unique power.

“Summoning of Viarsamitor ”

In my mind I select the worlds and start searching for another Harry Potter universe. After a while I finally find another one. It seems like it is indeed possible to use different timelines. This is perfect!!!

After I am done filling in the blue box I activate the summoning. The same summoning circle appears however something is wrong. I feel it clearly. I am summoning a living being. Shit.

In a panic I back away from the circle. I screwed up big time. Then the bright white flash appears and I am again temporary blinded. When I open my eyes I see something terrifying. That creature should not be allowed to be here. It was….

An owl.

A bright white owl that made it seem like it was blessed by a celestial being. I had never read about an owl like this in Harry Potter series. This did however confirm one thing, namely a being can be summoned even if you only want to summon an item.


The owl suddenly spread it’s wing, startling me. It begins flapping its wings and flies away in the direction of the forest. I watch as it disappears in the horizon. Damn, I was lucky that I did not summon some kind of monster. I hope that that owl will live a happy life.

Unfortunately or fortunately, depending on the way you looked at it I did not know that that owl would have been attacked fifteen minutes later by a huge snake and that the snake would eat the owl.

I sigh and walk towards the MP stone. I had dropped it in a panic when the owl was summoned. Right before I pick up the MP stone I realise that I hadn’t looked at the owl with the Eyes of Knowledge. Damn It.

I pick up the stone and begin to fill it up. Right before it is full I get a notification. DING!

Because you have been controlling your Magical Power you have gained + 1 in Magical Perception

Hell yeah! After I’m done celebrating I activate my unique power and fill in the blue box

Summoning of Viarsaminator World: Harry Potter [2/7]

Item: a Wand

Being: -

Magical power: 230/?? Will you start the summoning? Y/N

This time I am going to try and summon Iron Mans suit. I click the start button, in my mind of course, and the white circle appears yet again. I wonder if the Circle will change colours if more Magical Power gets inserted. Anyway after the white annoying flash in front of me lays not the Iron Man’s suit but a black bow.

I walk closer and use my Eyes of knowledge on the bow/

[Hawkeye’s bow]

Hawkeye's Bow This black bow is was used by Hawkeye. Legends say that those who use this bow will never miss. unfortanetely that isn't true.

If you use this bow you will gain the following perks:

* Extreme increase in accuracy

* Arrows will do thrice the normal damage

* Arrows will gain a piercing effect

* Can activate the special ability [Auto-Aim]

- Auto-Aim can only be used once a week

- Auto-Aim is the ability to be able to hit your targets 100% for two minutes.

This is overpowered!!! I scream inside my mind. I pick up the bow and point in the direction of the forest. With this I can definitely protect myself against a few accidently summoned beings. I begin to smile. If you were to look from someone else’s perspective you would definitely get the shivers from the smile Lian was making.

This is perfect. I swing the bow over my back and get my bag. It was getting late and I did not want to worry my parents.

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