《The start of a rookie summoner》chapter 9


Chapter 9

I wake up the next day. I get out of bed and fix my appearance and get to the kitchen to get some food. When I walk into the kitchen I see my father and mother sitting at the table. It seems that they were waiting for me to wake up. Good parents, to not wake up your sleeping son I thank you.

“Lian, we want to talk about your plan to travel alongside the merchants” My mother says. It seems clear that she does not like the idea of her son leaving the village so soon. Who can blame her. I am only ten years old.

“What is it that you want to talk about?” I ask. I thought that I had already convinced my mother to let her go. “What is it that you don’t understand?”

“I do not understand the reason why you want to leave so soon”

“I want to get experience”

“How do you even plan to get money?”

“Using my unique power”

“What if people were to hurt you?”

“Then I get help from the merchants”

My mom becomes silent. It seems that now that the date is closing in to leave the village, she becomes more and more worried.

“Mom, I’ll be fine. Or do you not trust me or your father”, I kindly ask.

“it-it-it is not that I do not trust you, I am just worried” my mom stutters. “I am a mother, do you expect me to be fine with my son leaving?”

This time she raises her voice while looking at me.

I raise my hands to calm her down. It is clear that it is just a mother worrying about her child. Then my father decides to talk.

“Do you have a way to protect yourself?”

“Of course I do, otherwise I wouldn’t leave the village” I reply. Let’s see what questions my father has.

My father nods like he understands something, but doesn’t say anything else. Damn my father, doesn’t he care about his son! A minute passes in silence before I speak up again.

“then I’ll be training in the field”

My father and mother both give me their consent before returning to their own work. You may be asking yourself what kind of training? I am training with Hawkeye’s Bow. I have never shot a bow before so it seemed like a smart idea to start training. And so begins my day.

Six days passes after the talk with my father and mother. Yesterday the “Caretakers” came and took Selly and the others away. Selly was crying and begging me to come with them, but since I have no affinities nor great powers, except for Eyes of Knowledge (which can’t be trained) I could go with her. It took me and the other villagers an hour to convince her to go to the academy without me. The caretakers were nice enough to give us the time to convince Selly. It probably also had to do with the fact that Selly had a terrifying status. Afterwards Selly and the rest left with the caretakers and I was alone.


That day I trained some more and summoned some things and now we are back in the present. Huh? You are wondering what I summoned? Oow well I summoned the following items

Magic Wand X 5 A magic wand that is made from normal wood. Only the poorest would buy something like this.

+ 3 Magical Perception

+ 2 Magical Density Paralysing arrow x 10 The moment that this arrow hit its target. The target will slowly be paralysed.

Time it takes to become paralysed depens on the mass of the target

The target will be completely paralysed for 1 hour

If the target has a resistance towards poison that is higher than medium then the paralysis won’t work. Explosive arrow x 5 This arrow will explode after it’s lodged inside its target.

The explosion will have a five feet radius Hawkeye's quiver This is the quiver from Hawkeye. Those who wear the quiver will have the following perks:

* The user will have an increased speed when it comes to drawing the bow

* The user can shoot up to two arrows at the same time

* The user has a higher chance to predict how the enemy will move

On my last summon I accidently summoned an alien from the movie The Avengers. It was a 2 meter big grey alien that, the moment when it saw me, attacked. Because I had already felt the difference in pressure from the circle, I had backed off.

The moment that the alien attacked me, I stopped moving for a second, before realising that if I did not kill it, I would be killed instead. So I aimed with my bow at the alien and shot an explosive arrow.

What happened next was not what I wanted to happen.

I hit the aliens lower region. The part of the body that is sacred to males.

That was not what I was planning to do! Believe me, it was a mistake. Anyway the moment that I hit the alien on THAT place it fell on his knees. After saying some weird language the arrow, which was deep inside his region, exploded.

Needless to say, I was covered with alien blood and feeling horrible. I had broken one of the universal codes. Do not hurt a man’s lower region.

Using my Eyes of knowledge on the corpse, or what was left of it, did not help either.

Chitauri #2443 The Chitauri are a powerful, technologically-advanced race of extraterrestrial cyborg-like creatures, and they serve Thanos.

Chitauri #2443 was a loving father that fought to protect his wife and daughter. He was talking with his wife, when suddenly a circle appeared below him. Afterwards he was horrible mutilated by the human Lian who had destroyed his nether region.


His last words were” Velia, please grow up into a fine woman”

Well that is depressing. Shit I feel really bad now.

Afterwards I decided that it was a good time to stop summoning things and cleaned myself up. And that’s what happened the past six days.

Today was the day that the merchants enter the village. My father was outside the house waiting for me, while I was eating my breakfast. I was eating bread with milk by the way.

After I’m done eating I walk outside and greet my father. Then we begin to walk towards the villige while having some pointless conversation about what it means to be a man. My father is weird alright.

When we arrive in the village ( we lived on the outskirt remember) we see a cart full of supplies. These supplies included seasoning, some food, some equipment and MP stones. My father walks up to one of the three merchants and hugs the man.

“Carlos, long time no see, how are ya doing ?”

“John, I’m fine, got some good deals last month”

“Really that’s great to hear” My father places his hands on my shoulder and forces me to stand in front of me. “Do you remember my son Lian?”

Carlos looks at me and smiles

“Yeah I remember you, if I am correct you were the boy that asked me if I had ever seen a spirit”

I raise my eyebrows in surprise. He remembers that. That was like three or four years ago.

“Anyway Lian” my father points at the two other merchants “These people are Lily and Jack, Lily is a beastwoman and has a lovable personality and jack is a human and has quiet personality”

I look at my father with a disapproving look. Father, I do not think that that is how you introduce your friends. How much of a disappointment can he be?

Lily realises how bad that of an introduction is and introduces herself properly this time.

“Hello Lian, my name is Lily and I am indeed a Beastwoman. The variant is a tiger and I hope we can get along. Furthermore I am not a merchant but a bodyguard” Lily smiles at the end of the introductie.

“ummmm, likewise” I stutter. Lily is a beautiful woman. She has tiger ears and a tail. She is well endowed and has a lovely face. She also has the aura of a very excited person.

Jack on the other hand did not say anything. He just looked at me. But somehow the message came across. He did not like speaking and was also a bodyguard. How I managed to understand it from just a look is a mystery to me, but I accepted it.

“Carlos can I ask you a favour” My father suddenly turns serious. “Can you take my son with you?”

Carlos was clearly taken aback from the sudden question. “Why do you want him to leave the village?”

“It is his own request, he wants to see the world.”

“John, I do not mean this badly, but I do not think there is any merit in it for me nor does he have any use”

My father looks around for a second if there was anybody close by. It appeared that no one was there and whispered: “Carlos, my son has the Eyes of Knowledge, furthermore he has an unique power”

Carlos immediately turns his head to me.

“Is this true boy?” he almost barks.

“yes this is true” I reply calmly. It was now the time to act with self-confidence, otherwise Carlos might not take me with him.

Carlos calms down and asks my father if he could visit him later. My father agrees and begins to walk away. I, of course, follow him.

“Why did you tell him my unique power” I ask with curiosity. My father would never tell someone my powers unless there was a reason. When it comes about my father, I was confident.

“Carlos is a old friend of mine. Furthermore he will never betray his friends. The reason why I told him about your powers is so that he understood the reason why you will leave the village.”

“What message?”

My father replies while looking at me. It is clear that he was not joking. “Those with unique powers need to be very careful. You will need to experience the world so that you won’t be scammed or misused.”

After saying this my father suddenly laughs.

“And I wanted to brag about my son”.

This fucker!!!!!

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