《The start of a rookie summoner》chapter 10


Chapter 10

Before we get into the story here is some information about powers.

* Every being has powers.

* the maximum that a being can be born with is 9 “normal” powers and 1 unique power

* You can gain powers from dungeons and relics..

* These are the following ranking= minor-low- medium-greater-excellent - superior

This gives you a little bit of insight when it comes to powers.


“So that is how it is” Carl says, while nodding. “I think I understand why you want to travel around”. I, John and Carlos are discussing my power in our house.

“Listen boy, I think that…”

“My name is not boy, it is Lian” I interrupt him. I do not want to get another nickname.

“Like i said boy” Carlos ignores my remark, “I think that we can allow you to travel with us, however not for free of course”.

“What do you propose Carl”. If he is going to call me boy, i will call him Carl.

Carl raises an eyebrow but doesn’t say anything about his shortened name.

“If you’re going to travel with us, you’ve got to follow some rules.

“What rules?”

“First of all, you have to do what me, Jack or Lily says in dangerous situation. The second rule is that you will not complain if we do something un-merchant like. And the last rule isn’t really a rule, but trust your companions.

These rules were…. Logical. Of course i would listen to them in dangerous situations. They have after all more experience. The second rule however was a bit sketchy. The last rule was alright, nothing to say about it.

“I accept those rules”

Carl laughs and stands up. Then stretches his hand to me. I also stand up and shakes his hand with a smile


“Welcome on board boy”

“Likewise Carl”

“You know that you have to do one thing right?”

“And what is that?

“You are going to show us your unique power””

” I am going to do what?”

Half an hour later Jack, John, Carl, Lily and me are on the field. Carl seems to be excited. I can say the same from Lily. Jack however I could not deduct how he felt.

I already had an idea what i was going to summon. The plan was to summon an Imperial Arms from Akame Ga Kill. Imperial Arms are relics, these relics are made from ancient creatures and have all sorts of powers. And i was going to summon one of them. I hope.

Right before I begin the summoning i remember something. The Alder wand from Harry Potter. I still needed to crush the Wand to see how much in increases my Magic Capacity. I put the thought in the back of my mind for no wand concentrate on the summoning.

“Summoning of Viarsamitor”

The familiar white circle appears again and I hear Carl gasp. I quickly put my hands in front of my eyes and the white flash strikes. It still blinds me and I curse.

When i get my sights back I see that the others are still blind. Interesting, it seems i recover faster. I look towards the now gone circle and see a book. I walk towards the book and appraises it.

Rongo Rongo This book contains every single map in the world. The information about the Empire of Hope is especially detailed and includes every detail about the mountains and lands. On the last page of the book there are predictions of natural disasters that are certain to happen in the future.

The book may reject the user if it deems the user unworthy.


Penalty for being deemed unworthy is a high fever for a week

This wasn’t the imperial arms that i wanted but still. This is a perfect fit for Carl! I just know it. I remember that i was not allowed to touch the book because there was a chance that it deemed me worthy of being a master. And i did not want that to happen.

“Oooi Carl, come over here” I yell at him.

Carl, being curious, walks to me. When there is a meter difference between us he stops.

“Please touch this book”

Carl just looks at me for a second before hesitantly touching the book. The moment that he touches the book it seems some sort of pressure is emitted but it stops quickly.

Carl just stands still for a second before he opens the book and begins to fanatically look inside of it. I begin to yell at him, but it doesn’t seem like he is listening.

It takes me, Lilly and Jack a good five minutes before Carl closes the book. He then looks at me and whispers something.

“What was that? I did not hear you” I lean closer to Carl

“I said, DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW MUCH THIS BOOK IS WORTH” Carl screams in my ear. “Countries will attack each other for this book. The country that has this book will have perfect information about the landscapes. What is more, is that they will know when a natural disaster happens!” Carl explains.

“Well it is soul bound to you, so it is not my problem” I say while looking away.

“Like hell this isn’t my problem, Why did you make me touch this damn book! Now countries will be out for my head” Carl angrily replies to my statement.

“I thought that ,since you are a merchant, it would be beneficial for you, was i wrong?” I ask looking him straight in the eye.

“Well no, but i would have appreciated it if you had warned me” Carl replies.

“it is your fault for calling me boy” i mumble under my breath. There is no need for Carl to know that this was my revenge.

“Listen boy, we will leave in two days. Be prepared” Carl says and then walks off with the Rongo Rongo. Jack and Lilly both wave at me before following Carl.

This will be fun

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