《The start of a rookie summoner》Chapter 11


I run past the dark corridor as fast as i can. I feel the blood flowing down my wounded arm. I slow down and look behind me but I see nothing except darkness. I feel hot, this probably meant that i have a fever. Shit, why did this happen. While running I start to hear some noises. Clicking noises to be exact, the insect kind of noise. This meant that they caught up. Fuck, I immediately try to run harder, but to no avail. My body is too sick and tired. When I come across a crossroad I turn left. Wobbling instead of running. After three minutes I meet a wall. It is a dead end. Then I hear the noise again and slowly turn around. A Gosic stands right in front of the sick me. I am going to die aren’t I?

Unknown amount of days ago

Inside a certain house you can see a person mixing some things inside a bowl. Then a white flash erupts from the bowl. “AArg my eyes” the youth screams while falling on the ground. “Dammit that hurts”.

If you guessed that this person is Lian, then you are correct.

“Did it succeed” I ask to myself. The past two days were hell for me. After Carl left I began crushing the Alder Wand to see if it was possible to increase my Magical Capacity. So i gathered the plants that were needed (only took me like 10 minutes) and began to crush the Alder Wand. The wand disagreed with the crushing part and fought against being crushed. Because it struggled it took me a good 3 hours before i could completely crush it. After crushing it I threw the powder in a wooden bowl. Then i threw the plants in it. Nothing happened after I did this and when i appraised it, nothing special happened.

This meant that after this discovery, i began to experiment. And i will tell you it is not fun to keep on repeating the same action over and over again and just change a few things. The last attempt proved to be successful since a white flash appeared. The way i achieved the white flash was after I crushed the plants and mixed them together. Then i waited for half an hour before throwing water in the bowl and then the crushed wand.


I walk towards the bowl and appraise it. Let’s see what the results are.

Potion of Aldersap This is a potion created by a rookie alchemist made from an Alder Wand, Witches cry, Dragonglue and river water. This potion will give you a permanently increase in Magical Capacity.

This increase will be a random double-digit number

I-I-I have done the impossible!!! Suck it scientists that said that it was impossible to increase Magical Capacity. I am awesome!

By the way, have i ever explained what magic is and how you use it? I don’t think that i have. Then let me explain. Magic is an energy that all living beings have inside them. This energy can be willed into phenomes of your choice IF you have enough MP and control. This is the part where Magical Capacity plays an important role. Since the amount of magic comes from INSIDE your body and not OUTSIDE your body the amount of spells you can cast is limited, furthermore you can not draw over your limit. Well you can, but you have to pay a high price for that. Sometimes even death. That is why a lot of people deem Magical Capacity the most important.

Now that you know that everyone can cast magic, if you have a high enough Mc, you’re probably wondering what the point of affinities is.

Good question. Affinities allows a person to grasp the nature of the said affinity quicker and also is able to use less MP for the same, if not a greater effect. Furthermore those with affinities are able to control difficult spells more easily than non-affinity people. An example would be, let’s say an earthquake. A none affinity person would have to spend 1000 MP and twenty years of training, while someone with a superior affinity would have to spend around 100-150 MP and only a year of training.

That is the point of affinities.

Anyway, I pick up the bowl and gulp everything down. Lets see how much this will ARGHH! Suddenly I felt that my body was on fire. I fall down on my knees. It hurts! I look at my arm and see that it slowly becomes red. Wait is that steam? I was not only on fire (figuratively) i was literately letting out steam. What am i? An iron?


Then out of nothing i hear the familiar sound. DING! The pain and heat immediately leave, but steam is still rising from my body. I get up and look at the notification that has appeared. When i see what it says a smile appears on my face.

Because you drank the potion of Aldersap your Magical Capacity has increased by 41.

I just gained 41 Magical Capacity. Heck yeah, this means that I will be able to use normal magic. This is amazing. I pull up my status to see what how it looks.

Lian Magical power: 84

* Magical Capacity: 51 (10)

* Magical Perception: 27 (25)

* Magical Density: 6 (5) Powers:

Eyes of Knowledge

Minor eyesight

Unique Power:

Summoning of Viarsamitor (9%) Skills:

memorisation lvl 3

Storytelling lvl 6

I have a capacity of 51 now. I could become a wizard now if i wanted to. But what does the 9 percent mean? I have no idea, but there is no point thinking about it at the moment.

I get out of my room and start walking towards the road outside the village. Today is the day that i will leave. I have already said my father and mother goodbye. We had our emotional moment.

After walking down the road for ten minutes i see a cart in the distance. When i come closer I can see three figures. These figures are Carl, Jack and Lily.

“You have come Lian” Carl smiles.

“Hop on the cart, we are ready to go”


I get on the cart and we start moving.

An hour passes before Carl drops a bomb.

“We will not be going to the city to trade merchandise”

“What, why not?”

“Because I and your father have come to an agreement”

“What agreement?”

“Lily here, will be training you until we reach the dungeon Volta”

“Wait what?” I was speechless. Lily would train me and then we would be diving in a dungeon. I did not expect this.

“Yes, Lily here will be training you until we reach the dungeon. Also you are not allowed to summon anything until you clear the dungeon, alright?”

“I understand, but why am i not allowed to summon stuff?”

“Because you will grow dependent on it and we do not want that. For example that bow of yours Increases your aim. This means that you have actually no skills. I promised your father that we will make you stronger so that you can protect yourself, and that is what we will be doing”

“I-I understand” Damn, why did i stutter?

Lily approaches me with a bright smile.

“Get off the car, we are going to train”

I hop off the car and smile back

“Alright Lily, what will we do first?”

Three hours later

I lay down on the ground gasping for air. Dear god this ain’t training. This is torture.

“What’s wrong Lian” The devil asks. Actually it is just Lily. But I am strongly convinced that she is a devil.

I can’t even talk anymore. That is how exhausted I am.

“You do know that this is just the warm up right?” She smiles brightly while saying that.

She is the devil!!!

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