《The start of a rookie summoner》Chapter 6


Chapter 6

After the activation of the summon the white complex circle appeared again. This time the circle was bigger by about 40 centimetres. I looked at it hopefully, maybe this time the summoning will succeed.

This time i choose to get an item from the Harry Potter world. Why? In the books of Harry Potter you have these flying broomsticks. Don’t you just get excited thinking about flying with one of them? I sure as hell do.

While i am talking to an invisible audience, the white flash happens again. Being temporary blinded I immediately sit on the ground. This flash was more intense than the one before. Maybe this meant that it succeeded.

When i finally get my vision back the first thing that i see is a stick. “Aaarg a failure” is what ran through my thoughts. How high is the chance that to succeed, dammit. I wasn’t angry that I failed. The reason why i was angry was because i did not know how high the chances of succession were nor did i know how much MP i had to pump into the Summoning to increase that succession. After cooling down ( It took 10 minutes). I walk towards the stick.

after I stand in front of the stick I pick up it up. Suddenly more power streams through my body. Now that I am closer to the stick i realise that it isn’t a stick. It is a magic wand. Without hesitation i use my Eyes of Knowledge on the stick.

Wand of Alder A wand is the object through which a wizard channels his or her magic. It is made from wood and has a magical substance at its core. Those that use wands increase the power of spells.

+ 15 Magical perception

+ 10 Magical density


If you were to completely crush the wand and add Witches cry and Dragonglue and eat it; you will be able to permanently increase your Magical Capacity.

[ Wand of Alder]

"A wand is the object through which a wizard channels his or her magic. It is made from wood and has a magical substance at its core. Those that use wands increase the power of spells.

+ 15 Magical perception

+ 10 Magical density

If you were to completely crush the wand and add Witches cry and Dragonglue and eat it; you will be able to permanently increase your Magical Capacity.




I start screaming my complaints towards the sky. I mean how could i not do that. If I wear to break the wand and added some plants to it (Very common ones btw, in fact 1 meter beside me grows Dragonglue) I could permanently increase my capacity. Let me repeat: Permanently increase my Magical Capacity.

Something that is supposed to be impossible to increase, I can increase it. Hell this stupid stick is worth more than the One True Ring. This stick doesn’t have a downside. None at all.

One tiny problem though.

How much does it increase the Magical Capacity? It doesn’t say how much. It just says it does.

Before i can continue thinking about this i hear someone screaming.

“Storyteller” Selly screams while running towards me. “Did you forget?” she screams while slowly coming closer.

“Forget what?” I ask her confused. What should I remember or more importantly what did i forget.

“So you did forget” she giggled “Today we have …. What’s that?” she changes mid-sentences and looks towards the wand.

Shit, I still have the wand in my hand. What do I do? Then an idea suddenly strikes me. A genius idea i must say.


“This is the magic wand from one of my stories Selly” I smile at her while saying this. “You know the one with the boy with the scar” I say while looking her in the eye.

Selly begins to furrow her eyebrows. It was clear that she was thinking deeply. Then she begins top out. “You have never told me that story before” she says while pouting.

“I didn’t ow well. I’ll tell you another time”

“How did you even…” before she can finish her sentence I interrupt her.

“Why did you come here Selly” I ask. She never finished what she wanted to say after all.

“ooh yeah, did you forget that we have classes today?” she asks with upturned eyes.

“ GAH, umm sorry Selly that slipped my mind.” I honestly say. I completely forgot about it.

Our village is small, therefore we do not have a school, however we are still taught. How you might ask. The village head himself teaches us inside his house. He is a fifty year old man that gives of a granddad aura. He has white short hair and a long beard, but for some reason he is really muscled. It absolutely makes no sense how he manages his body that well. Anyway, he teaches us thing like mat hand literature. Sometimes some geographic and culture.

Every week we have classes where he will teach us things. Today was that day.

“Thanks Selly, I will get my stuff and then we can go to classes together.”

Thank god that Selly came all the way over here to tell me this. I would have been screwed otherwise. I gather my stuff (this being my stick, MP stone and bag) and start running towards my house. Because I began to run I did not see that Selly was glancing at the forest. Looking in a particular direction where a certain ring was buried.


After I came home, I immediately went to my room and picked it a badge. The badge was dark with a painting of a green bird . The bird looked like it was enjoying its flight.

The reason why I didn’t go to classes immediately was because we have to wear these badges. Mr. Verdict ( the head of the village, The muscled grandpa) says that it gives you a feeling of connection with the other kids. I did not give a single lar about that.

Lar by the way is some kind of shit from a shapeshifter. It is one of the worst insults out there.

After i picked the badge I began to wait for Selly. It took her some time, but after ten minutes she arrived. After she arrived we both went to the house of mister Verdict.

The walk took another ten minutes before we finally arrived in front of the house. Selly pushed the door open and I walked inside.

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